예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Given two byte arrays representing a pairwise alignment, shift them so
        /// that all deletions start as early as possible.  For example:
        /// <code>
        /// TTTTAAAATTTT  -> Converts to ->  TTTTAAAATTTT
        /// TTTTAA--TTTT                     TTTT--AATTTT
        /// </code>
        /// This function takes a IPairwiseSequenceAlignment and assumes that the first sequence is the reference and second
        /// sequence is the query.  It returns a new Pairwise sequence alignment with all of the indels left aligned as well as a list of variants.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aln">Aln. The second sequence should be of type QualitativeSequence or Sequence</param>
        /// <param name="callVariants">callVariants.  If true, it will call variants, otherwise the second half of tuple will be null. </param>
        public static Tuple <IPairwiseSequenceAlignment, List <Variant> > LeftAlignIndelsAndCallVariants(IPairwiseSequenceAlignment aln, bool callVariants = true)
            if (aln == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("aln");
            if (aln.PairwiseAlignedSequences == null || aln.PairwiseAlignedSequences.Count != 1)
                throw new ArgumentException("The pairwise aligned sequence should only have one alignment");
            var frstAln = aln.PairwiseAlignedSequences.First();
            var seq1    = frstAln.FirstSequence;
            var seq2    = frstAln.SecondSequence;

            if (seq1 == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("seq1");
            else if (seq2 == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("seq2");

            //TODO: Might implement an ambiguity check later.
            #if FALSE
            if (seq1.Alphabet.HasAmbiguity || seq2.Alphabet.HasAmbiguity)
                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot left align sequences with ambiguous symbols.");

            // Note we have to copy unless we can guarantee the array will not be mutated.
            byte[]         refseq = seq1.ToArray();
            ISequence      newQuery;
            List <Variant> variants = null;
            // Call variants for a qualitative sequence
            if (seq2 is QualitativeSequence)
                var qs    = seq2 as QualitativeSequence;
                var query = Enumerable.Zip(qs, qs.GetQualityScores(), (bp, qv) => new BPandQV(bp, (byte)qv, false)).ToArray();
                AlignmentUtils.LeftAlignIndels(refseq, query);
                AlignmentUtils.VerifyNoGapsOnEnds(refseq, query);
                if (callVariants)
                    variants = VariantCaller.CallVariants(refseq, query, seq2.IsMarkedAsReverseComplement());
                var newQueryQS = new QualitativeSequence(qs.Alphabet,
                                                         query.Select(z => z.BP).ToArray(),
                                                         query.Select(p => p.QV).ToArray(),
                newQueryQS.Metadata = seq2.Metadata;
                newQuery            = newQueryQS;
            else if (seq2 is Sequence)      // For a sequence with no QV values.
                var qs    = seq2 as Sequence;
                var query = qs.Select(v => new BPandQV(v, 0, false)).ToArray();
                AlignmentUtils.LeftAlignIndels(refseq, query);
                AlignmentUtils.VerifyNoGapsOnEnds(refseq, query);
                // ISequence does not have a setable metadata
                var newQueryS = new Sequence(qs.Alphabet, query.Select(z => z.BP).ToArray(), false);
                newQueryS.Metadata = seq2.Metadata;
                if (callVariants)
                    variants = VariantCaller.CallVariants(refseq, query, seq2.IsMarkedAsReverseComplement());
                newQuery = newQueryS;
                throw new ArgumentException("Can only left align indels if the query sequence is of type Sequence or QualitativeSequence.");

            if (aln.FirstSequence != null && aln.FirstSequence.ID != null)
                foreach (var v in variants)
                    v.RefName = aln.FirstSequence.ID;

            var newRef = new Sequence(seq1.Alphabet, refseq, false);
            newRef.ID       = seq1.ID;
            newRef.Metadata = seq1.Metadata;

            newQuery.ID = seq2.ID;

            var newaln = new PairwiseSequenceAlignment(aln.FirstSequence, aln.SecondSequence);
            var pas    = new PairwiseAlignedSequence();
            pas.FirstSequence  = newRef;
            pas.SecondSequence = newQuery;
            return(new Tuple <IPairwiseSequenceAlignment, List <Variant> > (newaln, variants));
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calls the variants.
        /// Should only be used internally as assumptions are made that the alignments are left-aligned and fulfill certain criteria.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The variants.</returns>
        /// <param name="refSeq">Reference seq.</param>
        /// <param name="querySeq">Query seq.</param>
        /// <param name="originallyReverseComplemented">If set to <c>true</c> the query sequence was originally reverse complemented. (this affects QV value scoring)</param>
        internal static List <Variant> CallVariants(byte[] refSeq, BPandQV[] querySeq, bool originallyReverseComplemented)
            if (originallyReverseComplemented)
            List <Variant> variants = new List <Variant>();

            // Now call variants.
            var gap      = DnaAlphabet.Instance.Gap;
            int i        = 0;
            int refPos   = 0;
            int queryPos = 0;

            while (i < refSeq.Length)
                if (refSeq[i] == gap)
                    int len         = AlignmentUtils.GetGapLength(i, refSeq);
                    var nextBasePos = (i + len);
                    // Should alway be true as we don't end in gaps
                    Debug.Assert(nextBasePos < refSeq.Length);
                    var hplenAndChar = determineHomoPolymerLength(nextBasePos, refSeq);
                    var bases        = getBases(querySeq, i, len);
                    var newVariant   = new IndelVariant(refPos - 1, len, bases, IndelType.Insertion,
                                                        hplenAndChar.Item2, hplenAndChar.Item1,
                                                        (i == 0 || (i + len + hplenAndChar.Item1) >= refSeq.Length));
                    newVariant.QV = querySeq[queryPos].QV;
                    i        += len;
                    queryPos += len;
                else if (querySeq[i].BP == gap)
                    int len          = AlignmentUtils.GetGapLength(i, querySeq);
                    var bases        = getBases(refSeq, i, len);
                    var hplenAndChar = determineHomoPolymerLength(i, refSeq);
                    var newVariant   = new IndelVariant(refPos - 1, len, bases,
                                                        IndelType.Deletion, hplenAndChar.Item2,
                                                        hplenAndChar.Item1, (i == 0 || (i + len + hplenAndChar.Item1) >= refSeq.Length));

                    /* An insertion mutation occurs BEFORE pos, so normally we get the next base
                     * or the last one if it's a reverse complemented alignment.  However, this is not true if
                     * it is a homopolymer because what would have been the previous position is the next position
                     * after left aligning and reversing the position of the QV value.
                     * Consider the following
                     * --*-       -*--
                     * A-TA   --> TA-T
                     * AGTA       TACT
                     * However,
                     * --*--         --*--
                     * A-TTA   ----> T-AAT
                     * ATTTA         TAAAT
                    if ((i + len) < querySeq.Length)
                        var qc_pos = originallyReverseComplemented ? i - 1 : i + len;
                        if (newVariant.InHomopolymer)
                            qc_pos = i + len;
                        newVariant.QV = querySeq[qc_pos].QV;
                    i      += len;
                    refPos += len;
                    if (querySeq[i].BP != refSeq[i])
                        var newVariant = new SNPVariant(refPos, (char)querySeq[i].BP, (char)refSeq[i], (i == 0 || i == (refSeq.Length - 1)));
                        newVariant.QV = querySeq [queryPos].QV;
                    i++; refPos++; queryPos++;