static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Start"); Ball ball = new Ball(); Ball ball2 = new Ball(); Bat bat = ball.GetNewBat(); bat = ball.GetNewBat(); Pitcher pitcher = new Pitcher(ball); Catcher cathcer = new Catcher(ball); Batter batter = new Batter(ball); FirstBaseman firstBaseman = new FirstBaseman(ball); SecondBaseman secondBaseman = new SecondBaseman(ball); ThirdBaseman thirdBaseman = new ThirdBaseman(ball); Fan energeticFan = new Fan(ball); Umpire goodUmpire = new Umpire(ball); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(50, 80)); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(50, 80)); //int[][] parmas = new int[][]; ball.OnBallInPlayTest(new BallEventArgs(50, 80)); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(40, 200)); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(40, 200)); Console.WriteLine(); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(40, 200)); //Add listener many times: goodUmpire.StartLookingAtBall(ball); goodUmpire.StartLookingAtBall(ball); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(30, 910)); Console.WriteLine(); goodUmpire.StopLookingAtBall(); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(30, 910)); goodUmpire.StopLookingAtBall(); goodUmpire.StopLookingAtBall(); Console.WriteLine(); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(50, 80)); Console.WriteLine(); goodUmpire.StartWaitgingForHit(bat); goodUmpire.StartWaitgingForHit(bat); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(50, 80)); bat.HitTheBall(new BallEventArgs(50, 80)); Console.ReadKey(); }
private void playBallButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Bat bat = ball.GetNewBat(); BallEventArgs ballEventArgs = new BallEventArgs( (int)trajectory.Value, (int)distance.Value); bat.HitTheBall(ballEventArgs); }
public void PlayBall() { Bat bat = ball.GetNewBat(); BallEventArgs ballEventArgs = new BallEventArgs(Trajectory, Distance); bat.HitTheBall(ballEventArgs); // Below is the old implementation, until the event raiser was made protected. // In this way, the event can only be accessed by the Callback pattern set up in the bat object. // ball.OnBallInPlay(ballEventArgs); }