예제 #1
        //private GraphicsDeviceManager Graphics;
        //public MenuScreen(GraphicsDeviceManager graphics)
        //    this.Graphics = graphics;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public override void LoadContent()
            //DrawShape draw = new DrawShape();
            //Texture2D circleOverlay = draw.drawShape("Circle", 20, this.Graphics);

            this.content = new ContentManager(ScreenManager.Game.Services, "Content");

            this.menuBackground = this.content.Load<Texture2D>("Sprites/MenuBackground");

            //Buttons are 300 x 75 but lets change it to have the drawShape method make the shape for us
            DrawShape mydraw = new DrawShape();
            //Texture2D exitText = mydraw.drawShape("Square", 100, this.Graphics);
            //Texture2D patientText = mydraw.drawShape("Circle", 100, this.Graphics);
            //Texture2D optionsText = mydraw.drawShape("Rectanlge", 100, this.Graphics);

            Texture2D exitText = content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/ExitButton");
            Texture2D patientText = content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/PatientButton");
            Texture2D optionsText = content.Load<Texture2D>("GUI/OptionsButton");

            int menuX = (ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Width / 2) - (menuBackground.Width / 2);
            int menuY = (ScreenManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport.Height / 2) - (menuBackground.Height / 2);

            menuRect = new Rectangle(menuX, menuY, menuBackground.Width, menuBackground.Height);

            int buttonSpace = 75;
            int buttonX = menuX + (menuBackground.Width / 2) - 150;
            int buttonY = menuY + buttonSpace;

            Rectangle patientRect = new Rectangle(buttonX, buttonY, patientText.Width, patientText.Height);
            Rectangle optionsRect = new Rectangle(buttonX, patientRect.Y + buttonSpace + patientText.Height, optionsText.Width, optionsText.Height);
            Rectangle exitRect = new Rectangle(buttonX, optionsRect.Y + buttonSpace + exitText.Height, exitText.Width, exitText.Height);

            exitButton = new GameLibrary.UI.Button(exitText, exitRect);
            patientButton = new GameLibrary.UI.Button(patientText, patientRect);
            optionsButton = new GameLibrary.UI.Button(optionsText, optionsRect);
예제 #2
        protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            //Get the current state of the Mouse
            MouseState aMouse = Mouse.GetState();


            foreach (Button myBut in buttonList)

            foreach (Button myBut in buttonList)
                if (myBut.IsClicked())
                    Console.WriteLine("Your but has been clicked");
                    myBut.Rect = new Rectangle(750, 750, 50, 50);


            if (testObject1.IsClicked())
                DrawShape mydraw = new DrawShape();
                //Texture2D exitText = mydraw.drawShape("Circle", 100, graphics);
                Rectangle exitRect = new Rectangle(500, 500, 100, 100);
                Texture2D exitText = new DrawNumber("5", exitRect, Color.Green).drawNumber(graphics, Content);
                Button temp = new Button(exitText, exitRect);

            else if (testObject2.IsClicked())

                DrawShape mydraw = new DrawShape();
                //Texture2D exitText = mydraw.drawShape("Triangle", 50, graphics);
                Rectangle exitRect = new Rectangle(500, 100, 100, 100);
                Texture2D exitText = new DrawLetter("G", exitRect, Color.Green).drawLetter(graphics, Content);
                Button temp = new Button(exitText, exitRect);

            //else if (optionsButton.IsClicked())
               // {

                //OptionsScreen os = new OptionsScreen();

                // ScreenManager.AddScreen(os, false);

                // this.ScreenState = State.Hidden;

               // Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
               // }
