void IProduct.Update() { UserLog.Log("Function UPDATE item called; "); int ix = 0; string updatedrow = " "; IProduct rowUpdate = new Product(); foreach (Product product in Filler.products) { Console.WriteLine(ix + ") " + product.ProductName + " " + product.Description + " " + product.ProductType + " " + product.CurrentPrice); ix++; } ix = 0; Console.WriteLine("Please select from the list a row you want to update (use it number) "); int id = System.Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Product item = Filler.GetRowFromList(id); StringBuilder stringBuild = new StringBuilder(); stringBuild.AppendFormat("{0} ", "Row to be updated: "); stringBuild.AppendFormat("{0} ", item.ProductName); stringBuild.AppendFormat("{0} ", item.Description); stringBuild.AppendFormat("{0} ", item.ProductType); stringBuild.AppendFormat("{0} ", item.CurrentPrice); Console.WriteLine(stringBuild); newinputupdatedname: Console.WriteLine("Please, print new product name: "); String newname = Console.ReadLine(); if (!EqualsCheck.Validation(newname)) { goto newinputupdatedname; } Console.WriteLine("Please, print new product description: "); String newdescrip = Console.ReadLine(); newinputprice: Console.WriteLine("Please, print updated price: "); string newprice = Console.ReadLine(); if (!EqualsCheck.NumberValidation(newprice)) { goto newinputprice; } int newpricen = System.Convert.ToInt32(newprice); updatedrow = rowUpdate.UpdateOfRow(id, newname, newdescrip, newpricen); }
string IProduct.Create(string productName, string productType, string description, string currentPrice) { UserLog.Log("Function CREATE item called; "); string newrow = " "; bool checkIsFail = false; IProduct iproduct = new Product(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(productName)) { throw new ArgumentException("Product Name can't be null or empty."); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(productType)) { throw new ArgumentException("Product type can't be null or empty."); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { throw new ArgumentException("Description can't be null or empty."); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentPrice)) { throw new ArgumentException("Price can't be null or empty."); } if (!EqualsCheck.Validation(productName)) { Console.WriteLine("Please input product name: "); productName = Console.ReadLine(); checkIsFail = true; } if (!EqualsCheck.NumberValidation(currentPrice)) { Console.WriteLine("Please input product current price: "); currentPrice = Console.ReadLine(); iproduct.Create(productName, productType, description, currentPrice); checkIsFail = true; } if (checkIsFail) { iproduct.Create(productName, productType, description, currentPrice); } productType = iproduct.TypeFinder(productType); int price = int.Parse(currentPrice); if (Filler.products.Capacity < 17) { Filler.products.Add(new Product() { ProductName = productName, Description = description, ProductType = productType, CurrentPrice = price }); } else { Console.WriteLine("There is no space to add new product. Capacity amount has been already reached."); Console.ReadKey(); System.Environment.Exit(-1); } foreach (Product product in Filler.products) { newrow += (product.ProductName + " " + product.Description + " " + product.ProductType + " " + product.CurrentPrice + System.Environment.NewLine); } return(newrow); }