public async Task <BigBoxFacadeOutputs> Handler(BigBoxFacadeInputs args, ILambdaContext context) { if ( == null) { // Preload the dependencies (if they exist), // so that they are available during model deserialization. var asmLocation = this.GetType().Assembly.Location; var asmDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(asmLocation); var asmName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asmLocation); var depPath = Path.Combine(asmDir, $"{asmName}.Dependencies.dll"); if (File.Exists(depPath)) { Console.WriteLine($"Loading dependencies from assembly: {depPath}..."); Assembly.LoadFrom(depPath); Console.WriteLine("Dependencies assembly loaded."); } = new S3ModelStore <BigBoxFacadeInputs>(RegionEndpoint.USWest1); } var l = new InvocationWrapper <BigBoxFacadeInputs, BigBoxFacadeOutputs>(store, BigBoxFacade.Execute); var output = await l.InvokeAsync(args); return(output); }
/// <summary> /// The BigBoxFacade function. /// </summary> /// <param name="model">The input model.</param> /// <param name="input">The arguments to the execution.</param> /// <returns>A BigBoxFacadeOutputs instance containing computed results and the model with any new elements.</returns> public static BigBoxFacadeOutputs Execute(Dictionary <string, Model> inputModels, BigBoxFacadeInputs input) { Envelope envelope = null; inputModels.TryGetValue("Envelope", out var envelopeModel); if (envelopeModel != null) { var envelopes = new List <Envelope>(); envelopes.AddRange(envelopeModel.AllElementsOfType <Envelope>()); var aboveGradeEnvelopes = envelopes.Where(e => e.Elevation >= 0.0).ToList(); if (aboveGradeEnvelopes.Count() > 0) { envelope = aboveGradeEnvelopes.First(); } } if (envelope == null) { var envMatl = new Material("envelope", new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.2), 0.0f, 0.0f); var height = 15.0; var footprint = Polygon.Rectangle(60, 40); var extrude = new Elements.Geometry.Solids.Extrude(footprint, height, Vector3.ZAxis, false); var geomRep = new Representation(new List <Elements.Geometry.Solids.SolidOperation>() { extrude }); envelope = new Envelope(footprint, 0.0, height, Vector3.ZAxis, 0.0, new Transform(), envMatl, geomRep, false, Guid.NewGuid(), ""); } var output = new BigBoxFacadeOutputs(envelope.Profile.Perimeter.Area()); var boundarySegments = envelope.Profile.Perimeter.Segments(); var panelMat = new Material("envelope", new Color(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1), 0.5f, 0.5f); var lowestSegment = boundarySegments.OrderBy((s) => s.Start.Average(s.End).Y).First(); foreach (var s in boundarySegments) { var d = s.Direction(); try { var t = new Transform(s.Start + new Vector3(0, 0, 0), d, d.Cross(Vector3.ZAxis)); var l = s.Length(); if (lowestSegment == s) { var grid = new Grid1d(s); var doorWidth = 4; var backwardsLine = s.Start.X > s.End.X; var reverseDirection = backwardsLine != input.EntranceOnRight; var leftDoor = 0.0; var rightDoor = 0.0; var leftDoorWidth = 0.0; var rightDoorWidth = 0.9; if (reverseDirection) { leftDoor = l / 10 * 2; rightDoor = l / 10 * 6; leftDoorWidth = doorWidth; rightDoorWidth = doorWidth * 2.0; } else { leftDoor = l / 10 * 4; rightDoor = l / 10 * 8; leftDoorWidth = doorWidth * 2.0; rightDoorWidth = doorWidth; } grid.SplitAtPositions(new [] { leftDoor - leftDoorWidth / 2.0, leftDoor + leftDoorWidth / 2.0, rightDoor - rightDoorWidth / 2.0, rightDoor + rightDoorWidth / 2.0 }); var lines = grid.GetCells().Select(c => c.GetCellGeometry()).OfType <Line>(); if (reverseDirection) { lines = lines.Reverse(); } var wallIdx = 0; foreach (var wallLine in lines) { var segmentLength = wallLine.Length(); var segmentTransform = new Transform(wallLine.Start + new Vector3(0, 0, 0), d, d.Cross(Vector3.ZAxis)); if (wallIdx == 1) { CreateStandardPanel(segmentLength, 6, envelope.Height - 6, 0.1, segmentTransform, panelMat, out FacadePanel panel); output.model.AddElement(panel); CreateBranding(envelope.Height, 10, 28, true, new Transform(wallLine.Start.Average(wallLine.End), Vector3.ZAxis, 0), output.model); } else if (wallIdx == 3) { CreateStandardPanel(segmentLength, 6, envelope.Height - 6, 0.1, segmentTransform, panelMat, out FacadePanel panel); output.model.AddElement(panel); CreateBranding(envelope.Height * 0.7, 5.5, 6, false, new Transform(wallLine.Start.Average(wallLine.End), Vector3.ZAxis, 0), output.model); } else { CreateStandardPanel(segmentLength, 0, envelope.Height, 0.1, segmentTransform, panelMat, out FacadePanel panel); output.model.AddElement(panel); } wallIdx++; } } else { CreateStandardPanel(l, 0, envelope.Height, 0.1, t, panelMat, out FacadePanel panel); output.model.AddElement(panel); } var parapetLine = new Line(new Vector3(s.Start.X, s.Start.Y, envelope.Height), new Vector3(s.End.X, s.End.Y, envelope.Height)); var parapet = new StandardWall(parapetLine, 0.4, 0.9, panelMat); output.model.AddElement(parapet); } catch (System.Exception ex) { System.Console.WriteLine(ex); } } return(output); }