public HealPartyBot(BlackMagic wowProcess, WoWGlobal globalinfo, uint tt) : base(tt) { = wowProcess; this.wowinfo = globalinfo; this.wowinfo.Refresh(wowProcess); Player = new GameObject(wowProcess, this.wowinfo.PlayerGUID); Target = new GameObject(wowProcess, this.wowinfo.TargetGUID); Focus = new GameObject(wowProcess, this.wowinfo.FocusGUID); Party = new WoWParty(wowProcess); }
public override void BotEvent(Object source) { this.ticks++; this.wowinfo.Refresh(wow); Player = new GameObject(wow, this.wowinfo.PlayerGUID); Target = new GameObject(wow, this.wowinfo.TargetGUID); Focus = new GameObject(wow, this.wowinfo.FocusGUID); Party = new WoWParty(wow); Rota(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { myargs = args; WowPrinter.Print(ConstStrings.WelcomeMessage); if (args.Length > 0) { PROCESS_WINDOW_TITLE = args[0].ToString(); //If has arguments then connect to that window, not default } wowPrinter.Print(new Message("Connecting to window named " + PROCESS_WINDOW_TITLE)); if (!Initializer.ConnectToGame(out wow, PROCESS_WINDOW_TITLE)) { WowPrinter.PrintExit(ConstStrings.InitError); //Initialize if fail terminate the program return; } else { //Init success ClientInfo = new WoWGlobal(wow); WowPrinter.Print(ClientInfo); GameObject PlayerObject = new GameObject(wow, (UInt64)ClientInfo.PlayerGUID); GameObject TargetObject = new GameObject(wow, (UInt64)ClientInfo.TargetGUID); WoWRaid wr = new WoWRaid(wow); WoWParty wp = new WoWParty(wow); WowPrinter.Print(wp, 1); WowPrinter.Print(wr, 1); WowPrinter.Print(TargetObject); //For debug //DruidBalanceComplex gyula = new DruidBalanceComplex(100, 20); //Other.Tester tst = new Other.Tester(wow, PlayerObject, 60); //TestBot tb = new TestBot(100,100, ComplexBotStance.DpsTargetRanged); //WalkBehindBot kutya = new WalkBehindBot(wow, clientInfo, 100, WalkTargetType.CurrentTarget, 1); InitPvPBotBasedonClass(args, PlayerObject.Unit.WowClass); //SendKey.Rect pos =SendKey.GetWoWPosition(); //SendKey.SetCursorPos((pos.Right-pos.Left)/2, (pos.Bottom - pos.Top) / 2); //StressTester asd = new StressTester(Wow, ClientInfo, 100); bool temp = true; while (temp) { switch (Console.ReadKey().Key) { case ConsoleKey.R: RestartApp(args); break; case ConsoleKey.T: temp = false; break; } } return; } }
public void Print(WoWParty p, int padleft) { Type type = p.GetType(); PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties) { Console.WriteLine("".PadLeft(padleft) + (property.Name.ToString().PadRight(Paddistance) + String.Format("0x{0:X16}", property.GetValue(p, null)))); } }