static void Runtest() { // Run test with strings BST <string> testtree = new BST <string>(); Random rand = new Random(); int val = 0; string ins = ""; // Because it takes strings 100 < 12 because first 1's compared then 0 and 2. for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { val = rand.Next(0, 101); ins = val.ToString(); testtree.Insert(ins); } testtree.Insert("Zebra"); testtree.Insert("Apple"); testtree.Insert("zebra"); testtree.Insert("apple"); testtree.Insert("Cat"); Console.WriteLine("Word"); testtree.InOrder(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Tree Statistics: "); Console.WriteLine("\tNumber of Nodes: " + testtree.NumNodes); Console.WriteLine("\tNumber of Levels: {0}", testtree.Pheight()); if (testtree.NumNodes != 0) { Console.WriteLine("\tMinimum number of levels a tree of size {0} could have: {1}", testtree.NumNodes, (int)Math.Log(testtree.NumNodes, 2.0) + 1); } else { Console.WriteLine("\tMinimum number of levels a tree of size {0} coult have: 0", testtree.NumNodes); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length > 0 && string.Compare(args[0], "--strtest") == 0) { // Run test with string Runtest(); } else if (args.Length > 0 && string.Compare(args[0], "--chartest") == 0) { // Run test with chars Runbigtest(); } else { // Standard go through bool[] reps = new bool[101]; string vals = ""; string[] breaks; int hold = 0; BST <int> tree = new BST <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { reps[i] = false; } Console.WriteLine("Enter a collection of numbers in the range [0, 100], separated by spaces:"); // Read in provided values vals = Console.ReadLine(); // Print to screen Console.WriteLine(vals); // Break up string and convert each value to int breaks = vals.Split(' '); for (int i = 0; i < breaks.Length; i++) { if (Int32.TryParse(breaks[i], out hold)) { if (hold <= 100 && hold >= 0) { if (reps[hold] == false) { reps[hold] = true; tree.Insert(hold); } } } } // Display tree in order and post order, display stats. tree.InOrder(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Post Order: "); tree.PostOrder(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Tree Statistics: "); Console.WriteLine("\tNumber of Nodes: " + tree.NumNodes); Console.WriteLine("\tNumber of Levels: {0}", tree.Pheight()); if (tree.NumNodes != 0) { Console.WriteLine("\tMinimum number of levels a tree of size {0} could have: {1}", tree.NumNodes, (int)Math.Log(tree.NumNodes, 2.0) + 1); } else { Console.WriteLine("\tMinimum number of levels a tree of size {0} coult have: 0", tree.NumNodes); } } }