public FabricationRecipe(XElement element, ItemPrefab itemPrefab) { TargetItem = itemPrefab; string displayName = element.GetAttributeString("displayname", ""); DisplayName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName) ? itemPrefab.Name : TextManager.Get($"DisplayName.{displayName}"); SuitableFabricatorIdentifiers = element.GetAttributeStringArray("suitablefabricators", new string[0]); RequiredSkills = new List <Skill>(); RequiredTime = element.GetAttributeFloat("requiredtime", 1.0f); OutCondition = element.GetAttributeFloat("outcondition", 1.0f); RequiredItems = new List <RequiredItem>(); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "requiredskill": if (subElement.Attribute("name") != null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in fabricable item " + itemPrefab.Name + "! Use skill identifiers instead of names."); continue; } RequiredSkills.Add(new Skill( subElement.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""), subElement.GetAttributeInt("level", 0))); break; case "item": case "requireditem": string requiredItemIdentifier = subElement.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requiredItemIdentifier)) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in fabricable item " + itemPrefab.Name + "! One of the required items has no identifier."); continue; } float minCondition = subElement.GetAttributeFloat("mincondition", 1.0f); //Substract mincondition from required item's condition or delete it regardless? bool useCondition = subElement.GetAttributeBool("usecondition", true); int count = subElement.GetAttributeInt("count", 1); ItemPrefab requiredItem = MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, requiredItemIdentifier.Trim()) as ItemPrefab; if (requiredItem == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in fabricable item " + itemPrefab.Name + "! Required item \"" + requiredItemIdentifier + "\" not found."); continue; } var existing = RequiredItems.Find(r => r.ItemPrefab == requiredItem); if (existing == null) { RequiredItems.Add(new RequiredItem(requiredItem, count, minCondition, useCondition)); } else { RequiredItems.Remove(existing); RequiredItems.Add(new RequiredItem(requiredItem, existing.Amount + count, minCondition, useCondition)); } break; } } }
public SalvageMission(MissionPrefab prefab, Location[] locations) : base(prefab, locations) { containerTag = prefab.ConfigElement.GetAttributeString("containertag", ""); if (prefab.ConfigElement.Attribute("itemname") != null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in SalvageMission - use item identifier instead of the name of the item."); string itemName = prefab.ConfigElement.GetAttributeString("itemname", ""); itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(itemName) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in SalvageMission: couldn't find an item prefab with the name " + itemName); } } else { string itemIdentifier = prefab.ConfigElement.GetAttributeString("itemidentifier", ""); itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, itemIdentifier) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in SalvageMission - couldn't find an item prefab with the identifier " + itemIdentifier); } } existingItemTag = prefab.ConfigElement.GetAttributeString("existingitemtag", ""); showMessageWhenPickedUp = prefab.ConfigElement.GetAttributeBool("showmessagewhenpickedup", false); string spawnPositionTypeStr = prefab.ConfigElement.GetAttributeString("spawntype", ""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spawnPositionTypeStr) || !Enum.TryParse(spawnPositionTypeStr, true, out spawnPositionType)) { spawnPositionType = Level.PositionType.Cave | Level.PositionType.Ruin; } foreach (XElement element in prefab.ConfigElement.Elements()) { switch (element.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "statuseffect": { var newEffect = StatusEffect.Load(element, parentDebugName: prefab.Name); if (newEffect == null) { continue; } statusEffects.Add(new List <StatusEffect> { newEffect }); break; } case "chooserandom": statusEffects.Add(new List <StatusEffect>()); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { var newEffect = StatusEffect.Load(subElement, parentDebugName: prefab.Name); if (newEffect == null) { continue; } statusEffects.Last().Add(newEffect); } break; } } }
private void GiveTreatment(float deltaTime) { if (targetCharacter == null) { string errorMsg = $"{character.Name}: Attempted to update a Rescue objective with no target!"; DebugConsole.ThrowError(errorMsg); Abandon = true; return; } SteeringManager?.Reset(); if (!targetCharacter.IsPlayer) { // If the target is a bot, don't let it move targetCharacter.AIController?.SteeringManager?.Reset(); } if (treatmentTimer > 0.0f) { treatmentTimer -= deltaTime; return; } treatmentTimer = TreatmentDelay; //find which treatments are the most suitable to treat the character's current condition targetCharacter.CharacterHealth.GetSuitableTreatments(currentTreatmentSuitabilities, normalize: false); //check if we already have a suitable treatment for any of the afflictions foreach (Affliction affliction in GetSortedAfflictions(targetCharacter)) { if (affliction == null) { throw new Exception("Affliction was null"); } if (affliction.Prefab == null) { throw new Exception("Affliction prefab was null"); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> treatmentSuitability in affliction.Prefab.TreatmentSuitability) { if (currentTreatmentSuitabilities.ContainsKey(treatmentSuitability.Key) && currentTreatmentSuitabilities[treatmentSuitability.Key] > 0.0f) { Item matchingItem = character.Inventory.FindItemByIdentifier(treatmentSuitability.Key, true); if (matchingItem == null) { continue; } ApplyTreatment(affliction, matchingItem); //wait a bit longer after applying a treatment to wait for potential side-effects to manifest treatmentTimer = TreatmentDelay * 4; return; } } } // Find treatments outside of own inventory only if inside the own sub. if (character.Submarine != null && character.Submarine.TeamID == character.TeamID) { float cprSuitability = targetCharacter.Oxygen < 0.0f ? -targetCharacter.Oxygen * 100.0f : 0.0f; //didn't have any suitable treatments available, try to find some medical items if (currentTreatmentSuitabilities.Any(s => s.Value > cprSuitability)) { itemNameList.Clear(); suitableItemIdentifiers.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> treatmentSuitability in currentTreatmentSuitabilities) { if (treatmentSuitability.Value <= cprSuitability) { continue; } if (MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, treatmentSuitability.Key, showErrorMessages: false) is ItemPrefab itemPrefab) { if (!Item.ItemList.Any(it => it.prefab.Identifier == treatmentSuitability.Key)) { continue; } suitableItemIdentifiers.Add(treatmentSuitability.Key); //only list the first 4 items if (itemNameList.Count < 4) { itemNameList.Add(itemPrefab.Name); } } } if (itemNameList.Count > 0) { string itemListStr = ""; if (itemNameList.Count == 1) { itemListStr = itemNameList[0]; } else { itemListStr = string.Join(" or ", string.Join(", ", itemNameList.Take(itemNameList.Count - 1)), itemNameList.Last()); } if (targetCharacter != character) { character.Speak(TextManager.GetWithVariables("DialogListRequiredTreatments", new string[2] { "[targetname]", "[treatmentlist]" }, new string[2] { targetCharacter.Name, itemListStr }, new bool[2] { false, true }), null, 2.0f, "listrequiredtreatments" + targetCharacter.Name, 60.0f); } character.DeselectCharacter(); RemoveSubObjective(ref getItemObjective); TryAddSubObjective(ref getItemObjective, constructor: () => new AIObjectiveGetItem(character, suitableItemIdentifiers.ToArray(), objectiveManager, equip: true, spawnItemIfNotFound: character.TeamID == Character.TeamType.FriendlyNPC), onCompleted: () => RemoveSubObjective(ref getItemObjective), onAbandon: () => RemoveSubObjective(ref getItemObjective)); } } } if (character != targetCharacter) { character.AnimController.Anim = AnimController.Animation.CPR; } }
public JobPrefab(XElement element) { SerializableProperty.DeserializeProperties(this, element); Name = TextManager.Get("JobName." + Identifier); Description = TextManager.Get("JobDescription." + Identifier); Identifier = Identifier.ToLowerInvariant(); Element = element; foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "items": Items = subElement; loadItemNames(subElement); break; case "skills": foreach (XElement skillElement in subElement.Elements()) { Skills.Add(new SkillPrefab(skillElement)); } break; case "autonomousobjectives": subElement.Elements().ForEach(order => AutomaticOrders.Add(new AutonomousObjective(order))); break; case "appropriateobjectives": case "appropriateorders": subElement.Elements().ForEach(order => AppropriateOrders.Add(order.GetAttributeString("identifier", "").ToLowerInvariant())); break; } } void loadItemNames(XElement parentElement) { foreach (XElement itemElement in parentElement.Elements()) { if (itemElement.Element("name") != null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in job config \"" + Name + "\" - use identifiers instead of names to configure the items."); ItemNames.Add(itemElement.GetAttributeString("name", "")); continue; } string itemIdentifier = itemElement.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(itemIdentifier)) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in job config \"" + Name + "\" - item with no identifier."); ItemNames.Add(""); } else { var prefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, itemIdentifier) as ItemPrefab; if (prefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in job config \"" + Name + "\" - item prefab \"" + itemIdentifier + "\" not found."); ItemNames.Add(""); } else { ItemNames.Add(prefab.Name); } } loadItemNames(itemElement); } } Skills.Sort((x, y) => y.LevelRange.X.CompareTo(x.LevelRange.X)); ClothingElement = element.Element("PortraitClothing"); if (ClothingElement == null) { ClothingElement = element.Element("portraitclothing"); } PreviewElement = element.Element("PreviewSprites"); if (PreviewElement == null) { PreviewElement = element.Element("previewsprites"); } }
private void LoadItemAsChild(XElement element, Item parent) { ItemPrefab itemPrefab; if (element.Attribute("name") != null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in cargo mission \"" + Name + "\" - use item identifiers instead of names to configure the items."); string itemName = element.GetAttributeString("name", ""); itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(itemName) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Couldn't spawn item for cargo mission: item prefab \"" + itemName + "\" not found"); return; } } else { string itemIdentifier = element.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""); itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, itemIdentifier) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Couldn't spawn item for cargo mission: item prefab \"" + itemIdentifier + "\" not found"); return; } } if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Couldn't spawn item for cargo mission: item prefab \"" + element.Name.ToString() + "\" not found"); return; } WayPoint cargoSpawnPos = WayPoint.GetRandom(SpawnType.Cargo, null, Submarine.MainSub, useSyncedRand: true); if (cargoSpawnPos == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Couldn't spawn items for cargo mission, cargo spawnpoint not found"); return; } var cargoRoom = cargoSpawnPos.CurrentHull; if (cargoRoom == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("A waypoint marked as Cargo must be placed inside a room!"); return; } Vector2 position = new Vector2( cargoSpawnPos.Position.X + Rand.Range(-20.0f, 20.0f, Rand.RandSync.Server), cargoRoom.Rect.Y - cargoRoom.Rect.Height + itemPrefab.Size.Y / 2); var item = new Item(itemPrefab, position, cargoRoom.Submarine) { SpawnedInOutpost = true }; item.FindHull(); items.Add(item); if (parent != null && parent.GetComponent <ItemContainer>() != null) { parentInventoryIDs.Add(item, parent.ID); parentItemContainerIndices.Add(item, (byte)parent.GetComponentIndex(parent.GetComponent <ItemContainer>())); parent.Combine(item, user: null); } foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { int amount = subElement.GetAttributeInt("amount", 1); for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { LoadItemAsChild(subElement, item); } } }
private void InitializeJobItem(Character character, WayPoint spawnPoint, XElement itemElement, Item parentItem = null) { string itemName = itemElement.GetAttributeString("name", ""); ItemPrefab itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(itemName) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Tried to spawn \"" + Name + "\" with the item \"" + itemName + "\". Matching item prefab not found."); return; } Item item = new Item(itemPrefab, character.Position, null); if (GameMain.Server != null && Entity.Spawner != null) { Entity.Spawner.CreateNetworkEvent(item, false); } if (itemElement.GetAttributeBool("equip", false)) { List <InvSlotType> allowedSlots = new List <InvSlotType>(item.AllowedSlots); allowedSlots.Remove(InvSlotType.Any); character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, allowedSlots); } else { character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, item.AllowedSlots); } if (item.Prefab.NameMatches("ID Card") && spawnPoint != null) { foreach (string s in spawnPoint.IdCardTags) { item.AddTag(s); } item.AddTag("name:" + character.Name); item.AddTag("job:" + Name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spawnPoint.IdCardDesc)) { item.Description = spawnPoint.IdCardDesc; } } item.AddTag("Starter_Item"); foreach (WifiComponent wifiComponent in item.GetComponents <WifiComponent>()) { wifiComponent.TeamID = character.TeamID; } if (parentItem != null) { parentItem.Combine(item); } foreach (XElement childItemElement in itemElement.Elements()) { InitializeJobItem(character, spawnPoint, childItemElement, item); } }
public WayPoint(Rectangle newRect, Submarine submarine) : this(MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, "waypoint"), newRect, submarine) { }
public FabricationRecipe(XElement element, ItemPrefab itemPrefab) { TargetItem = itemPrefab; string displayName = element.GetAttributeString("displayname", ""); DisplayName = string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName) ? itemPrefab.Name : TextManager.Get($"DisplayName.{displayName}"); SuitableFabricatorIdentifiers = element.GetAttributeStringArray("suitablefabricators", new string[0]); RequiredSkills = new List <Skill>(); RequiredTime = element.GetAttributeFloat("requiredtime", 1.0f); OutCondition = element.GetAttributeFloat("outcondition", 1.0f); RequiredItems = new List <RequiredItem>(); Amount = element.GetAttributeInt("amount", 1); foreach (XElement subElement in element.Elements()) { switch (subElement.Name.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) { case "requiredskill": if (subElement.Attribute("name") != null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in fabricable item " + itemPrefab.Name + "! Use skill identifiers instead of names."); continue; } RequiredSkills.Add(new Skill( subElement.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""), subElement.GetAttributeInt("level", 0))); break; case "item": case "requireditem": string requiredItemIdentifier = subElement.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""); string requiredItemTag = subElement.GetAttributeString("tag", ""); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requiredItemIdentifier) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiredItemTag)) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in fabricable item " + itemPrefab.Name + "! One of the required items has no identifier or tag."); continue; } float minCondition = subElement.GetAttributeFloat("mincondition", 1.0f); //Substract mincondition from required item's condition or delete it regardless? bool useCondition = subElement.GetAttributeBool("usecondition", true); int count = subElement.GetAttributeInt("count", 1); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requiredItemIdentifier)) { if (!(MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, requiredItemIdentifier.Trim()) is ItemPrefab requiredItem)) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in fabricable item " + itemPrefab.Name + "! Required item \"" + requiredItemIdentifier + "\" not found."); continue; } var existing = RequiredItems.Find(r => r.ItemPrefabs.Count == 1 && r.ItemPrefabs[0] == requiredItem && MathUtils.NearlyEqual(r.MinCondition, minCondition)); if (existing == null) { RequiredItems.Add(new RequiredItem(requiredItem, count, minCondition, useCondition)); } else { existing.Amount += count; } } else { var matchingItems = ItemPrefab.Prefabs.Where(ip => ip.Tags.Any(t => t.Equals(requiredItemTag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); if (!matchingItems.Any()) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in fabricable item " + itemPrefab.Name + "! Could not find any items with the tag \"" + requiredItemTag + "\"."); continue; } var existing = RequiredItems.Find(r => r.ItemPrefabs.SequenceEqual(matchingItems) && MathUtils.NearlyEqual(r.MinCondition, minCondition)); if (existing == null) { RequiredItems.Add(new RequiredItem(matchingItems, count, minCondition, useCondition)); } else { existing.Amount += count; } } break; } } }
private void GiveTreatment(float deltaTime) { if (treatmentTimer > 0.0f) { treatmentTimer -= deltaTime; } treatmentTimer = TreatmentDelay; var allAfflictions = targetCharacter.CharacterHealth.GetAllAfflictions() .Where(a => a.GetVitalityDecrease(targetCharacter.CharacterHealth) > 0) .ToList(); allAfflictions.Sort((a1, a2) => { return(Math.Sign(a2.GetVitalityDecrease(targetCharacter.CharacterHealth) - a1.GetVitalityDecrease(targetCharacter.CharacterHealth))); }); //check if we already have a suitable treatment for any of the afflictions foreach (Affliction affliction in allAfflictions) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> treatmentSuitability in affliction.Prefab.TreatmentSuitability) { if (treatmentSuitability.Value > 0.0f) { Item matchingItem = character.Inventory.FindItemByIdentifier(treatmentSuitability.Key); if (matchingItem == null) { continue; } ApplyTreatment(affliction, matchingItem); return; } } } //didn't have any suitable treatments available, try to find some medical items HashSet <string> suitableItemIdentifiers = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (Affliction affliction in allAfflictions) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> treatmentSuitability in affliction.Prefab.TreatmentSuitability) { if (treatmentSuitability.Value > 0.0f) { suitableItemIdentifiers.Add(treatmentSuitability.Key); } } } if (suitableItemIdentifiers.Count > 0) { List <string> itemNameList = new List <string>(); foreach (string itemIdentifier in suitableItemIdentifiers) { if (MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, itemIdentifier, showErrorMessages: false) is ItemPrefab itemPrefab) { itemNameList.Add(itemPrefab.Name); } //only list the first 4 items if (itemNameList.Count >= 4) { break; } } if (itemNameList.Count > 0) { string itemListStr = ""; if (itemNameList.Count == 1) { itemListStr = itemNameList[0]; } else { itemListStr = string.Join(" or ", string.Join(", ", itemNameList.Take(itemNameList.Count - 1)), itemNameList.Last()); } character?.Speak(TextManager.Get("DialogListRequiredTreatments") .Replace("[targetname]", targetCharacter.Name) .Replace("[treatmentlist]", itemListStr), null, 2.0f, "listrequiredtreatments" + targetCharacter.Name, 60.0f); } character.DeselectCharacter(); AddSubObjective(new AIObjectiveGetItem(character, suitableItemIdentifiers.ToArray(), true)); } character.AnimController.Anim = AnimController.Animation.CPR; }
public static Item ReadSpawnData(NetBuffer msg, bool spawn = true) { string itemName = msg.ReadString(); string itemIdentifier = msg.ReadString(); bool descriptionChanged = msg.ReadBoolean(); string itemDesc = ""; if (descriptionChanged) { itemDesc = msg.ReadString(); } ushort itemId = msg.ReadUInt16(); ushort inventoryId = msg.ReadUInt16(); DebugConsole.Log("Received entity spawn message for item " + itemName + "."); Vector2 pos = Vector2.Zero; Submarine sub = null; int itemContainerIndex = -1; int inventorySlotIndex = -1; if (inventoryId > 0) { itemContainerIndex = msg.ReadByte(); inventorySlotIndex = msg.ReadByte(); } else { pos = new Vector2(msg.ReadSingle(), msg.ReadSingle()); ushort subID = msg.ReadUInt16(); if (subID > 0) { sub = Submarine.Loaded.Find(s => s.ID == subID); } } byte teamID = msg.ReadByte(); bool tagsChanged = msg.ReadBoolean(); string tags = ""; if (tagsChanged) { tags = msg.ReadString(); } if (!spawn) { return(null); } //---------------------------------------- var itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(itemName, itemIdentifier) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { return(null); } Inventory inventory = null; var inventoryOwner = FindEntityByID(inventoryId); if (inventoryOwner != null) { if (inventoryOwner is Character) { inventory = (inventoryOwner as Character).Inventory; } else if (inventoryOwner is Item) { if ((inventoryOwner as Item).components[itemContainerIndex] is ItemContainer container) { inventory = container.Inventory; } } } var item = new Item(itemPrefab, pos, sub) { ID = itemId }; foreach (WifiComponent wifiComponent in item.GetComponents <WifiComponent>()) { wifiComponent.TeamID = (Character.TeamType)teamID; } if (descriptionChanged) { item.Description = itemDesc; } if (tagsChanged) { item.Tags = tags; } if (sub != null) { item.CurrentHull = Hull.FindHull(pos + sub.Position, null, true); item.Submarine = item.CurrentHull?.Submarine; } if (inventory != null) { if (inventorySlotIndex >= 0 && inventorySlotIndex < 255 && inventory.TryPutItem(item, inventorySlotIndex, false, false, null, false)) { return(null); } inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, item.AllowedSlots, false); } return(item); }
protected override void StartMissionSpecific(Level level) { if (items.Any()) { #if DEBUG throw new Exception($"items.Count > 0 ({items.Count})"); #else DebugConsole.AddWarning("Item list was not empty at the start of a nest mission. The mission instance may not have been ended correctly on previous rounds."); items.Clear(); #endif } if (!IsClient) { //ruin/cave/wreck items are allowed to spawn close to the sub float minDistance = spawnPositionType == Level.PositionType.Ruin || spawnPositionType == Level.PositionType.Cave || spawnPositionType == Level.PositionType.Wreck ? 0.0f : Level.Loaded.Size.X * 0.3f; nestPosition = Level.Loaded.GetRandomItemPos(spawnPositionType, 100.0f, minDistance, 30.0f); List <GraphEdge> spawnEdges = new List <GraphEdge>(); if (spawnPositionType == Level.PositionType.Cave) { Level.Cave closestCave = null; float closestCaveDist = float.PositiveInfinity; foreach (var cave in Level.Loaded.Caves) { float dist = Vector2.DistanceSquared(nestPosition, cave.Area.Center.ToVector2()); if (dist < closestCaveDist) { closestCave = cave; closestCaveDist = dist; } } if (closestCave != null) { closestCave.DisplayOnSonar = true; SpawnNestObjects(level, closestCave); #if SERVER selectedCave = closestCave; #endif } var nearbyCells = Level.Loaded.GetCells(nestPosition, searchDepth: 3); if (nearbyCells.Any()) { List <GraphEdge> validEdges = new List <GraphEdge>(); foreach (var edge in nearbyCells.SelectMany(c => c.Edges)) { if (!edge.NextToCave || !edge.IsSolid) { continue; } if (Level.Loaded.ExtraWalls.Any(w => w.IsPointInside(edge.Center + edge.GetNormal(edge.Cell1 ?? edge.Cell2) * 100.0f))) { continue; } validEdges.Add(edge); } if (validEdges.Any()) { spawnEdges.AddRange(validEdges.Where(e => MathUtils.LineSegmentToPointDistanceSquared(e.Point1.ToPoint(), e.Point2.ToPoint(), nestPosition.ToPoint()) < itemSpawnRadius * itemSpawnRadius).Distinct()); } //no valid edges found close enough to the nest position, find the closest one if (!spawnEdges.Any()) { GraphEdge closestEdge = null; float closestDist = float.PositiveInfinity; foreach (var edge in nearbyCells.SelectMany(c => c.Edges)) { if (!edge.NextToCave || !edge.IsSolid) { continue; } float dist = Vector2.DistanceSquared(edge.Center, nestPosition); if (dist < closestDist) { closestEdge = edge; closestDist = dist; } } if (closestEdge != null) { spawnEdges.Add(closestEdge); } } } } foreach (XElement subElement in itemConfig.Elements()) { string itemIdentifier = subElement.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""); if (!(MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, itemIdentifier) is ItemPrefab itemPrefab)) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Couldn't spawn item for nest mission: item prefab \"" + itemIdentifier + "\" not found"); continue; } Vector2 spawnPos = nestPosition; float rotation = 0.0f; if (spawnEdges.Any()) { var edge = spawnEdges.GetRandom(Rand.RandSync.Server); spawnPos = Vector2.Lerp(edge.Point1, edge.Point2, Rand.Range(0.1f, 0.9f, Rand.RandSync.Server)); Vector2 normal = Vector2.UnitY; if (edge.Cell1 != null && edge.Cell1.CellType == CellType.Solid) { normal = edge.GetNormal(edge.Cell1); } else if (edge.Cell2 != null && edge.Cell2.CellType == CellType.Solid) { normal = edge.GetNormal(edge.Cell2); } spawnPos += normal * 10.0f; rotation = MathUtils.VectorToAngle(normal) - MathHelper.PiOver2; } var item = new Item(itemPrefab, spawnPos, null); item.body.FarseerBody.BodyType = BodyType.Kinematic; item.body.SetTransformIgnoreContacts(item.body.SimPosition, rotation); item.FindHull(); items.Add(item); var statusEffectElement = subElement.Element("StatusEffectOnApproach") ?? subElement.Element("statuseffectonapproach"); if (statusEffectElement != null) { statusEffectOnApproach.Add(item, StatusEffect.Load(statusEffectElement, Prefab.Identifier)); } } } }
private void InitializeJobItem(Character character, XElement itemElement, WayPoint spawnPoint = null, Item parentItem = null) { ItemPrefab itemPrefab; if (itemElement.Attribute("name") != null) { string itemName = itemElement.Attribute("name").Value; DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in Job config (" + Name + ") - use item identifiers instead of names to configure the items."); itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(itemName) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Tried to spawn \"" + Name + "\" with the item \"" + itemName + "\". Matching item prefab not found."); return; } } else { string itemIdentifier = itemElement.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""); itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, itemIdentifier) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Tried to spawn \"" + Name + "\" with the item \"" + itemIdentifier + "\". Matching item prefab not found."); return; } } Item item = new Item(itemPrefab, character.Position, null); #if SERVER if (GameMain.Server != null && Entity.Spawner != null) { Entity.Spawner.CreateNetworkEvent(item, false); } #endif if (itemElement.GetAttributeBool("equip", false)) { List <InvSlotType> allowedSlots = new List <InvSlotType>(item.AllowedSlots); allowedSlots.Remove(InvSlotType.Any); character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, allowedSlots); } else { character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, item.AllowedSlots); } if (item.Prefab.Identifier == "idcard" && spawnPoint != null) { foreach (string s in spawnPoint.IdCardTags) { item.AddTag(s); } item.AddTag("name:" + character.Name); item.AddTag("job:" + Name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spawnPoint.IdCardDesc)) { item.Description = spawnPoint.IdCardDesc; } } foreach (WifiComponent wifiComponent in item.GetComponents <WifiComponent>()) { wifiComponent.TeamID = character.TeamID; } if (parentItem != null) { parentItem.Combine(item); } foreach (XElement childItemElement in itemElement.Elements()) { InitializeJobItem(character, childItemElement, spawnPoint, item); } }
private void InitializeItems(Character character, XElement itemElement, Submarine submarine, Item parentItem = null) { ItemPrefab itemPrefab; string itemIdentifier = itemElement.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""); itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, itemIdentifier) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Tried to spawn \"" + Identifier + "\" with the item \"" + itemIdentifier + "\". Matching item prefab not found."); return; } Item item = new Item(itemPrefab, character.Position, null); #if SERVER if (GameMain.Server != null && Entity.Spawner != null) { if (GameMain.Server.EntityEventManager.UniqueEvents.Any(ev => ev.Entity == item)) { string errorMsg = $"Error while spawning job items. Item {item.Name} created network events before the spawn event had been created."; DebugConsole.ThrowError(errorMsg); GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce("Job.InitializeJobItem:EventsBeforeSpawning", GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.EGAErrorSeverity.Error, errorMsg); GameMain.Server.EntityEventManager.UniqueEvents.RemoveAll(ev => ev.Entity == item); GameMain.Server.EntityEventManager.Events.RemoveAll(ev => ev.Entity == item); } Entity.Spawner.CreateNetworkEvent(item, false); } #endif if (itemElement.GetAttributeBool("equip", false)) { List <InvSlotType> allowedSlots = new List <InvSlotType>(item.AllowedSlots); allowedSlots.Remove(InvSlotType.Any); character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, allowedSlots); } else { character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, item.AllowedSlots); } if (item.Prefab.Identifier == "idcard" || item.Prefab.Identifier == "idcardwreck") { item.AddTag("name:" + character.Name); item.ReplaceTag("wreck_id", Level.Loaded.GetWreckIDTag("wreck_id", submarine)); var job = character.Info?.Job; if (job != null) { item.AddTag("job:" + job.Name); } } foreach (WifiComponent wifiComponent in item.GetComponents <WifiComponent>()) { wifiComponent.TeamID = character.TeamID; } if (parentItem != null) { parentItem.Combine(item, user: null); } foreach (XElement childItemElement in itemElement.Elements()) { InitializeItems(character, childItemElement, submarine, item); } }
static DebugConsole() { commands.Add(new Command("help", "", (string[] args) => { if (args.Length == 0) { foreach (Command c in commands) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { continue; } NewMessage(, Color.Cyan); } } else { var matchingCommand = commands.Find(c => c.names.Any(name => name == args[0])); if (matchingCommand == null) { NewMessage("Command " + args[0] + " not found.", Color.Red); } else { NewMessage(, Color.Cyan); } } })); commands.Add(new Command("clientlist", "clientlist: List all the clients connected to the server.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Server == null) { return; } NewMessage("***************", Color.Cyan); foreach (Client c in GameMain.Server.ConnectedClients) { NewMessage("- " + c.ID.ToString() + ": " + c.Name + ", " + c.Connection.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString(), Color.Cyan); } NewMessage("***************", Color.Cyan); })); commands.Add(new Command("createfilelist", "", (string[] args) => { UpdaterUtil.SaveFileList("filelist.xml"); })); commands.Add(new Command("spawn|spawncharacter", "spawn [creaturename] [near/inside/outside]: Spawn a creature at a random spawnpoint (use the second parameter to only select spawnpoints near/inside/outside the submarine).", (string[] args) => { if (args.Length == 0) { return; } Character spawnedCharacter = null; Vector2 spawnPosition = Vector2.Zero; WayPoint spawnPoint = null; if (args.Length > 1) { switch (args[1].ToLowerInvariant()) { case "inside": spawnPoint = WayPoint.GetRandom(SpawnType.Human, null, Submarine.MainSub); break; case "outside": spawnPoint = WayPoint.GetRandom(SpawnType.Enemy); break; case "near": case "close": float closestDist = -1.0f; foreach (WayPoint wp in WayPoint.WayPointList) { if (wp.Submarine != null) { continue; } //don't spawn inside hulls if (Hull.FindHull(wp.WorldPosition, null) != null) { continue; } float dist = Vector2.Distance(wp.WorldPosition, GameMain.GameScreen.Cam.WorldViewCenter); if (closestDist < 0.0f || dist < closestDist) { spawnPoint = wp; closestDist = dist; } } break; case "cursor": spawnPosition = GameMain.GameScreen.Cam.ScreenToWorld(PlayerInput.MousePosition); break; default: spawnPoint = WayPoint.GetRandom(args[0].ToLowerInvariant() == "human" ? SpawnType.Human : SpawnType.Enemy); break; } } else { spawnPoint = WayPoint.GetRandom(args[0].ToLowerInvariant() == "human" ? SpawnType.Human : SpawnType.Enemy); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[0])) { return; } if (spawnPoint != null) { spawnPosition = spawnPoint.WorldPosition; } if (args[0].ToLowerInvariant() == "human") { spawnedCharacter = Character.Create(Character.HumanConfigFile, spawnPosition); #if CLIENT if (GameMain.GameSession != null) { SinglePlayerCampaign mode = GameMain.GameSession.GameMode as SinglePlayerCampaign; if (mode != null) { Character.Controlled = spawnedCharacter; GameMain.GameSession.CrewManager.AddCharacter(Character.Controlled); GameMain.GameSession.CrewManager.SelectCharacter(null, Character.Controlled); } } #endif } else { List <string> characterFiles = GameMain.Config.SelectedContentPackage.GetFilesOfType(ContentType.Character); foreach (string characterFile in characterFiles) { if (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(characterFile).ToLowerInvariant() == args[0].ToLowerInvariant()) { Character.Create(characterFile, spawnPosition); return; } } ThrowError("No character matching the name \"" + args[0] + "\" found in the selected content package."); //attempt to open the config from the default path (the file may still be present even if it isn't included in the content package) string configPath = "Content/Characters/" + args[0].First().ToString().ToUpper() + args[0].Substring(1) + "/" + args[0].ToLower() + ".xml"; Character.Create(configPath, spawnPosition); } })); commands.Add(new Command("spawnitem", "spawnitem [itemname] [cursor/inventory]: Spawn an item at the position of the cursor, in the inventory of the controlled character or at a random spawnpoint if the last parameter is omitted.", (string[] args) => { if (args.Length < 1) { return; } Vector2?spawnPos = null; Inventory spawnInventory = null; int extraParams = 0; switch (args.Last()) { case "cursor": extraParams = 1; spawnPos = GameMain.GameScreen.Cam.ScreenToWorld(PlayerInput.MousePosition); break; case "inventory": extraParams = 1; spawnInventory = Character.Controlled == null ? null : Character.Controlled.Inventory; break; default: extraParams = 0; break; } string itemName = string.Join(" ", args.Take(args.Length - extraParams)).ToLowerInvariant(); var itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(itemName) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { ThrowError("Item \"" + itemName + "\" not found!"); return; } if (spawnPos == null && spawnInventory == null) { var wp = WayPoint.GetRandom(SpawnType.Human, null, Submarine.MainSub); spawnPos = wp == null ? Vector2.Zero : wp.WorldPosition; } if (spawnPos != null) { Entity.Spawner.AddToSpawnQueue(itemPrefab, (Vector2)spawnPos); } else if (spawnInventory != null) { Entity.Spawner.AddToSpawnQueue(itemPrefab, spawnInventory); } })); commands.Add(new Command("disablecrewai", "disablecrewai: Disable the AI of the NPCs in the crew.", (string[] args) => { HumanAIController.DisableCrewAI = true; NewMessage("Crew AI disabled", Color.White); })); commands.Add(new Command("enablecrewai", "enablecrewai: Enable the AI of the NPCs in the crew.", (string[] args) => { HumanAIController.DisableCrewAI = false; NewMessage("Crew AI enabled", Color.White); })); commands.Add(new Command("autorestartinterval", "autorestartinterval [seconds]: Set how long the server waits between rounds before automatically starting a new one.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Server == null) { return; } if (args.Length > 0) { int parsedInt = 0; if (int.TryParse(args[0], out parsedInt) && parsedInt >= 0) { GameMain.Server.AutoRestartInterval = parsedInt; NewMessage("Autorestart interval set to " + GameMain.Server.AutoRestartInterval + " seconds.", Color.White); } } })); commands.Add(new Command("autorestarttimer", "autorestarttimer [seconds]: Set the current autorestart countdown to the specified value.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Server == null) { return; } if (args.Length > 0) { int parsedInt = 0; if (int.TryParse(args[0], out parsedInt) && parsedInt >= 0) { GameMain.Server.AutoRestartTimer = parsedInt; GameMain.NetLobbyScreen.LastUpdateID++; NewMessage("Autorestart timer set to " + GameMain.Server.AutoRestartTimer + " seconds.", Color.White); } } })); commands.Add(new Command("kick", "kick [name]: Kick a player out of the server.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.NetworkMember == null || args.Length == 0) { return; } string playerName = string.Join(" ", args); ShowQuestionPrompt("Reason for kicking \"" + playerName + "\"?", (reason) => { GameMain.NetworkMember.KickPlayer(playerName, reason); }); })); commands.Add(new Command("kickid", "kickid [id]: Kick the player with the specified client ID out of the server.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Server == null || args.Length == 0) { return; } int id = 0; int.TryParse(args[0], out id); var client = GameMain.Server.ConnectedClients.Find(c => c.ID == id); if (client == null) { ThrowError("Client id \"" + id + "\" not found."); return; } ShowQuestionPrompt("Reason for kicking \"" + client.Name + "\"?", (reason) => { GameMain.Server.KickPlayer(client.Name, reason); }); })); commands.Add(new Command("ban", "ban [name]: Kick and ban the player from the server.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.NetworkMember == null || args.Length == 0) { return; } string clientName = string.Join(" ", args); ShowQuestionPrompt("Reason for banning \"" + clientName + "\"?", (reason) => { ShowQuestionPrompt("Enter the duration of the ban (leave empty to ban permanently, or use the format \"[days] d [hours] h\")", (duration) => { TimeSpan?banDuration = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(duration)) { TimeSpan parsedBanDuration; if (!TryParseTimeSpan(duration, out parsedBanDuration)) { ThrowError("\"" + duration + "\" is not a valid ban duration. Use the format \"[days] d [hours] h\", \"[days] d\" or \"[hours] h\"."); return; } banDuration = parsedBanDuration; } GameMain.NetworkMember.BanPlayer(clientName, reason, false, banDuration); }); }); })); commands.Add(new Command("banid", "banid [id]: Kick and ban the player with the specified client ID from the server.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Server == null || args.Length == 0) { return; } int id = 0; int.TryParse(args[0], out id); var client = GameMain.Server.ConnectedClients.Find(c => c.ID == id); if (client == null) { ThrowError("Client id \"" + id + "\" not found."); return; } ShowQuestionPrompt("Reason for banning \"" + client.Name + "\"?", (reason) => { ShowQuestionPrompt("Enter the duration of the ban (leave empty to ban permanently, or use the format \"[days] d [hours] h\")", (duration) => { TimeSpan?banDuration = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(duration)) { TimeSpan parsedBanDuration; if (!TryParseTimeSpan(duration, out parsedBanDuration)) { ThrowError("\"" + duration + "\" is not a valid ban duration. Use the format \"[days] d [hours] h\", \"[days] d\" or \"[hours] h\"."); return; } banDuration = parsedBanDuration; } GameMain.Server.BanPlayer(client.Name, reason, false, banDuration); }); }); })); commands.Add(new Command("banip", "banip [ip]: Ban the IP address from the server.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Server == null || args.Length == 0) { return; } ShowQuestionPrompt("Reason for banning the ip \"" + commands[1] + "\"?", (reason) => { ShowQuestionPrompt("Enter the duration of the ban (leave empty to ban permanently, or use the format \"[days] d [hours] h\")", (duration) => { TimeSpan?banDuration = null; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(duration)) { TimeSpan parsedBanDuration; if (!TryParseTimeSpan(duration, out parsedBanDuration)) { ThrowError("\"" + duration + "\" is not a valid ban duration. Use the format \"[days] d [hours] h\", \"[days] d\" or \"[hours] h\"."); return; } banDuration = parsedBanDuration; } var client = GameMain.Server.ConnectedClients.Find(c => c.Connection.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() == args[0]); if (client == null) { GameMain.Server.BanList.BanPlayer("Unnamed", args[0], reason, banDuration); } else { GameMain.Server.KickClient(client, reason); } }); }); })); commands.Add(new Command("teleportcharacter|teleport", "teleport [character name]: Teleport the specified character to the position of the cursor. If the name parameter is omitted, the controlled character will be teleported.", (string[] args) => { Character tpCharacter = null; if (args.Length == 0) { tpCharacter = Character.Controlled; } else { tpCharacter = FindMatchingCharacter(args, false); } if (tpCharacter == null) { return; } var cam = GameMain.GameScreen.Cam; tpCharacter.AnimController.CurrentHull = null; tpCharacter.Submarine = null; tpCharacter.AnimController.SetPosition(ConvertUnits.ToSimUnits(cam.ScreenToWorld(PlayerInput.MousePosition))); tpCharacter.AnimController.FindHull(cam.ScreenToWorld(PlayerInput.MousePosition), true); })); commands.Add(new Command("godmode", "godmode: Toggle submarine godmode. Makes the main submarine invulnerable to damage.", (string[] args) => { if (Submarine.MainSub == null) { return; } Submarine.MainSub.GodMode = !Submarine.MainSub.GodMode; NewMessage(Submarine.MainSub.GodMode ? "Godmode on" : "Godmode off", Color.White); })); commands.Add(new Command("lockx", "lockx: Lock horizontal movement of the main submarine.", (string[] args) => { Submarine.LockX = !Submarine.LockX; })); commands.Add(new Command("locky", "loxky: Lock vertical movement of the main submarine.", (string[] args) => { Submarine.LockY = !Submarine.LockY; })); commands.Add(new Command("dumpids", "", (string[] args) => { try { int count = args.Length == 0 ? 10 : int.Parse(args[0]); Entity.DumpIds(count); } catch (Exception e) { ThrowError("Failed to dump ids", e); } })); commands.Add(new Command("heal", "heal [character name]: Restore the specified character to full health. If the name parameter is omitted, the controlled character will be healed.", (string[] args) => { Character healedCharacter = null; if (args.Length == 0) { healedCharacter = Character.Controlled; } else { healedCharacter = FindMatchingCharacter(args); } if (healedCharacter != null) { healedCharacter.AddDamage(CauseOfDeath.Damage, -healedCharacter.MaxHealth, null); healedCharacter.Oxygen = 100.0f; healedCharacter.Bleeding = 0.0f; healedCharacter.SetStun(0.0f, true); } })); commands.Add(new Command("revive", "revive [character name]: Bring the specified character back from the dead. If the name parameter is omitted, the controlled character will be revived.", (string[] args) => { Character revivedCharacter = null; if (args.Length == 0) { revivedCharacter = Character.Controlled; } else { revivedCharacter = FindMatchingCharacter(args); } if (revivedCharacter == null) { return; } revivedCharacter.Revive(false); if (GameMain.Server != null) { foreach (Client c in GameMain.Server.ConnectedClients) { if (c.Character != revivedCharacter) { continue; } //clients stop controlling the character when it dies, force control back GameMain.Server.SetClientCharacter(c, revivedCharacter); break; } } })); commands.Add(new Command("freeze", "", (string[] args) => { if (Character.Controlled != null) { Character.Controlled.AnimController.Frozen = !Character.Controlled.AnimController.Frozen; } })); commands.Add(new Command("freecamera|freecam", "freecam: Detach the camera from the controlled character.", (string[] args) => { Character.Controlled = null; GameMain.GameScreen.Cam.TargetPos = Vector2.Zero; })); commands.Add(new Command("water|editwater", "water/editwater: Toggle water editing. Allows adding water into rooms by holding the left mouse button and removing it by holding the right mouse button.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Client == null) { Hull.EditWater = !Hull.EditWater; NewMessage(Hull.EditWater ? "Water editing on" : "Water editing off", Color.White); } })); commands.Add(new Command("fire|editfire", "fire/editfire: Allows putting up fires by left clicking.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Client == null) { Hull.EditFire = !Hull.EditFire; NewMessage(Hull.EditFire ? "Fire spawning on" : "Fire spawning off", Color.White); } })); commands.Add(new Command("explosion", "explosion [range] [force] [damage] [structuredamage]: Creates an explosion at the position of the cursor.", (string[] args) => { Vector2 explosionPos = GameMain.GameScreen.Cam.ScreenToWorld(PlayerInput.MousePosition); float range = 500, force = 10, damage = 50, structureDamage = 10; if (args.Length > 0) { float.TryParse(args[0], out range); } if (args.Length > 1) { float.TryParse(args[1], out force); } if (args.Length > 2) { float.TryParse(args[2], out damage); } if (args.Length > 3) { float.TryParse(args[3], out structureDamage); } new Explosion(range, force, damage, structureDamage).Explode(explosionPos); })); commands.Add(new Command("fixitems", "fixitems: Repairs all items and restores them to full condition.", (string[] args) => { foreach (Item it in Item.ItemList) { it.Condition = it.Prefab.Health; } })); commands.Add(new Command("fixhulls|fixwalls", "fixwalls/fixhulls: Fixes all walls.", (string[] args) => { foreach (Structure w in Structure.WallList) { for (int i = 0; i < w.SectionCount; i++) { w.AddDamage(i, -100000.0f); } } })); commands.Add(new Command("power", "power [temperature]: Immediately sets the temperature of the nuclear reactor to the specified value.", (string[] args) => { Item reactorItem = Item.ItemList.Find(i => i.GetComponent <Reactor>() != null); if (reactorItem == null) { return; } float power = 5000.0f; if (args.Length > 0) { float.TryParse(args[0], out power); } var reactor = reactorItem.GetComponent <Reactor>(); reactor.ShutDownTemp = power == 0 ? 0 : 7000.0f; reactor.AutoTemp = true; reactor.Temperature = power; if (GameMain.Server != null) { reactorItem.CreateServerEvent(reactor); } })); commands.Add(new Command("oxygen|air", "oxygen/air: Replenishes the oxygen levels in every room to 100%.", (string[] args) => { foreach (Hull hull in Hull.hullList) { hull.OxygenPercentage = 100.0f; } })); commands.Add(new Command("killmonsters", "killmonsters: Immediately kills all AI-controlled enemies in the level.", (string[] args) => { foreach (Character c in Character.CharacterList) { if (!(c.AIController is EnemyAIController)) { continue; } c.AddDamage(CauseOfDeath.Damage, 10000.0f, null); } })); commands.Add(new Command("netstats", "netstats: Toggles the visibility of the network statistics UI.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Server == null) { return; } GameMain.Server.ShowNetStats = !GameMain.Server.ShowNetStats; })); commands.Add(new Command("setclientcharacter", "setclientcharacter [client name] ; [character name]: Gives the client control of the specified character.", (string[] args) => { if (GameMain.Server == null) { return; } int separatorIndex = Array.IndexOf(args, ";"); if (separatorIndex == -1 || args.Length < 3) { ThrowError("Invalid parameters. The command should be formatted as \"setclientcharacter [client] ; [character]\""); return; } string[] argsLeft = args.Take(separatorIndex).ToArray(); string[] argsRight = args.Skip(separatorIndex + 1).ToArray(); string clientName = String.Join(" ", argsLeft); var client = GameMain.Server.ConnectedClients.Find(c => c.Name == clientName); if (client == null) { ThrowError("Client \"" + clientName + "\" not found."); } var character = FindMatchingCharacter(argsRight, false); GameMain.Server.SetClientCharacter(client, character); })); commands.Add(new Command("campaigninfo|campaignstatus", "campaigninfo: Display information about the state of the currently active campaign.", (string[] args) => { var campaign = GameMain.GameSession?.GameMode as CampaignMode; if (campaign == null) { ThrowError("No campaign active!"); return; } campaign.LogState(); })); commands.Add(new Command("campaigndestination|setcampaigndestination", "campaigndestination [index]: Set the location to head towards in the currently active campaign.", (string[] args) => { var campaign = GameMain.GameSession?.GameMode as CampaignMode; if (campaign == null) { ThrowError("No campaign active!"); return; } if (args.Length == 0) { int i = 0; foreach (LocationConnection connection in campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Connections) { NewMessage(" " + i + ". " + connection.OtherLocation(campaign.Map.CurrentLocation).Name, Color.White); i++; } ShowQuestionPrompt("Select a destination (0 - " + (campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Connections.Count - 1) + "):", (string selectedDestination) => { int destinationIndex = -1; if (!int.TryParse(selectedDestination, out destinationIndex)) { return; } if (destinationIndex < 0 || destinationIndex >= campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Connections.Count) { NewMessage("Index out of bounds!", Color.Red); return; } Location location = campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Connections[destinationIndex].OtherLocation(campaign.Map.CurrentLocation); campaign.Map.SelectLocation(location); NewMessage(location.Name + " selected.", Color.White); }); } else { int destinationIndex = -1; if (!int.TryParse(args[0], out destinationIndex)) { return; } if (destinationIndex < 0 || destinationIndex >= campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Connections.Count) { NewMessage("Index out of bounds!", Color.Red); return; } Location location = campaign.Map.CurrentLocation.Connections[destinationIndex].OtherLocation(campaign.Map.CurrentLocation); campaign.Map.SelectLocation(location); NewMessage(location.Name + " selected.", Color.White); } })); #if DEBUG commands.Add(new Command("spamevents", "A debug command that immediately creates entity events for all items, characters and structures.", (string[] args) => { foreach (Item item in Item.ItemList) { for (int i = 0; i < item.components.Count; i++) { if (item.components[i] is IServerSerializable) { GameMain.Server.CreateEntityEvent(item, new object[] { NetEntityEvent.Type.ComponentState, i }); } var itemContainer = item.GetComponent <ItemContainer>(); if (itemContainer != null) { GameMain.Server.CreateEntityEvent(item, new object[] { NetEntityEvent.Type.InventoryState }); } GameMain.Server.CreateEntityEvent(item, new object[] { NetEntityEvent.Type.Status }); item.NeedsPositionUpdate = true; } } foreach (Character c in Character.CharacterList) { GameMain.Server.CreateEntityEvent(c, new object[] { NetEntityEvent.Type.Status }); } foreach (Structure wall in Structure.WallList) { GameMain.Server.CreateEntityEvent(wall); } })); #endif InitProjectSpecific(); commands.Sort((c1, c2) => c1.names[0].CompareTo(c2.names[0])); }
private void InitializeJobItem(Character character, XElement itemElement, WayPoint spawnPoint = null, Item parentItem = null) { ItemPrefab itemPrefab; if (itemElement.Attribute("name") != null) { string itemName = itemElement.Attribute("name").Value; DebugConsole.ThrowError("Error in Job config (" + Name + ") - use item identifiers instead of names to configure the items."); itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(itemName) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Tried to spawn \"" + Name + "\" with the item \"" + itemName + "\". Matching item prefab not found."); return; } } else { string itemIdentifier = itemElement.GetAttributeString("identifier", ""); itemPrefab = MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, itemIdentifier) as ItemPrefab; if (itemPrefab == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Tried to spawn \"" + Name + "\" with the item \"" + itemIdentifier + "\". Matching item prefab not found."); return; } } Item item = new Item(itemPrefab, character.Position, null); #if SERVER if (GameMain.Server != null && Entity.Spawner != null) { if (GameMain.Server.EntityEventManager.UniqueEvents.Any(ev => ev.Entity == item)) { string errorMsg = $"Error while spawning job items. Item {item.Name} created network events before the spawn event had been created."; DebugConsole.ThrowError(errorMsg); GameAnalyticsManager.AddErrorEventOnce("Job.InitializeJobItem:EventsBeforeSpawning", GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.EGAErrorSeverity.Error, errorMsg); GameMain.Server.EntityEventManager.UniqueEvents.RemoveAll(ev => ev.Entity == item); GameMain.Server.EntityEventManager.Events.RemoveAll(ev => ev.Entity == item); } Entity.Spawner.CreateNetworkEvent(item, false); } #endif if (itemElement.GetAttributeBool("equip", false)) { List <InvSlotType> allowedSlots = new List <InvSlotType>(item.AllowedSlots); allowedSlots.Remove(InvSlotType.Any); character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, allowedSlots); } else { character.Inventory.TryPutItem(item, null, item.AllowedSlots); } Wearable wearable = ((List <ItemComponent>)item.Components)?.Find(c => c is Wearable) as Wearable; if (wearable != null) { if (Variant > 0 && Variant <= wearable.Variants) { wearable.Variant = Variant; } else { wearable.Variant = wearable.Variant; //force server event if (wearable.Variants > 0 && Variant == 0) { //set variant to the same as the wearable to get the rest of the character's gear //to use the same variant (if possible) Variant = wearable.Variant; } } } if (item.Prefab.Identifier == "idcard" && spawnPoint != null) { foreach (string s in spawnPoint.IdCardTags) { item.AddTag(s); } item.AddTag("name:" + character.Name); item.AddTag("job:" + Name); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(spawnPoint.IdCardDesc)) { item.Description = spawnPoint.IdCardDesc; } IdCard idCardComponent = item.GetComponent <IdCard>(); if (idCardComponent != null) { idCardComponent.Initialize(character.Info); } } foreach (WifiComponent wifiComponent in item.GetComponents <WifiComponent>()) { wifiComponent.TeamID = character.TeamID; } if (parentItem != null) { parentItem.Combine(item, user: null); } foreach (XElement childItemElement in itemElement.Elements()) { InitializeJobItem(character, childItemElement, spawnPoint, item); } }
private void GiveTreatment(float deltaTime) { if (treatmentTimer > 0.0f) { treatmentTimer -= deltaTime; return; } treatmentTimer = TreatmentDelay; //find which treatments are the most suitable to treat the character's current condition targetCharacter.CharacterHealth.GetSuitableTreatments(currentTreatmentSuitabilities, normalize: false); var allAfflictions = GetVitalityReducingAfflictions(targetCharacter).OrderByDescending(a => a.GetVitalityDecrease(targetCharacter.CharacterHealth)); //check if we already have a suitable treatment for any of the afflictions foreach (Affliction affliction in allAfflictions) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> treatmentSuitability in affliction.Prefab.TreatmentSuitability) { if (currentTreatmentSuitabilities.ContainsKey(treatmentSuitability.Key) && currentTreatmentSuitabilities[treatmentSuitability.Key] > 0.0f) { Item matchingItem = character.Inventory.FindItemByIdentifier(treatmentSuitability.Key, true); if (matchingItem == null) { continue; } ApplyTreatment(affliction, matchingItem); //wait a bit longer after applying a treatment to wait for potential side-effects to manifest treatmentTimer = TreatmentDelay * 4; return; } } } float cprSuitability = targetCharacter.Oxygen < 0.0f ? -targetCharacter.Oxygen * 100.0f : 0.0f; //didn't have any suitable treatments available, try to find some medical items if (currentTreatmentSuitabilities.Any(s => s.Value > cprSuitability)) { itemNameList.Clear(); suitableItemIdentifiers.Clear(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, float> treatmentSuitability in currentTreatmentSuitabilities) { if (treatmentSuitability.Value <= cprSuitability) { continue; } if (MapEntityPrefab.Find(null, treatmentSuitability.Key, showErrorMessages: false) is ItemPrefab itemPrefab) { if (!Item.ItemList.Any(it => it.prefab.Identifier == treatmentSuitability.Key)) { continue; } suitableItemIdentifiers.Add(treatmentSuitability.Key); //only list the first 4 items if (itemNameList.Count < 4) { itemNameList.Add(itemPrefab.Name); } } } if (itemNameList.Count > 0) { string itemListStr = ""; if (itemNameList.Count == 1) { itemListStr = itemNameList[0]; } else { itemListStr = string.Join(" or ", string.Join(", ", itemNameList.Take(itemNameList.Count - 1)), itemNameList.Last()); } if (targetCharacter != character) { character.Speak(TextManager.GetWithVariables("DialogListRequiredTreatments", new string[2] { "[targetname]", "[treatmentlist]" }, new string[2] { targetCharacter.Name, itemListStr }, new bool[2] { false, true }), null, 2.0f, "listrequiredtreatments" + targetCharacter.Name, 60.0f); } character.DeselectCharacter(); RemoveSubObjective(ref getItemObjective); TryAddSubObjective(ref getItemObjective, constructor: () => new AIObjectiveGetItem(character, suitableItemIdentifiers.ToArray(), objectiveManager, equip: true), onCompleted: () => RemoveSubObjective(ref getItemObjective), onAbandon: () => RemoveSubObjective(ref getItemObjective)); } } character.AnimController.Anim = AnimController.Animation.CPR; }
public override MapEntity Clone() { return(new Hull(MapEntityPrefab.Find("Hull"), rect, Submarine)); }
public void CancelItemSwap(Item itemToRemove, bool force = false) { if (!CanUpgradeSub()) { DebugConsole.ThrowError("Cannot swap items when switching to another submarine."); return; } if (itemToRemove?.PendingItemSwap == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(itemToRemove?.Prefab.SwappableItem?.ReplacementOnUninstall)) { DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Cannot uninstall item \"{itemToRemove?.Name}\" (no replacement item configured)."); return; } SwappableItem?swappableItem = itemToRemove.Prefab.SwappableItem; if (swappableItem == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Failed to uninstall item \"{itemToRemove.Name}\" (not configured as a swappable item)."); return; } if (GameMain.NetworkMember == null || GameMain.NetworkMember.IsServer) { // only make the NPC speak if more than 5 minutes have passed since the last purchased service if (lastUpgradeSpeak == DateTime.MinValue || lastUpgradeSpeak.AddMinutes(5) < DateTime.Now) { UpgradeNPCSpeak(TextManager.Get("Dialog.UpgradePurchased"), Campaign.IsSinglePlayer); lastUpgradeSpeak = DateTime.Now; } } var linkedItems = GetLinkedItemsToSwap(itemToRemove); foreach (Item itemToCancel in linkedItems) { if (itemToCancel.PendingItemSwap == null) { var replacement = MapEntityPrefab.Find("", swappableItem.ReplacementOnUninstall) as ItemPrefab; if (replacement == null) { DebugConsole.ThrowError($"Failed to uninstall item \"{itemToCancel.Name}\". Could not find the replacement item \"{swappableItem.ReplacementOnUninstall}\"."); return; } PurchasedItemSwaps.RemoveAll(p => p.ItemToRemove == itemToCancel); PurchasedItemSwaps.Add(new PurchasedItemSwap(itemToCancel, replacement)); DebugLog($"Uninstalled item item \"{itemToCancel.Name}\".", Color.Orange); itemToCancel.PendingItemSwap = replacement; } else { PurchasedItemSwaps.RemoveAll(p => p.ItemToRemove == itemToCancel); DebugLog($"Cancelled swapping the item \"{itemToCancel.Name}\" with \"{itemToCancel.PendingItemSwap.Name}\".", Color.Orange); itemToCancel.PendingItemSwap = null; } } #if CLIENT OnUpgradesChanged?.Invoke(); #endif }