/// <remarks/> public void getAllMarketsAsync(GetAllMarketsReq request, object userState) { if ((this.getAllMarketsOperationCompleted == null)) { this.getAllMarketsOperationCompleted = new System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback(this.OngetAllMarketsOperationCompleted); } this.InvokeAsync("getAllMarkets", new object[] { request}, this.getAllMarketsOperationCompleted, userState); }
public GetAllMarketsResp getAllMarkets(GetAllMarketsReq request) { object[] results = this.Invoke("getAllMarkets", new object[] { request}); return ((GetAllMarketsResp)(results[0])); }
/// <remarks/> public void getAllMarketsAsync(GetAllMarketsReq request) { this.getAllMarketsAsync(request, null); }
/// <summary> /// The API GetAllMarkets service allows you to retrieve information about all /// of the markets that are currently active or suspended on the /// given exchange. You can use this service to quickly analyse the /// available markets on the exchange, or use the response to build a local /// copy of the Betfair.com navigation menu. You can limit the response to /// a particular time period, country where the event is taking place, and /// event type. Otherwise, the service returns all active and suspended markets. /// </summary> /// <param name="exchangeId"></param> /// <param name="countries"></param> /// <param name="eventTypeIds"></param> /// <param name="DateToMilliseconds"></param> /// <param name="DateFromMilliseconds"></param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetAllMarkets(int exchangeId, string[] countries, int?[] eventTypeIds, int DateToMilliseconds, int DateFromMilliseconds) { const string serviceName = "GetAllMarkets"; Console.WriteLine("{0}$ API_SERVICE {1}", DateTime.Now, serviceName); var request = new GetAllMarketsReq {countries = countries}; if (eventTypeIds != null) { request.eventTypeIds = new int?[eventTypeIds.Length]; int count = 0; foreach (var i in eventTypeIds) { request.eventTypeIds[count] = (int) i; count++; } } request.fromDate = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(DateFromMilliseconds); request.toDate = DateTime.Now.AddMilliseconds(DateToMilliseconds); request.header = (BetfairExchangeAPI.APIRequestHeader) GetHeader(false); GetAllMarketsResp response = _bfExchangeService[exchangeId].getAllMarkets(request); ValidateAPIResponse(serviceName, Convert.ToString(response.header.errorCode), Convert.ToString(response.errorCode), response.header.sessionToken); return response.marketData; }