public R25(byte[] recordB) { string _RecordContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.GetEncoding(37), Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII"), recordB)); if (_RecordContent == null) { throw new Exception("Record type 25 not valid - Invalid file."); } _AuxiliaryOnUs = new RText("Auxiliary OnUs", string.Empty, 3, 17, _RecordContent); _ExternalProcessingCode = new RText("External Processing Code", string.Empty, 18, 18, _RecordContent); _PayorBankRoutingNumber = new RText("Payor Bank Routing Number", string.Empty, 19, 26, _RecordContent); _PayorBankRoutingNumberCheckDigit = new RText("Payor Bank Routing Number Check Digit", string.Empty, 27, 27, _RecordContent); _OnUs = new RText("OnUs", string.Empty, 28, 47, _RecordContent); _ItemAmount = new RText("Item Amount", string.Empty, 48, 57, _RecordContent); _ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber = new RText("ECE Institution Item Sequence Number", string.Empty, 58, 72, _RecordContent); _DocumentationTypeIndicator = new RText("Documentation Type Indicator", string.Empty, 73, 73, _RecordContent); _ReturnAcceptanceIndicator = new RText("Return Acceptance Indicator", string.Empty, 74, 74, _RecordContent); _MICRValidIndicator = new RText("MICR Valid Indicator", string.Empty, 75, 75, _RecordContent); _BOFDIndicator = new RText("BOFD Indicator", string.Empty, 76, 76, _RecordContent); _CheckDetailRecordAddendumCount = new RText("Check Detail Record Addendum Count", string.Empty, 77, 78, _RecordContent); _CorrectionIndicator = new RText("Correction Indicator", string.Empty, 79, 79, _RecordContent); _ArchiveTypeIndicator = new RText("Archive Type Indicator", string.Empty, 80, 80, _RecordContent); _FrontImageDetail = new R50(); _FrontImage = new R52(); _BackImageDetail = new R50(); _BackImage = new R52(); _AddendumAs = new List <R26>(); _AddendumCs = new List <R28>(); }
public R10(byte[] recordB) { string _RecordContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.GetEncoding(37), Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII"), recordB)); if (_RecordContent == null) { throw new Exception("Record type 10 not valid - Invalid file."); } _CollectionTypeIndicator = new RText("Collection Type Indicator", "The only valid values are: '01' indicates Forward Presentment '03' indicates Return", 3, 4, _RecordContent); _DestinationRoutingNumber = new RText("Destination Routing Number", "Must be a valid routing and transit number issued by the ABA’s Routing Number Registrar. The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit", 5, 13, _RecordContent); _ECEInstitutionRoutingNumber = new RText("ECE Institution Routing Number", "Must be a valid routing and transit number issued by the ABA’s Routing Number Registrar. The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit", 14, 22, _RecordContent); _CashLetterBusinessDate = new RText("Cash Letter Business Date", "Must be a valid date in YYYYMMDD format", 23, 30, _RecordContent); _CashLetterCreationDate = new RText("Cash Letter Creation Date", "Must be a valid date in YYYYMMDD format. Eastern time zone shall be used.", 31, 38, _RecordContent); _CashLetterCreationTime = new RText("Cash Letter Creation Time", "hhmm cash letter was created. Eastern time zone shall be used.", 39, 42, _RecordContent); _CashLetterRecordTypeIndicator = new RText("Cash Letter Record Type Indicator", string.Empty, 43, 43, _RecordContent); _CashLetterDocumentationTypeIndicator = new RText("Cash Letter Documentation Type Indicator", string.Empty, 44, 44, _RecordContent); _CashLetterID = new RText("Cash Letter ID", string.Empty, 45, 52, _RecordContent); _OriginatorContactName = new RText("Originator Contact Name", string.Empty, 53, 66, _RecordContent); _OriginatorContactPhoneNumber = new RText("Originator Contact Phone Number", string.Empty, 67, 76, _RecordContent); _FedWorkType = new RText("Fed Work Type", string.Empty, 77, 77, _RecordContent); _ReturnsIndicator = new RText("Returns Indicator", string.Empty, 78, 78, _RecordContent); _UserField = new RText("User Field", string.Empty, 79, 79, _RecordContent); _Reserved = new RText("Reserved", string.Empty, 80, 80, _RecordContent); _Bundles = new List <R20>(); }
public R52(byte[] recordB, int currentPOS, bool isFront) { //Adding record counter (4 bytes length) to current Position currentPOS += 4; string _RecordContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.GetEncoding(37), Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII"), recordB, 0, 105)); _ECEInstitutionRoutingNumber = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 3, 11, _RecordContent); _BundleBusinessDate = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 12, 19, _RecordContent); _ECEInstitutionItemSequenceNumber = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 22, 36, _RecordContent); _ClippingOrigin = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 85, 85, _RecordContent); _LengthofImageReferenceKey = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 102, 105, _RecordContent); ParseImageValues(recordB, currentPOS, isFront); }
public R26(byte[] recordB) { string _RecordContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.GetEncoding(37), Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII"), recordB)); _RecordNumber = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 3, 3, _RecordContent); _BOFDRoutingNumber = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 4, 12, _RecordContent); _BOFDBusinessEndorsementDate = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 13, 20, _RecordContent); _BOFDItemSequenceNumber = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 21, 35, _RecordContent); _DepositAccountNumberatBOFD = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 36, 73, _RecordContent); _BOFDDepositBranch = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 36, 73, _RecordContent); _PayeeName = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 36, 73, _RecordContent); _TruncationIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 74, 74, _RecordContent); _BOFDConversionIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 75, 78, _RecordContent); _BOFDCorrectionIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 75, 78, _RecordContent); _UserField = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 79, 79, _RecordContent); _Reserved = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 80, 80, _RecordContent); }
public R50(byte[] recordB) { string _RecordContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.GetEncoding(37), Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII"), recordB)); if (_RecordContent == null) { throw new Exception("Record type 50 not valid - Invalid file."); } _ImageIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 3, 3, string.Empty); _ImageCreatorRoutingNumber = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 4, 12, string.Empty); _ImageCreatorDate = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 13, 20, string.Empty); _ImageViewFormatIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 21, 22, string.Empty); _ImageViewCompressionAlgorithmIdentifier = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 23, 24, string.Empty); _ImageViewDataSize = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 25, 31, string.Empty); _ViewSideIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 32, 32, string.Empty); _ViewDescriptor = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 33, 34, string.Empty); _ImageTIFFVarianceIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 66, 66, string.Empty); _OverrideIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 67, 67, string.Empty); _Reserved = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 68, 80, string.Empty); }
public R28(byte[] recordB) { string _RecordContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.GetEncoding(37), Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII"), recordB)); if (_RecordContent == null) { throw new Exception("Record type 28 not valid - Invalid file."); } _RecordNumber = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 3, 4, _RecordContent); _EndorsingBankRoutingNumber = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 5, 13, _RecordContent); _EndorsingBankEndorsementDate = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 14, 21, _RecordContent); _EndorsingBankItemSequenceNumber = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 22, 36, _RecordContent); _TruncationIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 37, 37, _RecordContent); _EndorsingBankConversionIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 38, 38, _RecordContent); _EndorsingBankCorrectionIndicator = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 39, 39, _RecordContent); _ReturnReason = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 40, 40, _RecordContent); _UserField = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 41, 59, _RecordContent); _EndorsingBankIdentifier = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 60, 60, _RecordContent); _Reserved = new RText(string.Empty, string.Empty, 61, 80, _RecordContent); }
public R20(byte[] recordB) { string _RecordContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.GetEncoding(37), Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII"), recordB)); if (_RecordContent == null) { throw new Exception("Record type 20 not valid - Invalid file."); } _CollectionTypeIndicator = new RText("Collection Type Indicator", string.Empty, 3, 4, _RecordContent); _DestinationRoutingNumber = new RText("Destination Routing Number", string.Empty, 5, 13, _RecordContent); _ECEInstitutionRoutingNumber = new RText("ECE Institution Routing Number", string.Empty, 14, 22, _RecordContent); _BundleBusinessDate = new RText("Bundle Business Date", string.Empty, 23, 30, _RecordContent); _BundleCreationDate = new RText("Bundle Creation Date", string.Empty, 31, 38, _RecordContent); _BundleID = new RText("Bundle ID", string.Empty, 39, 48, _RecordContent); _BundleSequenceNumber = new RText("Bundle Sequence Number", string.Empty, 49, 52, _RecordContent); _CycleNumber = new RText("Cycle Number", string.Empty, 53, 54, _RecordContent); _ReturnLocationRoutingNumber = new RText("Return Location Routing Number", string.Empty, 55, 63, _RecordContent); _UserField = new RText("User Field", string.Empty, 64, 79, _RecordContent); _Reserved = new RText("Reserved", string.Empty, 80, 80, _RecordContent); _Checks = new List <R25>(); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="recordB"></param> public R01(byte[] recordB) { string _RecordContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.Convert(Encoding.GetEncoding(37), Encoding.GetEncoding("ASCII"), recordB)); if (_RecordContent == null) { throw new Exception("Record type 01 not valid - Invalid file."); } _Standardlevel = new RText("Standard level", "03 Indicates DSTU X9.37 – 2003", 3, 4, _RecordContent); _TestFileIndicator = new RText("Test File Indicator", "Must be a valid routing and transit number issued by the ABA’s Routing Number Registrar. The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit", 5, 6, _RecordContent); _ImmediateDestinationRoutingNumber = new RText("Immediate Destination Routing Number", "Must be a valid routing and transit number issued by the ABA’s Routing Number Registrar. The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit", 6, 14, _RecordContent); _ImmediateOriginRoutingNumber = new RText("Immediate Origin Routing Number", "Must be a valid routing and transit number issued by the ABA’s Routing Number Registrar. The routing number shall be mod-checked with a valid check digit", 15, 23, _RecordContent); _FileCreationDate = new RText("File Creation Date", "Must be a valid date in YYYYMMDD format. Eastern time zone shall be used.", 24, 31, _RecordContent); _FileCreationTime = new RText("File Creation Time", "Must be military time in HHMM format. Eastern time zone shall be used", 32, 35, _RecordContent); _ResendIndicator = new RText("Resend Indicator", "", 36, 36, _RecordContent); _ImmediateDestinationName = new RText("Immediate Destination Name", "Expanded Field type to support greater variety of abbreviations", 37, 54, _RecordContent); _ImmediateOriginName = new RText("Immediate Origin Name", "Expanded Field type to support greater variety of abbreviations", 55, 72, _RecordContent); _FileIDModifier = new RText("File ID Modifier", "This field is used to uniquely identify files. Lower case letters are NOT valid. ID is required if fields 4, 5, 6 and 7 are equal on other files within a file creation date.", 73, 73, _RecordContent); _CountryCode = new RText("Country Code", "", 74, 76, _RecordContent); _UserField = new RText("User Field", "", 77, 79, _RecordContent); _CompanionDocumentVersionIndicator = new RText("Companion Document Version Indicator", "", 80, 80, _RecordContent); _CashLetterHeaders = new List <R10>(); }