public bool GetWoSnListCount(string woId, string sntype, int Flag) { int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_WO_SNLIST"; string fieldlist = "WOID,SNTYPE,SNVAL,STATUS,SEQ,ESN"; string filter = null; if (Flag == 0) { filter = "WOID={0} and SNTYPE={1} LIMIT 1"; } if (Flag == 1) { filter = "WOID={0} and SNTYPE={1} AND STATUS=1"; } IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("WOID", woId); mst.Add("SNTYPE", sntype); DataTable dt = TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { return(false); } else { return(true); } }
public string Get_Carton_No(string woId, string LineCode) { string Prefix = woId + "C"; string cartonno = string.Empty; int count = 0; string fieldlist = " MAX(PALLETNUMBER)"; string filter = "PALLETNUMBER LIKE {0}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("PALLETNUMBER", Prefix + "%"); DataTable dt = TransactionManager.GetData("SFCR.T_PALLET_INFO", fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString())) { cartonno = Prefix + "0001"; } else { int num = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0].ToString().Substring(Prefix.Length, 4));; cartonno = Prefix + (num + 1).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); } } else { cartonno = Prefix + "0001"; } return(cartonno); }
public System.Data.DataSet QueryMaterialInOutPut(string woId, string kpnumber, bool Total) { int count = 0; string table = "sfcr.t_smt_kp_monnitor"; string group = null; string fieldlist = string.Empty; if (Total) { fieldlist = "woId as 工单 ,kpnumber as 料号,sum(qty) as 数量"; group = "woId,kpnumber"; } else { fieldlist = "masterid as SEQ,woid as 工单,machineid as 机器代码,kpnumber as 料号,stationno as 料站号码,vendercode as 厂商代码,datecode as 生产周期,lotid as 生产批次,qty as 数量,cdata as 标志位,scarcitytime as 缺料时间,scarcityuser as 刷缺料人员,supplytime as 补料时间,supplyuser as 补料人员,trsn"; } string filter = "woId={0}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("woId", woId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(kpnumber)) { filter += " and kpnumber={1} "; mst.Add("kpnumber", kpnumber); } filter += " and cdata>1"; return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, group, out count)); }
public System.Data.DataSet GetPartnumberAData(string partnumber, string lineid, string pcbside) { int x = 0; int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_SMT_KP_MASTER a,SFCR.T_SMT_KP_DETALT b"; string fieldlist = "a.partnumber,a.lineId,a.pcbside,a.bomver,b.stationno,b.kpnumber,b.kpdesc,b.replacegroup,b.loction"; string filter = "a.masterId=b.masterId and a.partnumber={0}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("partnumber", partnumber); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineid)) { x = x + 1; filter += " and a.lineId like {" + x.ToString() + "}"; mst.Add("lineId", lineid + "%"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pcbside)) { x = x + 1; filter += " and a.pcbside={" + x.ToString() + "}"; mst.Add("pcbside", pcbside); } return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
public System.Data.DataSet GetTargetPlan2(String liness, String getDate, String ctype) { // MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(liness)) // { // cmd.CommandText = "SELECT woId,craftid,class,lineId,sum(passQty) passQty,sum(failQty) failQty FROM SFCR.T_STATION_RECOUNT" + //" where classDate = @getDate and lineId = @liness and class=@ctype group by woId,craftid,class,lineId"; // cmd.Parameters.Add("liness", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = liness; // } // else // { // cmd.CommandText = "SELECT woId,craftid,class,lineId,sum(passQty) passQty,sum(failQty) failQty FROM SFCR.T_STATION_RECOUNT" + //" where classDate = @getDate and class=@ctype group by woId,craftid,class,lineId"; // } // cmd.Parameters.Add("getDate", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = getDate; // cmd.Parameters.Add("ctype", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ctype; // return BLL.BllMsSqllib.Instance.ExecuteDataSet(cmd); int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_STATION_RECOUNT"; string fieldlist = "woId,craftid,class,lineId,sum(passQty) passQty,sum(failQty) failQty"; string filter = "classDate ={0} and class={1} "; IDictionary<string, object> mst = new Dictionary<string, object>(); mst.Add("classDate", getDate); mst.Add("class", ctype); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(liness)) { filter += " and lineId ={2} "; mst.Add("lineId", liness); } return TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, "woId,craftid,class,lineId", out count); }
public bool CheckSCARCITYStation(string Masterid, string woId, string Machine, string Station) { int count = 0; string table = "sfcr.t_smt_kp_monnitor"; string fieldlist = "stationno"; string filter = "masterId={0} and woId={1} and machineId={2} and cdata<2"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("masterId", Masterid); mst.Add("woId", woId); mst.Add("machineId", Machine); DataSet ds = TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; /// BLL.BllMsSqllib.Instance.ExecuteDataSet(cmd).Tables[0]; if ((dt == null) || (dt.Rows.Count == 0)) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public string GetReworkNo(string UserId) { try { string reworkno = ""; int count = 0; string table = "sfcr.t_rework_detail_info"; string fieldlist = "max(reworkno)"; string filter = "reworkno like {0}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("reworkno", UserId + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "%"); DataSet ds = TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count); reworkno = UserId + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "0001"; string rework = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rework)) { reworkno = UserId + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + (Convert.ToInt32((rework.Substring(rework.Length - 4, 4))) + 1).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0'); } return(reworkno.ToUpper()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// 检查序列号是否在这个工单里是否存在(工单号可以为空=查询整张表的记录,序列号类型可以为空) /// </summary> /// <param name="serial"></param> /// <param name="sntype"></param> /// <param name="woid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public System.Data.DataSet ChkKeyParts(string serial, string sntype, string woid) { IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); int x = 0; int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_WIP_KEYPART_ONLINE"; if (DB_Flag == 1) { table = "SFCR.T_WIP_KEYPART"; } string fieldlist = "esn,sntype".ToUpper(); string filter = "SNVAL={" + x.ToString() + "}"; mst.Add("SNVAL", serial); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(woid)) { x = x + 1; filter += " AND WOID={" + x.ToString() + "}"; mst.Add("WOID", woid); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sntype)) { x = x + 1; filter += " AND SNTYPE={" + x.ToString() + "}"; mst.Add("SNTYPE", sntype); } else { filter += " and sntype not in ('ESN') "; } return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
public DataSet getPlan_Rate_Set_bypn(string workmonth, string workdate, string pn) { int count = 0; string table = "sfcr.t_plan_rate_report a,sfcb.b_user_info b"; string fieldlist = @"a.work_month,a.work_date,a.work_class,a.business_unit,a.productname,a.partnumber,a.productcolor,a.section_name, a.craftname,a.cumulative_plan,a.cumulative_qty,a.target_qty,a.actual_qty,b.username,a.recdate"; string filter = "a.userid=b.userid "; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workdate) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(pn)) { filter += "and a.work_date={0}"; mst.Add("work_date", workdate); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workdate) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pn)) { filter += "and a.partnumber={0}"; mst.Add("partnumber", pn); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workdate) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(pn)) { filter += "and a.work_date={0} and a.partnumber={1}"; mst.Add("work_date", workdate); mst.Add("partnumber", pn); } return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
public DataSet getPlan_Rate_Set_bydate(string workmonth, string workdate) { int count = 0; string table = "sfcr.t_plan_rate_report"; string fieldlist = "work_month,work_date,work_class,business_unit,productname,partnumber,productcolor,section_name,craftname,cumulative_plan,cumulative_qty,target_qty,actual_qty,userid,recdate "; string filter = ""; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workmonth) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(workdate)) { filter = "work_month={0} "; mst.Add("work_month", workmonth); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workmonth) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(workdate)) { filter = "work_date={0} "; mst.Add("work_date", workdate); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(workmonth) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(workdate)) { filter = "work_month={0} and work_date={1} "; mst.Add("work_month", workmonth); mst.Add("work_date", workdate); } return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
public DataSet Sel_Fqc_report(string UserID, string Wo_ID, DateTime Dt_Sta, DateTime dt_End) //ok { int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_FQCREPORT"; string fieldlist = "QC_NO,QC_WO_ID,PRO_COUNT,QC_COUNT,ERROR_COUNT,USERID,IN_STATION_DATE,R_CHECKDATE,PALLETNUMBER,CHECK_NUMBER"; string filter = " WORK_DATE>={0} and WORK_DATE<={1} "; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("WORK_DATE1", Dt_Sta.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); mst.Add("WORK_DATE2", dt_End.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); int x = 1; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserID)) { x++; filter += " AND USERID={" + x.ToString() + "} "; mst.Add("USERID", UserID); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Wo_ID)) { x++; filter += " AND QC_WO_ID={" + x.ToString() + "} "; mst.Add("QC_WO_ID", Wo_ID); } return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
//public System.Data.DataSet GetTargetPlan(string Line, string Flag, string MyGroup, out string Err) //{ // //return BLL.BllMsSqllib.Instance.GetTargetPlan(Line,Flag,MyGroup,out Err); // List<Entity.ProcedureKey> LsPdk = new List<Entity.ProcedureKey>(); // Entity.ProcedureKey Pdk = null; // Pdk = new Entity.ProcedureKey(); // Pdk.Variable = "LINE"; // Pdk.Value = Line; // LsPdk.Add(Pdk); // Pdk = new Entity.ProcedureKey(); // Pdk.Variable = "FLAG"; // Pdk.Value = Flag; // LsPdk.Add(Pdk); // Pdk = new Entity.ProcedureKey(); // Pdk.Variable = "MYGROUP"; // Pdk.Value = MyGroup; // LsPdk.Add(Pdk); // return BLL.BllMsSqllib.Instance.PublicReurnDataSetOutString("PRO_GETTARGETPLAN", LsPdk, "RESGRID", out Err); //} public System.Data.DataSet GetTargetPlan1(String liness, String getDate, String ctype) { // MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); // if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(liness)) // { // cmd.CommandText = "SELECT a.Line line,a.Locstation Throughout,a.woId,a.PartNumber Part_Number,b.productname Product_Name,a.TargetQty Target_Qty,'0' Plan_Out,'0' Actual,'0' Hit_Rate,'100%' Yield_Rate,a.StartTime,a.EndTime " + //"FROM SFCR.T_TARGET_PLAN a,B_PRODUCT b where WorkDate = @getDate and a.PartNumber = b.partnumber and a.Line=@liness and a.class=@ctype"; // cmd.Parameters.Add("liness", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = liness; // } // else // { // cmd.CommandText = "SELECT a.Line line,a.Locstation Throughout,a.woId,a.PartNumber Part_Number,b.productname Product_Name,a.TargetQty Target_Qty,'0' Plan_Out,'0' Actual,'0' Hit_Rate,'100%' Yield_Rate,a.StartTime,a.EndTime " + //"FROM SFCR.T_TARGET_PLAN a,B_PRODUCT b where WorkDate = @getDate and a.PartNumber = b.partnumber and a.class = @ctype"; // } // cmd.Parameters.Add("getDate", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = getDate; // cmd.Parameters.Add("ctype", MySqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ctype; // return BLL.BllMsSqllib.Instance.ExecuteDataSet(cmd); int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_TARGET_PLAN a,B_PRODUCT b"; string fieldlist = "a.Line line,a.Locstation Throughout,a.woId,a.PartNumber Part_Number,b.productname Product_Name,a.TargetQty Target_Qty,'0' Plan_Out,'0' Actual,'0' Hit_Rate,'100%' Yield_Rate,a.StartTime,a.EndTime"; string filter = "WorkDate = {0} and a.PartNumber = b.partnumber and a.class = {1} "; IDictionary<string, object> mst = new Dictionary<string, object>(); mst.Add("WorkDate", getDate); mst.Add("class", ctype); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(liness)) { filter += " and a.Line={2} "; mst.Add("Line", liness); } return TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count); }
///// <summary> ///// 返回用户的部分信息 ///// </summary> ///// <returns></returns> //public System.Data.DataSet GetJurUserInfo(string UserId, string UserName, string PWD) //{ // //MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); // //cmd.CommandText = "select username,userId,deptname from SFCB.B_USER_INFO"; // //return BLL.BllMsSqllib.Instance.ExecuteDataSet(cmd); // string table = "SFCB.B_USER_INFO"; // string fieldlist = "username,userId,deptname"; // int count = 0; // IAdminProvider dp = (IAdminProvider)DpFactory.Create(typeof(IAdminProvider), DpFactory.ADMIN); // IDictionary<string, object> mst = new Dictionary<string, object>(); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserId)) // mst.Add("USERID", UserId); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName)) // mst.Add("USERNAME", UserName); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PWD)) // mst.Add("PWD", PWD); // return dp.GetData(table, fieldlist,mst, out count); //} ///// <summary> ///// 根据用户工号返回用户的信息 ///// </summary> ///// <returns></returns> //public System.Data.DataSet GetJurUserInfoById(string userId) //{ // MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); // cmd.CommandText = "select username,userId,deptname from SFCB.B_USER_INFO where userId=@userId"; // cmd.Parameters.Add("userId", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 15).Value = userId; // return BLL.BllMsSqllib.Instance.ExecuteDataSet(cmd); //} ///// <summary> ///// 根据用户名返回用户的信息 ///// </summary> ///// <returns></returns> //public System.Data.DataSet GetJurUserInfoByName(string username) //{ // MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); // cmd.CommandText = "select username,userId,deptname from SFCB.B_USER_INFO where username like @username"; // cmd.Parameters.Add("username", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 15).Value = username; // return BLL.BllMsSqllib.Instance.ExecuteDataSet(cmd); //} /// <summary> /// 返回所有功能 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public System.Data.DataSet GetAllProgFunctionInfo() { int count = 0; string table = "SFCB.B_FUNCTION_LIST f,SFCB.B_PROG_INFO p"; string fieldlist = "0 as Jurisdiction, p.progId,p.progname ,f.funId,f.funname,f.fundesc"; string filter = "p.progId=f.progId"; return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, null, null, null, out count)); }
/// <summary> /// 按号码类型查询资料 /// </summary> /// <param name="SN_Type"></param> /// <param name="SN"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet Sel_Product_Info(string SN_Type, string SN) { int count = 0; string Fileds = @"ESN,SN,MAC,IMEI,CARTONNUMBER,PALLETNUMBER,TRAYNO,PARTNUMBER,STOREHOUSEID,STATUS"; Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dic.Add(SN_Type, SN); return(TransactionManager.GetData("SFCR.Z_WHS_TRACKING", Fileds, null, dic, null, null, out count)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有部门信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public System.Data.DataSet GetDeptInfo() { int count = 0; string table = "SFCB.B_DEPT_INFO d,SFCB.B_FAC_INFO f"; string fieldlist = "f.facname as 名称,d.deptname as 部门名称,d.userId as 负责人,d.deptdesc as 部门描述,d.facId as 工厂编号"; string filter = "f.facId=d.facId"; return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, null, null, null, out count)); }
public System.Data.DataSet Get_Erp_woinfo() { int count = 0; string table = "mesdb.t_wo_info_erp".ToUpper(); string fieldlist = "WOID,POID,QTY,PARTNUMBER,BOMVER,SAPWOTYPE,SAPROUTETYPE,SAPROUTEGROUP,SAPROUTEINDEX,WOSTARTTIME,WOFINISHTIME,WORLSFLAG,FACTORYID,LOC"; string filter = "woid not in (select woid from sfcr.t_wo_info) and WORLSFLAG='0'".ToUpper(); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, null, null, null, out count)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有线别信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public System.Data.DataSet GetAllLineInfo() { int count = 0; string table = "SFCB.B_LINE_INFO l,SFCB.B_WS_INFO w"; string fieldlist = "l.lineId as 线别,l.linedesc as 线体描述,l.userId as 负责人,w.wsname as 车间名称,l.startIpAddr as 开始IP地址,l.endIpAddr as 结束IP地址,l.wsId as 车间编号,l.plotId as 计划ID".ToUpper(); string filter = "w.wsId=l.wsId"; return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, null, null, null, out count)); }
public System.Data.DataSet GetKeyParts() { int count = 0; string table = "SFCB.B_KEYPART a,SFCB.B_PART_KEYPARTS b"; string fieldlist = "a.kpnumber,b.partnumber,a.kpname,a.kpdesc".ToUpper(); string filter = "a.kpnumber = b.kpnumber"; return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, null, null, null, out count)); }
/// <summary> /// 根据客户编号,模糊查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="customername"></param> /// <returns></returns> public System.Data.DataSet GetCustomerByName(string customername) { int count = 0; string table = "SFCB.B_CUSTOMER"; string fieldlist = "*"; string filter = "customername like {0}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("customername", '%' + customername + '%'); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
/// <summary> /// 20151015替换方法 20151131后停用 /// </summary> /// <param name="woId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public System.Data.DataSet GetWOSnRule(string woId) { int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_WO_SN_RULE a,SFCR.T_WO_INFO b"; string fieldlist = "a.woId,a.sntype,a.snprefix,a.snpostfix,a.snstart,a.snend,a.snleng,a.ver,a.reve,a.recdate,b.partnumber,b.qty,b.pver,a.usenum"; string filter = "a.woId=b.woId and a.woId={0}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("WOID", woId); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
private DataSet Get_T_WO_SN_RULE(string SN) { int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_WO_SN_RULE"; string fieldlist = "woId"; string filter = "{0} between snstart and snend"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("SN", SN); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
public System.Data.DataSet GetMaxTrsn() { int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_PART_STOREHOUSE_HAD"; string fieldlist = "max(trsn) as trsn"; string filter = "trsn like {0}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("trsn", "999999%"); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
/// <summary> /// 由流程Id获取开始和结束流程 /// </summary> /// <param name="routgroupId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public System.Data.DataSet GetRouteStartAndEndByroutgroupId(string routgroupId) { int count = 0; string table = "SFCB.B_ROUTE_INFO"; string fieldlist = "distinct routgroupId,craftId,routedesc"; string filter = "routgroupId = @routgroupId and routedesc in('IN','OUT')"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("routgroupId", routgroupId); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取表中所有钢板的信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public System.Data.DataSet Getgangwang() { int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_PART_STOREHOUSE_HAD"; string fieldlist = "trsn,vendercode,kpnumber,storehouseId,locId, case sstatus when 0 then '仓库' when 1 then '线边仓' when 2 then '生产线' when 3 then '已使用' when 6 then '退回仓库'when 7 then '维修' when 8 then '外借' when 9 then '报废' end as sstatus,recdate,remark"; string filter = "trsn like {0}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("trsn", "999999%"); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
/// <summary> /// 由料号查询流程Id与BOM编号 /// </summary> /// <param name="partnumber"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet GetRouteManageByPartnumber(string partnumber) { int count = 0; string table = "SFCB.B_ROUTE_MANAGE a,SFCB.B_ROUTE_INFO b"; string fieldlist = "distinct b.routgroupId,b.craftname,b.routedesc,a.bomnumber"; string filter = "a.routgroupId=b.routgroupId and a.partnumber={0} and b.routedesc in('IN','OUT')"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("partnumber", partnumber); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
public DataSet Get_Smt_WO_Merge(string woId) { int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_SMT_WO_MERGE"; string fieldlist = "DISTINCT merge_num"; string filter = "new_woid={0} OR old_woid={1}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("NEW_WOID", woId); mst.Add("OLD_WOID", woId); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
public System.Data.DataSet GetPackParametersByWoid(string woid) { int count = 0; string table = "sfcb.b_pack_parameters p,sfcr.t_wo_info w".ToUpper(); string fieldlist = "p.PartNumber,VersionCode,TrayQty,CartonQty,PalletQty,p.RecDate".ToUpper(); string filter = "p.PartNumber=w.partnumber and w.woId={0}".ToUpper(); IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("WOID", woid); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取当天最大QCNO /// </summary> /// <param name="Dt">当天时间</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataSet Sel_QCNO_Date(DateTime Dt, string Line) { int count = 0; string table = "sfcr.t_fqc_info".ToUpper(); string fieldlist = "QC_NO,WO_ID,TRAY_NO,PALLET_NO,CARTON_ID,ESN,IS_PASS,ERROR_CODE,USERID,IN_STATION_TIME,REMARK"; string filter = "WORK_DATE={0} and QC_No like {1}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("WORK_DATE", Dt.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); mst.Add("QC_No", Line + "%"); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
public System.Data.DataSet QueryKpMasterAudit(int Days) { int count = 0; string table = "SFCR.T_SMT_KP_MASTER"; string fieldlist = "masterId,lineId,userId,partnumber,modelname,bomver,pcbside,recdate,reserve1,Auditinguser,case reserve2 when '0' then '待审核' when '1' then '审核通过' else '审核失败' end as reserve2"; // string filter = "recdate>DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL {0} DAY"; string filter = "recdate>{0}"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("recdate", System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-Days)); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }
public System.Data.DataSet GetQueliaoStationList(string sSEQ, string sMO) { int count = 0; string table = "sfcr.t_smt_kp_monnitor".ToUpper(); string fieldlist = "MASTERID,WOID,MACHINEID,STATIONNO,CDATA,KPNUMBER,SCARCITYTIME,SCARCITYUSER,SUPPLYTIME,SUPPLYUSER,FLAG,QTY,VENDERCODE,DATECODE,LOTID,TRSN"; string filter = "masterid={0} and woId={1} and (cdata='0' or cdata='1')"; IDictionary <string, object> mst = new Dictionary <string, object>(); mst.Add("masterid", sSEQ); mst.Add("woId", sMO); return(TransactionManager.GetData(table, fieldlist, filter, mst, null, null, out count)); }