예제 #1
        // ugly regexp matching of clousot output to get our results
        public void ParseAndLogResults(string analysisResults, WarningInfo log)
            Contract.Requires(analysisResults != null);
            Contract.Requires(log != null);
            var           hashNameDiscrepancies = Regex.Matches(analysisResults, "HashName Discrepancy:(.*)");
            List <string> interestingMethods    = new List <string>();

            foreach (Match match in hashNameDiscrepancies)
            var methodMatchFailures = Regex.Match(analysisResults, "Failed to match ([0-9]+) methods");
            int matchFailures       = 0;

            if (methodMatchFailures.Success)
                matchFailures = Convert.ToInt32(methodMatchFailures.Groups[1].Value);
            int assertionsChecked = 0, assertionsCorrect = 0, assertionsUnknown = 0, assertionsFalse = 0, assertionsMasked = 0, assertionsUnreached = 0;
            int index = analysisResults.IndexOf("OutputSuggestion,,Checked ");

            if (index != -1)
                string resultsLine = analysisResults.Substring(index);
                var assertionsCheckedMatch   = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "Checked ([0-9]+) assertion");
                var assertionsCorrectMatch   = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) correct");
                var assertionsUnknownMatch   = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) unknown");
                var assertionsFalseMatch     = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) false");
                var assertionsMaskedMatch    = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) masked");
                var assertionsUnreachedMatch = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) unreached");
                if (assertionsCheckedMatch.Success)
                    assertionsChecked = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsCheckedMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                if (assertionsCorrectMatch.Success)
                    assertionsCorrect = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsCorrectMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                if (assertionsUnknownMatch.Success)
                    assertionsUnknown = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsUnknownMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                if (assertionsFalseMatch.Success)
                    assertionsFalse = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsFalseMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                if (assertionsMaskedMatch.Success)
                    assertionsMasked = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsMaskedMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                if (assertionsUnreachedMatch.Success)
                    assertionsUnreached = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsUnreachedMatch.Groups[1].Value);
            log.LogWarningInfo(assertionsChecked, assertionsCorrect, assertionsUnknown, assertionsFalse, assertionsMasked, assertionsUnreached, interestingMethods);
예제 #2
        // do the actual work of baselining
        private void BaselineImpl(bool rebuild, string baselineStrategy, int?startAtVersion = -1)
            List <string> reversed = new List <string>();

            // version numbers are most recent first by default; reverse this ordering
            foreach (string vnum in Repo.GetVersionNumbers())
            List <string> baselines     = new List <string>(); // holds baseline files of previous revision
            List <string> nextBaselines = new List <string>(); // holds baseline files of current revision
            // set up logging
            string logFileName = Path.Combine(Repo.WorkingDirectory, baselineStrategy + "_log.txt");
            var    logFile     = File.AppendText(logFileName);

            logFile.AutoFlush = true;
            // for each version of the program from first to last
            foreach (string version in reversed)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(version) < startAtVersion)
                Console.WriteLine("Baselining " + version);
                WarningInfo log = new WarningInfo(version);
                if (!Repo.CheckedOut(version))
                    Contract.Assert(Repo.Checkout(version) != null);                    // must check out repo in order to baseline it!
                if (rebuild || !Repo.Built(version))
                    Console.WriteLine("version " + version + " not built; building");
                    if (!Repo.Build(version))
                        Console.WriteLine("Build of version " + version + " failed!");
                    //Contract.Assert(Build(version)); // must successfully build repo in order to baseline it!
                string versionDir = Repo.MakeRepoPath(version);
                // get repro.bat file for all built projects
                List <string> repros = Util.GetRepros(versionDir);

                // else, run each repro.bat with the baseline flag pointing at the baseline file for the previous version, if such a file exists
                foreach (string repro in repros)
                    bool   newProj          = false;
                    string baselineFileName = repro.Replace("repro.bat", "base.xml");
                    // cleanup old baseline files to avoid accidentally suppressing all errors or other weirdness
                    if (File.Exists(baselineFileName))
                    if (File.Exists(baselineFileName + ".new"))
                        File.Delete(baselineFileName + ".new");
                    string stem  = Path.Combine(Repo.WorkingDirectory, Repo.Name);
                    var    match = Regex.Match(repro.Replace("repro.bat", ""), "[0-9]+(.*)");
                    string repoStem = match.Groups[1].Value;
                    repoStem = repoStem.Substring(0, repoStem.IndexOf("obj")); // try to make stem robust to silly changes in hierarchy of binary directory
                    // try to be robust to changes like changing from '\Theme\' to '\Source\Theme'
                    string altRepoStem = repoStem.Substring(repoStem.IndexOf('\\', 1));

                    //Console.WriteLine("repoStem is " + repoStem);
                    //Console.WriteLine("altRepoStem is " + altRepoStem);

                    string baselineMatch = null;
                    // pick appropriate baseline for this repro file
                    foreach (string baseline in baselines)
                        Console.WriteLine("baseline is " + baseline);
                        if (baseline.Contains(repoStem))
                            // only one baseline should match the stem; otherwise it's ambiguous which one we should use
                            Contract.Assert(baselineMatch == null, "ambiguous which baseline file to use " + baselineMatch + " or " + baseline);
                            baselineMatch = baseline;

                    // try alternate baseline matching if needed
                    if (baselineMatch == null && altRepoStem.Length > 2)
                        foreach (string baseline in baselines)
                            Console.WriteLine("baseline is " + baseline);
                            if (baseline.Contains(altRepoStem))
                                baselineMatch = baseline;

                    if (baselineMatch == null)
                        Console.WriteLine("Found new project " + repro + "; using empty baseline");
                        // we have no previous baseline file for this project; it must be new
                        baselineMatch = baselineFileName;
                        newProj       = true;
                    Contract.Assert(baselineMatch != null, "No baseline file matches stem " + repoStem);
                    Console.WriteLine("Using baseline file " + baselineMatch);

                    Console.WriteLine("Running analysis...");
                    string analysisResults = RunAnalysisWithBaseLine(repro, baselineMatch, baselineStrategy, newProj);
                    ParseAndLogResults(analysisResults, log);

                // update baseline files
                baselines     = nextBaselines;
                nextBaselines = new List <string>();
                // write log data
예제 #3
    // do the actual work of baselining
    private void BaselineImpl(bool rebuild, string baselineStrategy, int? startAtVersion = -1)
      List<string> reversed = new List<string>();
      // version numbers are most recent first by default; reverse this ordering
      foreach (string vnum in Repo.GetVersionNumbers()) reversed.Add(vnum);
      List<string> baselines = new List<string>(); // holds baseline files of previous revision
      List<string> nextBaselines = new List<string>(); // holds baseline files of current revision
      // set up logging
      string logFileName = Path.Combine(Repo.WorkingDirectory, baselineStrategy + "_log.txt");
      var logFile = File.AppendText(logFileName);
      logFile.AutoFlush = true;
      // for each version of the program from first to last
      foreach (string version in reversed)
        if (Convert.ToInt32(version) < startAtVersion) continue;
        Console.WriteLine("Baselining " + version);
        WarningInfo log = new WarningInfo(version);
        if (!Repo.CheckedOut(version)) Contract.Assert(Repo.Checkout(version) != null); // must check out repo in order to baseline it!
        if (rebuild || !Repo.Built(version))
          Console.WriteLine("version " + version + " not built; building");
          if (!Repo.Build(version))
            Console.WriteLine("Build of version " + version + " failed!");
          //Contract.Assert(Build(version)); // must successfully build repo in order to baseline it!
        string versionDir = Repo.MakeRepoPath(version);
        // get repro.bat file for all built projects
        List<string> repros = Util.GetRepros(versionDir);

        // else, run each repro.bat with the baseline flag pointing at the baseline file for the previous version, if such a file exists
        foreach (string repro in repros)
          bool newProj = false;
          string baselineFileName = repro.Replace("repro.bat", "base.xml");
          // cleanup old baseline files to avoid accidentally suppressing all errors or other weirdness
          if (File.Exists(baselineFileName))
          if (File.Exists(baselineFileName + ".new"))
            File.Delete(baselineFileName + ".new");
          string stem = Path.Combine(Repo.WorkingDirectory, Repo.Name);
          var match = Regex.Match(repro.Replace("repro.bat", ""), "[0-9]+(.*)");
          string repoStem = match.Groups[1].Value;
          repoStem = repoStem.Substring(0, repoStem.IndexOf("obj")); // try to make stem robust to silly changes in hierarchy of binary directory
          // try to be robust to changes like changing from '\Theme\' to '\Source\Theme'
          string altRepoStem = repoStem.Substring(repoStem.IndexOf('\\', 1));

          //Console.WriteLine("repoStem is " + repoStem);
          //Console.WriteLine("altRepoStem is " + altRepoStem);

          string baselineMatch = null;
          // pick appropriate baseline for this repro file
          foreach (string baseline in baselines)
            Console.WriteLine("baseline is " + baseline);
            if (baseline.Contains(repoStem))
              // only one baseline should match the stem; otherwise it's ambiguous which one we should use
              Contract.Assert(baselineMatch == null, "ambiguous which baseline file to use " + baselineMatch + " or " + baseline);
              baselineMatch = baseline;

          // try alternate baseline matching if needed
          if (baselineMatch == null && altRepoStem.Length > 2)
            foreach (string baseline in baselines)
              Console.WriteLine("baseline is " + baseline);
              if (baseline.Contains(altRepoStem))
                baselineMatch = baseline;

          if (baselineMatch == null)
            Console.WriteLine("Found new project " + repro + "; using empty baseline");
            // we have no previous baseline file for this project; it must be new
            baselineMatch = baselineFileName;
            newProj = true;
          Contract.Assert(baselineMatch != null, "No baseline file matches stem " + repoStem);
          Console.WriteLine("Using baseline file " + baselineMatch);

          Console.WriteLine("Running analysis...");
          string analysisResults = RunAnalysisWithBaseLine(repro, baselineMatch, baselineStrategy, newProj);
          ParseAndLogResults(analysisResults, log);

        // update baseline files
        baselines = nextBaselines;
        nextBaselines = new List<string>();
        // write log data
예제 #4
 // ugly regexp matching of clousot output to get our results
 public void ParseAndLogResults(string analysisResults, WarningInfo log)
   Contract.Requires(analysisResults != null);
   Contract.Requires(log != null);
   var hashNameDiscrepancies = Regex.Matches(analysisResults, "HashName Discrepancy:(.*)");
   List<string> interestingMethods = new List<string>();
   foreach (Match match in hashNameDiscrepancies)
   var methodMatchFailures = Regex.Match(analysisResults, "Failed to match ([0-9]+) methods");
   int matchFailures = 0;
   if (methodMatchFailures.Success) matchFailures = Convert.ToInt32(methodMatchFailures.Groups[1].Value);
   int assertionsChecked = 0, assertionsCorrect = 0, assertionsUnknown = 0, assertionsFalse = 0, assertionsMasked = 0, assertionsUnreached = 0;
   int index = analysisResults.IndexOf("OutputSuggestion,,Checked ");
   if (index != -1)
     string resultsLine = analysisResults.Substring(index);
     var assertionsCheckedMatch = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "Checked ([0-9]+) assertion");
     var assertionsCorrectMatch = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) correct");
     var assertionsUnknownMatch = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) unknown");
     var assertionsFalseMatch = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) false");
     var assertionsMaskedMatch = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) masked");
     var assertionsUnreachedMatch = Regex.Match(resultsLine, "([0-9]+) unreached");
     if (assertionsCheckedMatch.Success) assertionsChecked = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsCheckedMatch.Groups[1].Value);
     if (assertionsCorrectMatch.Success) assertionsCorrect = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsCorrectMatch.Groups[1].Value);
     if (assertionsUnknownMatch.Success) assertionsUnknown = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsUnknownMatch.Groups[1].Value);
     if (assertionsFalseMatch.Success) assertionsFalse = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsFalseMatch.Groups[1].Value);
     if (assertionsMaskedMatch.Success) assertionsMasked = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsMaskedMatch.Groups[1].Value);
     if (assertionsUnreachedMatch.Success) assertionsUnreached = Convert.ToInt32(assertionsUnreachedMatch.Groups[1].Value);
   log.LogWarningInfo(assertionsChecked, assertionsCorrect, assertionsUnknown, assertionsFalse, assertionsMasked, assertionsUnreached, interestingMethods);