public void AddSale(string product, int quantity, DateTime date) { MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(ConnStr); decimal price = reader.GetProductPrice(product); int productID = reader.GetProductID(product); using (conn) { conn.Open(); MySqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO sales (ProductID, Quantity, Price, Date) VALUES(@productID, @quantity, @price, @date);"; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("productId", productID); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("quantity", quantity); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("price", price); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("date", date); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } }
private static void DeleteProduct(Deleter deleter, Reader reader) { if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to delete a product by Product Id?")) { int prodid = Lawyer.GetInt("What is the Product id that you want to delete?"); while (!(reader.DoesProductIdExist(prodid))) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry but that product does not exist, try again."); prodid = Lawyer.GetInt("What is the Product id that you want to delete?"); } string productId = reader.GetProductName(prodid); if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to delete this product :" + productId)) { deleter.DeleteProductByID(prodid); } } else if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to delete a product by Product Name?")) { string prodname = Lawyer.GetResponse("What is the Name of the product you want to delete?"); while (!(reader.DoesProductNameExist(prodname))) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry but that product does not exist, try again."); prodname = Lawyer.GetResponse("What is the Name of the product you want to delete?"); } if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to delete this product :" + prodname)) { deleter.DeleteProductByName(prodname); } } else if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to delete a product by Price?")) { decimal prodprice = Lawyer.GetDecimal("What is the price of products you want to delete?"); while (!(reader.DoesProductPriceExist(prodprice))) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry no product has that price, try again."); prodprice = Lawyer.GetDecimal("What is the price of products you want to delete?"); } List <string> products = reader.GetProductsByPrice(prodprice); if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to delete " + products.Count + " products")) { foreach (string product in products) { deleter.DeleteProductByPrice(reader.GetProductPrice(product)); } } } else if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Do you want to delete a product by Category Id?")) { int catid = Lawyer.GetInt("What is the Category Id you want to delete products by?"); while (!(reader.DoesProductWithCatIdExist(catid))) { Console.WriteLine("Sorry there are no products with that category id, try again"); catid = Lawyer.GetInt("What is the Category Id you want to delete products by?"); } string category = reader.GetCategoryName(catid); if (Lawyer.GetYesNo("Are you sure you want to delete all products that are asscoiated with:" + category + "?")) { deleter.DeleteProductByCategory(catid); } } }