예제 #1
        static void HandleSites_1_1(string url, SqlConnection sqlConn)
            string network, siteCode, varCode;
            string queryParam = string.Empty;
            string errMsg     = string.Empty;
            int    count;

            WaterML11.WaterOneFlowClient WofClient = new WaterOneFlowClient("WaterOneFlow", url);

            string[] blank = new string[0];
            WaterML11.SiteInfoResponseType siteRt = null;
                siteRt = WofClient.GetSitesObject(blank, "");
            catch (Exception e)
                errMsg = "Exception@HandleSites: " + e.Message;

            if (siteRt == null)
                if (errMsg.Length == 0)
                    errMsg = "Info: no site was returned from the URL.";

            // Write into "Sites"
            //siteRt = WofClient.GetSiteInfoObject(siteCode, "");
            if (OD_SiteInfo.HandleSiteInfo(sqlConn, siteRt) == 0)

            int nsites = siteRt.site.Count();

            Console.WriteLine("Reading {0} sites from {1}..", nsites, url);

            WaterML11.seriesCatalogType[] sctAll;
            OD_SeriesCatalog odSC = new OD_SeriesCatalog(sqlConn);

            #region Loop for each site
            for (int i = 0; i < nsites; i++)
                network  = siteRt.site[i].siteInfo.siteCode[0].network;
                siteCode = network + ":" + siteRt.site[i].siteInfo.siteCode[0].Value;

                if (i % 10 == 0)
                    // Do this check and refresh for after every 100 sites
                    sqlConn = SqlConnOD;
                    odSC.Adapter.Connection = sqlConn;

                sctAll = LoadOnesiteInfo(WofClient, url, siteCode, ref errMsg);

                if (sctAll == null)
                    if (errMsg.Length == 0)
                        errMsg = "Error: LoadOneSiteInfo() returned NULL.";

                if ((i + 1) % 50 == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("..Site[{0}] {1} with {2} catalogs from {3} Time {4:HH:mm:ss}.",
                                      i, siteCode, sctAll.Count(), url, DateTime.Now);
                    Console.WriteLine("..Site[{0}] {1} with {2} catalogs Time {3:HH:mm:ss}.",
                                      i, siteCode, sctAll.Count(), DateTime.Now);

                string sourceOrg = null;
                int    methodID  = 0;
                #region Loop for each seriesCatalogType
                for (int j = 0; j < sctAll.Count(); j++)
                    WaterML11.seriesCatalogType sct = sctAll[j];

                    if (sct.series == null)
                        errMsg = string.Format("Error: WaterML11.seriesCatalogType[{0}].series is NULL.", j);

                    #region Loop for each seriesCatalogTypeSeries
                    for (int k = 0; k < sct.series.Count(); k++)
                        WaterML11.seriesCatalogTypeSeries scts = sct.series[k];
                        WaterML11.TimeIntervalType        ti   = (WaterML11.TimeIntervalType)scts.variableTimeInterval;
                        DateTime beginDateTime = ti.beginDateTime;
                        DateTime endDateTime   = ti.endDateTime;

                        string code = scts.variable.variableCode[0].Value;
                        varCode = network + ":" + code;
                        //valueCount = scts.valueCount.Value;

                        Console.WriteLine("....Series[{0}] var: {1} of site[{2}]", k, code, i);

                        // Use variable info from siteInfoResponseType
                        // instead of from variablesResponseType
                        // since the former includes the latter and contains more infomration
                        if (OD_VariableInfo.HandleVariableInfo(sqlConn, scts.variable) == 0)
                            Console.WriteLine("Failed to insert variable. Give up!");

                        // Add to SeriesCatalog table if not there
                        // Check SeriesCatalog table to get the newest data time
                        OD_1_1_1DataSet.SeriesCatalogRow scRow = odSC.GetOrCreateSeriesCatalog(

                        if (scRow.EndDateTime >= ti.endDateTime)
                            Console.WriteLine("No further action since database has most recent ending date time.");
                            Console.WriteLine("Web service reported {0} values from <{1}> to <{2}>.",
                                              scts.valueCount.Value, ti.beginDateTime.ToString(), ti.endDateTime.ToString());
                            Console.WriteLine("Database has {0} values from <{1}> to <{2}>.",
                                              scRow.ValueCount, scRow.BeginDateTime.ToString(),
                            if (ti.beginDateTime != scRow.BeginDateTime)
                                Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Web server has older data not in database! Please double check!");
                            if (scts.valueCount.Value != scRow.ValueCount)
                                Console.WriteLine("WARNING: data value counts mismatch, maybe due to duplicate values from web service!");

                        // Should we use UTC time?
                        if (scRow.ValueCount > 0)
                            beginDateTime = OD_Utils.GetDateTime(
                                scRow.EndDateTime, scRow.TimeUnitsID, 1);

                        // Update DataValue table
                        WaterML11.TimeSeriesResponseType tsrt = null;

                        Console.WriteLine("......Getting {0} values from <{1}> to <{2}>",
                                          scts.valueCount.Value, beginDateTime, endDateTime);
                        tsrt = LoadDataValueInfo(siteCode, varCode, WofClient,
                                                 beginDateTime, endDateTime);

                        if (tsrt == null)

                        if ((sourceOrg == null) || (!string.Equals(sourceOrg, scts.source.organization)))
                            // Insert a new source
                            sourceOrg = scts.source.organization;
                                                           siteRt.site[i].siteInfo, scts, tsrt.timeSeries[0]);

                        //if ((methodCode == null) || (!string.Equals(methodCode, scts.method.methodCode)))
                        if ((methodID == 0) || (methodID != scts.method.methodID))
                            // Insert a new method
                            methodID = scts.method.methodID;
                            OD_Methods.HandleMethodsInfo(sqlConn, scts.method);

                        count = OD_DataValues.HandleDataValueInfo(sqlConn,
                                                                  odSC, scRow, siteRt.site[i].siteInfo, scts, tsrt);
                        Console.WriteLine("       -------->>>>>>> Inserted {0} records. Database has {1} values from <{2}> to <{3}>.",
                                          count, scRow.ValueCount, scRow.BeginDateTime.ToString(),

                        //catch (Exception ex)
                        //    errMsg = "Exception@HandleDataValueInfo: " + ex.Message;
                        //    Console.WriteLine(errMsg);
                    #endregion Loop for each seriesCatalogTypeSeries
                #endregion Loop for each seriesCatalogType
            #endregion Loop for each site
        } // end of HandleSites_1_1()
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            AppPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;

            // Refer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4470700/c-sharp-how-to-save-console-writeline-outputs-to-text-file
            LogFile = string.Format("{0}\\log-{1:MMddyy-HHmmss}-{2}.txt", AppPath, DateTime.Now, LogCount++);

            FileStream   fileStream   = new FileStream(LogFile, FileMode.Create);
            StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(fileStream);

            streamWriter.AutoFlush = true;

            TextWriter savedCons = Console.Out;


            // Connection to OD
            SqlConnOD = GetDatabaseConnection(strConnOD);

            // Connection to hiscentral
            SqlConnection sqlConnHis = GetDatabaseConnection(strConnHis);

            HisSC = new OD_SeriesCatalog(sqlConnHis);

            LastDbConnTime = DateTime.Now;

            // Read HISNetworks Table and get List of networkID,NetworkName,ServiceWSDL
            string strCommHISNetworks =
                @"SELECT NetworkID, NetworkName, ServiceWSDL 
                           FROM HISNetworks 
                           WHERE IsPublic=1 and IsApproved=1 
                                 and ServiceWSDL like '%cuahsi_1_1_%'
                                 and ServiceWSDL not like '%sdsc%' 
                                 and ServiceWSDL not like '%cuahsi.org%'";

            Network network = new Network(strCommHISNetworks, sqlConnHis);

            int    networkid;
            string networkname, url;

            Console.WriteLine("Found {0} Web Services from HISNetworks.", network.networknameList.Count);

            // Loop over each ServiceWSDL
            // Skip first one (http://eddy.ccny.cuny.edu/CIMS/cuahsi_1_1.asmx?WSDL) which always failed with
            // Exception@HandleSites: Cannot retrieve units or variables from database
            for (int i = 1; i < network.networknameList.Count; i++)
                networkid   = network.networkidList[i];
                networkname = network.networknameList[i];
                url         = network.urlList[i];
                Console.WriteLine(" ");
                Console.WriteLine("Processing web service {0} of {1}: {2},{3},{4} Time {5:HH:mm:ss}.",
                                  i + 1, network.networknameList.Count, networkid, networkname, url, DateTime.Now);

                if (url.Contains("cuahsi_1_1"))
                    HandleSites_1_1(url, SqlConnOD);



            Console.WriteLine("Program finished. Press any key to exit.");
예제 #3
        // Return number of records inserted or found
        public static int HandleDataValueInfo(SqlConnection sqlConn,
                                              OD_SeriesCatalog odSC, OD_1_1_1DataSet.SeriesCatalogRow scRow,
                                              SiteInfoType siteInfo, seriesCatalogTypeSeries scts, TimeSeriesResponseType tsRt)
            DataValuesTableAdapter dvAdapter = new DataValuesTableAdapter();

            dvAdapter.Connection = sqlConn;
            dvAdapter.Adapter.UpdateBatchSize = Program.DbUpdateBatchSize;
            dvAdapter.Adapter.InsertCommand.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None; // required to do batch insertion

            string siteCode = siteInfo.siteCode[0].network + "|" + siteInfo.siteCode[0].Value;
            string varCode  = scts.variable.variableCode[0].Value;
            string cond;

            OD_1_1_1DataSet.DataValuesDataTable tblDataValues = new OD_1_1_1DataSet.DataValuesDataTable();

            Console.WriteLine(">>>Parsing and inserting DATAVALUE");

            // Get site ID
            if (scRow.SiteID == -1)
                cond         = "SiteCode = '" + siteCode + "'";
                scRow.SiteID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("Sites", "SiteID", cond, sqlConn);

            // Get variable ID
            if (scRow.VariableID == -1)
                string[] vars     = Regex.Split(varCode, "/");
                string   dataType = tsRt.timeSeries[0].variable.dataType;
                cond             = "VariableCode = '" + vars[0] + "_" + dataType + "'";
                scRow.VariableID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("Variables", "VariableID", cond, sqlConn);
                if (scRow.VariableID == -1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Failed to get variable ID from WS TimeSeries info (code: {0} type: {1}).",
                                      varCode, dataType);
                    cond             = "VariableCode = '" + vars[0] + "_" + scRow.DataType + "'";
                    scRow.VariableID = OD_Utils.GetPrimaryKey("Variables", "VariableID", cond, sqlConn);
                    if (scRow.VariableID == -1)
                        Console.WriteLine("Also failed to get variable ID with code: {0} and type: {1}. Give up.",
                                          varCode, scRow.DataType);
                        Console.WriteLine("Found variable ID {0} with code: {1} and type: {2} from database.",
                                          scRow.VariableID, varCode, scRow.DataType);

            // Update IDs if modified OD_SeriesCatalog odSC,
            if (scRow.RowState == DataRowState.Modified)

            // Walk through each data value
            if ((tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value == null) || (tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value.Count() == 0))
                Console.WriteLine("No values in WS response.");
            int valueCount = tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value.Count();
            int currCount = 0, idx0 = 0, dupCount = 0;
            ValueSingleVariable dvInfo0 = null;
            bool dup;
            // Begin database transaction to make sure the end data time and value count
            // in SeriesCatalog and DataValues tables are consistent.
            SqlTransaction sqlTrans     = sqlConn.BeginTransaction();

            for (int i = 0; i < valueCount; i++)
                dup = false;
                ValueSingleVariable dvInfo = tsRt.timeSeries[0].values[0].value[i];
                if (dvInfo0 != null)
                    // We have seen many duplicate dvInfo which caused following DataValue insertion failure.
                    // "Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UNIQUE_DataValues'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.DataValues'"
                    // Have to skip the duplicate to avoid the whole batch insertion failure.
                    // Simplify the dup check by only comparing dateTime.
                    if (dvInfo0.dateTime == dvInfo.dateTime)
                        Console.WriteLine("* Index {0} has duplicate time {1:s} with {2}, skip count {3}!",
                                          i, dvInfo.dateTime, idx0, dupCount);
                        dup = true;

                if (!dup)
                    InsertOneDataValue(tblDataValues, scRow.SiteID, scRow.VariableID, dvInfo);
                    idx0    = i;
                    dvInfo0 = dvInfo;

                if ((currCount == Program.DbUpdateBatchSize) || (i + 1 == valueCount))
                        dvAdapter.Transaction = sqlTrans;

                        scRow.EndDateTime        = dvInfo.dateTime;
                        scRow.EndDateTimeUTC     = scRow.EndDateTime.ToUniversalTime();
                        scRow.ValueCount        += currCount;
                        odSC.Adapter.Transaction = sqlTrans;

                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("!!!!!! Got exception: {0}.", e.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine("* Inserted {0} of {1} records for site {2} variable {3}",
                                          i + 1 - currCount, valueCount, siteCode, varCode);
                        Console.WriteLine("* Rollback {0} records with {0} of {1} completed!",
                                          currCount, i + 1 - currCount, valueCount);


                        return(i + 1 - currCount);

                    currCount = 0;

                    if (i + 1 != valueCount)
                        sqlTrans = sqlConn.BeginTransaction();

            dvAdapter.Transaction    = null;
            odSC.Adapter.Transaction = null;

            return(valueCount - dupCount);