private void CheckStats() { _player.DisplayEquipment(); string[] types = Enum.GetNames(typeof(ItemType)); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("Change Equipment:\n\r 1. Back" + $"\n\r {string.Join("\n\r ", types.Select((type, index) => $"{index+2}. {type}"))}"); int option = ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput(types.Length + 2); if (option == 1) { return; } var itemType = (ItemType)(option - 2); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"\nYour inventory of {itemType}s:\n\r 1. Back" + $"\n\r {string.Join("\n\r ", _inventory[itemType].Select((item, index) => $"{index + 2}. {item}"))}"); option = ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput(_inventory[itemType].Count + 2); if (option == 1) { CheckStats(); return; } SwapEquipment(itemType, option - 2); _player.ApplyItemStats(); }
public void GenerateNewItem() { var item = new Item(_owner.Level); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"Recieved new item!\n {item}", ConsoleColor.Blue); _inventory[item.Type].Add(item); }
private static IMonster InstantiatePlayer() { ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("Enter a class: " + string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(Race)))); IMonster player = GetMonster(ConsoleExtras.GetRaceInput()); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("\nWrite stat inputs for your monster.", ConsoleColor.Cyan); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("TIP: if input is outside range, it will be automatically put within range", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); GetStatInfo(player, out int health, out int defence, out int power, out int speed); return(player.Initialize(health, defence, power, speed)); }
public void Start() { Console.WriteLine("Enter a class: " + string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(Race)))); _player = GetMonster(ConsoleExtras.GetRaceInput(), 1); Thread.Sleep(10); // Seperate the seed for System.Random's algorithm. _enemy = InstantiateEnemy(_player.Race, _player.Level); _random = new Random(); Continue = true; _round = 0; _wave = 1; }
private static void GetStatInfo(IMonster monster, out int health, out int defence, out int power, out int speed) { ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"Enter a value between {} and {} for health"); health = ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput(); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"Enter a value between {monster.Min.defence} and {monster.Max.defence} for defence"); defence = ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput(); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"Enter a value between {monster.Min.power} and {monster.Max.power} for power"); power = ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput(); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"Enter a value between {monster.Min.speed} and {monster.Max.speed} for speed"); speed = ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("What would you like to do?\n1. Test Monsters\n2. Start Simulation"); bool @continue; switch (ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput()) { case 1: { ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("How many tests per monster? (1-100)"); int amount = Math.Min(Math.Max(1, ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput()), 100); Console.Clear(); new BalanceTester(amount).TestMonsters(); Console.WriteLine(); @continue = true; break; } case 2: { var engine = new Engine(); engine.Start(); Console.Clear(); while (engine.Continue) { engine.Update(); } ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("Want to play again?"); @continue = ConsoleExtras.GetBoolInput(); Console.Clear(); break; } default: ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("INVALID OPTION", ConsoleColor.Red); @continue = true; break; } if (@continue) { Main(null); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { IMonster player = InstantiatePlayer(); IMonster enemy = InstantiateEnemy(player.Race); Console.Clear(); for (int i = 0; player.IsAlive && enemy.IsAlive; i++) { ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("Select Option:\n\r1. Fight\n\r2. Check Stats"); switch (ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput()) { case 1: Attack(i, player, enemy); break; case 2: ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"\nYour monster's stats:\t{player}", ConsoleColor.Cyan); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"Enemy's stats:\t{enemy}\n", ConsoleColor.Red); break; default: ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("Invalid Selection", ConsoleColor.Red); break; } Console.WriteLine(); } if (player.IsAlive) { ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("YOU WIN!", ConsoleColor.Cyan); } else { ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("YOU LOSE", ConsoleColor.Red); } ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("Want to play again?"); if (ConsoleExtras.GetBoolInput()) { Console.Clear(); Main(null); } }
private static IMonster InstantiateEnemy(Race race) { var ran = new Random(); int length = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Race)).Length; Race randomRace; do { randomRace = (Race)ran.Next(0, length); }while (randomRace == race); IMonster enemy = GetMonster(randomRace); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"\nWrite stat inputs for enemy monster ({enemy.Name}).", ConsoleColor.Red); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("TIP: if input is outside range, it will be automatically put within range", ConsoleColor.DarkYellow); GetStatInfo(enemy, out int health, out int defence, out int power, out int speed); return(enemy.Initialize(health, defence, power, speed)); }
public void Update() { _round++; ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("Select Option:\n\r1. Fight\n\r2. Check Stats\n\r3. Check Equipment\n\r4. Quit"); switch (ConsoleExtras.GetIntInput(5)) { case 1: ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"\nRound {_round}, Wave {_wave}:"); Attack(_player, _enemy); break; case 2: ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"\nYour stats:\n{_player}", ConsoleColor.Cyan); ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"Enemy's stats:\n{_enemy}\n", ConsoleColor.Red); break; case 3: CheckStats(); break; case 4: Continue = false; return; } if (!_enemy.IsAlive) { ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("New Enemy has appeared!", ConsoleColor.DarkRed); _enemy = InstantiateEnemy(_player.Race, _random.Next(_player.Level - 1, _player.Level + 1)); _round = 0; _wave++; } if (!_player.IsAlive) { Continue = false; } Console.WriteLine(); }
private static void Attack(int counter, IMonster player, IMonster enemy) { ConsoleExtras.ColorLine($"\nRound {counter + 1}:"); if (player.Speed >= enemy.Speed) { player.Attack(enemy); if (enemy.IsAlive) { enemy.Attack(player); } } else { enemy.Attack(player); if (player.IsAlive) { player.Attack(enemy); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool @continue; var engine = new Engine(); engine.Start(); Console.Clear(); while (engine.Continue) { engine.Update(); } ConsoleExtras.ColorLine("Want to play again?"); @continue = ConsoleExtras.GetBoolInput(); Console.Clear(); if (@continue) { Main(null); } }