예제 #1
        public void Join(LuceneBitArray other)
            LuceneBitArray image;

            image = new LuceneBitArray(other.searcher);


            // We only need to project back items in the other
            // bit array that are not in the image of the
            // first projection.
		// Any whitelists that are passed in must be fully joined, or
		// query results will be incorrect.
		private static BetterBitArray DoRequiredQueries_TwoIndex (LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher,
									  LNS.IndexSearcher secondary_searcher,
									  ArrayList primary_queries,
									  ArrayList secondary_queries,
									  BetterBitArray primary_whitelist,
									  BetterBitArray secondary_whitelist)
			ArrayList match_info_list;
			match_info_list = new ArrayList ();

			// First, do all of the low-level queries
			// and store them in our MatchInfo 
			for (int i = 0; i < primary_queries.Count; ++i) {
				LNS.Query pq, sq;
				pq = primary_queries [i] as LNS.Query;
				sq = secondary_queries [i] as LNS.Query;

				LuceneBitArray p_matches = null, s_matches = null;
				p_matches = new LuceneBitArray (primary_searcher);
				if (pq != null) {
					p_matches.Or (pq);
					if (primary_whitelist != null)
						p_matches.And (primary_whitelist);

				s_matches = new LuceneBitArray (secondary_searcher);
				if (sq != null) {
					s_matches.Or (sq);
					if (secondary_whitelist != null)
						s_matches.And (secondary_whitelist);

				MatchInfo info;
				info = new MatchInfo ();
				info.PrimaryMatches = p_matches;
				info.SecondaryMatches = s_matches;
				info.RestrictBy (null); // a hack to initialize the UpperBound
				match_info_list.Add (info);

			// We want to be smart about the order we do this in,
			// to minimize the expense of the Join.
			while (match_info_list.Count > 1) {

				// linear scan to find the minimum
				int index_min = 0;
				for (int i = 1; i < match_info_list.Count; ++i)
					if (((MatchInfo) match_info_list [i]).CompareTo ((MatchInfo) match_info_list [index_min]) < 0)
						index_min = i;

				MatchInfo smallest;
				smallest = match_info_list [index_min] as MatchInfo;
				match_info_list.RemoveAt (index_min);

				// We can short-circuit if our smallest set of
				// matches is empty.
				if (smallest.UpperBound == 0)
					return smallest.PrimaryMatches; // this must be an empty array.

				smallest.Join ();

				foreach (MatchInfo info in match_info_list)
					info.RestrictBy (smallest);
			// For the final pair, we don't need to do a full join:
			// mapping the secondary onto the primary is sufficient
			MatchInfo last;
			last = match_info_list [0] as MatchInfo;
			last.SecondaryMatches.ProjectOnto (last.PrimaryMatches);

			return last.PrimaryMatches;

		// Special logic for handling our set of required queries

		// This is the easy case: we just combine all of the queries
		// into one big BooleanQuery.
		private static BetterBitArray DoRequiredQueries (LNS.IndexSearcher primary_searcher,
								 ArrayList primary_queries,
								 BetterBitArray primary_whitelist)
			LNS.BooleanQuery combined_query;
			combined_query = new LNS.BooleanQuery ();
			foreach (LNS.Query query in primary_queries)
				combined_query.Add (query, LNS.BooleanClause.Occur.MUST);

			LuceneBitArray matches;
			matches = new LuceneBitArray (primary_searcher, combined_query);
			if (primary_whitelist != null)
				matches.And (primary_whitelist);

			return matches;
예제 #4
		public void Join (LuceneBitArray other)
			LuceneBitArray image;
			image = new LuceneBitArray (other.searcher);
			this.ProjectOnto (image);

			other.Or (image);

			// We only need to project back items in the other
			// bit array that are not in the image of the
			// first projection.
			image.Not ();
			image.And (other);
			image.ProjectOnto (this);