예제 #1
        //algorithm 2:
        static public Tuple <double, int> bitClusterDiscord(out RawDataType data, int N_LENGTH, int W_LENGTH, int K_CENTERS, string file_name)
            //read data
            data = IOFunctions.readFile(file_name); //raw timeseries data

            //store Bit series data
            Dictionary <int, BitseriesType> bit_series_data = HelperFunctions.bitSeriesDataset(data, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH);//get bit series data from original data

            //line 6: run algorithm 1 to have b_cluster
            List <Cluster> b_cluster;
            List <int>     cluster_belong;

            BitCluster.bitCluster(out b_cluster, out cluster_belong, K_CENTERS, N_LENGTH, W_LENGTH, file_name);

            Console.WriteLine("Algorithm1 is Done !\nKeep going...Please wait");

            // get Outer loop:
            List <int> outer_loop = getOuterLoop(b_cluster, K_CENTERS); //get outer

            List <int> inner_loop;
            bool       continue_to_outer_loop = false;

            double nearest_neighbor_dist = 0;
            double dist = 0;

            double best_so_far_dist = 0;
            int    best_so_far_loc  = 0;

            RawDataType p_center, q_center;

            bool[] is_skip_at_p = new bool[outer_loop.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < outer_loop.Count; i++)
                is_skip_at_p[i] = false;

            int cluster_of_cur_outer; //thang p dang nam o cluster nao
            int cluster_of_cur_inner; // tracing for q's cluster at inner loop

            foreach (int p in outer_loop)
                //if (is_skip_at_p[p] || Math.Abs(p - 10867) < N_LENGTH || Math.Abs(p - 3994) < N_LENGTH
                //    || Math.Abs(p - 13492) < N_LENGTH)//

                if (is_skip_at_p[p])
                    //p was visited at inner loop before
                    nearest_neighbor_dist = INFINITE;

                    cluster_of_cur_outer = cluster_belong[p];

                    inner_loop = getInnerLoop(b_cluster, K_CENTERS, cluster_of_cur_outer);

                    foreach (int q in inner_loop)// inner loop
                        if (Math.Abs(p - q) < N_LENGTH)
                            continue;// self-match => skip to the next one
                            cluster_of_cur_inner = cluster_belong[q];

                            p_center = data.GetRange(b_cluster[cluster_of_cur_outer].getCenterIndex(), N_LENGTH);
                            q_center = data.GetRange(b_cluster[cluster_of_cur_inner].getCenterIndex(), N_LENGTH);

                            if (distanceBetween2Clusters(p_center, q_center, b_cluster[cluster_of_cur_outer].getRadius(), b_cluster[cluster_of_cur_inner].getRadius()) >= best_so_far_dist)
                                continue_to_outer_loop = true;
                            //calculate the Distance between p and q
                            dist = HelperFunctions.gaussDistance(data.GetRange(p, N_LENGTH), data.GetRange(q, N_LENGTH));

                            if (dist < best_so_far_dist)
                                //skip the element q at oute_loop, 'cuz if (p,q) is not a solution, so does (q,p).
                                is_skip_at_p[q] = true;

                                continue_to_outer_loop = true; //break, to the next loop at outer_loop
                                break;                         // break at inner_loop first

                            if (dist < nearest_neighbor_dist)
                                nearest_neighbor_dist = dist;
                        } //end else
                    }     //end inner
                    if (continue_to_outer_loop)
                        continue_to_outer_loop = false; //reset
                        continue;                       //go to the next p in outer loop

                    if (nearest_neighbor_dist > best_so_far_dist)
                        best_so_far_dist = nearest_neighbor_dist;
                        best_so_far_loc  = p;
                } //end else
            }     //end outter
            return(new Tuple <double, int>(best_so_far_dist, best_so_far_loc));