예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Debug Code: Beam with simple supports at left and right ends that has two equal concentrated loads symmetrically placed.
        /// Calculate results from User entered values and send output to Debug.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loadConcentratedValuesLeft">Left concentrated load values.</param>
        /// <param name="loadConcentratedValuesRight">Right concentrated load values.</param>
        public static void CheckResultsSampleBeam02(LoadConcentratedValues loadConcentratedValuesLeft, LoadConcentratedValues loadConcentratedValuesRight)
            Debug.WriteLine("\nBeam with simple supports at left and right ends that has two equal concentrated loads symmetrically placed:");
            double E  = CommonItems.doubleYoungsModulus;
            double I  = CommonItems.doubleInertia;
            double l  = CommonItems.doubleBeamLength;
            double Pl = loadConcentratedValuesLeft.DoubleLoadConcentratedForce;
            double a  = loadConcentratedValuesLeft.DoubleLoadConcentratedPosition;
            double Pr = loadConcentratedValuesRight.DoubleLoadConcentratedForce;
            double b  = l - loadConcentratedValuesRight.DoubleLoadConcentratedPosition;

            Debug.WriteLine($"Inputs: E={E}, I={I}, l={l}, Pl={Pl}, a={a}, Pr={Pr}, b={b}");
            if (Pl == Pr && a == b)     //Check input.
                // Reverse signs, upward forces are positive, downward forces are negative.
                double Rleft  = -(Pl);
                double Rright = Rleft;
                double Mmax   = -(Pl * a);   // Mmax occurs between loads.
                double Dmax   = Pl * a * (3d * l * l - 4d * a * a) / (24 * E * I);
                double Da     = Pl * a * (3d * l * a - 3d * a * a - a * a) / (6d * E * I);
                Debug.WriteLine($"Reaction left={Rleft}, Reaction right={Rright}");
                Debug.WriteLine($"Shear left={-Rleft}, Shear right={Rright}");
                Debug.WriteLine($"Maximum moment occurs between loads is {Mmax}");
                Debug.WriteLine($"Deflection @ a={a} is {Da}");
                Debug.WriteLine($"Max deflection @ midpoint={l / 2d} is {Dmax}");
                Debug.WriteLine($"Skipped results since entered load values not equal or not placed symmetrically.");
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Debug Code: Beam with simple supports at left and right ends that has single concentrated load at any point.
        /// Calculate results from User entered values and send output to Debug.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loadConcentratedValues">Concentrated load values.</param>
        public static void CheckResultsSampleBeam01(LoadConcentratedValues loadConcentratedValues)
            Debug.WriteLine("\nBeam with simple supports at left and right ends that has single concentrated load at any point:");
            double E = CommonItems.doubleYoungsModulus;
            double I = CommonItems.doubleInertia;
            double l = CommonItems.doubleBeamLength;
            double P = loadConcentratedValues.DoubleLoadConcentratedForce;
            double a = loadConcentratedValues.DoubleLoadConcentratedPosition;
            double b = l - a;

            Debug.WriteLine($"Inputs: E={E}, I={I}, l={l}, P={P}, a={a}");
            // Reverse signs, upward forces are positive, downward forces are negative.
            double Rleft  = -(P * b / l);
            double Rright = -(P * a / l);
            double Mmax   = -(P * a * b / l);                     // Mmax occurs at point of load, 'a'.
            double Da     = P * a * a * b * b / (3d * E * I * l); // Deflection at 'a'

            Debug.WriteLine($"Reaction left={Rleft}, Reaction right={Rright}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"Shear left={-Rleft}, Shear right={Rright}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"a={a}, Maximum moment is {Mmax}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"a={a}, Maximum deflection is {Da}");
            if (a > b)  // Next values calculated and shown only if a > b.
                double XDmax = Sqrt(a * (a + 2d * b) / 3d);
                double Dmax  = P * a * b * (a + 2d * b) * Sqrt(3d * a * (a + 2d * b)) / (27d * E * I * l);
                Debug.WriteLine($"Max deflection occurs @ XDmax={XDmax}, Deflection @ XDmax={Dmax}");
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Debug Code: Beam with simple support at left end and fixed support at right end that has single concentrated load at any point.
        /// Calculate results from User entered values and send output to Debug.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loadConcentratedValues">Concentrated load values.</param>
        public static void CheckResultsSampleBeam03(LoadConcentratedValues loadConcentratedValues)
            Debug.WriteLine("\nBeam with simple support at left end and fixed support at right end that has single concentrated load at any point:");
            double E = CommonItems.doubleYoungsModulus;
            double I = CommonItems.doubleInertia;
            double l = CommonItems.doubleBeamLength;
            double P = loadConcentratedValues.DoubleLoadConcentratedForce;
            double a = loadConcentratedValues.DoubleLoadConcentratedPosition;
            double b = l - a;

            Debug.WriteLine($"Inputs: E={E}, I={I}, l={l}, P={P}, a={a}");
            // Reverse signs, upward forces are positive, downward forces are negative.
            double Rleft  = -(P * b * b * (a + 2d * l) / (2d * l * l * l));
            double Rright = -(P * a * (3d * l * l - a * a) / (2d * l * l * l));
            double Ma     = -(Rleft * a);                                                       // Moment at 'a'.
            double Da     = (P * a * a * b * b * b) * (3d * l + a) / (12d * E * I * l * l * l); // Deflection at 'a'
            double Ml     = P * a * b * (a + l) / (2d * l * l);                                 // Moment at left (fixed) end of beam.

            // Not checking all available formula results since formulas are quite complex.

            Debug.WriteLine($"Reaction left={Rleft}, Reaction right={Rright}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"Shear left={-Rleft}, Shear right={Rright}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"a={a}, Ma={Ma}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"a={a}, Da={Da}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"l={l}, Ml={Ml}");
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Debug Code: Cantilever beam with no support at left end and fixed support at right end that has single concentrated load at any point.
        /// Calculate results from User entered values and send output to Debug.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loadConcentratedValues">Concentrated load values.</param>
        public static void CheckResultsSampleBeam04(LoadConcentratedValues loadConcentratedValues)
            Debug.WriteLine("\nCantilever beam with no support at left end and fixed support at right end that has single concentrated load at any point:");
            double E = CommonItems.doubleYoungsModulus;
            double I = CommonItems.doubleInertia;
            double l = CommonItems.doubleBeamLength;
            double P = loadConcentratedValues.DoubleLoadConcentratedForce;
            double a = loadConcentratedValues.DoubleLoadConcentratedPosition;
            double b = l - a;

            Debug.WriteLine($"Inputs: E={E}, I={I}, l={l}, P={P}, a={a}");
            // Reverse signs, upward forces are positive, downward forces are negative.
            double Rright = -(P);
            double Ml     = P * b;  // Moment at left (fixed) end of beam.
            double D0     = P * b * b * (3d * l - b) / (6d * E * I);
            double Da     = P * b * b * b / (3d * E * I);

            Debug.WriteLine($"Reaction left={0d}, Reaction right={Rright}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"Shear left={0d}, Shear right={Rright}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"l={l}, Ml={Ml}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"a={a}, Ma={0d}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"a={a}, Da={Da}");
            Debug.WriteLine($"At left end of beam, Dmax={D0}");
예제 #5
        /*** private static methods follow *************************************************************************************/

        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate list of concentrated loads that simulate a uniform load. Concentrated loads are derived from segments of uniform load.
        /// The area of each segment is calculated and an equivalent concentrated load is placed at centroid of each segment.
        /// Parameters used to keep method independent from equivalent CommonItems values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loadUniformValues">Class used to save User entered uniform loads.</param>
        /// <param name="doubleLoadUniformPositionLeft">Left uniform load position from left end of beam. Minimum value is 0d. Maximum value is doubleBeamLength.</param>
        /// <param name="doubleLoadUniformPositionRight">Right uniform load position from left end of beam.  Value must be > DoublePositionLeft and <= doubleBeamLength.</param>
        /// <param name="doubleLoadUniformForceLeft">Left uniform load force. Uniform forces are distributed via straight line from left to right. Downward forces are negative.</param>
        /// <param name="doubleLoadUniformForceRight">Right uniform load force. Uniform forces are distributed via straight line from left to right. Downward forces are negative.</param>
        private static void UniformLoadSimulate(ref LoadUniformValues loadUniformValues, double doubleLoadUniformPositionLeft, double doubleLoadUniformPositionRight, double doubleLoadUniformForceLeft, double doubleLoadUniformForceRight)
            loadUniformValues.DoublePositionLeft  = doubleLoadUniformPositionLeft;
            loadUniformValues.DoublePositionRight = doubleLoadUniformPositionRight;
            loadUniformValues.DoubleForceLeft     = doubleLoadUniformForceLeft;
            loadUniformValues.DoubleForceRight    = doubleLoadUniformForceRight;
            loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength    = doubleLoadUniformPositionRight - doubleLoadUniformPositionLeft;
            if (doubleOutputSegmentLength == 0d)
                // Case if doubleOutputSegmentLength was not entered or set to 0.
                loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments = 1;
                loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength = loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength;
                // Calculate number of beam segments to spread uniform load across beam length.
                int    intBeamSegments         = (int)Round(doubleBeamLength / doubleOutputSegmentLength, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                double doubleBeamSegmentLength = doubleBeamLength / intBeamSegments;
                //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): doubleBeamLength={doubleBeamLength}, intBeamSegments={intBeamSegments}, doubleBeamSegmentLength={doubleBeamSegmentLength}");
                // Use beam segment length as starting value to calculate load segment length.
                if (doubleBeamSegmentLength >= loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength)
                    loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments = 1;
                    loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength = loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength;
                    loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments = (int)Round(loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength / doubleBeamSegmentLength, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
                    loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength = loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength / loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments;
            //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments={loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments}, loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength={loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength}");
            // Total uniform load force is area of uniform load. Absolute values need to be considered since forces can be positive or negative.
            // Next two variables are used as 'ref' variables if uniform load is triangle or trapazoid. Therefore they need to be initialized to 0d.
            double doubleArea     = 0d;     // Calculated segment area (force) of rectangle, triangle, or trapazoid.
            double doubleCentroid = 0d;     // Calculated segment centroid of rectangle, triangle, or trapazoid.

            loadUniformValues.ListSimulatedLoads = new List <LoadConcentratedValues> {
            // Case #1: Uniform load is a rectangle.
            bool boolLoadIsRectangle = false;

            if (loadUniformValues.DoubleForceLeft == loadUniformValues.DoubleForceRight)
                //Debug.WriteLine($"EnterLoadsUniform.UniformLoadSimulate(): Uniform load is a rectangle.");
                boolLoadIsRectangle = true;
                doubleCentroid      = loadUniformValues.DoublePositionLeft + loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength / 2d;
                doubleArea          = loadUniformValues.DoubleForceLeft * loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength / loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments;
                if (loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments == 1)   // Applied single rectangle load.
                    //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): Applied single rectangle load, doubleCentroid={doubleCentroid}, doubleArea={doubleArea}");
                    LoadConcentratedValues loadConcentratedValues = new LoadConcentratedValues
                        DoubleLoadConcentratedPosition = doubleCentroid,
                        DoubleLoadConcentratedForce    = doubleArea,
                        DoubleLoadConcentratedMoment   = 0d     // Moment always zero if uniform load.
                    doubleCentroid -= loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength;      // Initialize doubleCentroid value for first pass in next loop.
                    for (int i = 0; i < loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments; i++)
                        doubleCentroid += loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength;
                        //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): Applied multiple rectangle loads, doubleCentroid={doubleCentroid}, doubleArea={doubleArea}");
                        LoadConcentratedValues loadConcentratedValues = new LoadConcentratedValues
                            DoubleLoadConcentratedPosition = doubleCentroid,
                            DoubleLoadConcentratedForce    = doubleArea,
                            DoubleLoadConcentratedMoment   = 0d     // Moment always zero if uniform load.
            // Case #2: Uniform load is a triangle or trapazoid.
            double doubleTriangleHeight;    // Difference of ForceLeft and ForceRight is triangle height.

            if (!boolLoadIsRectangle)
                //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): Uniform load is a triangle or trapazoid.");
                if (loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments == 1)   // Applied single triangle or trapazoid uniform load.
                    doubleTriangleHeight = CalcTriangleHeight(loadUniformValues.DoubleForceLeft, loadUniformValues.DoubleForceRight);
                    if (Abs(loadUniformValues.DoubleForceLeft) > Abs(loadUniformValues.DoubleForceRight))
                        CalcCentroidValues(ref doubleArea, ref doubleCentroid, loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength, loadUniformValues.DoubleForceRight, doubleTriangleHeight, true);
                        //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): Case: Abs(DoubleForceLeft) > Abs(DoubleForceRight), doubleArea={doubleArea}, doubleCentroid={doubleCentroid}");
                        CalcCentroidValues(ref doubleArea, ref doubleCentroid, loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength, loadUniformValues.DoubleForceLeft, doubleTriangleHeight, false);
                        //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): Case: Abs(DoubleForceLeft) < Abs(DoubleForceRight), doubleArea={doubleArea}, doubleCentroid={doubleCentroid}");
                    doubleCentroid = loadUniformValues.DoublePositionLeft + doubleCentroid;
                    //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): Case: Applied single triangle or trapazoid uniform load, doubleCentroid={doubleCentroid}, doubleArea={doubleArea}");
                    LoadConcentratedValues loadConcentratedValues = new LoadConcentratedValues
                        DoubleLoadConcentratedPosition = doubleCentroid,
                        DoubleLoadConcentratedForce    = doubleArea,
                        DoubleLoadConcentratedMoment   = 0d     // Moment always zero if uniform load.
                    // Equation of slope is m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) where m is the slope. More at: https://cls.syr.edu/mathtuneup/grapha/Unit4/Unit4a.html
                    double doubleSlope = (loadUniformValues.DoubleForceRight - loadUniformValues.DoubleForceLeft) / loadUniformValues.DoubleLoadLength;
                    // Equation of a line is y=mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.
                    double doubleInterceptForce          = loadUniformValues.DoubleForceLeft;                                            // Save value for use below.
                    double doubleInterceptPosition       = loadUniformValues.DoublePositionLeft;                                         // Save value for use below.
                    double doubleLoadSegmentPositionLeft = loadUniformValues.DoublePositionLeft - loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength; // Initialize value for first pass in next loop.
                    double doubleSegmentPositionLeft;                                                                                    // Initialize value for first pass in next loop.
                    double doubleSegmentForceLeft;                                                                                       // Initialize value for first pass in next loop.
                    double doubleSegmentPositionRight = loadUniformValues.DoublePositionLeft;                                            // Initialize value for first pass in next loop.
                    double doubleSegmentForceRight    = loadUniformValues.DoubleForceLeft;                                               // Initialize value for first pass in next loop.
                    //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): doubleSlope={doubleSlope}, doubleInterceptPosition={doubleInterceptPosition}, doubleInterceptForce={doubleInterceptForce}, loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength={loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength}");
                    for (int i = 0; i < loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments; i++)
                        doubleSegmentPositionLeft  = doubleSegmentPositionRight;
                        doubleSegmentPositionRight = doubleSegmentPositionLeft + loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength;
                        doubleSegmentForceLeft     = doubleSegmentForceRight;
                        doubleSegmentForceRight    = doubleSlope * (doubleSegmentPositionRight - doubleInterceptPosition) + doubleInterceptForce;
                        //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): Segment {i + 1} of {loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments}:  Line points are (doubleSegmentPositionLeft={doubleSegmentPositionLeft}, doubleSegmentForceLeft={doubleSegmentForceLeft}), (doubleSegmentPositionRight={doubleSegmentPositionRight}, doubleSegmentForceRight={doubleSegmentForceRight})");
                        doubleTriangleHeight = CalcTriangleHeight(doubleSegmentForceLeft, doubleSegmentForceRight);
                        if (Abs(doubleSegmentForceLeft) > Abs(doubleSegmentForceRight))
                            CalcCentroidValues(ref doubleArea, ref doubleCentroid, loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength, doubleSegmentForceRight, doubleTriangleHeight, true);
                            //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): Abs(doubleSegmentForceLeft) > Abs(doubleSegmentForceRight), doubleArea={doubleArea}, doubleCentroid={doubleCentroid}");
                            CalcCentroidValues(ref doubleArea, ref doubleCentroid, loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength, doubleSegmentForceLeft, doubleTriangleHeight, false);
                            //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate(): Abs(doubleSegmentForceLeft) < Abs(doubleSegmentForceRight), doubleArea={doubleArea}, doubleCentroid={doubleCentroid}");
                        doubleLoadSegmentPositionLeft += loadUniformValues.DoubleSegmentLength;
                        doubleCentroid = doubleLoadSegmentPositionLeft + doubleCentroid;
                        //Debug.WriteLine($"CommonItems.UniformLoadSimulate():  Applied sloping uniform loads {i + 1} of {loadUniformValues.IntNumberOfSegments}, doubleCentroid={doubleCentroid}, doubleArea={doubleArea}");
                        LoadConcentratedValues loadConcentratedValues = new LoadConcentratedValues
                            DoubleLoadConcentratedPosition = doubleCentroid,
                            DoubleLoadConcentratedForce    = doubleArea,
                            DoubleLoadConcentratedMoment   = 0d     // Moment always zero if uniform load.