예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads languages from XML files.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadLanguages()
            // Clear existing dictionary.

            // Get the current assembly path and append our locale directory name.
            string assemblyPath = ModUtils.GetAssemblyPath();

            if (!assemblyPath.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                string localePath = Path.Combine(assemblyPath, "Translations");

                // Ensure that the directory exists before proceeding.
                if (Directory.Exists(localePath))
                    // Load each file in directory and attempt to deserialise as a translation file.
                    string[] translationFiles = Directory.GetFiles(localePath);
                    foreach (string translationFile in translationFiles)
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(translationFile))
                            XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Language));
                            if (xmlSerializer.Deserialize(reader) is Language translation)
                                // Got one!  add it to the list, if we don't already have a copy.
                                if (!languages.ContainsKey(translation.uniqueName))
                                    languages.Add(translation.uniqueName, translation);
                                    Logging.Error("duplicate translation for ", translation.uniqueName);
                                Logging.Error("couldn't deserialize translation file '", translationFile);
                    Logging.Error("translations directory not found");
                Logging.Error("assembly path was empty");
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads languages from CSV files.
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadLanguages()
            // Clear existing dictionary.

            // Get the current assembly path and append our locale directory name.
            string assemblyPath = ModUtils.GetAssemblyPath();

            if (!assemblyPath.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                string localePath = Path.Combine(assemblyPath, "Translations");

                // Ensure that the directory exists before proceeding.
                if (Directory.Exists(localePath))
                    // Load each file in directory and attempt to deserialise as a translation file.
                    string[] translationFiles = Directory.GetFiles(localePath);
                    foreach (string translationFile in translationFiles)
                        // Skip anything that's not marked as a .csv file.
                        if (!translationFile.EndsWith(".csv"))

                        // Read file.
                        FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(translationFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                        using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream))
                            // Create new language instance for this file.
                            Language thisLanguage = new Language();
                            string   key          = null;
                            bool     quoting      = false;

                            // Iterate through each line of file.
                            string line = reader.ReadLine();
                            while (line != null)
                                // Are we parsing quoted lines?
                                if (quoting)
                                    // Parsing a quoted line - make sure we have a valid current key.
                                    if (!key.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                        // Yes - if the line ends with a quote, trim the quote and add to existing dictionary entry and stop quoting.
                                        if (line.EndsWith("\""))
                                            quoting = false;
                                            thisLanguage.translationDictionary[key] += line.Substring(0, line.Length - 1);
                                            // Line doesn't end with a quote - add line to existing dictionary entry and keep going.
                                            thisLanguage.translationDictionary[key] += line + Environment.NewLine;
                                    // Not parsing quoted line - look for comma separator on this line.
                                    int commaPos = line.IndexOf(",");
                                    if (commaPos > 0)
                                        // Comma found - split line into key and value, delimited by first comma.
                                        key = line.Substring(0, commaPos);
                                        string value = line.Substring(commaPos + 1);

                                        // Don't do anything if either key or value is invalid.
                                        if (!key.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() && !value.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                            // Trim quotes off keys.
                                            if (key.StartsWith("\""))
                                                // Starts with quotation mark - if it also ends in a quotation mark, strip both quotation marks.
                                                if (key.EndsWith("\""))
                                                    key = key.Substring(1, key.Length - 2);
                                                    // Doesn't end in a quotation mark, so just strip leading quotation mark.
                                                    key = key.Substring(1);

                                            // Does this value start with a quotation mark?
                                            if (value.StartsWith("\""))
                                                // Starts with quotation mark - if it also ends in a quotation mark, strip both quotation marks.
                                                if (value.EndsWith("\""))
                                                    value = value.Substring(1, value.Length - 2);
                                                    // Doesn't end in a quotation mark, so we've (presumably) got a multi-line quoted entry
                                                    // Flag quoting mode and set initial value to start of quoted string (less leading quotation mark), plus trailing newline.
                                                    quoting = true;
                                                    value   = value.Substring(1) + Environment.NewLine;

                                            // Check for reserved keywords.
                                            if (key.Equals(Language.CodeKey))
                                                // Language code.
                                                thisLanguage.uniqueName = value;
                                            else if (key.Equals(Language.NameKey))
                                                // Language readable name.
                                                thisLanguage.readableName = value;
                                                // Try to add key/value pair to translation dictionary.
                                                if (!thisLanguage.translationDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                                                    thisLanguage.translationDictionary.Add(key, value);
                                                    Logging.Error("duplicate translation key ", key, " in file ", translationFile);
                                        // No comma delimiter found - append to previous line (if last-used key is valid).
                                        if (!key.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                                            thisLanguage.translationDictionary[key] += line;

                                // Read next line.
                                line = reader.ReadLine();

                            // Did we get a valid dictionary from this?
                            if (thisLanguage.uniqueName != null && thisLanguage.readableName != null && thisLanguage.translationDictionary.Count > 0)
                                // Yes - add to languages dictionary.
                                if (!languages.ContainsKey(thisLanguage.uniqueName))
                                    languages.Add(thisLanguage.uniqueName, thisLanguage);
                                    Logging.Error("duplicate translation file for language ", thisLanguage.uniqueName);
                                Logging.Error("file ", translationFile, " did not produce a valid translation dictionary");
                    Logging.Error("translations directory not found");
                Logging.Error("assembly path was empty");
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Opens the named resource file for reading.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">File to open</param>
        /// <returns>Read-only file stream</returns>
        private static Stream OpenResourceFile(string fileName)
            string path = Path.Combine(ModUtils.GetAssemblyPath(), "Resources");

            return(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(path, fileName)));