static void Main(string[] args) { Babysitter babysitter = new Babysitter(); bool endApp = false; string message = "------------------\n" + "Hourly Pay Calculator\n" + "------------------\n"; Console.WriteLine(message); while (!endApp) { message = "1. Calculate Pay\n" + "2. View Family Payrates\n" + "3. Exit Application"; Console.WriteLine(message); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "1": babysitter.RunCalculatePay(); break; case "2": babysitter.ViewFamilies(); break; case "3": endApp = true; break; } } }
[TearDown] public void Dispose() { b = null; }
[SetUp] public void Init() { b = new Babysitter(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool repeat = true; Babysitter babysitter = new Babysitter(); Console.WriteLine("Hi! My name is Bee. I'm new to babysitting.\r\n" + "I can work anytime between 5:00 PM and 4:00 AM.\r\n" + "I charge $12/hour from start until bed time, $8/hour from then until midnight, and $16/hour for every hour after that.\r\n\r\n"); Console.WriteLine("Do you need a babysitter for tonight?"); string answer = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (answer == "yes" || answer == "y") { while (repeat) { TimeSpan start = new TimeSpan(); TimeSpan end = new TimeSpan(); TimeSpan bedtime = new TimeSpan(); Console.WriteLine("What time would you need me there?"); string startInput = Console.ReadLine(); while (true) { if (!babysitter.IsAValidTime(startInput)) { Console.WriteLine($"I'm sorry, I don't think { startInput } is a valid time. Can you try again?"); startInput = Console.ReadLine(); } else { start = DateTime.Parse(startInput).TimeOfDay; if (!babysitter.ValidateTimeByType(start, Babysitter.Times.Start)) { Console.WriteLine($"That start time doesn't work for me. I can't start until { DateTime.Today.Add(babysitter.EarliestStart).ToString("hh:mm tt") }."); startInput = Console.ReadLine(); } else { babysitter.StartTime = start; break; } } } Console.WriteLine("And what time would you be back?"); string endInput = Console.ReadLine(); while (true) { if (!babysitter.IsAValidTime(endInput)) { Console.WriteLine($"I'm sorry, I don't think { endInput } is a valid time. Can you try again?"); endInput = Console.ReadLine(); } else { end = DateTime.Parse(endInput).TimeOfDay; if (!babysitter.ValidateTimeByType(end, Babysitter.Times.End)) { if (babysitter.LatestEnd < end && end <= babysitter.StartTime) { Console.WriteLine($"That end time doesn't work for me. You asked me to start at { DateTime.Today.Add(babysitter.StartTime).ToString("hh:mm tt") }."); } else { Console.WriteLine($"That end time doesn't work for me. I can only work until { DateTime.Today.Add(babysitter.LatestEnd).ToString("hh:mm tt") }."); } endInput = Console.ReadLine(); } else { babysitter.EndTime = end; break; } } } Console.WriteLine("Oh and what time is bedtime for the little one?"); string bedtimeInput = Console.ReadLine(); while (true) { if (!babysitter.IsAValidTime(bedtimeInput)) { Console.WriteLine($"I'm sorry, I don't think { bedtimeInput } is a valid time. Can you try again?"); bedtimeInput = Console.ReadLine(); } else { bedtime = DateTime.Parse(bedtimeInput).TimeOfDay; if (!babysitter.ValidateTimeByType(bedtime, Babysitter.Times.Bedtime)) { Console.WriteLine("Shouldn't the bedtime be between when I arrive and when you return?"); bedtimeInput = Console.ReadLine(); } else { babysitter.BedTime = bedtime; break; } } } string response = babysitter.Babysit(); Console.WriteLine(response + "\r\n"); Console.WriteLine("Would you like to make a request for another night?"); string newRequest = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (newRequest == "no" || newRequest == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Pleasure doing business with you!"); repeat = false; Console.Read(); } else if (newRequest == "yes" || newRequest == "y") { continue; } else { Console.WriteLine("I'm sorry I didn't get that. Please respond with yes or no"); } } } else if (answer == "no" || answer == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Oh! Sorry my mistake. Have a nice day!"); Console.Read(); } else { Console.WriteLine("I'm sorry I didn't get that. Please respond with yes or no"); } }