예제 #1
        public BeaglePlugin()
            server = Daemon.Server;
            db = Daemon.DefaultDatabase;
            log = Daemon.Log;

            query = new Query ();
            query.AddDomain (QueryDomain.Neighborhood);
            query.MaxHits = 10000;

            QueryPart_Property filePart = new QueryPart_Property ();
            filePart.Type = PropertyType.Keyword;
            filePart.Key = "beagle:HitType";
            filePart.Value = "File";
            query.AddPart (filePart);

            QueryPart_Or queryUnion = new QueryPart_Or ();

            foreach (string mt in supportedMimeTypes) {
                QueryPart_Property part = new QueryPart_Property ();
                part.Type = PropertyType.Keyword;
                part.Key = "beagle:MimeType";
                part.Value = mt;
                queryUnion.Add (part);

            query.AddPart (queryUnion);
            query.HitsAddedEvent += OnHitsAdded;
            query.HitsSubtractedEvent += OnHitsSubtracted;
            query.FinishedEvent += OnFinished;

            int attempts = 0;
            while (true) {
                try {
                    query.SendAsync ();
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (attempts++ >= 5) {
                        log.Warn ("Failed to initialize beagle plugin");
                        query = null;

                    // something bad happened, wait a sec and try again
                    log.Debug ("Sending query failed: " + e.Message);
                    log.Debug ("Waiting 3 seconds...");
                    Thread.Sleep (3000);
예제 #2
		public string doQuery(webArgs wargs)
			if (wargs.sessId == null || wargs.searchString == null || wargs.searchString == "")
				return NO_RESULTS;
			log.Debug("WebBackEnd: Got Search String: " + wargs.searchString); 
			Query query = new Query();
			query.AddText (wargs.searchString);
			if (wargs.searchSource != null && wargs.searchSource != "")
				query.AddDomain (wargs.globalSearch ? QueryDomain.Global:QueryDomain.System);

			QueryResult qres = new QueryResult ();
			//Note: QueryDriver.DoQuery() local invocation is used. 
			//The root tile is used only for adding hits and generating html.
			BT.SimpleRootTile root = new BT.SimpleRootTile (); 							
			root.Query = query;
			//root.SetSource (searchSource); Do not SetSource on root! 
			ResultPair rp = new ResultPair(root);
			bufferRenderContext bctx = new bufferRenderContext(rp);
			Resp resp = new Resp(rp, bctx, wargs.isLocalReq);

			AttachQueryResult (qres, resp);

			//Add sessionId-Resp mapping
			if (sessionResp.Contains(wargs.sessId)) 
				sessionResp[wargs.sessId] = resp;
				sessionResp.Add(wargs.sessId, resp);	

			log.Info("WebBackEnd: Starting Query for string \"{0}\"", wargs.searchString);

			QueryDriver.DoQueryLocal (query, qres);

			//Wait only till we have enough results to display
			while ((result.Contains(qres)) && 
					(root.HitCollection.NumResults < 10)) 
			if (root.HitCollection.IsEmpty)
				return NO_RESULTS;
			lock (root) {			
				return (getResultsLabel(root) + (wargs.isLocalReq ? bctx.buffer:bctx.bufferForExternalQuery));
예제 #3
		private void Search (String searchString)
			entry.Text = searchString;
			StoreSearch (searchString);

			if (query != null) {
				try { DetachQuery (); } catch (ObjectDisposedException e) {}
			query = new Query ();
			query.AddDomain (QueryDomain.Neighborhood);
			// FIXME: Disable non-local searching for now.
			//query.AddDomain (QueryDomain.Global);
			query.AddText (searchString);
			root.SetSource (hit_type);
			AttachQuery ();
			root.Query = query;
			root.Start ();
			StartQuery ();
			UpdatePage ();