private void lkForFacility_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lkForFacility.EditValue == null) return; FacilityChanged(lkForFacility); Institution ru = new Institution(); ru.LoadByPrimaryKey(Convert.ToInt32(lkForFacility.EditValue)); if (!ru.IsColumnNull("Woreda")) { BLL.Woreda woreda = new BLL.Woreda(); woreda.LoadByPrimaryKey(ru.Woreda); BLL.Zone zone = new BLL.Zone(); zone.LoadByPrimaryKey(woreda.ZoneID); lkRegion.EditValue = zone.RegionId; lkZone.EditValue = zone.ID; lkWoreda.EditValue = ru.Woreda; } lkOwnership.EditValue = ru.Ownership; lkType.EditValue = ru.RUType; //Fill facility visit history DataRow facilityHis = BLL.Issue.GetVisitHistoryForFacility((int)lkForFacility.EditValue); NoOfVisitLabel.Text = facilityHis != null ? Convert.ToInt32(facilityHis["VisitCount"]).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : "0"; LastVisitlabel.Text = facilityHis != null ? Convert.ToDateTime(facilityHis["LastVisit"]).TimeAgo() : "Never"; //Reset Requisitoin Type if(!BLL.Settings.IsCenter && OrderID == null && Type == RequisitionType.History) lkRequisitionType_EditValueChanged(null, null); }
public void EditRequisition(int orderID) { OrderID = orderID; Order ord = new Order(); ord.LoadByPrimaryKey(orderID); txtRefNo.Text = ord.RefNo; txtLetterNumber.Text = ord.LetterNo; labelControl4.Text = ord.RefNo; Institution ru = new Institution(); ru.LoadByPrimaryKey(ord.RequestedBy); if (!ru.IsColumnNull("Zone")) { // Just because the region Property on the Receiving Unit is not working as desired. Zone zone = new Zone(); zone.LoadByPrimaryKey(ru.Zone); lkRegion.EditValue = zone.RegionId; lkZone.EditValue = ru.Zone; } lkForFacility.EditValue = ru.ID; lkModes.EditValue = ord.FromStore; lkModes_EditValueChanged(null, null); lkPaymentType.EditValue = ord.PaymentTypeID; txtContactPerson.EditValue = ord.ContactPerson; BLL.OrderDetail or = new BLL.OrderDetail(); or.LoadAllByOrderID(orderID); DataView selectables = (DataView)gridItemChoiceView.DataSource; if (_dtSelectedTable != null) { _dtSelectedTable.Clear(); } else { PopulateItemsList(); } while (!or.EOF) { // select the items and put it in the dtselected table. if (selectables != null) { DataRow[] dataRows = selectables.Table.Select(String.Format("ID = {0} and UnitID = {1}", or.ItemID, or.UnitID)); if (dataRows.Length > 0) { _dtSelectedTable.ImportRow(dataRows[0]); dataRows[0]["IsSelected"] = true; } } or.MoveNext(); } _dvOrderTable = or.DefaultView; orderGrid.DataSource = _dvOrderTable; EnableDisableButtons(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles double click event of the location tree /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void locationTree_NodeMouseDoubleClick(object sender, TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e) { BLL.Region rgn = new BLL.Region(); Zone zon = new Zone(); Woreda wrd = new Woreda(); string value = locationTree.SelectedNode.Name; string type = value.Substring(0, 3); int len = value.Length - 3; int locationId = Convert.ToInt32(value.Substring(3, len)); if (type == "Reg") { rgn.LoadByPrimaryKey(locationId); cboRegion.SelectedValue = rgn.ID.ToString(); txtCode.Text = rgn.RegionCode; cboWoreda.Enabled = false; cboZone.Enabled = false; cboRegion.Enabled = true; _locId = rgn.ID; } else if (type == "Zon") { zon.LoadByPrimaryKey(locationId); cboZone.SelectedValue = zon.ID.ToString(); txtCode.Text = zon.ZoneCode; cboRegion.SelectedValue = zon.RegionId.ToString(); cboWoreda.Enabled = false; cboRegion.Enabled = true; cboZone.Enabled = true; _locId = zon.ID; } else if (type == "Wrd") { wrd.LoadByPrimaryKey(locationId); cboWoreda.SelectedValue = wrd.ID.ToString(); txtCode.Text = wrd.WoredaCode; cboZone.SelectedValue = wrd.ZoneID.ToString(); zon.LoadByPrimaryKey(wrd.ZoneID); cboRegion.SelectedValue = zon.RegionId.ToString(); cboWoreda.Enabled = true; cboRegion.Enabled = true; cboZone.Enabled = true; _locId = wrd.ID; } _locationType = type; }
private void ReceivingUnitsDetails_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoadReceivingUnits(); if (ID != -1) { lcExistingInstitutions.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; lcIsUsedInFacility.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Always; int selected = ID; Institution recUnit = new Institution(); recUnit.LoadByPrimaryKey(selected); txtReceivingUnit.Text = recUnit.IsColumnNull("Name") ? "" : recUnit.Name;; txtReceivingUnit.Enabled = false; txtDescription.Text = recUnit.IsColumnNull("Description") ? "" : recUnit.Description; txtPhone.Text = recUnit.IsColumnNull("Phone") ? "" : recUnit.Phone; if (!recUnit.IsColumnNull("Ownership")) lkOwnership.EditValue = recUnit.Ownership; if (!recUnit.IsColumnNull("RUType")) lkRUType.EditValue = recUnit.RUType; txtLicenseNo.Text = recUnit.IsColumnNull("LicenseNo") ? "" : recUnit.LicenseNo; txtVATNo.Text = recUnit.IsColumnNull("VATNo") ? "" : recUnit.VATNo; txtTinNo.Text = recUnit.IsColumnNull("TinNo") ? "" : recUnit.TinNo; chkIsInstitutionUsedAtFacility.Checked = recUnit.IsColumnNull("IsUsedAtFacility") ? false : recUnit.IsUsedAtFacility; dtRegistration.Value = recUnit.IsColumnNull("DateOfRegistration") ? DateTimeHelper.ServerDateTime : recUnit.DateOfRegistration; if (!recUnit.IsColumnNull("Woreda")) { BLL.Woreda woreda = new Woreda(); woreda.LoadByPrimaryKey(recUnit.Woreda); BLL.Zone zone = new Zone(); zone.LoadByPrimaryKey(woreda.ZoneID); BLL.Region region = new BLL.Region(); region.LoadByPrimaryKey(zone.RegionId); lkRegion.EditValue = region.ID; lkZone.Properties.DataSource = BLL.Zone.GetZoneByRegion(region.ID).DefaultView; lkZone.EditValue = zone.ID; Woreda.GetWoredaByZone(zone.ID); lkWoreda.Properties.DataSource = woreda.DefaultView; lkWoreda.EditValue = recUnit.Woreda; } else if (!recUnit.IsColumnNull("Zone")) //We allow the Woreda to be empty so, let's check the zone now. { BLL.Zone zone = new Zone(); zone.LoadByPrimaryKey(recUnit.Zone); BLL.Region region = new BLL.Region(); region.LoadByPrimaryKey(zone.RegionId); lkRegion.EditValue = region.ID; lkZone.Properties.DataSource = BLL.Zone.GetZoneByRegion(region.ID).DefaultView; lkZone.EditValue = zone.ID; } else { lkRegion.EditValue = null; lkZone.EditValue = null; lkWoreda.EditValue = null; } Route r = new Route(); r.LoadAll(); lkRoute.Properties.DataSource = r.DefaultView; lkRoute.EditValue = (recUnit.IsColumnNull("Route")) ? 0 : recUnit.Route; receivingUnitId = recUnit.ID; bool isItDraft = !recUnit.IsColumnNull("IsDraft") && recUnit.IsDraft && (BLL.Order.GetTotalForAnInstitution(recUnit.ID) == 0); lkRegion.Enabled = isItDraft; lkZone.Enabled = isItDraft; lkWoreda.Enabled = isItDraft; lkRUType.Enabled = isItDraft; lkOwnership.Enabled = isItDraft; txtReceivingUnit.Enabled = isItDraft; } else { lcExistingInstitutions.Visibility=LayoutVisibility.Always; lcIsUsedInFacility.Visibility = LayoutVisibility.Never; } }
/// <summary> /// Save location related information /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSaveLocation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_locationType == "Reg") { BLL.Region reg = new BLL.Region(); if (_locId != 0) reg.LoadByPrimaryKey(_locId); else reg.AddNew(); reg.RegionName = cboRegion.Text; reg.RegionCode = txtCode.Text; reg.Save(); } else if (_locationType == "Zon") { Zone zn = new Zone(); if (_locId != 0) zn.LoadByPrimaryKey(_locId); else zn.AddNew(); zn.ZoneName = cboZone.Text; zn.RegionId = Convert.ToInt32(cboRegion.SelectedValue); zn.ZoneCode = txtCode.Text; zn.Save(); } else if (_locationType == "Wrd") { Woreda wrd = new Woreda(); if (_locId != 0) wrd.LoadByPrimaryKey(_locId); else wrd.AddNew(); wrd.WoredaName = cboWoreda.Text; wrd.ZoneID = Convert.ToInt32(cboZone.SelectedValue); wrd.WoredaCode = txtCode.Text; wrd.Save(); } PopulateLocationTree(); }