예제 #1
        private void setSelectedProgramme()
            List <CourseProgrammePart> programmeParts = DatabaseConnection.readCourseProgrammePart(departmentWindow.selectedProgramme);

            // Clear tree before repopulating

            // Count the number of parts of the programme
            List <String> listOfParts = new List <String>();

            foreach (CourseProgrammePart courseProgrammePart in programmeParts)
                bool isPartFound = false;
                foreach (String part in listOfParts)
                    if (courseProgrammePart.part == part)
                        isPartFound = true;

                if (!isPartFound)

            TreeViewItem[] partItems = new TreeViewItem[listOfParts.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < partItems.Length; i++)
                if (partItems[i] == null)
                    partItems[i] = new TreeViewItem();

                partItems[i].IsExpanded = false;

                // Create stack panel
                StackPanel stack = new StackPanel();
                stack.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
                var background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
                stack.Background   = background;
                background.Opacity = 100;

                // Create Image
                //Image image = new Image();
                //image.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(BasicManipulation.Properties.Resources.programmeIcon));

                // Part Label
                Label partLabel = new Label();
                partLabel.Content = "PART " + listOfParts.ElementAt(i);

                List <Course> programmeCourses = DatabaseConnection.readCoursesUsingProgrammePart(departmentWindow.selectedProgramme, listOfParts.ElementAt(i));
                foreach (Course programmeCourse in programmeCourses)
                    TreeViewItem programmeCourseItem = new TreeViewItem();

                    programmeCourseItem.IsExpanded = false;

                    createCourseListButton(programmeCourseItem, BasicManipulation.Properties.Resources.programmeIcon, programmeCourse.id);


                // Add into stack

                // assign stack to header
                partItems[i].Header = stack;

예제 #2
        public void setCoursePath(String topCourseId)
            Course topCourse = DatabaseConnection.getCourse(topCourseId);

            if (topCourse == null)


            // First sem courses should be in the left
            double year4StartXLocation1 = Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine3) + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_TOP_GAP;
            double year3StartXLocation1 = Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine2) + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_TOP_GAP;
            double year2StartXLocation1 = Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine1) + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_TOP_GAP;
            double year1StartXLocation1 = CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_TOP_GAP;

            // Second sem courses should be in the right
            double year4StartXLocation2 = coursePathCanvas.Width - CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_TOP_GAP - topCourse.courseButton.Width;
            double year3StartXLocation2 = Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine3) - CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_TOP_GAP - topCourse.courseButton.Width;
            double year2StartXLocation2 = Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine2) - CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_TOP_GAP - topCourse.courseButton.Width;
            double year1StartXLocation2 = Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine1) - CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_TOP_GAP - topCourse.courseButton.Width;

            // Course can be taken in any semester - place this in the center
            double year4StartXLocation0 = Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine3) + ((coursePathCanvas.Width - Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine3)) / 2) - (topCourse.courseButton.Width / 2);
            double year3StartXLocation0 = Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine2) + ((Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine3) - Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine2)) / 2) - (topCourse.courseButton.Width / 2);
            double year2StartXLocation0 = Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine1) + ((Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine2) - Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine1)) / 2) - (topCourse.courseButton.Width / 2);
            double year1StartXLocation0 = (Canvas.GetLeft(dashLine1) / 2) - (topCourse.courseButton.Width / 2);

            // Making sure things will not mess up
            if ((topCourse != null) && (topCourseId != null) && (topCourseId.Length != 0))
                // Populating the top most course
                double previousStartX = 0;
                double previousStartY = CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;

                Course existingCourse = getCourseFromCanvas(topCourse);
                if (existingCourse == null)
                    if (topCourse.year == 4)
                        if (topCourse.sem == 1)
                            // Course should be taken in the 1st sem - place this in the left
                            previousStartX = year4StartXLocation1;
                        else if (topCourse.sem == 2)
                            // Course should be taken in the 2nd sem - place this in the right
                            previousStartX = year4StartXLocation2;
                            // Course can be taken in any semester - place this in the center
                            previousStartX = year4StartXLocation0;

                        for (int i = 0; isCoursePointYExist(previousStartY, collectionOflistOfY[(int)CommonInternals.CourseYear.FOURTH_YEAR]); i++)
                            previousStartY += topCourse.courseButton.Height + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;
                    else if (topCourse.year == 3)
                        if (topCourse.sem == 1)
                            previousStartX = year3StartXLocation1;
                        else if (topCourse.sem == 2)
                            previousStartX = year3StartXLocation2;
                            // Course can be taken in any semester - place this in the center
                            previousStartX = year3StartXLocation0;

                        for (int i = 0; isCoursePointYExist(previousStartY, collectionOflistOfY[(int)CommonInternals.CourseYear.THIRD_YEAR]) == true; i++)
                            previousStartY += topCourse.courseButton.Height + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;
                    else if (topCourse.year == 2)
                        if (topCourse.sem == 1)
                            previousStartX = year2StartXLocation1;
                        else if (topCourse.sem == 2)
                            previousStartX = year2StartXLocation2;
                            // Course can be taken in any semester - place this in the center
                            previousStartX = year2StartXLocation0;

                        for (int i = 0; isCoursePointYExist(previousStartY, collectionOflistOfY[(int)CommonInternals.CourseYear.SECOND_YEAR]) == true; i++)
                            previousStartY += topCourse.courseButton.Height + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;
                    else if (topCourse.year == 1)
                        if (topCourse.sem == 1)
                            previousStartX = year1StartXLocation1;
                        else if (topCourse.sem == 2)
                            previousStartX = year1StartXLocation2;
                            // Course can be taken in any semester - place this in the center
                            previousStartX = year1StartXLocation0;

                        for (int i = 0; isCoursePointYExist(previousStartY, collectionOflistOfY[(int)CommonInternals.CourseYear.FIRST_YEAR]) == true; i++)
                            previousStartY += topCourse.courseButton.Height + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;

                    Canvas.SetLeft(topCourse.courseButton, previousStartX);
                    Canvas.SetTop(topCourse.courseButton, previousStartY);
                    previousStartX = Canvas.GetLeft(existingCourse.courseButton);
                    previousStartY = Canvas.GetTop(existingCourse.courseButton);

                topCourse.programmeWindow = this;

                Rect  topcourseButtonRect        = Utilities.GetRectOfObject(topCourse.courseButton);
                Point relativePointEllipse2Left  = new Point(previousStartX, previousStartY + (topcourseButtonRect.Height / 2));
                Point relativePointEllipse2Right = new Point(previousStartX + (topcourseButtonRect.Width), previousStartY + (topcourseButtonRect.Height / 2));

                // Populating the course path
                List <Course> courses   = DatabaseConnection.getPrerequisiteCourses(topCourse.id);
                Line[]        connector = new Line[courses.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < courses.Count; i++)
                    Course course = courses.ElementAt(i);

                    previousStartY = CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;
                    Course existingCourse2 = getCourseFromCanvas(course);
                    if (existingCourse2 == null)
                        if (course.year == 4)
                            // Set the X location
                            if (course.sem == 1)
                                previousStartX = year4StartXLocation1;
                            else if (course.sem == 2)
                                previousStartX = year4StartXLocation2;
                                // Course can be taken in any semester - place this in the center
                                previousStartX = year4StartXLocation0;

                            // Move new courses to the end of the list - descending
                            while (isCoursePointYExist(previousStartY, collectionOflistOfY[(int)CommonInternals.CourseYear.FOURTH_YEAR]))
                                previousStartY += course.courseButton.Height + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;
                        else if (course.year == 3)
                            if (course.sem == 1)
                                previousStartX = year3StartXLocation1;
                            else if (course.sem == 2)
                                previousStartX = year3StartXLocation2;
                                // Course can be taken in any semester - place this in the center
                                previousStartX = year3StartXLocation0;

                            // Move new courses to the end of the list - descending
                            while (isCoursePointYExist(previousStartY, collectionOflistOfY[(int)CommonInternals.CourseYear.THIRD_YEAR]))
                                previousStartY += course.courseButton.Height + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;
                        else if (course.year == 2)
                            if (course.sem == 1)
                                previousStartX = year2StartXLocation1;
                            else if (course.sem == 2)
                                previousStartX = year2StartXLocation2;
                                // Course can be taken in any semester - place this in the center
                                previousStartX = year2StartXLocation0;

                            // Move new courses to the end of the list - descending
                            while (isCoursePointYExist(previousStartY, collectionOflistOfY[(int)CommonInternals.CourseYear.SECOND_YEAR]))
                                previousStartY += course.courseButton.Height + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;
                        else if (course.year == 1)
                            if (course.sem == 1)
                                previousStartX = year1StartXLocation1;
                            else if (course.sem == 2)
                                previousStartX = year1StartXLocation2;
                                // Course can be taken in any semester - place this in the center
                                previousStartX = year1StartXLocation0;;

                            // Move new courses to the end of the list - descending
                            while (isCoursePointYExist(previousStartY, collectionOflistOfY[(int)CommonInternals.CourseYear.FIRST_YEAR]))
                                previousStartY += course.courseButton.Height + CommonInternals.COURSE_BUTTON_LEFT_GAP;

                        Canvas.SetLeft(course.courseButton, previousStartX);
                        Canvas.SetTop(course.courseButton, previousStartY);
                        course.programmeWindow = this;
                        previousStartX = Canvas.GetLeft(existingCourse2.courseButton);
                        previousStartY = Canvas.GetTop(existingCourse2.courseButton);
                        course         = existingCourse2;

                    // Sets the location where to start drawing the Line connecting the courses
                    Point relativePointEllipse1 = new Point(previousStartX + (topcourseButtonRect.Width), previousStartY + (topcourseButtonRect.Height / 2));

                    // For now, we do not need to create a course connecting line of both courses are in the same year.
                    if (topCourse.year != course.year)
                        var points = Utilities.CreateLineWithArrowPointCollection(new Point(relativePointEllipse1.X, relativePointEllipse1.Y),
                                                                                  new Point(relativePointEllipse2Left.X, relativePointEllipse2Left.Y),

                        var polygon = new Polygon();
                        polygon.Points = points;
                        polygon.Fill   = Brushes.Black;


                     * {
                     *  // This is when the pre-requisite course is within the same year level as the target course
                     *  //
                     *  var courseConnectorePolyline = new Polyline();
                     *  courseConnectorePolyline.Stroke = Brushes.Black;
                     *  courseConnectorePolyline.StrokeThickness = 1;
                     *  PointCollection polygonPoints = new PointCollection();
                     *  if(course.sem == 1)
                     *  {
                     *      // 3 points for pre-req which is in the previous sem
                     *      //
                     *      Point[] points = new Point[3];
                     *      points[0] = new Point(relativePointEllipse1.X, relativePointEllipse1.Y);
                     *      points[1] = new Point(relativePointEllipse1.X + (course.courseButton.Width / 4) - 25, relativePointEllipse1.Y);
                     *      points[2] = new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(topCourse.courseButton) + (topCourse.courseButton.Width / 2), Canvas.GetTop(topCourse.courseButton) + topCourse.courseButton.Height);
                     *      //points[3] = new Point(Canvas.GetLeft(topCourse.courseButton) + topCourse.courseButton.Width, Canvas.GetTop(topCourse.courseButton) + (topCourse.courseButton.Height/2));
                     *      polygonPoints.Add(points[0]);
                     *      polygonPoints.Add(points[1]);
                     *      polygonPoints.Add(points[2]);
                     *      //polygonPoints.Add(points[3]);
                     *  }
                     *  else if (course.sem == 2)
                     *  {
                     *      // 4 points for pre-req which is in the previous sem
                     *      //
                     *      Point[] points = new Point[2];
                     *      points[0] = new Point(previousStartX + (course.courseButton.Width / 2), previousStartY + topcourseButtonRect.Height);
                     *      points[1] = new Point(relativePointEllipse1.X + (topCourse.courseButton.Width / 2), relativePointEllipse1.Y);
                     *      polygonPoints.Add(points[0]);
                     *      polygonPoints.Add(points[1]);
                     *  }
                     *  courseConnectorePolyline.Points = polygonPoints;
                     *  coursePathCanvas.Children.Add(courseConnectorePolyline);
                     * }