public static Dialog MakePopup(string name_in_scene, Controller controller, GameObject requester = null) { GameObject gobj = Baroque.FindPossiblyInactive(name_in_scene); Dialog dlg = gobj.GetComponent <Dialog>(); return(dlg.MakePopup(controller, requester)); }
static void Setup() { Debug.Assert(Application.isEditor); Debug.Assert(!Application.isPlaying); Application.logMessageReceived += HandleLog; CleanControllers(); left_ctrl = Baroque.GetSteamVRManager().left.AddComponent <FakeController>(); right_ctrl = Baroque.GetSteamVRManager().right.AddComponent <FakeController>(); Baroque._InitTests(); }
Dialog DoShowPopup(Controller controller) { Vector3 head_forward = controller.position - Baroque.GetHeadTransform().position; Vector3 fw = controller.forward + head_forward.normalized; fw.y = 0; transform.forward = fw; transform.position = controller.position + 0.15f * transform.forward; DisplayDialog(); popupShown = this; popupCloseTriggerOutside = 1 << 16; return(this); }
void ChangeLocation() { Transform camera_rig = Baroque.GetSteamVRManager().transform; Transform steamvr_camera = Baroque.GetHeadTransform(); Vector3 v = camera_rig.position + destination_position - steamvr_camera.position; v.y = destination_position.y; camera_rig.position = v; FadeToColor(Color.clear, 0.2f); if (onTeleported != null) { onTeleported.Invoke(); } }
/****************************************************************************************/ private void Update() { /* bits of popupCloseTriggerOutside: * bit 16: active * bits 0 or 1: trigger is up * bits 8 or 9: controller was outside the whole time trigger was down */ if (popupShown == null || !popupShown) { popupCloseTriggerOutside = 0; } if (popupCloseTriggerOutside != 0) { int i = 0; foreach (var ctrl in Baroque.GetControllers()) { if (ctrl.CurrentHoverTracker() == this) { popupCloseTriggerOutside &= ~(0x0100 << i); /* remove bit 8/9: we are inside */ } if (ctrl.GetButton(EControllerButton.Trigger)) { if ((popupCloseTriggerOutside & (0x01 << i)) != 0) /* was up, pressing just now */ { popupCloseTriggerOutside &= ~(0x01 << i); /* remove bit 0/1: we are down */ if (ctrl.CurrentHoverTracker() != this) { popupCloseTriggerOutside |= (0x0100 << i); /* set bit 8/9 if we are outside */ } } } else { if ((popupCloseTriggerOutside & (0x01 << i)) == 0) /* was down, releasing just now */ { popupCloseTriggerOutside |= (0x01 << i); if ((popupCloseTriggerOutside & (0x0100 << i)) != 0) /* was outside the whole time trigger was down */ { /* we tracked a press and a release entirely outside, so close the dialog */ Destroy(popupShown.gameObject); } } } i += 1; } } }
static void CleanControllers() { left_ctrl = right_ctrl = null; var golist = new GameObject[] { Baroque.GetSteamVRManager().left, Baroque.GetSteamVRManager().right }; foreach (var go in golist) { Controller ctrl = go.GetComponent <FakeController>(); if (ctrl != null) { DestroyImmediate(ctrl); } } }
static ControllerTracker GetOrBuildTracker(MonoBehaviour tracker, bool is_hover) { Baroque._EnsureStarted(); ControllerTracker ct; var these_trackers = is_hover ? hover_trackers : global_trackers; if (!these_trackers.TryGetValue(tracker, out ct)) { ct = new ControllerTracker(tracker, is_hover); these_trackers[tracker] = ct; } if (--auto_free_trackers <= 0) { hover_trackers = RemoveDeadTrackers(hover_trackers); global_trackers = RemoveDeadTrackers(global_trackers); auto_free_trackers = (hover_trackers.Count + global_trackers.Count) / 2 + 16; } return(ct); }
ControllerTracker FindHandler(EEventSet event_set) { /* returns either tracker_hover or a global tracker, but one * that can handle the event_set. */ if (tracker_hover != null && (tracker_hover._event_sets & event_set) != 0) { return(tracker_hover); } else { /* look for global trackers */ ControllerTracker best = null; float best_priority = float.NegativeInfinity; foreach (var ct in global_trackers.Values) { if ((ct._event_sets & event_set) != 0 && ct.isActiveAndEnabled) { float priority = ct.computePriority(this); if (priority != float.NegativeInfinity) { ct.PickIfBetter(priority, ref best, ref best_priority); } } } /* If it's a non-concurrent tracker and it is used by the other controller, cancel */ if (best != null && !best.isConcurrent) { foreach (var ctrl in Baroque.GetControllers()) { if (ctrl != this && ctrl.ActiveWith(best)) { return(null); } } } return(best); } }
public static Controller[] GetControllers() { return(Baroque.GetControllers()); }
public static Controller GetController(int index) { return(Baroque.GetControllers()[index]); }
private void OnBeforeRender() { if (camera_rig) { #if false /* hide the ghost hands, only show the controllers */ Action <OvrAvatarHand> disable_mesh_renderer = (hand) => { var skinned_mesh_render = hand.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (skinned_mesh_render != null) { skinned_mesh_render.enabled = false; } }; disable_mesh_renderer(avatar.HandLeft); disable_mesh_renderer(avatar.HandRight); #endif /* invoke the main processing loop for BaroqueUI.Controller */ Baroque._OnNewPosesApplied(); #if false /* We don't need transparent controllers, but we want them to combine * correctly with transparent pointers, for example, so make them opaque. * Also tweak the texture to be AlbedoWithMask instead of the standard one: * it has only the Green component relevant for the albedo; the Red and Blue * components are used to identify various parts of the controller, and we * use them as (u, v) into the _Components 4x4 texture. For example, the * border of the B button is drawn with Red = 0 and Blue = 1/3. When * mapping the coordinates (0, 1/3) in the 4x4 texture, we arrive at the * 4th pixel, in the list of all 16 pixels. That's why * EColorizableComponent.MenuBorder = 4. */ foreach (var ctrl in Baroque.GetControllers()) { MonoBehaviour avatar_ctrl; switch (ctrl.index) { case 0: avatar_ctrl = avatar.ControllerLeft; break; case 1: avatar_ctrl = avatar.ControllerRight; break; default: continue; } var skinned_mesh_render = avatar_ctrl.GetComponentInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); if (skinned_mesh_render == null) { continue; } var mat = skinned_mesh_render.material; mat.renderQueue = 2400; Shader shader = Baroque._oculus_touch_controllers_shader; if (shader == null) { shader = Resources.Load <Shader>("BaroqueUI/ControllerOculusTouch/DefaultOculusTouchShader"); Baroque._oculus_touch_controllers_shader = shader; } if (mat.shader != shader) { mat.shader = shader; } mat.SetTexture("_Albedo", controller_albedo_with_mask); mat.SetTexture("_Components", GetComponentColors(ctrl).Apply()); } ; #endif } }
void Start() { key_infos = new Dictionary <Button, KeyInfo>(); Button key_altgr = null; bool use_ctrl_alt = false; Dictionary <int, string[]> all_regular_scancodes = new Dictionary <int, string[]>(); foreach (var btn in GetComponentsInChildren <Button>(includeInactive: true)) { string name =; int scancode; char scancodeextra = '\0'; string text0, text1, text2; if (name.StartsWith("X") && name.Length > 2) { scancodeextra = name[1]; name = "S" + name.Substring(2); } if (name.StartsWith("S") && Int32.TryParse(name.Substring(1), out scancode)) { if (scancode == SCAN_BACKSPACE || scancode == SCAN_TAB || scancode == SCAN_ENTER || scancode == SCAN_ALTGR || scancode == SCAN_ESC) { if (scancode == SCAN_TAB && !enableTabKey || scancode == SCAN_ENTER && !enableEnterKey || scancode == SCAN_ESC && !enableEscKey) { Destroy(btn.gameObject); continue; } text0 = text1 = text2 = btn.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text; if (scancode == SCAN_ALTGR) { key_altgr = btn; } if (scancode == SCAN_ENTER) { text2 = ""; } } else if (scancode == SCAN_SPACE) { text0 = text1 = text2 = " "; all_regular_scancodes.Add(scancode, new string[] { text0, text1 }); } else { text0 = GetCharsFromKeys(scancode, false, false); text1 = GetCharsFromKeys(scancode, true, false); text2 = GetCharsFromKeys(scancode, false, true); if (scancode == SCAN_EXTRA && text0 == GetCharsFromKeys(SCAN_BACKSLASH, false, false) && text1 == GetCharsFromKeys(SCAN_BACKSLASH, true, false) && text2 == GetCharsFromKeys(SCAN_BACKSLASH, false, true)) { text0 = ""; /* key SCAN_EXTRA is completely equivalent to SCAN_BACKSLASH, hide it */ } if (text0 == "") { Destroy(btn.gameObject); continue; } use_ctrl_alt |= (text2 != ""); all_regular_scancodes.Add(scancode, new string[] { text0, text1 }); } } else if (name.StartsWith("K-") && name.Length == 4) { scancode = SCAN_UNKNOWN; text0 = name[2].ToString(); text1 = name[3].ToString(); text2 = ""; } else { continue; } if (scancodeextra == '\0') { switch (scancode) { case SCAN_ENTER: scancodeextra = '\n'; break; case SCAN_TAB: scancodeextra = '\t'; break; } } var info = new KeyInfo(); info.scan_code = scancode; info.scan_code_extra = scancodeextra; info.current_text = text0; info.texts = new string[] { text0, text1, text2 }; info.image = btn.GetComponent <Image>(); info.text = btn.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); info.Update(); key_infos[btn] = info; } if (!use_ctrl_alt && key_altgr != null) { key_infos.Remove(key_altgr); Destroy(key_altgr.gameObject); } dead_keys_combinations = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> >(); foreach (var info in key_infos.Values) { AddDeadKeyCombination(all_regular_scancodes, info.texts[0], info.scan_code, false, false); AddDeadKeyCombination(all_regular_scancodes, info.texts[1], info.scan_code, true, false); AddDeadKeyCombination(all_regular_scancodes, info.texts[2], info.scan_code, false, true); } foreach (Canvas canvas in GetComponentsInChildren <Canvas>(includeInactive: true)) { canvas.worldCamera = GetControllerCamera(); } locals = new List <Local>(); var ct = Controller.HoverTracker(this); ct.SetPriorityFromDistance(controllerPriority); ct.isConcurrent = true; ct.onEnter += OnEnter; ct.onControllersUpdate += OnControllersUpdate; ct.onLeave += OnLeave; ct.onTouchDown += (ctrl) => { }; /* ^^^ needed in addition to next line: otherwise, touching "Enter" closes the keyboard, * and then finishing our movement and actually pressing---that message would be sent * wherever the controller is now, without the line above. */ ct.onTouchPressDown += (ctrl) => { }; /* needed to grab interest in the touchpad / A button */ bool is_oculus = Baroque.GetControllers().Any(ctrl => ctrl.controllerModel == Controller.Model.OculusTouch); if (is_oculus) { ct.onMenuClick += (ctrl) => { } } ; /* needed to grab interest in the B button */ if (reactToTriggerToo) { ct.onTriggerDown += (ctrl) => { } } ; } void AddDeadKeyCombination(Dictionary <int, string[]> all_regular_scancodes, string key_text, int scan_code, bool with_shift, bool with_altgr) { if (!key_text.StartsWith(DEAD_KEY)) { return; } var k = key_text.Substring(DEAD_KEY.Length); dead_keys_combinations[k] = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var kv in all_regular_scancodes) { for (int i = 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (kv.Value[i].StartsWith(DEAD_KEY)) { continue; } string combined = GetCharsFromKeys(scan_code, with_shift, with_altgr, next_scancode: kv.Key, next_shift: i == 1); if (combined != k + kv.Value[i]) { dead_keys_combinations[k][kv.Value[i]] = combined; } } } }