public UnixRunner (string testsDirectory, Config _config, Benchmark _benchmark, Machine _machine, int _timeoutSeconds, string _runTool, string _runToolArguments) { config = _config; benchmark = _benchmark; machine = _machine; defaultTimeoutSeconds = _timeoutSeconds; runTool = _runTool; runToolArguments = _runToolArguments; var binaryProtocolFile = _config.ProducesBinaryProtocol ? "binprot.dummy" : null; Info = compare.Utils.NewProcessStartInfo (_config, binaryProtocolFile); Info.WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine (testsDirectory, benchmark.TestDirectory); if (config.AOTOptions != null) { if (benchmark.AOTAssemblies == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: benchmark {0} not configured to be executed in AOT mode.", benchmark.Name); Environment.Exit(1); } InfoAot = compare.Utils.NewProcessStartInfo (_config, binaryProtocolFile); InfoAot.WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine (testsDirectory, benchmark.TestDirectory); InfoAot.Arguments = String.Join (" ", config.AOTOptions.Concat (benchmark.AOTAssemblies)); } var commandLine = benchmark.CommandLine; if (benchmark.ClientCommandLine != null) { clientServer = true; ClientInfo = compare.Utils.NewProcessStartInfo (_config, binaryProtocolFile); ClientInfo.WorkingDirectory = Info.WorkingDirectory; ClientInfo.Arguments = String.Join (" ", config.MonoOptions.Concat (benchmark.ClientCommandLine)); } else { clientServer = false; } if (config.NoMono) { Info.FileName = Path.Combine (Info.WorkingDirectory, commandLine [0]); commandLine = commandLine.Skip (1).ToArray (); } fileName = Info.FileName; arguments = String.Join (" ", config.MonoOptions.Concat (commandLine)); /* Run with timing */ if (!config.NoMono) arguments = "--stats " + arguments; }
public UnixRunner (string testsDirectory, Config _config, Benchmark _benchmark, Machine _machine, int _timeoutSeconds, string _runTool, string _runToolArguments) { config = _config; benchmark = _benchmark; machine = _machine; defaultTimeoutSeconds = _timeoutSeconds; runTool = _runTool; runToolArguments = _runToolArguments; var binaryProtocolFile = _config.ProducesBinaryProtocol ? "binprot.dummy" : null; info = compare.Utils.NewProcessStartInfo (_config, binaryProtocolFile); info.WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine (testsDirectory, benchmark.TestDirectory); var commandLine = benchmark.CommandLine; if (benchmark.ClientCommandLine != null) { clientServer = true; clientInfo = compare.Utils.NewProcessStartInfo (_config, binaryProtocolFile); clientInfo.WorkingDirectory = info.WorkingDirectory; clientInfo.Arguments = String.Join (" ", config.MonoOptions.Concat (benchmark.ClientCommandLine)); } else { clientServer = false; } if (config.NoMono) { info.FileName = Path.Combine (info.WorkingDirectory, commandLine [0]); commandLine = commandLine.Skip (1).ToArray (); } fileName = info.FileName; arguments = String.Join (" ", config.MonoOptions.Concat (commandLine)); /* Run with timing */ if (!config.NoMono) arguments = "--stats " + arguments; }