protected void GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { GridViewRow rw = GridView1.SelectedRow; int channelid = Int32.Parse(rw.Cells[2].Text); channel ch = db.channels.Where(c => c.channel_id == channelid).FirstOrDefault(); ch.follow = ch.follow + 1; string username = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; user us = db.users.Where(u => u.username == username).FirstOrDefault(); userfollowschannel uf = db.userfollowschannels.Where(u => u.userid == us.user_id && u.channelid == ch.channel_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (uf == null) { userfollowschannel ufc = new userfollowschannel(); ufc.channelid = ch.channel_id; ufc.userid = us.user_id; db.userfollowschannels.Add(ufc); db.SaveChanges(); Response.Write("<script>alert('You have started following this channel')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('You already follow this channel')</script>"); } }
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //adding channel and checking whether current channel name is available or not channel ch = new channel(); channel ch2 = db.channels.Where(c => c.channel_name == TextBox1.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (ch2 == null) { ch.channel_name = TextBox1.Text; ch.channel_description = TextBox2.Text; db.channels.Add(ch); db.SaveChanges(); usercreatedchannel ucc2 = new usercreatedchannel(); string username = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; user us = db.users.Where(u => u.username == username).FirstOrDefault(); ucc2.userid = us.user_id; channel ch1 = db.channels.Where(c => c.channel_name == TextBox1.Text).FirstOrDefault(); ucc2.channelid = ch1.channel_id; db.usercreatedchannels.Add(ucc2); db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("mychannels.aspx"); } if (ch2 != null) { Response.Redirect("channels.aspx?msg=The channel name already exists.Please try another name"); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { // string fname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileUpload1.FileName); string fextension = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName); if (fextension == ".mp3") { string artist_name = TextBox3.Text; string album_name = TextBox2.Text; string genre_name = TextBox4.Text; string duration = TextBox5.Text; string trackname = TextBox1.Text; song s = new song(); s.album = album_name; s.artist = artist_name; s.duration = duration; s.count = 0; s.song_rating = 0; s.track = trackname; s.counttoday = 0; db.songs.Add(s); db.SaveChanges(); songgenre sg = new songgenre(); sg.genre_id = Int32.Parse(genre_name); sg.song_id = s.song_id; db.songgenres.Add(sg); db.SaveChanges(); song_add sa = new song_add(); sa.song_id = s.song_id; sa.path = s.song_id + ".mp3"; sa.upload_time = System.DateTime.Now; sa.admin_id = db.admins.Where(a => a.username == System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name).FirstOrDefault().admin_id; db.song_add.Add(sa); db.SaveChanges(); FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~/") + s.song_id + ".mp3"); Response.Write("<script>alert('Upload Successful')</script>"); } } if (!FileUpload1.HasFile) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Select atleast one file')</script>"); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //upadating the user with new password string username1 = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; user us = db.users.Where(s => s.username == username1).FirstOrDefault(); us.password = TextBox1.Text; db.SaveChanges(); Response.Write("Password successfully changed"); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BeatsEntities db = new BeatsEntities(); string msg = "Please try another name"; user u2 = db.users.Where(u1 => u1.username == TextBox1.Text).FirstOrDefault(); admin ad = db.admins.Where(a => a.username == TextBox1.Text).FirstOrDefault(); if (u2 != null || ad != null) { Response.Redirect("register.aspx?res=" + msg); } user u = new user(); u.username = TextBox1.Text; u.password = TextBox2.Text; u.security_ques = TextBox4.Text; u.security_ans = TextBox5.Text; db.users.Add(u); db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("index.aspx?Login=" + true); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BeatsEntities db = new BeatsEntities(); string user1 = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; if (Request.QueryString["rating"] != null) { int songid = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["songid"]); int rating = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rating"]); //getting user name //to get song s of songid id so that we can update count,counttoday,and ratings of that song if (rating <= 10 && rating >= 0) { song s1 = db.songs.Where(y => y.song_id == songid).FirstOrDefault(); s1.count++; s1.counttoday++; s1.song_rating = (s1.song_rating * (s1.count - 1) + Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rating"])) / s1.count; db.SaveChanges(); user us = db.users.Where(s => s.username == user1).FirstOrDefault(); if (us != null) { history h = db.histories.Where(s => s.user_id == us.user_id && s.song_id == songid).FirstOrDefault(); //checking if user has previously listened the song and then updating the count only else updating the database if (h == null) { history h1 = new history(); h1.song_id = songid; h1.user_id = us.user_id; h1.count = 1; h1.ratings = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rating"]); h1.time = DateTime.Now; db.histories.Add(h1); } if (h != null) { h.count = h.count + 1; h.time = DateTime.Now; h.ratings = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["rating"]); } db.SaveChanges(); List <double> r1 = new List <double>(); List <double> r2 = new List <double>(); int primary = 0, secondary = 0; foreach (user u in db.users) { if (u.user_id != us.user_id) { if (u.user_id > us.user_id) { secondary = u.user_id; primary = us.user_id; } if (u.user_id < us.user_id) { secondary = us.user_id; primary = u.user_id; } //getting histories var p1 = (from h1 in db.histories where h1.user_id == primary select new { Song = h1.song_id, rating = h1.ratings }).ToList(); var p2 = (from h1 in db.histories where h1.user_id == secondary select new { Song = h1.song_id, rating = h1.ratings }).ToList(); //getting rating of common songs foreach (var p in p1) { foreach (var q in p2) { if (p.Song == q.Song) { r1.Add((double)p.rating); r2.Add((double)q.rating); } } } if (!(r1.Count == 0 || r2.Count == 0)) { double correl1 = Correlation.Pearson(r1, r2); if (!(Double.IsNaN(correl1))) { r1.Clear(); r2.Clear(); correlation c = db.correlations.Where(c1 => c1.user1 == primary && c1.user2 == secondary).FirstOrDefault(); if (c == null) { correlation c2 = new correlation(); c2.user1 = primary; c2.user2 = secondary; c2.factor = (float)correl1; db.correlations.Add(c2); } if (c != null) { c.factor = (float)correl1; } } } } } db.SaveChanges(); Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } else { Response.Redirect("index.aspx"); } } } }