public void PlaceAllShips(Board board) { var ships = new List<Ship>(); ships.Add(new Ship("Patrol boat")); ships.Add(new Ship("Destroyer")); ships.Add(new Ship("Submarine")); ships.Add(new Ship("Battleship")); ships.Add(new Ship("Carrier")); foreach (var ship in ships) { bool shipIsNotPlaced = true; while (shipIsNotPlaced) { try { board.Occupy(ship, Orientationgenerator.Create(), GridReferenceGenerator.Create()); shipIsNotPlaced = false; } catch (Exception) { shipIsNotPlaced = true; } } } }
public void PlaceAllShips(Board board) { foreach (var shipPlacement in GetAllShips()) { board.Occupy(shipPlacement.Ship, shipPlacement.Orientation, shipPlacement.GridReference); } }
public void Start() { board = new Board(); var player = new HumanPlayer(); var computer = new ComputerPlayer(); board.Initialize(player, computer); do { gameOver = TakeMove(player, computer); if (!gameOver) { gameOver = TakeMove(computer, player); } else { Console.WriteLine("CONGRATULATIONS YOU WON!!!"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } } while (!gameOver); Console.WriteLine("COMPUTER HAS WON!!!"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public GameScreen(GameEngine ge, Board p1, Board p2) { InitializeComponent(); this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(Form_MouseMove); this.MouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(Form_MouseClick); = ge; this.p1 = p1; this.p2 = p2; boardSize = p1.getSize(); shipListOne = p1.getShipList(); shipListTwo = p2.getShipList(); turn = ge.getTurn(); phase = ge.getPhase(); Console.WriteLine("Turn: " + turn + " Phase: " + phase); }
static void Main() { Storage xmlStorage = new Storage(); Form splashScreen = new SplashScreen(); splashScreen.Show(); Thread.Sleep(1000); splashScreen.Close(); Menu menu = new Menu(xmlStorage.previousGame()); menu.ShowDialog(); string menuChoice = menu.buttonEvent; if (menuChoice != "EXIT") { GameEngine GE; if (menuChoice == "PLAYER_VS_PLAYER") { xmlStorage.clearData(); xmlStorage.setPvP("Yes"); Board p1 = new Board(true, "Player1", xmlStorage); //Player 1 is human Board p2 = new Board(true, "Player2", xmlStorage); //PLayer 2 is human GE = new GameEngine(p1, p2, xmlStorage); GameScreen gameScreen = new GameScreen(GE, p1, p2); gameScreen.ShowDialog(); } else if (menuChoice == "PLAYER_VS_PC") { xmlStorage.clearData(); xmlStorage.setPvP("No"); Board p1 = new Board(true, "Player1", xmlStorage); //Player 1 is human Board p2 = new Board(false, "Player2", xmlStorage); //PLayer 2 is PC GE = new GameEngine(p1, p2, xmlStorage); GameScreen gameScreen = new GameScreen(GE, p1, p2); gameScreen.ShowDialog(); } else if (menuChoice == "LOAD_SAVED_GAME") { //Load from xmlStorage Board p1 = new Board("Player1", xmlStorage); Board p2 = new Board("Player2", xmlStorage); GE = new GameEngine(p1, p2, xmlStorage); GE.setTurn(xmlStorage.getTurn()); GE.setPhase(xmlStorage.getPhase()); GameScreen gameScreen = new GameScreen(GE, p1, p2); gameScreen.ShowDialog(); } } }
public GameEngine(Board p1, Board p2, Storage xmlStorage) { this.p1 = p1; this.p2 = p2; this.xmlStorage = xmlStorage; watcher = new FileSystemWatcher(); watcher.Path = xmlStorage.getDirectory(); watcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastWrite; watcher.Filter = "*.xml"; watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; watcher.Changed += (s, e) => OnChanged(p1, p2); }
public bool validPlacement(Tuple<int, int> start, Tuple<int, int> end, Board p) { if (start.Item1 < 10 && start.Item1 >= 0 && start.Item2 >= 0 && start.Item2 < 10 && end.Item1 < 10 && end.Item1 >= 0 && end.Item2 < 10 && end.Item1 >= 0) { if ((start.Item1 == end.Item1) && (start.Item2 != end.Item2) || (start.Item1 != end.Item1) && (start.Item2 == end.Item2)) { for (int y = start.Item1; y <= end.Item1; y++) { for (int x = start.Item2; x <= end.Item2; x++) { if (p.isShip(y, x)) { return false; } } } if (start.Item1 == end.Item1) { //Check above ship if (start.Item2 > 0) { if (p.isShip(start.Item1, start.Item2 - 1)) { return false; } } //Check below ship if (start.Item2 < 9) { if (p.isShip(end.Item1, end.Item2 + 1)) { return false; } } //Check at either side of ship for (int i = start.Item2; i <= end.Item2; ++i) { if (start.Item1 < 9) { if (p.isShip(start.Item1 + 1, i)) { return false; } } if (start.Item1 > 0) { if (p.isShip(start.Item1 - 1, i)) { return false; } } } } else if (start.Item2 == end.Item2) { //Check left of ship if (start.Item1 > 0) { if (p.isShip(start.Item1 - 1, start.Item2)) { return false; } } //Check right of ship if (start.Item1 < 9) { if (p.isShip(end.Item1 + 1, end.Item2)) { return false; } } //Check above and below ship for (int i = start.Item1; i <= end.Item1; ++i) { if (start.Item2 < 9) { //Console.WriteLine("Checking below ship at ["+i+", "+end.Item2+"]"); if (p.isShip(i, start.Item2 + 1)) { return false; } } if (start.Item2 > 0) { if (p.isShip(i, start.Item2 - 1)) { return false; } } } } return true; } } return false; }
public bool validFire(int x, int y, Board b) { if ((x < 0 || x > 10 || y < 0 || y > 10) || (b.isHit(x, y))) { return false; } return true; }
public bool lost(Board p) { if (p.getShipList().Count() == 0) { return true; } else { return false; } }
//Place each ship void placeShipsPhase(Board p) { List<Ship> newShipList = new List<Ship>(p.getShipList()); for (int i = 0; i < newShipList.Count; ++i) { if (!actionPlaceShip(p, newShipList.ElementAt(i))) { --i; } } p.printBoard(); Console.WriteLine("All ships placed, leaving phase"); phase = 2; }
private void OnChanged(Board p1, Board p2) { watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = false; DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(xmlStorage.getPath()); lastWriteTime = lastWriteTime.AddMilliseconds(-lastWriteTime.Millisecond); lastReadTime = lastReadTime.AddMilliseconds(-lastReadTime.Millisecond); if (lastWriteTime != lastReadTime) { Console.WriteLine("Watcher detected change in file, loading it now"); p1.loadGame(); p2.loadGame(); lastReadTime = lastWriteTime; } watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; }
bool actionPlaceShip(Board p, Ship s) { if (p.getIsHuman()) { int x1, y1, x2, y2; Console.WriteLine("Enter coordinates to place a ship at, cant be longer or shorter than " + s.getSize()); Console.Write("x: "); x1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("y: "); y1 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("x: "); x2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("y: "); y2 = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Tuple<int, int> posStart = new Tuple<int, int>(x1, y1); Tuple<int, int> posEnd = new Tuple<int, int>(x2, y2); if (rulebook.validPlacement(posStart, posEnd, p)) { s.setStartEnd(posStart, posEnd); p.placeShip(posStart, posEnd, s); Console.WriteLine("Ship Placed!"); return true; } else { return false; } } else { Tuple<Tuple<int, int>, Tuple<int, int>> startEnd =; Tuple<int, int> posStart = new Tuple<int, int>(startEnd.Item1.Item1, startEnd.Item1.Item2); Tuple<int, int> posEnd = new Tuple<int, int>(startEnd.Item2.Item1, startEnd.Item2.Item2); if (rulebook.validPlacement(posStart, posEnd, p)) { s.setStartEnd(posStart, posEnd); p.placeShip(posStart, posEnd, s); Console.WriteLine("Ship Placed!"); return true; } else { return false; } } }
public void playTurn(Board targetBoard) { Console.WriteLine("Playing AI turn"); Tuple<int, int> target; do { target = chooseFireCoords(); Console.WriteLine("AI-Target: " + target); } while (!, target.Item2)); if (targetBoard.isShip(target.Item1, target.Item2)) { updateKnownBoard(target.Item1, target.Item2, 2); //Hit a ship if (target.Item1 < 9) { if (knownBoard[target.Item2][target.Item1 + 1] == 2) { Tuple<int, int> start = new Tuple<int, int>(target.Item1, target.Item2); Tuple<int, int> end = new Tuple<int, int>(target.Item1 + 1, target.Item2); damagedShipAt(start, end); } } if (target.Item1 > 0) { if (knownBoard[target.Item2][target.Item1 - 1] == 2) { Tuple<int, int> end = new Tuple<int, int>(target.Item1, target.Item2); Tuple<int, int> start = new Tuple<int, int>(target.Item1 - 1, target.Item2); damagedShipAt(start, end); } } if (target.Item2 < 9) { if (knownBoard[target.Item2 + 1][target.Item1] == 2) { Tuple<int, int> start = new Tuple<int, int>(target.Item1, target.Item2); Tuple<int, int> end = new Tuple<int, int>(target.Item1, target.Item2 + 1); damagedShipAt(start, end); } } if (target.Item2 > 0) { if (knownBoard[target.Item2 - 1][target.Item1] == 2) { Tuple<int, int> end = new Tuple<int, int>(target.Item1, target.Item2); Tuple<int, int> start = new Tuple<int, int>(target.Item1, target.Item2 - 1); damagedShipAt(start, end); } } updateKnownBoard(target.Item1 + 1, target.Item2, 3); //Update the surrounding nodes updateKnownBoard(target.Item1 - 1, target.Item2, 3); updateKnownBoard(target.Item1, target.Item2 + 1, 3); updateKnownBoard(target.Item1, target.Item2 - 1, 3); if (targetBoard.getShip(target.Item1, target.Item2).getDead()) { deadShipAt(targetBoard.getShip(target.Item1, target.Item2).getStart(), targetBoard.getShip(target.Item1, target.Item2).getEnd()); updateKnownBoard(target.Item1, target.Item2, 4); } } else { updateKnownBoard(target.Item1, target.Item2, 1); } }