private static void OnItemsSet(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            // If the Items property is set, create new ScoreBoardItem controls for each item, bind the appropriate values, and subscribe to any events.
            var scoreBoard = d as ScoreBoard;

            if (e.NewValue != null)
                var collection = (ObservableCollection <CountryResultsViewModel>)e.NewValue;

                foreach (var countryResultsViewModel in collection)
                    var scoreBoardItem = new ScoreBoardItem()
                        DataContext = countryResultsViewModel,
                        Opacity     = 0

                    var binding = new Binding("TotalPoints");
                    binding.Source = countryResultsViewModel;
                    scoreBoardItem.SetBinding(ScoreBoardItem.TotalPointsProperty, binding);

                    scoreBoardItem.CurrentPointsUpdated += scoreBoard.ScoreBoardItem_CurrentPointsUpdated;
        private static void BindItemWidthToScoreBoardWidth(ScoreBoardItem scoreBoardItem)
            Binding widthBinding = new Binding("ActualWidth");

            widthBinding.RelativeSource = new RelativeSource(RelativeSourceMode.FindAncestor,
                                                             typeof(ScoreBoard), 1);
            scoreBoardItem.SetBinding(ScoreBoardItem.WidthProperty, widthBinding);
        private void AddScoreBoardItem(ScoreBoardItem scoreBoardItem)

            Canvas.SetTop(scoreBoardItem, nextScoreBoardItemTop);
            Debug.WriteLine($"AddItem: Canvas.SetTop({(scoreBoardItem.DataContext as CountryResultsViewModel).Name}, {nextScoreBoardItemTop});");

            // Update the next top and animation delay values for any subsequently added ScoreBoardItems.
            nextScoreBoardItemTop           += scoreBoardItemHeight;
            nextScoreBoardItemAnimationDelay = nextScoreBoardItemAnimationDelay + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.1);
        private void SetAnimationForScoreBoardItem(ScoreBoardItem item, double yOffset, TimeSpan beginTime)
            // Add an animation that instantly sets this item's inital opacity to 0.
            AddDoubleAnimationToStoryboard(item, UIElement.OpacityProperty, EntranceStoryboard);

            // Add an animation that animates the opacity from 0 to 1
            AddDoubleAnimationToStoryboard(item, UIElement.OpacityProperty, EntranceStoryboard, beginTime, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0), 0, 1);

            var translateYAnimation = AddDoubleAnimationToStoryboard(item, Canvas.TopProperty, EntranceStoryboard, beginTime, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.7), yOffset + 180.0, yOffset);

            translateYAnimation.FillBehavior   = FillBehavior.Stop; // This animation has to be on Stop because otherwise we can't set  Canvas.Top anymore after the animation.
            translateYAnimation.EasingFunction = new ExponentialEase()
                EasingMode = EasingMode.EaseOut,
                Exponent   = 2.0

            // Because FillBehavior has to be on stop, we have to manually reset the top position at the end of the animation. We do this in the Completed Event Handler.
            Debug.WriteLine("-------- Setting completed event");
            translateYAnimation.Completed += (sender, e) =>
                Debug.Write("Hold on enter");

                // Keep track of how many ScoreboardItem-animations we have had. When we've seen them all, fire an event so that
                // any subscribers know the entire animation is completed.

                const int numPropertiesSetInAnimation = 3;
                if (numAnimationsCompleted == EntranceStoryboard.Children.Count / numPropertiesSetInAnimation) // Divide the number of animations by the number of properties we set in each animation to know the "real" number of animations.
                    EntranceAnimationCompleted?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
                    numAnimationsCompleted = 0;

            Debug.WriteLine($"ENTERING {(item.DataContext as CountryResultsViewModel).Name}({((item.DataContext as CountryResultsViewModel)).TotalPoints} points, position {Canvas.GetTop(item)}) from {translateYAnimation.From} to {translateYAnimation.To}");