예제 #1
        public DateTimeOffset endDate;   /*!< the ending date of this sample */
        // sample type

        /*! @brief		The default constructor.
         *      @param node	the XmlNode to create this object from.
        public Sample(XmlNode node)
            this.startDate = DateTimeBridge.DateFromString(node["startDate"].InnerText);
            this.endDate   = DateTimeBridge.DateFromString(node["endDate"].InnerText);
예제 #2
 /*! @brief		The default constructor.
  *      @param node	the XmlNode to create this object from.
 public DateOfBirthCharacteristic(XmlNode node)
     this.value = DateTimeBridge.DateFromString(node.InnerText);
예제 #3
        public int numberOfSteps;        /*!< the number of steps taken in this sample */
        // sample type

        /*! @brief		The default constructor.
         *      @param node	the XmlNode to create this object from.
        public PedometerData(XmlNode node)
            this.startDate     = DateTimeBridge.DateFromString(node["startDate"].InnerText);
            this.endDate       = DateTimeBridge.DateFromString(node["endDate"].InnerText);
            this.numberOfSteps = Convert.ToInt32(node["numberOfSteps"].InnerText);
예제 #4
        public WorkoutEventType eventType; /*!< either Pause or Resume  */

        /*! @brief		The default constructor.
         *      @param node	the XmlNode to create this object from.
        public WorkoutEvent(XmlNode node)
            this.date      = DateTimeBridge.DateFromString(node["date"].InnerText);
            this.eventType = (WorkoutEventType)Int32.Parse(node["eventType"].InnerText);