예제 #1
        //Maximal phrase: (subject)
        //jan pona anu ike lon tomo ...li pona tawa mi.
        //kili suwi en namako lon tomo ...li pona tawa mi.
        //kili suwi en namako anu loje lon tomo .... li pona tawa mi.
        //kili suwi namako anu loje
        public HeadedPhrase(Word head, WordSet modifiers = null, PrepositionalPhrase[] prepositionalPhrases = null, WordSet joinedModifiers = null, WordSet alternativeModifiers = null)
            //if (new[] { "mi", "sina", "ona" }.Contains(head.Text))
            //    throw new ArgumentException("mi, sina, ona can only be pronouns, so you must use ComplexPronoun");

            if (modifiers != null && (modifiers.Contains(Words.kin) || modifiers.Contains(Words.ala)))
                ParserUtils pu         = new ParserUtils(Dialect.LooseyGoosey);
                var         mergedTail = pu.TurnThisWordsIntoWordsWithTaggedWords(modifiers.ToArray());
                modifiers = new WordSet(mergedTail);

            ValidateConstruction(head, modifiers);

            this.head                 = head;
            this.modifiers            = modifiers;
            this.prepositionalPhrases = prepositionalPhrases;
            this.joinedModifiers      = joinedModifiers;
            this.alternativeModifiers = alternativeModifiers;
예제 #2
        private static void ValidateConstruction(Word head, WordSet modifiers)
            if (head == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("head", "Cannot construct with null");
            //HACK: related to taso in la fragment, and logical operators not implemented yet.
            if (!(Exclamation.IsExclamation(head.Text) || head.Text == "taso" || head.Text == "anu") && Token.CheckIsParticle(head.Text))
                throw new TpSyntaxException(
                          "You cannot have a headed phrase that is headed by a particle. That would be a chain. " + head.Text + " " + (modifiers == null ? "" : modifiers.ToString()));

            if (head.Text == "o" && modifiers != null && modifiers.Count > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Warning: We have an o with modifiers. This should be crazy rare." + head.Text + " " + modifiers);

            if (ProperModifier.IsProperModifer(head.Text))
                string warning = string.Empty;
                if (Word.IsWord(head.Text.ToLower()))
                    warning = " (This is a valid word, maybe it shouldn't be capitalized?)";
                if (!Number.IsPomanNumber(head.Text))
                    throw new TpSyntaxException("Proper modifiers cannot be the head of a headed phrase " + head.Text + warning);
            if (modifiers != null)
                foreach (Word word in modifiers)
                    if (word.Text == "en" || word.Text == "anu")
                        continue;                                          //HACK: Deferring dealing with these.
                    if (word.Text == "taso")
                        continue;                      //Taso actually is a modifier. Carry on.
                    if (Particle.CheckIsParticle(word.Text))
                        throw new TpSyntaxException("Particles shouldn't be modifiers: " + head.Text + " " + modifiers);

                if (modifiers.Contains(Words.ona))
                    if (modifiers.Contains(Words.mi))
                        throw new TpSyntaxException("Can't have ona and mi in modifier list." + head.Text + " " + modifiers);
                    if (modifiers.Contains(Words.sina))
                        throw new TpSyntaxException("Can't have ona and sina in modifier list." + head.Text + " " + modifiers);
                if (modifiers.Contains(Words.sina))
                    if (modifiers.Contains(Words.mi))
                        throw new TpSyntaxException("Can't have sina and mi in modifier list." + head.Text + " " + modifiers);
            if (modifiers != null && modifiers.Count > 1)
                var query = modifiers.GroupBy(x => x)
                            .Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
                            .Select(y => y.Key)
                if (query.Count > 0)
                    throw new TpSyntaxException("Degenerate modifiers-- doubles " + modifiers);
            //5 about never gets false positives.
            if (modifiers != null && modifiers.Count > 3)
                if (head.Text == "nanpa")
                    //no surprise there
                else if (head.Text == "kama" || head.Text == "kama")
                    //Defer kama/tawa, they take unmarked complements, so they make for long verb phrases.
                else if (modifiers.Any(x => x.Text == "anu" || x.Text == "en" || x.Text == "kama" || x.Text == "tawa")) //Because we've deferred dealing with conj. & serial verbs
                    throw new TpSyntaxException("Suspiciously long headed phrase " + head + " " + modifiers);