private void IdentifyCandidate(DumpFormat dumpFormat, ref MatchCandidate mc, Texture2D mcTex) { if (dumpFormat.usePeixotoCandidateIdentification) { IdentifyCandidatePeixoto(dumpFormat, ref mc, mcTex); return; } if (mcTex.GetPixel(0, 0).a < 0.01f || mcTex.GetPixel(mcTex.width - 1, 0).a < 0.01f) { if (dumpFormat.bgParts.Length == 0) { mc.bgPartIndex = 1; } else { mc.bgPartIndex = dumpFormat.bgParts.Length; } mc.isMask = true; } else { //TODO - What if there is no part? (Full bg only) //TODO - What if different bg parts have the same size? For now, too bad... :) if (dumpFormat.bgParts.Length == 0) { //Well we already know it's not a mask so we might be able to assume that it's a BG texture, right? ^^' mc.bgPartIndex = -1; } else { for (var j = 0; j < dumpFormat.bgParts.Length; j++) { if (mcTex.width != dumpFormat.bgParts[j].size.x || mcTex.height != dumpFormat.bgParts[j].size.y) { continue; } mc.bgPartIndex = j; break; } } } }
private void IdentifyCandidatePeixoto(DumpFormat dumpFormat, ref MatchCandidate mc, Texture2D mcTex) { //As all the textures are squared and the BG ones are 2 256x256 textures, // I can quickly check that as an early identification of mask textures. if (mcTex.width != 256) { mc.bgPartIndex = 2; mc.isMask = true; return; } var bottomLeftColors = mcTex.GetPixels(0, 0, 16, 16); var avgColor = bottomLeftColors.GetAverage(); var isBgPart = avgColor.Compare(peixotoBgBandColor) >= 0.999f; if (isBgPart) { var topRightColors = mcTex.GetPixels(mcTex.width - 32, mcTex.height - 32, 32, 32); avgColor = topRightColors.GetAverage(); var isRightBgPart = avgColor.Compare(peixotoRightBgColor) >= 0.999f; mc.isMask = false; mc.bgPartIndex = isRightBgPart ? 1 : 0; } else { mc.bgPartIndex = 2; mc.isMask = true; } //sRGB or Linear doesn't seem to make any difference for these old assets. // Let's keep the unity default, sRGB. // var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fm.fileInfos[mc.fileInfoIndices[0]].Name); // var testSrgb = new Texture2D(16, 16, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false, false); // testSrgb.SetPixels(bottomLeftColors); // fm.SaveTextureToPng(testSrgb, "./", $"{name}_srgb"); // Object.Destroy(testSrgb); // var testLinear = new Texture2D(16, 16, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false, true); // testLinear.SetPixels(bottomLeftColors); // fm.SaveTextureToPng(testSrgb, "./", $"{name}_linear"); // Object.Destroy(testLinear); }
public IEnumerator MatchTextures(string bgInfoPath, string dumpTexPath, DumpFormat dumpFormat, TextureMatchingConfig config, System.Action <ProgressInfo> progressCb, System.Action doneCb) { if (dumpFormat.Equals(baseDumpFormat)) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format( "The current base texture format ({0}) is the same as the selected texture format for matching ({1}). This is useless.",,; doneCb(); yield break; } reportSb.Clear(); reportSb.AppendLine("== Texture Matching report =="); reportSb.AppendLine("== Texture Matching Started! =="); reportSb.AppendLine("Selected Format: " +; taskTime = Time.unscaledTime; progressCb(new ProgressInfo("Loading textures and BgInfos", 0, 0, 0f)); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); //Load all the bg infos for later bgInfoPath = Path.Combine(bgInfoPath, game.ToString()); var bgInfoCount = fm.LoadFiles(bgInfoPath, "json"); var bgInfos = fm.GetObjectsFromFiles <BgInfo>(); //Load all the file info of the textures to match var mcTexCount = fm.LoadFiles(Path.Combine(dumpTexPath,, "png", SearchOption.AllDirectories); var candidatesList = new List <MatchCandidate>(); var texDuplicatesCount = 0; var unmatchedTexCount = 0; var unmatchedMcCount = 0; //1. Prepare the MatchCandidates for (var i = 0; i < mcTexCount; i++) { if (i % 50 == 0) { progressCb( new ProgressInfo("Preparing candidates", i + 1, mcTexCount, i / (float)(mcTexCount - 1))); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); } var mcTex = fm.GetTextureFromFileIndex(i); var mc = new MatchCandidate(); mc.md5 = fm.GetMd5(mcTex.GetRawTextureData()); mc.fileInfoIndices = new int[] { i }; mc.texSize.x = mcTex.width; mc.texSize.y = mcTex.height; mc.bgInfoMatchIndex = new List <int>(); mc.bgInfoMatchValue = new List <float>(); //Check for duplicates var isDuplicate = false; for (var j = 0; j < candidatesList.Count; j++) { if (candidatesList[j].md5 == mc.md5) { reportSb.AppendLine(string.Concat(, " is a duplicate of ", fm.fileInfos[candidatesList[j].fileInfoIndices[0]].Name)); texDuplicatesCount++; //int[] indices = new int[candidatesList[j].fileInfoIndices.Length + 1]; //for (int k = 0; k < candidatesList[j].fileInfoIndices.Length; k++) //{ // indices[k] = candidatesList[j].fileInfoIndices[k]; //} //indices[indices.Length - 1] = j; var indices = candidatesList[j].fileInfoIndices.Concat(new int[] { i }).ToArray(); var duplicatedMc = candidatesList[j]; duplicatedMc.SetFileInfoIndices(indices); candidatesList[j] = duplicatedMc; isDuplicate = true; //It can't have another duplicate, impossible since I checked for every new element. break; } } if (isDuplicate) { continue; } //Identify the candidate IdentifyCandidate(dumpFormat, ref mc, mcTex); //RE3 WARNING - That doesn't WORK AT ALL ON RE3 GAMECUBE //Create a special patch for mask texture, thus It will only pick colors into the non fully transparent area. var partPatch = new Patch(); if (mc.isMask) { //For some dumping format like Peixoto Before, starting the matching process, // transparency needs to be added by replacing pure black pixels with transparent ones. if (dumpFormat.useBlackAsTransparent) { var colors = mcTex.GetPixels32(); for (int j = 0; j < colors.Length; j++) { var c = colors[j]; if (c.r + c.g + c.b <= byte.MinValue) { c.a = byte.MinValue; colors[j] = c; } } mcTex.SetPixels32(colors); mcTex.Apply(); // Save the texture with proper transparent pixels. // var fi = fm.fileInfos[i]; // Debug.Log(fi.FullName); // var testName = $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.Name)}"; // fm.SaveTextureToPng(mcTex, fi.DirectoryName, testName); } if (config.inconsistentMaskSize) { partPatch = new Patch(0, mcTex.height - 23, 0, mcTex.height - 23, 128, 23); } else { var line = mcTex.GetPixels(12, 0, 1, mcTex.height); var foundFlag = false; for (var k = 0; k < line.Length; k++) { if (line[k].a > 0.9f) { partPatch.srcPos.y = k; partPatch.dstPos.y = k; partPatch.size.y = mcTex.height - k; foundFlag = true; break; } } if (foundFlag == false || partPatch.size.y < config.histogramPatchSize.y) { unmatchedMcCount++; unmatchedTexCount += mc.fileInfoIndices.Length; reportSb.AppendLine(string.Concat(, " seems fully transparent mask. Match it manually.")); continue; } line = mcTex.GetPixels(0, mcTex.height - 4, mcTex.width, 1); foundFlag = false; for (var k = mcTex.width - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (line[k].a > 0.9f) { partPatch.size.x = k + 1; foundFlag = true; break; } } if (foundFlag == false || partPatch.size.x < config.histogramPatchSize.x) { unmatchedMcCount++; unmatchedTexCount += mc.fileInfoIndices.Length; reportSb.AppendLine(string.Concat(, " seems fully transparent mask. Match it manually.")); continue; } } } //Generate the histogram data var histGenAttemptsCount = 0; var isMonochromatic = false; mc.histograms = new Histogram[config.histogramPatchCount]; mc.HistPatches = new Patch[config.histogramPatchCount]; //mc.histBgPartPatchIndices = new int[config.histogramPatchCount]; for (var j = 0; j < config.histogramPatchCount; j++) { if (mc.isMask == false) { if (mc.bgPartIndex != -1) { var bgPartPatchIndex = Random.Range(0, dumpFormat.bgParts[mc.bgPartIndex].patches.Length); partPatch = dumpFormat.bgParts[mc.bgPartIndex].patches[bgPartPatchIndex]; } else { partPatch = new Patch(0, 0, 0, 0, mc.texSize.x, mc.texSize.y); } } var p = partPatch; p.size = config.histogramPatchSize; var patchPos = partPatch.size - config.histogramPatchSize; patchPos.x = Random.Range(0, patchPos.x); patchPos.y = Random.Range(0, patchPos.y); p.Move(patchPos); var histogram = new Histogram(mc.isMask ? 4 : 3, config.histogramStepCount, 1f); var patchColors = mcTex.GetPixels(p.srcPos.x, p.srcPos.y, p.size.x, p.size.y); histogram.AddValues(patchColors, mc.isMask); //Compare the new histogram with the previous one, if there are the same the texture might be monochromatic... if (j > 0) { if (histogram.Compare(mc.histograms[mc.histograms.Length - 1]) >= 0.999f) { histGenAttemptsCount++; if (histGenAttemptsCount > config.histGenAttemptsMaxCount) { isMonochromatic = true; break; } j--; continue; } } if (config.savePatchTexures) { var test = new Texture2D(p.size.x, p.size.y); test.SetPixels(patchColors); fm.SaveTextureToPng(test, "./test", + "_" + j); Object.Destroy(test); } mc.tempHistogram = new Histogram(mc.isMask ? 4 : 3, config.histogramStepCount, 1f); mc.histograms[j] = histogram; mc.HistPatches[j] = p; } if (isMonochromatic) { unmatchedMcCount++; unmatchedTexCount += mc.fileInfoIndices.Length; reportSb.AppendLine(string.Concat(, " is too consistent visually to be analyzed properly. Match it manually.")); } else { if (mc.bgPartIndex == -1) { mc.bgPartIndex = 0; } //Finally add the candidate to the list candidatesList.Add(mc); } Object.Destroy(mcTex); } progressCb(new ProgressInfo("Preparing candidates", mcTexCount, mcTexCount, 1f)); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); //2. The match candidates are now all generated, we can go through all the BgInfo and for each BgInfo, going through all the MCs to find the best match. //For sure this way increase risk of false positives but it is also much faster than loading entire textures exponentially... var candidates = candidatesList.ToArray(); var baseDumpPath = Path.Combine(dumpTexPath,; //int mcMatchesCount = 0; var texMatchesCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < bgInfoCount; i++) { //if (i % 10 == 0) //{ progressCb(new ProgressInfo("Looking for matches", i + 1, bgInfoCount, i / (float)(bgInfoCount - 1))); yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame()); //} if (config.resetDumpMatches) { bgInfos[i].ResetDumpMatches(; } //Every candidate is matched, stop searching. //TODO - Track the best BgInfo into the MCandidate. This could be perfect. But requires to get rid of that and the isMatched flag stored into the MC. //if (mcMatchesCount >= candidates.Length) // break; var bgTex = fm.GetTextureFromPath(Path.Combine(baseDumpPath, bgInfos[i].texDumpMatches[0].texNames[0])); var maskTex = bgInfos[i].hasMask ? fm.GetTextureFromPath(Path.Combine(baseDumpPath, bgInfos[i].texDumpMatches[0].texNames[1])) : null; //TODO - max possible match for one bg info and one bg part, List suck ass and realistically I never saw 3 textures exactly the same (and there is no duplicate on GC) var bestMatchValues = new List <float> [dumpFormat.bgParts.Length == 0 ? 2: dumpFormat.bgParts.Length + 1]; var bestMatchCandidateIndices = new List <int> [dumpFormat.bgParts.Length == 0 ? 2: dumpFormat.bgParts.Length + 1]; for (var j = 0; j < bestMatchValues.Length; j++) { bestMatchValues[j] = new List <float>(); bestMatchCandidateIndices[j] = new List <int>(); } for (var j = 0; j < candidates.Length; j++) { //if (candidates[j].isMatched) // continue; var mc = candidates[j]; //Quick Pruning for mask, compare the size. Masks tend to have different size. if (mc.isMask) { if (maskTex == null) { continue; } //In RE3, the masks have a fixed resolution on GC and a variable on PC (cropped) if (config.inconsistentMaskSize) { if (maskTex.width < 128 || maskTex.height < 23) { continue; } } else { if (maskTex.width != mc.texSize.x || maskTex.height != mc.texSize.y) { continue; } } } else { //This BG texture size comparison was certainly added for re3 but why? //It's actually horrible for RE2 and 1. Thus I added a BG parts length check. if (dumpFormat.bgParts.Length <= 1 && (bgTex.width != mc.texSize.x || bgTex.height != mc.texSize.y)) { continue; } } var mcMatchValue = 0f; var isImpossibleMatch = false; for (var k = 0; k < mc.HistPatches.Length; k++) { var p = mc.HistPatches[k]; mc.tempHistogram.Reset(); Color[] pixels; if (mc.isMask) { if (config.inconsistentMaskSize) { var dstPosY = maskTex.height - 23 + (p.dstPos.y - (256 - 23)); pixels = maskTex.GetPixels(p.dstPos.x, dstPosY, p.size.x, p.size.y); mc.tempHistogram.AddValues(pixels, true); } else { pixels = maskTex.GetPixels(p.dstPos.x, p.dstPos.y, p.size.x, p.size.y); mc.tempHistogram.AddValues(pixels, true); } } else { pixels = bgTex.GetPixels(p.dstPos.x, p.dstPos.y, p.size.x, p.size.y); mc.tempHistogram.AddValues(pixels); } if (config.savePatchTexures) { var test = new Texture2D(p.size.x, p.size.y); test.SetPixels(pixels); fm.SaveTextureToPng(test, "./test", (mc.isMask ? : + "_" + k); Object.Destroy(test); } var patchMatchValue = mc.histograms[k].Compare(mc.tempHistogram); //if the match value of one patch is SO BAD, you can stop here and move to the next MC. if (patchMatchValue <= config.patchMinMatchValue) { isImpossibleMatch = true; break; } mcMatchValue += patchMatchValue; } if (isImpossibleMatch) { continue; } mcMatchValue = mcMatchValue / mc.HistPatches.Length; //bool isFirstValue = bestMatchValues[mc.bgPartIndex].Count <= 0; if (mcMatchValue >= config.candidateMinMatchValue ) // && (isFirstValue || mcMatchValue >= bestMatchValues[mc.bgPartIndex][0])) { //To deal with multiple perfect match... but I haven't already identified duplicates via checksum? //if (!isFirstValue && mcMatchValue != bestMatchValues[mc.bgPartIndex][0]) //{ // bestMatchValues[mc.bgPartIndex].Clear(); //} bestMatchValues[mc.bgPartIndex].Add(mcMatchValue); bestMatchCandidateIndices[mc.bgPartIndex].Add(j); } } //Finally we store all the best matches found for that BG info //Again going through the bg info (and then the candidates) produces more false positives. //But the opposite is crazy bad in term of performance. An exponential amount of disk fetching. //For each part (typically 0 = Left, 1 = right, 2 mask) var partCount = bestMatchValues.Length; //bool hasMatches = false; for (var j = 0; j < partCount; j++) { var matchCount = bestMatchValues[j].Count; for (var k = 0; k < matchCount; k++) { //it should be defaulted to 0 anyway. if (bestMatchValues[j][k] >= config.candidateMinMatchValue) { //candidates[bestMatchCandidateIndices[j][k]].isMatched = true; var mc = candidates[bestMatchCandidateIndices[j][k]]; //for (int l = 0; l < mc.fileInfoIndices.Length; l++) //{ // string texName = fm.RemoveExtensionFromFileInfo(fm.fileInfos[mc.fileInfoIndices[l]]); // bgInfos[i].AddDumpMatch(, texName, mc.bgPartIndex); // //hasMatches = true; // texMatchesCount++; //} ////mcMatchesCount++; mc.bgInfoMatchValue.Add(bestMatchValues[j][k]); mc.bgInfoMatchIndex.Add(i); } } } //if (hasMatches) // fm.SaveToJson(bgInfos[i], bgInfoPath, bgInfos[i].GetFileName(), prettifyJsonOnSave); Object.Destroy(bgTex); Object.Destroy(maskTex); } //Analyze the Match candidates' possible bg info matches for (var i = 0; i < candidates.Length; i++) { var mc = candidates[i]; if (mc.bgInfoMatchIndex.Count <= 0) { //Report the unmatchable candidates unmatchedMcCount++; reportSb.Append(string.Concat("Candidate ", i, " can't find a match: ")); for (var j = 0; j < candidates[i].fileInfoIndices.Length; j++) { unmatchedTexCount++; reportSb.Append(string.Concat("[", fm.fileInfos[candidates[i].fileInfoIndices[j]].Name, "]")); } reportSb.AppendLine(); } else { var bestBgInfoMatchValue = 0f; var bestBgInfoIndex = 0; for (var j = 0; j < mc.bgInfoMatchIndex.Count; j++) { if (mc.bgInfoMatchValue[j] > bestBgInfoMatchValue) { bestBgInfoMatchValue = mc.bgInfoMatchValue[j]; bestBgInfoIndex = mc.bgInfoMatchIndex[j]; } } //Update and save the best bg info match for (var j = 0; j < mc.fileInfoIndices.Length; j++) { var texName = fm.RemoveExtensionFromFileInfo(fm.fileInfos[mc.fileInfoIndices[j]]); bgInfos[bestBgInfoIndex].AddDumpMatch(, texName, mc.bgPartIndex); texMatchesCount++; } reportSb.Append(string.Concat("Candidate ", i, " matched: ")); for (var j = 0; j < candidates[i].fileInfoIndices.Length; j++) { reportSb.Append(string.Concat("[", fm.fileInfos[candidates[i].fileInfoIndices[j]].Name, "]")); } reportSb.Append(string.Concat(" - ", bgInfos[bestBgInfoIndex].namePrefix)); reportSb.Append(string.Concat(" - ", bestBgInfoMatchValue.ToString("0.00"))); reportSb.AppendLine(); fm.SaveToJson(bgInfos[bestBgInfoIndex], bgInfoPath, bgInfos[bestBgInfoIndex].GetFileName(), prettifyJsonOnSave); } } reportSb.AppendLine(string.Format( "{0} matches for {1} textures ({2} duplicates). {3} unmatchable textures from {4} candidates.", texMatchesCount, mcTexCount, texDuplicatesCount, unmatchedTexCount, unmatchedMcCount)); reportSb.AppendLine(string.Format("== Texture Matching done! ({0} seconds) ==", (Time.unscaledTime - taskTime).ToString("#.0"))); fm.OpenFolder(bgInfoPath); doneCb(); }