public string[] getVillageList(int unionno) { String s = "SELECT village_name FROM [village],[union] where [village].union_no=[union].union_no and [village].union_no=" + unionno + ""; //MessageBox.Show(s); String[] ret = DB.SelectSingleColumn(s, "village"); return(ret); }
public string[] getDistrictList() { String s = "SELECT DISTINCT district_name FROM district"; //MessageBox.Show(s); String[] ret = DB.SelectSingleColumn(s, "district"); return(ret); }
public string[] getUnionList(String thanaid) { String s = "SELECT union_id FROM [union],thana where [union].thana_id=thana.thana_id and [union].thana_id='" + thanaid + "'"; //MessageBox.Show(s); String[] st = DB.SelectSingleColumn(s, "union"); String [] ret = new String[st.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < st.Length; i++) { ret[i] = getUnionName(st[i]); } return(ret); }
public string[] getThanaList(int districtno) { String s = "SELECT thana_id FROM thana,district where thana.district_no=district.district_no and thana.district_no=" + districtno + ""; //MessageBox.Show(s); String[] id = DB.SelectSingleColumn(s, "thana"); String[] ret = new String[id.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < id.Length; i++) { ret[i] = getThanaName(id[i]); } return(ret); }