public bool SaveTndnTaxDeclaration(TndnTaxDeclaration declaration) { int year = declaration.Year; TndnTaxDeclaration check = db.TndnTaxDeclarations.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Year == year); if (check != null) { db.TndnTaxDeclarations.Remove(check); } db.TndnTaxDeclarations.Add(declaration); try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception) { return false; } return true; }
public int SaveTndnTaxTndnTaxDeclaration(FormCollection form) { try { #region Get Data from Form string taxYear = form["taxYear"]; string createDate = form["createDate"]; string vatAgentOwnerName = form["vatAgentOwnerName"]; string vatAgentName = form["agentName"]; string vatAgentTaxCode = form["agentTaxCode"].Replace(",", ""); string vatAgentNo = form["agentNo"]; string vatAgentAddress = form["vatAgentAddress"]; string vatAgentDistrict = form["vatAgentDistrict"]; string vatAgentProvince = form["vatAgentProvince"]; string vatAgentPhone = form["vatAgentPhone"]; string vatAgentFax = form["vatAgentFax"]; string vatAgentEmail = form["vatAgentEmail"]; string signName = form["signName"]; string maxRevenueRatio = form["maxRevenueRatio"]; string storeOwnerName = form["storeOwnerName"]; string storeTaxcode = form["storeTaxcode"].Replace(",", ""); string storeAddress = form["storeAddress"]; string storeDistrict = form["storeDistrict"]; string storeProvince = form["storeProvince"]; string storePhone = form["storePhone"]; string storeFax = form["storeFax"]; string storeEmail = form["storeEmail"]; string value22No = form["value22No"]; string value22Date = form["value22Date"]; string valueA1 = form["valueA1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB1 = form["valueB1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB2 = form["valueB2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB3 = form["valueB3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB4 = form["valueB4"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB5 = form["valueB5"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB6 = form["valueB6"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB7 = form["valueB7"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB8 = form["valueB8"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB9 = form["valueB9"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB10 = form["valueB10"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB11 = form["valueB11"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB12 = form["valueB12"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB13 = form["valueB13"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB14 = form["valueB14"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC1 = form["valueC1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC2 = form["valueC2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC3 = form["valueC3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC3a = form["valueC3a"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC3b = form["valueC3b"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC4 = form["valueC4"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC5 = form["valueC5"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC6 = form["valueC6"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC7 = form["valueC7"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC8 = form["valueC8"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC9 = form["valueC9"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC9a = form["valueC9a"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC10 = form["valueC10"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC11 = form["valueC11"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC12 = form["valueC12"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC13 = form["valueC13"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC14 = form["valueC14"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC15 = form["valueC15"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC16 = form["valueC16"].Replace(".", ""); string valueD = form["valueD"].Replace(".", ""); string valueD1 = form["valueD1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueD2 = form["valueD2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueD3 = form["valueD3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueE = form["valueE"].Replace(".", ""); string valueE1 = form["valueE1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueE2 = form["valueE2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueE3 = form["valueE3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueG = form["valueG"].Replace(".", ""); string valueG1 = form["valueG1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueG2 = form["valueG2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueG3 = form["valueG3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueH = form["valueH"].Replace(".", ""); string valueI = form["valueI"].Replace(".", ""); string valueL1 = form["valueL1"]; string valueL2Code = form["valueL2Code"]; string valueL3 = form["valueL3"]; string valueL4 = form["valueL4"].Replace(".", ""); string valueL5 = form["valueL5"].Replace(".", ""); string valueM1DayQuantity = form["valueM1DayQuantity"]; string valueM1FromDate = form["valueM1FromDate"]; string valueM1ToDate = form["valueM1ToDate"]; string valueM2 = form["valueM2"].Replace(".", ""); string value1 = form["value01"].Replace(".", ""); string value2 = form["value02"].Replace(".", ""); string value3 = form["value03"].Replace(".", ""); string value4 = form["value04"].Replace(".", ""); string value5 = form["value05"].Replace(".", ""); string value6 = form["value06"].Replace(".", ""); string value7 = form["value07"].Replace(".", ""); string value8 = form["value08"].Replace(".", ""); string value9 = form["value09"].Replace(".", ""); string value10 = form["value10"].Replace(".", ""); string value11 = form["value11"].Replace(".", ""); string value12 = form["value12"].Replace(".", ""); string value13 = form["value13"].Replace(".", ""); string value14 = form["value14"].Replace(".", ""); string value15 = form["value15"].Replace(".", ""); string value16 = form["value16"].Replace(".", ""); string value17 = form["value17"].Replace(".", ""); string value18 = form["value18"].Replace(".", ""); string value19 = form["value19"].Replace(".", ""); #endregion #region Create TndnTaxDeclaration Model and Save TndnTaxDeclaration tndn = new TndnTaxDeclaration(); tndn.Year = Convert.ToInt32(taxYear.Trim()); if (maxRevenueRatio.Trim().Length > 0) { tndn.MaxRevenueRatio = Convert.ToInt32(maxRevenueRatio.Trim()); } else { tndn.MaxRevenueRatio = 0; } tndn.StoreOwnerName = storeOwnerName; tndn.StoreTaxCode = storeTaxcode; tndn.StoreAddress = storeAddress; tndn.StoreDistrict = storeDistrict; tndn.StoreProvince = storeProvince; tndn.StorePhone = storePhone; tndn.StoreFax = storeFax; tndn.StoreEmail = storeEmail; tndn.TaxAgentTaxCode = vatAgentTaxCode; tndn.TaxAgentName = vatAgentName; tndn.TaxAgentOwnerName = vatAgentOwnerName; tndn.TaxAgentNo = vatAgentNo; tndn.TaxAgentAddress = vatAgentAddress; tndn.TaxAgentDistrict = vatAgentDistrict; tndn.TaxAgentProvince = vatAgentProvince; tndn.TaxAgentPhone = vatAgentPhone; tndn.TaxAgentFax = vatAgentFax; tndn.TaxAgentEmail = vatAgentEmail; tndn.SignName = signName; if (!createDate.Trim().IsEmpty()) { tndn.CreateDate = DateTime.ParseExact(createDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (value22No.Trim().Length > 0) { tndn.Value22No = Convert.ToInt32(value22No); } if (!value22Date.Trim().IsEmpty()) { tndn.Value22Date = DateTime.ParseExact(value22Date, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } tndn.ValueA1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueA1); tndn.ValueB1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB1); tndn.ValueB2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB2); tndn.ValueB3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB3); tndn.ValueB4 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB4); tndn.ValueB5 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB5); tndn.ValueB6 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB6); tndn.ValueB7 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB7); tndn.ValueB8 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB8); tndn.ValueB9 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB9); tndn.ValueB10 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB10); tndn.ValueB11 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB11); tndn.ValueB12 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB12); tndn.ValueB13 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB13); tndn.ValueB14 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB14); tndn.ValueC1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC1); tndn.ValueC2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC2); tndn.ValueC3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC3); tndn.ValueC3a = Convert.ToInt32(valueC3a); tndn.ValueC3b = Convert.ToInt32(valueC3b); tndn.ValueC4 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC4); tndn.ValueC5 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC5); tndn.ValueC6 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC6); tndn.ValueC7 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC7); tndn.ValueC8 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC8); tndn.ValueC9 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC9); tndn.ValueC9a = Convert.ToInt32(valueC9a); tndn.ValueC10 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC10); tndn.ValueC11 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC11); tndn.ValueC12 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC12); tndn.ValueC13 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC13); tndn.ValueC14 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC14); tndn.ValueC15 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC15); tndn.ValueC16 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC16); tndn.ValueD = Convert.ToInt32(valueD); tndn.ValueD1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueD1); tndn.ValueD2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueD2); tndn.ValueD3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueD3); tndn.ValueE = Convert.ToInt32(valueE); tndn.ValueE1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueE1); tndn.ValueE2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueE2); tndn.ValueE3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueE3); tndn.ValueG = Convert.ToInt32(valueG); tndn.ValueG1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueG1); tndn.ValueG2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueG2); tndn.ValueG3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueG3); tndn.ValueH = Convert.ToInt32(valueH); tndn.ValueI = Convert.ToInt32(valueI); if (valueL1 != null && valueL1.Equals("on")) { tndn.ValueL1 = true; tndn.ValueL2No = Convert.ToInt32(valueL2Code); tndn.ValueL3 = DateTime.ParseExact(valueL3, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tndn.ValueL4 = Convert.ToInt32(valueL4); tndn.ValueL5 = Convert.ToInt32(valueL5); } else { tndn.ValueL1 = false; } if (!valueM1FromDate.IsEmpty()) { tndn.ValueM1FromDate = DateTime.ParseExact(valueM1FromDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (!valueM1ToDate.IsEmpty()) { tndn.ValueM1ToDate = DateTime.ParseExact(valueM1FromDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } tndn.ValueM2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueM2); tndn.Value1 = Convert.ToInt32(value1); tndn.Value2 = Convert.ToInt32(value2); tndn.Value3 = Convert.ToInt32(value3); tndn.Value4 = Convert.ToInt32(value4); tndn.Value5 = Convert.ToInt32(value5); tndn.Value6 = Convert.ToInt32(value6); tndn.Value7 = Convert.ToInt32(value7); tndn.Value8 = Convert.ToInt32(value8); tndn.Value9 = Convert.ToInt32(value9); tndn.Value10 = Convert.ToInt32(value10); tndn.Value11 = Convert.ToInt32(value11); tndn.Value12 = Convert.ToInt32(value12); tndn.Value13 = Convert.ToInt32(value13); tndn.Value14 = Convert.ToInt32(value14); tndn.Value15 = Convert.ToInt32(value15); tndn.Value16 = Convert.ToInt32(value16); tndn.Value17 = Convert.ToInt32(value17); tndn.Value18 = Convert.ToInt32(value18); tndn.Value19 = Convert.ToInt32(value19); TaxBusiness business = new TaxBusiness(); return business.SaveTndnTaxDeclaration(tndn) ? 1 : 0; #endregion } catch (Exception) { return 0; } }
public TndnTaxDeclaration GeTndnTaxDeclaration(int year) { TndnTaxDeclaration result = db.TndnTaxDeclarations.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Year == year); { if (result == null) { result = new TndnTaxDeclaration(); StoreInfo storeInfo = db.StoreInfoes.FirstOrDefault(); if (storeInfo != null) { result.StoreOwnerName = storeInfo.OwnerName; result.StoreTaxCode = storeInfo.TaxCode; result.StoreAddress = storeInfo.Address; result.StoreDistrict = storeInfo.District; result.StoreProvince = storeInfo.Province; result.StorePhone = storeInfo.Phonenumber; result.StoreFax = storeInfo.Fax; result.StoreEmail = storeInfo.Email; result.SignName = storeInfo.OwnerName; result.Year = year; } ReportBusiness business = new ReportBusiness(); List<sp_GetIncomeYearly_Result> incomeYearly = business.GetIncomeYearlyStore(year, year); var revenue = incomeYearly.ElementAt(0).Revenue; result.Value1 = revenue ?? 0; result.Value2 = 0; result.Value4 = 0; result.Value5 = 0; result.Value6 = 0; result.Value7 = 0; result.Value3 = result.Value4 + result.Value5 + result.Value6 + result.Value7; result.Value8 = 0; var materialExpense = incomeYearly.ElementAt(0).MaterialExpense; result.Value10 = materialExpense ?? 0; List<OtherExpense> value11List = db.OtherExpenses.Where(m => m.Type == 11 && m.OtherExpenseYearTime == year).ToList(); result.Value11 = 0; foreach (OtherExpense otherExpense in value11List) { result.Value11 += otherExpense.OtherExpenseAmount; } List<OtherExpense> value12List = db.OtherExpenses.Where(m => m.Type == 12 && m.OtherExpenseYearTime == year).ToList(); result.Value12 = 0; foreach (OtherExpense otherExpense in value12List) { result.Value12 += otherExpense.OtherExpenseAmount; } result.Value9 = result.Value10 + result.Value11 + result.Value12; result.Value13 = 0; result.Value14 = 0; result.Value15 = result.Value1 - result.Value3 + result.Value8 - result.Value9 - result.Value13; result.Value16 = 0; result.Value17 = 0; result.Value18 = result.Value16 - result.Value17; result.Value19 = result.Value15 + result.Value18; result.ValueA1 = result.Value19; result.ValueB1 = 0; result.ValueB2 = 0; result.ValueB3 = 0; result.ValueB4 = 0; result.ValueB5 = 0; result.ValueB6 = 0; result.ValueB7 = 0; result.ValueB8 = 0; result.ValueB9 = 0; result.ValueB10 = 0; result.ValueB11 = 0; result.ValueB12 = result.ValueA1; result.ValueB14 = 0; result.ValueB13 = result.ValueB12 - result.ValueB14; result.ValueC1 = result.ValueB13; result.ValueC2 = 0; result.ValueC3 = 0; result.ValueC3a = 0; result.ValueC3b = 0; result.ValueC4 = result.ValueC1; result.ValueC5 = 0; result.ValueC6 = result.ValueC4 - result.ValueC5; // Bug Hard code int tndnTaxRate = 0; TaxRate taxRate = db.TaxRates.FirstOrDefault(m => m.TaxRateId == 2); if (taxRate != null) { tndnTaxRate = taxRate.TaxRateValue; } if (tndnTaxRate == 22) { result.ValueC7 = result.ValueC4; } else { result.ValueC7 = 0; } if (tndnTaxRate == 20) { result.ValueC8 = result.ValueC4; } else { result.ValueC8 = 0; } if (tndnTaxRate != 22 && tndnTaxRate != 20) { result.ValueC9 = result.ValueC4; result.ValueC9a = tndnTaxRate; } else { result.ValueC9 = 0; result.ValueC9a = 0; } result.ValueC10 = (int)(result.ValueC7 / 5 + result.ValueC8 * 0.22 + result.ValueC9 * result.ValueC9a / 100); result.ValueC11 = 0; result.ValueC12 = 0; result.ValueC13 = 0; result.ValueC14 = 0; result.ValueC15 = 0; result.ValueC16 = result.ValueC10 - result.ValueC11 - result.ValueC12 - result.ValueC15; result.ValueD1 = result.ValueC16; result.ValueD2 = 0; result.ValueD3 = 0; result.ValueD = result.ValueD1 + result.ValueD2 + result.ValueD3; result.ValueE = 0; result.ValueE2 = 0; result.ValueE3 = 0; result.ValueE1 = 0; result.ValueG1 = result.ValueD1 - result.ValueE1; result.ValueG2 = result.ValueD2 - result.ValueE2; result.ValueG3 = result.ValueD3 - result.ValueE3; result.ValueG = result.ValueG1 + result.ValueG2 + result.ValueG3; result.ValueH = result.ValueD / 5; result.ValueI = result.ValueG - result.ValueH; result.ValueL1 = false; } } return result; }
public ActionResult ExportXmlTndnTaxDeclaration(FormCollection form) { try { #region Get Data from Form string taxYear = form["taxYear"]; //Store Info Not get from form; Get from DB BMAEntities db = new BMAEntities(); string createDate = form["createDate"]; string vatAgentOwnerName = form["vatAgentOwnerName"]; string vatAgentName = form["agentName"]; string vatAgentTaxCodeString = form["agentTaxCode"]; string vatAgentTaxCode = ""; if (vatAgentTaxCodeString != null) { vatAgentTaxCode = vatAgentTaxCodeString.Replace(",", ""); } string vatAgentNo = form["agentNo"]; string vatAgentAddress = form["vatAgentAddress"]; string vatAgentDistrict = form["vatAgentDistrict"]; string vatAgentProvince = form["vatAgentProvince"]; string vatAgentPhone = form["vatAgentPhone"]; string vatAgentFax = form["vatAgentFax"]; string vatAgentEmail = form["vatAgentEmail"]; string signName = form["signName"]; string maxRevenueRatio = form["maxRevenueRatio"]; string storeOwnerName = form["storeOwnerName"]; string storeTaxcode = form["storeTaxcode"].Replace(",", ""); string storeAddress = form["storeAddress"]; string storeDistrict = form["storeDistrict"]; string storeProvince = form["storeProvince"]; string storePhone = form["storePhone"]; string storeFax = form["storeFax"]; string storeEmail = form["storeEmail"]; string value22No = form["value22No"]; string value22Date = form["value22Date"]; string valueA1 = form["valueA1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB1 = form["valueB1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB2 = form["valueB2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB3 = form["valueB3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB4 = form["valueB4"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB5 = form["valueB5"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB6 = form["valueB6"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB7 = form["valueB7"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB8 = form["valueB8"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB9 = form["valueB9"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB10 = form["valueB10"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB11 = form["valueB11"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB12 = form["valueB12"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB13 = form["valueB13"].Replace(".", ""); string valueB14 = form["valueB14"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC1 = form["valueC1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC2 = form["valueC2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC3 = form["valueC3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC3a = form["valueC3a"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC3b = form["valueC3b"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC4 = form["valueC4"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC5 = form["valueC5"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC6 = form["valueC6"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC7 = form["valueC7"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC8 = form["valueC8"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC9 = form["valueC9"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC9a = form["valueC9a"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC10 = form["valueC10"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC11 = form["valueC11"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC12 = form["valueC12"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC13 = form["valueC13"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC14 = form["valueC14"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC15 = form["valueC15"].Replace(".", ""); string valueC16 = form["valueC16"].Replace(".", ""); string valueD = form["valueD"].Replace(".", ""); string valueD1 = form["valueD1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueD2 = form["valueD2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueD3 = form["valueD3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueE = form["valueE"].Replace(".", ""); string valueE1 = form["valueE1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueE2 = form["valueE2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueE3 = form["valueE3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueG = form["valueG"].Replace(".", ""); string valueG1 = form["valueG1"].Replace(".", ""); string valueG2 = form["valueG2"].Replace(".", ""); string valueG3 = form["valueG3"].Replace(".", ""); string valueH = form["valueH"].Replace(".", ""); string valueI = form["valueI"].Replace(".", ""); string valueL1 = form["valueL1"]; string valueL2Code = form["valueL2Code"]; string valueL3 = form["valueL3"]; string valueL4 = form["valueL4"].Replace(".", ""); string valueL5 = form["valueL5"].Replace(".", ""); string valueM1DayQuantity = form["valueM1DayQuantity"]; string valueM1FromDate = form["valueM1FromDate"]; string valueM1ToDate = form["valueM1ToDate"]; string valueM2 = form["valueM2"].Replace(".", ""); string value1 = form["value01"].Replace(".", ""); string value2 = form["value02"].Replace(".", ""); string value3 = form["value03"].Replace(".", ""); string value4 = form["value04"].Replace(".", ""); string value5 = form["value05"].Replace(".", ""); string value6 = form["value06"].Replace(".", ""); string value7 = form["value07"].Replace(".", ""); string value8 = form["value08"].Replace(".", ""); string value9 = form["value09"].Replace(".", ""); string value10 = form["value10"].Replace(".", ""); string value11 = form["value11"].Replace(".", ""); string value12 = form["value12"].Replace(".", ""); string value13 = form["value13"].Replace(".", ""); string value14 = form["value14"].Replace(".", ""); string value15 = form["value15"].Replace(".", ""); string value16 = form["value16"].Replace(".", ""); string value17 = form["value17"].Replace(".", ""); string value18 = form["value18"].Replace(".", ""); string value19 = form["value19"].Replace(".", ""); #endregion #region Create TndnTaxDeclaration Model and Save TndnTaxDeclaration tndn = new TndnTaxDeclaration(); tndn.Year = Convert.ToInt32(taxYear.Trim()); if (maxRevenueRatio.Trim().Length > 0) { tndn.MaxRevenueRatio = Convert.ToInt32(maxRevenueRatio.Trim()); } else { tndn.MaxRevenueRatio = 0; } tndn.StoreOwnerName = storeOwnerName; tndn.StoreTaxCode = storeTaxcode; tndn.StoreAddress = storeAddress; tndn.StoreDistrict = storeDistrict; tndn.StoreProvince = storeProvince; tndn.StorePhone = storePhone; tndn.StoreFax = storeFax; tndn.StoreEmail = storeEmail; tndn.TaxAgentTaxCode = vatAgentTaxCode; tndn.TaxAgentName = vatAgentName; tndn.TaxAgentOwnerName = vatAgentOwnerName; tndn.TaxAgentNo = vatAgentNo; tndn.TaxAgentAddress = vatAgentAddress; tndn.TaxAgentDistrict = vatAgentDistrict; tndn.TaxAgentProvince = vatAgentProvince; tndn.TaxAgentPhone = vatAgentPhone; tndn.TaxAgentFax = vatAgentFax; tndn.TaxAgentEmail = vatAgentEmail; tndn.SignName = signName; if (!createDate.Trim().IsEmpty()) { tndn.CreateDate = DateTime.ParseExact(createDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (!value22No.Trim().IsEmpty()) { tndn.Value22No = Convert.ToInt32(value22No); } if (!value22Date.Trim().IsEmpty()) { tndn.Value22Date = DateTime.ParseExact(value22Date, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } tndn.ValueA1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueA1); tndn.ValueB1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB1); tndn.ValueB2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB2); tndn.ValueB3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB3); tndn.ValueB4 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB4); tndn.ValueB5 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB5); tndn.ValueB6 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB6); tndn.ValueB7 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB7); tndn.ValueB8 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB8); tndn.ValueB9 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB9); tndn.ValueB10 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB10); tndn.ValueB11 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB11); tndn.ValueB12 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB12); tndn.ValueB13 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB13); tndn.ValueB14 = Convert.ToInt32(valueB14); tndn.ValueC1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC1); tndn.ValueC2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC2); tndn.ValueC3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC3); tndn.ValueC3a = Convert.ToInt32(valueC3a); tndn.ValueC3b = Convert.ToInt32(valueC3b); tndn.ValueC4 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC4); tndn.ValueC5 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC5); tndn.ValueC6 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC6); tndn.ValueC7 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC7); tndn.ValueC8 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC8); tndn.ValueC9 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC9); tndn.ValueC9a = Convert.ToInt32(valueC9a); tndn.ValueC10 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC10); tndn.ValueC11 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC11); tndn.ValueC12 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC12); tndn.ValueC13 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC13); tndn.ValueC14 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC14); tndn.ValueC15 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC15); tndn.ValueC16 = Convert.ToInt32(valueC16); tndn.ValueD = Convert.ToInt32(valueD); tndn.ValueD1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueD1); tndn.ValueD2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueD2); tndn.ValueD3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueD3); tndn.ValueE = Convert.ToInt32(valueE); tndn.ValueE1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueE1); tndn.ValueE2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueE2); tndn.ValueE3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueE3); tndn.ValueG = Convert.ToInt32(valueG); tndn.ValueG1 = Convert.ToInt32(valueG1); tndn.ValueG2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueG2); tndn.ValueG3 = Convert.ToInt32(valueG3); tndn.ValueH = Convert.ToInt32(valueH); tndn.ValueI = Convert.ToInt32(valueI); if (valueL1 != null && valueL1.Equals("on")) { tndn.ValueL1 = true; tndn.ValueL2No = Convert.ToInt32(valueL2Code); tndn.ValueL3 = DateTime.ParseExact(valueL3, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); tndn.ValueL4 = Convert.ToInt32(valueL4); tndn.ValueL5 = Convert.ToInt32(valueL5); } else { tndn.ValueL1 = false; } if (!valueM1FromDate.IsEmpty()) { tndn.ValueM1FromDate = DateTime.ParseExact(valueM1FromDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (!valueM1ToDate.IsEmpty()) { tndn.ValueM1ToDate = DateTime.ParseExact(valueM1FromDate, "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } tndn.ValueM2 = Convert.ToInt32(valueM2); tndn.Value1 = Convert.ToInt32(value1); tndn.Value2 = Convert.ToInt32(value2); tndn.Value3 = Convert.ToInt32(value3); tndn.Value4 = Convert.ToInt32(value4); tndn.Value5 = Convert.ToInt32(value5); tndn.Value6 = Convert.ToInt32(value6); tndn.Value7 = Convert.ToInt32(value7); tndn.Value8 = Convert.ToInt32(value8); tndn.Value9 = Convert.ToInt32(value9); tndn.Value10 = Convert.ToInt32(value10); tndn.Value11 = Convert.ToInt32(value11); tndn.Value12 = Convert.ToInt32(value12); tndn.Value13 = Convert.ToInt32(value13); tndn.Value14 = Convert.ToInt32(value14); tndn.Value15 = Convert.ToInt32(value15); tndn.Value16 = Convert.ToInt32(value16); tndn.Value17 = Convert.ToInt32(value17); tndn.Value18 = Convert.ToInt32(value18); tndn.Value19 = Convert.ToInt32(value19); TaxBusiness business = new TaxBusiness(); business.SaveTndnTaxDeclaration(tndn); #endregion #region Create XML File XElement root = new XElement("HSoThueDTu"); XElement HSoKhaiThue = new XElement("HSoKhaiThue"); HSoKhaiThue.Add(new XAttribute("id", "ID_1")); XElement TTinChung = new XElement("TTinChung"); XElement TTinDVu = new XElement("TTinDVu"); XElement maDVu = new XElement("maDVu", "HTKK"); TTinDVu.Add(maDVu); XElement tenDVu = new XElement("tenDVu", "HTKK"); TTinDVu.Add(tenDVu); XElement pbanDVu = new XElement("pbanDVu", "3.3.4"); TTinDVu.Add(pbanDVu); TTinChung.Add(TTinDVu); XElement TTinTKhaiThue = new XElement("TTinTKhaiThue"); XElement TKhaiThue = new XElement("TKhaiThue"); XElement maTKhai = new XElement("maTKhai", "03"); TKhaiThue.Add(maTKhai); XElement tenTKhai = new XElement("tenTKhai", "TỜ KHAI QUYẾT TOÁN THUẾ THU NHẬP DOANH NGHIỆP (Mẫu số 03/TNDN)"); TKhaiThue.Add(tenTKhai); XElement moTaBMau = new XElement("moTaBMau", "(Ban hành kèm theo Thông tư số 151/2014/TT-BTC ngày 10/10/2014 của Bộ Tài chính)"); TKhaiThue.Add(moTaBMau); XElement pbanTKhaiXML = new XElement("pbanTKhaiXML", "2.0.7"); TKhaiThue.Add(pbanTKhaiXML); XElement loaiTKhai = new XElement("loaiTKhai", "C"); TKhaiThue.Add(loaiTKhai); XElement soLan = new XElement("soLan", "0"); TKhaiThue.Add(soLan); XElement KyKKhaiThue = new XElement("KyKKhaiThue"); XElement kieuKy = new XElement("kieuKy", "Y"); KyKKhaiThue.Add(kieuKy); XElement kyKKhai = new XElement("kyKKhai", taxYear); KyKKhaiThue.Add(kyKKhai); XElement kyKKhaiTuNgay = new XElement("kyKKhaiTuNgay", "01/01/" + taxYear); KyKKhaiThue.Add(kyKKhaiTuNgay); XElement kyKKhaiDenNgay = new XElement("kyKKhaiDenNgay", "31/12/" + taxYear); KyKKhaiThue.Add(kyKKhaiDenNgay); XElement kyKKhaiTuThang = new XElement("kyKKhaiTuThang"); KyKKhaiThue.Add(kyKKhaiTuThang); XElement kyKKhaiDenThang = new XElement("kyKKhaiDenThang"); KyKKhaiThue.Add(kyKKhaiDenThang); TKhaiThue.Add(KyKKhaiThue); XElement maCQTNoiNop = new XElement("maCQTNoiNop"); TKhaiThue.Add(maCQTNoiNop); XElement tenCQTNoiNop = new XElement("tenCQTNoiNop", "Chi cục Thuế Quận 12"); TKhaiThue.Add(tenCQTNoiNop); XElement ngayLapTKhai = new XElement("ngayLapTKhai", createDate); TKhaiThue.Add(ngayLapTKhai); if (valueL1 != null && valueL1.Equals("on")) { XElement GiaHan = new XElement("GiaHan"); if (valueL2Code.Equals("01")) { XElement lyDoGiaHan = new XElement("lyDoGiaHan", "Doanh nghiệp có quy mô nhỏ và vừa"); GiaHan.Add(lyDoGiaHan); } if (valueL2Code.Equals("02")) { XElement lyDoGiaHan = new XElement("lyDoGiaHan", "Doanh nghiệp sử dụng nhiều lao động"); GiaHan.Add(lyDoGiaHan); } if (valueL2Code.Equals("99")) { XElement lyDoGiaHan = new XElement("lyDoGiaHan", "Lý do khác"); GiaHan.Add(lyDoGiaHan); } XElement maLyDoGiaHan = new XElement("maLyDoGiaHan", valueL2Code); GiaHan.Add(maLyDoGiaHan); TKhaiThue.Add(GiaHan); } else { XElement GiaHan = new XElement("GiaHan"); XElement lyDoGiaHan = new XElement("lyDoGiaHan"); GiaHan.Add(lyDoGiaHan); XElement maLyDoGiaHan = new XElement("maLyDoGiaHan"); GiaHan.Add(maLyDoGiaHan); TKhaiThue.Add(GiaHan); } XElement nguoiKy = new XElement("nguoiKy", signName); TKhaiThue.Add(nguoiKy); XElement ngayKy = new XElement("ngayKy", createDate); TKhaiThue.Add(ngayKy); XElement nganhNgheKD = new XElement("nganhNgheKD"); TKhaiThue.Add(nganhNgheKD); TTinTKhaiThue.Add(TKhaiThue); XElement NNT = new XElement("NNT"); XElement mst = new XElement("mst", tndn.StoreTaxCode); NNT.Add(mst); XElement tenNNT = new XElement("tenNNT", tndn.StoreOwnerName); NNT.Add(tenNNT); XElement dchiNNT = new XElement("dchiNNT", tndn.StoreAddress); NNT.Add(dchiNNT); XElement phuongXa = new XElement("phuongXa"); NNT.Add(phuongXa); XElement maHuyenNNT = new XElement("maHuyenNNT"); NNT.Add(maHuyenNNT); XElement tenHuyenNNT = new XElement("tenHuyenNNT", tndn.StoreDistrict); NNT.Add(tenHuyenNNT); XElement maTinhNNT = new XElement("maTinhNNT"); NNT.Add(maTinhNNT); XElement tenTinhNNT = new XElement("tenTinhNNT", tndn.StoreProvince); NNT.Add(tenTinhNNT); XElement dthoaiNNT = new XElement("dthoaiNNT", tndn.StorePhone); NNT.Add(dthoaiNNT); XElement faxNNT = new XElement("faxNNT", tndn.StoreFax); NNT.Add(faxNNT); XElement emailNNT = new XElement("emailNNT", tndn.StoreEmail); NNT.Add(emailNNT); TTinTKhaiThue.Add(NNT); XElement DLyThue = new XElement("DLyThue"); XElement mstDLyThue = new XElement("mstDLyThue", vatAgentTaxCode.Replace(",", "")); DLyThue.Add(mstDLyThue); XElement tenDLyThue = new XElement("tenDLyThue", vatAgentOwnerName); DLyThue.Add(tenDLyThue); XElement dchiDLyThue = new XElement("dchiDLyThue", vatAgentAddress); DLyThue.Add(dchiDLyThue); XElement maHuyenDLyThue = new XElement("maHuyenDLyThue"); DLyThue.Add(maHuyenDLyThue); XElement tenHuyenDLyThue = new XElement("tenHuyenDLyThue", vatAgentDistrict); DLyThue.Add(tenHuyenDLyThue); XElement maTinhDLyThue = new XElement("maTinhDLyThue"); DLyThue.Add(maTinhDLyThue); XElement tenTinhDLyThue = new XElement("tenTinhDLyThue", vatAgentProvince); DLyThue.Add(tenTinhDLyThue); XElement dthoaiDLyThue = new XElement("dthoaiDLyThue", vatAgentPhone); DLyThue.Add(dthoaiDLyThue); XElement faxDLyThue = new XElement("faxDLyThue", vatAgentFax); DLyThue.Add(faxDLyThue); XElement emailDLyThue = new XElement("emailDLyThue", vatAgentEmail); DLyThue.Add(emailDLyThue); XElement soHDongDLyThue = new XElement("soHDongDLyThue", value22No); DLyThue.Add(soHDongDLyThue); XElement ngayKyHDDLyThue = new XElement("ngayKyHDDLyThue", value22Date); DLyThue.Add(ngayKyHDDLyThue); XElement NVienDLy = new XElement("NVienDLy"); XElement tenNVienDLyThue = new XElement("tenNVienDLyThue", vatAgentName); NVienDLy.Add(tenNVienDLyThue); XElement cchiHNghe = new XElement("cchiHNghe", vatAgentNo); NVienDLy.Add(cchiHNghe); DLyThue.Add(NVienDLy); TTinTKhaiThue.Add(DLyThue); TTinChung.Add(TTinTKhaiThue); HSoKhaiThue.Add(TTinChung); XElement CTieuTKhaiChinh = new XElement("CTieuTKhaiChinh"); XElement tieuMucHachToan = new XElement("tieuMucHachToan", "1052"); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(tieuMucHachToan); XElement doanhNghiepCoQuyMoVuaVaNho = new XElement("doanhNghiepCoQuyMoVuaVaNho", "1"); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(doanhNghiepCoQuyMoVuaVaNho); XElement doanhNghiepCoCSoHToanPThuoc = new XElement("doanhNghiepCoCSoHToanPThuoc", "0"); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(doanhNghiepCoCSoHToanPThuoc); XElement doanhNghiepKeKhaiTTinLienKet = new XElement("doanhNghiepKeKhaiTTinLienKet", "0"); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(doanhNghiepKeKhaiTTinLienKet); XElement ct_04_ma = new XElement("ct_04_ma", "C"); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ct_04_ma); XElement ct_04_ten = new XElement("ct_04_ten", "Công nghiệp chế biến, chế tạo"); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ct_04_ten); XElement ct_05 = new XElement("ct_05", maxRevenueRatio); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ct_05); XElement ctA1 = new XElement("ctA1", valueA1); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctA1); XElement ctB1 = new XElement("ctB1", valueB1); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB1); XElement ctB2 = new XElement("ctB2", valueB2); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB2); XElement ctB3 = new XElement("ctB3", valueB3); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB3); XElement ctB4 = new XElement("ctB4", valueB4); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB4); XElement ctB5 = new XElement("ctB5", valueB5); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB5); XElement ctB6 = new XElement("ctB6", valueB6); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB6); XElement ctB7 = new XElement("ctB7", valueB7); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB7); XElement ctB8 = new XElement("ctB8", valueB8); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB8); XElement ctB9 = new XElement("ctB9", valueB9); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB9); XElement ctB10 = new XElement("ctB10", valueB10); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB10); XElement ctB11 = new XElement("ctB11", valueB11); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB11); XElement ctB12 = new XElement("ctB12", valueB12); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB12); XElement ctB13 = new XElement("ctB13", valueB13); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB13); XElement ctB14 = new XElement("ctB14", valueB14); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctB14); XElement ctC1 = new XElement("ctC1", valueC1); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC1); XElement ctC2 = new XElement("ctC2", valueC2); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC2); XElement ctC3 = new XElement("ctC3", valueC3); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC3); XElement ctC3a = new XElement("ctC3a", valueC3a); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC3a); XElement ctC3b = new XElement("ctC3b", valueC3b); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC3b); XElement ctC4 = new XElement("ctC4", valueC4); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC4); XElement ctC5 = new XElement("ctC5", valueC5); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC5); XElement ctC6 = new XElement("ctC6", valueC6); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC6); XElement ctC7 = new XElement("ctC7", valueC7); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC7); XElement ctC8 = new XElement("ctC8", valueC8); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC8); XElement ctC9 = new XElement("ctC9", valueC9); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC9); XElement ctC9a = new XElement("ctC9a", valueC9a); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC9a); XElement ctC10 = new XElement("ctC10", valueC10); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC10); XElement ctC11 = new XElement("ctC11", valueC11); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC11); XElement ctC12 = new XElement("ctC12", valueC12); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC12); XElement ctC13 = new XElement("ctC13", valueC13); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC13); XElement ctC14 = new XElement("ctC14", valueC14); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC14); XElement ctC15 = new XElement("ctC15", valueC15); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC15); XElement ctC16 = new XElement("ctC16", valueC16); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctC16); XElement ctD = new XElement("ctD", valueD); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctD); XElement ctD1 = new XElement("ctD1", valueD1); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctD1); XElement ctD2 = new XElement("ctD2", valueD2); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctD2); XElement ctD3 = new XElement("ctD3", valueD3); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctD3); XElement ctE = new XElement("ctE", valueE); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctE); XElement ctE1 = new XElement("ctE1", valueE1); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctE1); XElement ctE2 = new XElement("ctE2", valueE2); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctE2); XElement ctE3 = new XElement("ctE3", valueE3); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctE3); XElement ctG = new XElement("ctG", valueG); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctG); XElement ctG1 = new XElement("ctG1", valueG1); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctG1); XElement ctG2 = new XElement("ctG2", valueG2); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctG2); XElement ctG3 = new XElement("ctG3", valueG3); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctG3); XElement ctH = new XElement("ctH", valueH); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctH); XElement ctI = new XElement("ctI", valueI); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(ctI); XElement GiaHanNopThue = new XElement("GiaHanNopThue"); if (valueL1 != null && valueL1.Equals("on")) { XElement ctL1 = new XElement("ctL1", "1"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL1); XElement ctL2_ma = new XElement("ctL2_ma", valueL2Code); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL2_ma); if (valueL2Code.Equals("01")) { XElement ctL2_ten = new XElement("ctL2_ten", "Doanh nghiệp có quy mô nhỏ và vừa"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL2_ten); } if (valueL2Code.Equals("02")) { XElement ctL2_ten = new XElement("ctL2_ten", "Doanh nghiệp sử dụng nhiều lao động"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL2_ten); } if (valueL2Code.Equals("99")) { XElement ctL2_ten = new XElement("ctL2_ten", "Lý do khác"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL2_ten); } XElement ctL3 = new XElement("ctL3", (valueL3.Trim().Length > 0 ? DateTime.ParseExact(valueL3, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) .ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "")); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL3); XElement ctL4 = new XElement("ctL4", valueL4); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL4); XElement ctL5 = new XElement("ctL5", valueL5); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL5); } else { XElement ctL1 = new XElement("ctL1", "0"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL1); XElement ctL2_ma = new XElement("ctL2_ma"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL2_ma); XElement ctL2_ten = new XElement("ctL2_ten"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL2_ten); XElement ctL3 = new XElement("ctL3"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL3); XElement ctL4 = new XElement("ctL4"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL4); XElement ctL5 = new XElement("ctL5"); GiaHanNopThue.Add(ctL5); } CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(GiaHanNopThue); XElement TienChamNop = new XElement("TienChamNop"); XElement CTM1 = new XElement("CTM1"); XElement soNgay = new XElement("soNgay", valueM1DayQuantity); CTM1.Add(soNgay); XElement tuNgay = new XElement("tuNgay", (valueM1FromDate.Trim().Length > 0 ? DateTime.ParseExact(valueM1FromDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "")); CTM1.Add(tuNgay); XElement denNgay = new XElement("denNgay", (valueM1ToDate.Trim().Length > 0 ? DateTime.ParseExact(valueM1ToDate, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : "")); CTM1.Add(denNgay); TienChamNop.Add(CTM1); XElement ctM2 = new XElement("ctM2", valueM2); TienChamNop.Add(ctM2); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(TienChamNop); XElement TaiLieu_Guikem = new XElement("TaiLieu_Guikem"); CTieuTKhaiChinh.Add(TaiLieu_Guikem); HSoKhaiThue.Add(CTieuTKhaiChinh); XElement PLuc = new XElement("PLuc"); XElement PL03_1A_TNDN = new XElement("PL03_1A_TNDN"); XElement ct01 = new XElement("ct01", value1); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct01); XElement ct02 = new XElement("ct02", value2); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct02); XElement ct03 = new XElement("ct03", value3); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct03); XElement ct04 = new XElement("ct04", value4); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct04); XElement ct05 = new XElement("ct05", value5); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct05); XElement ct06 = new XElement("ct06", value6); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct06); XElement ct07 = new XElement("ct07", value7); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct07); XElement ct08 = new XElement("ct08", value8); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct08); XElement ct09 = new XElement("ct09", value9); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct09); XElement ct10 = new XElement("ct10", value10); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct10); XElement ct11 = new XElement("ct11", value11); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct11); XElement ct12 = new XElement("ct12", value12); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct12); XElement ct13 = new XElement("ct13", value13); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct13); XElement ct14 = new XElement("ct14", value14); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct14); XElement ct15 = new XElement("ct15", value15); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct15); XElement ct16 = new XElement("ct16", value16); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct16); XElement ct17 = new XElement("ct17", value17); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct17); XElement ct18 = new XElement("ct18", value18); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct18); XElement ct19 = new XElement("ct19", value19); PL03_1A_TNDN.Add(ct19); PLuc.Add(PL03_1A_TNDN); HSoKhaiThue.Add(PLuc); root.Add(HSoKhaiThue); var xs = new XmlSerializer(root.GetType()); var stream = new MemoryStream(); var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(stream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); xs.Serialize(streamWriter, root); stream.Position = 0; return File(stream, "application/xml", "TNDN" + taxYear + ".xml"); #endregion } catch (Exception) { return RedirectToAction("ManageError", "Error"); } }