private void CreateProject_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string projectJet = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + CurrentProjectVariables.GameName + "_Original.jet"; bool result = GeneralMethods.Bad_JetPass(projectJet, Password_TextBox.Text); if (!result) { ConsoleHandler.append("Password correct"); CurrentProjectVariables.JetPassword = Password_TextBox.Text; ProjectHandler.SaveProject(); if (Dont_Ask_Again_Checkbox.Checked) { ZipForm.rememberedPassword = Password_TextBox.Text; Serializer.SaveSettings(); } var zip = new ZipForm(); zip.password = Password_TextBox.Text; zip.Show(); if (isExtracting) { zip.Extract(); } else { zip.launch = launch; zip.Compile(); } this.Close(); } else { ConsoleHandler.append_Force("You entered a bad password. Please check your password and try again"); } /* * string projectJet = CurrentProjectVariables.PathToProjectClassFile + "\\" + CurrentProjectVariables.ProjectName + ".jet"; * * if (File.Exists(projectJet)) * { * * } * else * { * ConsoleHandler.append_Force("Your project file was not detected..."); * }*/ //GetPass(); }
public void GetPass() { string password = Password_TextBox.Text.ToString(); if (password.Length < 3) { ConsoleHandler.append("The password you entered was too short..."); MessageBox.Show("The password you entered was too short..."); } else { ConsoleHandler.append("You entered the password: "******"BTDB"; zip.password = password; zip.projName = projName; zip.Show(); if (Dont_Ask_Again_Checkbox.Checked) { rememberPass = true; ConsoleHandler.append("Program will remember your password for the rest of this session."); ZipForm.rememberedPassword = Password_TextBox.Text; } else { rememberPass = false; ZipForm.rememberedPassword = ""; } if (isExtracting == true) { zip.Extract(); } else { zip.destPath = destPath; zip.launch = launch; zip.Compile(); } this.Close(); } }
private void SubmitModName() { if (CustomName_RadioButton.Checked) { ConsoleHandler.append("You chose the project name: " + ProjectName_TextBox.Text); } else { ConsoleHandler.append("You chose a random project name"); } if (isRenaming == true) { this.Hide(); RenameProject(); this.Close(); return; } bool writeProj = true; string projName = ReturnName(ProjectName_TextBox.Text, gameName); string projdir = ""; if (Guard.IsStringValid(customFolder)) { projdir = customFolder + "\\" + projName; } else { projdir = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Projects\\" + projName; } if (Directory.Exists(projdir)) { var result = MessageBox.Show("A project with this name already exists, do you want to replace it with a new one?", "Replace Existing Project?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if (result == DialogResult.Cancel) { writeProj = false; this.Close(); } else { if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { ConsoleHandler.append("Deleting original project"); try { Directory.Delete(projdir, true); } catch { ConsoleHandler.append("Directory is currently open in windows file explorer..."); } writeProj = true; } else { writeProj = false; ProjectName_TextBox.Text = ""; } } } if (writeProj == true) { if (!Directory.Exists(projdir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(projdir); } string backupPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Backups\\" + CurrentProjectVariables.GameName + "_Original.jet"; if (!GeneralMethods.Validate_Backup(gameName)) { GeneralMethods.CreateBackup(gameName); } if (File.Exists(backupPath)) { if (!Directory.Exists(projdir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(projdir); } CurrentProjectVariables.ProjectName = projName; CurrentProjectVariables.PathToProjectClassFile = projdir; CurrentProjectVariables.PathToProjectFiles = projdir + "\\" + projName; CurrentProjectVariables.UseNKHook = UseNKH_CB.Checked; ProjectHandler.SaveProject(); if (gameName == "BTDB") { var getPasss = new Get_BTDB_Password(); getPasss.Show(); getPasss.isExtracting = true; this.Close(); } else { var zip = new ZipForm(); zip.Show(); zip.Extract(); this.Close(); } } else { ConsoleHandler.append_Force("Unable to locate or create backup... Cancelling project creation..."); if (Directory.Exists(projdir)) { Directory.Delete(projdir); } this.Close(); } } //This stuff is for zip projects /*if (gameName != "BTDB") * { * CurrentProjectVariables.JetPassword = "******"; * ProjectHandler.SaveProject(); * * DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(projdir); * jetf = new JetForm(dinfo, Main.getInstance(), dinfo.Name); * jetf.MdiParent = Main.getInstance(); * jetf.Show(); * jetf.PopulateTreeview(); * } * else * { * var getPasss = new Get_BTDB_Password(); * getPasss.Show(); * } * this.Close();*/ }
public static void CompileJet(string switchCase) { if (New_JsonEditor.isJsonError != true) { if (JetProps.get().Count == 1) { string dest = ""; bool isOutputting = false; bool abort = false; var zip = new ZipForm(); if (switchCase.Contains("output")) { isOutputting = true; string exPath = CurrentProjectVariables.ExportPath; if (exPath != "" && exPath != null) { DialogResult diag = MessageBox.Show("Do you want export to the same place as last time?", "Export to the same place?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (diag == DialogResult.Yes) { dest = exPath; } else { exPath = ""; } } if (exPath == "" || exPath == null) { ConsoleHandler.append("Select where you want to export your jet file. Make sure to give it a name.."); dest = OutputJet(); CurrentProjectVariables.ExportPath = dest; ProjectHandler.SaveProject(); //ZipForm.savedExportPath = dest; //Serializer.SaveSmallSettings("export path"); } zip.destPath = dest; } else if (switchCase.Contains("launch")) { if (switchCase.Contains("nkh")) { zip.launchNKH = true; } if (CurrentProjectVariables.GamePath != null && CurrentProjectVariables.GamePath != "") { zip.launch = true; zip.destPath = CurrentProjectVariables.GamePath + "\\Assets\\" + ReturnJetName(CurrentProjectVariables.GameName); } else { ConsoleHandler.force_append_Notice("Unable to find your game directory, and therefore, unable to launch. Do you want to try browsing for your game?"); DialogResult diag = MessageBox.Show("Unable to find your game directory, and therefore, unable to launch. Do you want to try browsing for your game?", "Browse for game?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel); if (diag == DialogResult.Yes) { browseForExe(CurrentProjectVariables.GameName); } if (diag == DialogResult.No) { DialogResult diag2 = MessageBox.Show("Do you want to just save your jet file instead?", "Save jet instead?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); { if (diag2 == DialogResult.Yes) { isOutputting = true; string exPath = CurrentProjectVariables.ExportPath; if (exPath != "" && exPath != null) { DialogResult diagz = MessageBox.Show("Do you want export to the same place as last time?", "Export to the same place?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (diagz == DialogResult.Yes) { dest = exPath; } else { exPath = ""; } } if (exPath == "" || exPath == null) { ConsoleHandler.append("Select where you want to export your jet file. Make sure to give it a name.."); dest = OutputJet(); CurrentProjectVariables.ExportPath = dest; ProjectHandler.SaveProject(); /*ZipForm.savedExportPath = dest; * Serializer.SaveSmallSettings("export path");*/ } zip.destPath = dest; } } } else { abort = true; } } } if (!abort) { if (isOutputting) { if (dest != null && dest != "") { zip.destPath = dest; zip.Show(); zip.Compile(); } else { ConsoleHandler.append("Export cancelled..."); } } else { zip.Show(); zip.Compile(); } } } else { if (JetProps.get().Count < 1) { MessageBox.Show("You have no .jets or projects open, you need one to launch."); ConsoleHandler.append("You need to open a project to continue..."); } else { MessageBox.Show("You have multiple .jets or projects open, only one can be launched."); ConsoleHandler.append("You need to close projects to continue..."); } } } }