internal void LoadLabel() { Shelf shelf = new Shelf(); shelf.LoadByPrimaryKey(this.ShelfID); this.Label = shelf.ShelfCode; ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); src.LoadColumnsForShelf(this.ShelfID,this.Column); this.Label = this.Label; this.Label += "-" + src.Label; src.LoadRowForShelf(this.ShelfID, this.Row); this.Label += "-" + src.Label; }
private void lkRackID2_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedRackID = Convert.ToInt32(lkRackID2.EditValue); gridItemDetailByLocation.DataSource = null; if (!bw.IsBusy) { bw.RunWorkerAsync(); } // THIS OPTION HAS BEEN DISABLED FOR THE TIME BEING //lkFrom.Properties.DataSource = PalletLocation.GetNonFree(selectedRackID); //lkTo.Properties.DataSource = PalletLocation.GetFreeIn(selectedRackID); gridItemMovementView.Columns.Clear(); var src = new ShelfRowColumn(); src.LoadColumnsForShelf(selectedRackID); while (!src.EOF) { GridColumn gc = gridItemMovementView.Columns.Add(); gc.FieldName = src.Index.ToString(); gc.Caption = src.Label; gc.Visible = true; repositoryItemButtonEdit1.AllowFocused = true; gc.ColumnEdit = repositoryItemButtonEdit1; src.MoveNext(); } }
private void gridView2_CustomDrawRowIndicator(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.RowIndicatorCustomDrawEventArgs e) { if (e.RowHandle >= 0) { ShelfRowColumn srr = new ShelfRowColumn(); srr.LoadRowForShelf(selectedRackID, (gridItemMovementView.DataRowCount - e.RowHandle)-1); if (srr.RowCount > 0) { e.Info.DisplayText = srr.Label; } } }
private void lookUpEdit1_EditValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedRackID = Convert.ToInt32(lkRackID2.EditValue); //gridControl1.DataSource = null; //gridView1.Columns.Clear(); BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker(); bw.WorkerReportsProgress = true; DataTable dtbl = PalletLocation.GetIDItemDataTableFor(selectedRackID, bw); gridView2.Columns.Clear(); ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); src.LoadColumnsForShelf(selectedRackID); while (!src.EOF) { GridColumn gc = gridView2.Columns.Add(); gc.FieldName = src.Index.ToString(); gc.Caption = src.Label; gc.Visible = true; gc.ColumnEdit = repositoryItemButtonEdit1; src.MoveNext(); } gridItemDetailByLocation.DataSource = dtbl; // bind lkHighlightItems.Properties.DataSource = Shelf.GetItemsOnShelf( selectedRackID ); }
public void SavePalletLocationsInShelf(int rows, int cols) { // preserve the id of this shelf int id = this.ID; ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); // check if the existing rows are null; if (this.IsColumnNull("Rows")) { this.Rows = 0; } if (this.IsColumnNull("Columns")) { this.Columns = 0; } this.Save(); bool isColumnsChanged = (this.Columns != cols); bool isRowsChanged = (this.Rows != rows); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); // Fix the row and columns if there are any new additions for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Column"; src.Index = i; src.Label = (i + 1).ToString(); src.Save(); } for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Row"; src.Index = i; src.Label = ArrOfChars[i]; src.Save(); } if (rows > this.Rows) { for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = j; pl.Row = i; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Save(); } } } else if (rows < this.Rows) { this.LoadFromRawSql(String.Format("delete from PalletLocation where ShelfID = {0} and [Row] >= {1}", id, rows)); this.LoadFromRawSql(String.Format("delete from ShelfRowColumn where ShelfID = {0} and [Index] >= {1} and Type = 'Row'", id, rows)); } // if we have lost it for //rows < this.Rows this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); if (cols > this.Columns) { for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.Rows; j++) { { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = i; pl.Row = j; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Save(); } } } } else if (cols < this.Columns) { this.LoadFromRawSql(String.Format("delete from PalletLocation where ShelfID = {0} and [Column] >= {1}", id, cols)); this.LoadFromRawSql(String.Format("delete from ShelfRowColumn where ShelfID = {0} and [Index] >= {1} and Type = 'Column'", id, cols)); } this.FlushData(); this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); this.Rows = rows; this.Columns = cols; this.Save(); if (isColumnsChanged) { FixLengthOfPalletLocations(); } if (isRowsChanged) { FixHeightOfPalletLocations(); } // make the approprait entry in the pick list locations if (this.ShelfStorageType.ToString() == StorageType.PickFace) { PickFace.FixPickFaceEntries(); } }
private void cmbRack_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); if (cmbRack.SelectedValue != null) { int shelfID = int.Parse(cmbRack.SelectedValue.ToString()); src.LoadColumnsForShelf(shelfID); cmbColumn.DataSource = src.DefaultView; cmbColumn.Enabled = true; src.LoadRowsForShelf(shelfID); cmbRow.DataSource = src.DefaultView; cmbRow.Enabled = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the pallet locations in shelf. /// </summary> /// <param name="rows">The rows.</param> /// <param name="cols">The cols.</param> public void SavePalletLocationsInShelf(int rows, int cols) { // preserve the id of this shelf int id = this.ID; ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); // check if the existing rows are null; if (this.IsColumnNull("Rows")) this.Rows = 0; if (this.IsColumnNull("Columns")) this.Columns = 0; this.Save(); bool isColumnsChanged = (this.Columns != cols); bool isRowsChanged = (this.Rows != rows); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); // Fix the row and columns if there are any new additions for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Column"; src.Index = i; src.Label = (i + 1).ToString(); src.Save(); } for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Row"; src.Index = i; src.Label = getChar(i).ToString(); src.Save(); } if (rows > this.Rows) { for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = j; pl.Row = i; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsFullSize = true; pl.IsExtended = false; pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Width = this.Width; pl.Height = 1; pl.Length = 1; pl.AvailableVolume = 0; pl.UsedVolume = 0; pl.Save(); } } } else if (rows < this.Rows) { this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteSavePalletLocationsInShelf(rows, id)); this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteShelfRowColumnSavePalletLocationsInShelf(rows, id)); } // if we have lost it for //rows < this.Rows this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); if (cols > this.Columns) { for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.Rows; j++) { { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = i; pl.Row = j; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsFullSize = true; pl.IsExtended = false; pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Width = this.Width; pl.Height = 1; pl.Length = 1; pl.AvailableVolume = 0; pl.UsedVolume = 0; pl.Save(); } } } } else if (cols < this.Columns) { this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeletePalletLocationSavePalletLocationsInShelf(cols, id)); this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteFromShelfRowColumnSavePalletLocationsInShelf(cols, id)); } this.FlushData(); this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); this.Rows = rows; this.Columns = cols; this.Save(); if (isColumnsChanged) { FixLengthOfPalletLocations(); } if (isRowsChanged) { FixHeightOfPalletLocations(); } // make the approprait entry in the pick list locations if (this.ShelfStorageType.ToString() == StorageType.PickFace) { PickFace.FixPickFaceEntries(); } FixVolume(); //Find all Shelf pallet locations Shelf shelf = new Shelf(); shelf.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.SelectSavePalletLocationsInShelf(id)); while (!shelf.EOF) { PalletLocation plc = new PalletLocation(); plc.LoadByPrimaryKey(shelf.ID); plc.Label = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", this.ShelfCode, plc.Column + 1, getChar(plc.Row)); plc.Save(); shelf.MoveNext(); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the pallet locations in shelf. /// </summary> /// <param name="rows">The rows.</param> /// <param name="cols">The cols.</param> public void SavePalletLocationsInShelf(int rows, int cols) { // preserve the id of this shelf int id = this.ID; ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); // check if the existing rows are null; if (this.IsColumnNull("Rows")) { this.Rows = 0; } if (this.IsColumnNull("Columns")) { this.Columns = 0; } this.Save(); bool isColumnsChanged = (this.Columns != cols); bool isRowsChanged = (this.Rows != rows); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); // Fix the row and columns if there are any new additions for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Column"; src.Index = i; src.Label = (i + 1).ToString(); src.Save(); } for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Row"; src.Index = i; src.Label = getChar(i).ToString(); src.Save(); } if (rows > this.Rows) { for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = j; pl.Row = i; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsFullSize = true; pl.IsExtended = false; pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Width = this.Width; pl.Height = 1; pl.Length = 1; pl.AvailableVolume = 0; pl.UsedVolume = 0; pl.Save(); } } } else if (rows < this.Rows) { this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteSavePalletLocationsInShelf(rows, id)); this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteShelfRowColumnSavePalletLocationsInShelf(rows, id)); } // if we have lost it for //rows < this.Rows this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); if (cols > this.Columns) { for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.Rows; j++) { { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = i; pl.Row = j; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsFullSize = true; pl.IsExtended = false; pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Width = this.Width; pl.Height = 1; pl.Length = 1; pl.AvailableVolume = 0; pl.UsedVolume = 0; pl.Save(); } } } } else if (cols < this.Columns) { this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeletePalletLocationSavePalletLocationsInShelf(cols, id)); this.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.DeleteFromShelfRowColumnSavePalletLocationsInShelf(cols, id)); } this.FlushData(); this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); this.Rows = rows; this.Columns = cols; this.Save(); if (isColumnsChanged) { FixLengthOfPalletLocations(); } if (isRowsChanged) { FixHeightOfPalletLocations(); } // make the approprait entry in the pick list locations if (this.ShelfStorageType.ToString() == StorageType.PickFace) { PickFace.FixPickFaceEntries(); } FixVolume(); //Find all Shelf pallet locations Shelf shelf = new Shelf(); shelf.LoadFromRawSql(HCMIS.Repository.Queries.Shelf.SelectSavePalletLocationsInShelf(id)); while (!shelf.EOF) { PalletLocation plc = new PalletLocation(); plc.LoadByPrimaryKey(shelf.ID); plc.Label = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", this.ShelfCode, plc.Column + 1, getChar(plc.Row)); plc.Save(); shelf.MoveNext(); } }
public void SavePalletLocationsInShelf(int rows, int cols) { // preserve the id of this shelf int id = this.ID; ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); // check if the existing rows are null; if (this.IsColumnNull("Rows")) this.Rows = 0; if (this.IsColumnNull("Columns")) this.Columns = 0; this.Save(); bool isColumnsChanged = (this.Columns != cols); bool isRowsChanged = (this.Rows != rows); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); // Fix the row and columns if there are any new additions for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Column"; src.Index = i; src.Label = (i + 1).ToString(); src.Save(); } for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { src.AddNew(); src.ShelfID = id; src.Type = "Row"; src.Index = i; src.Label = ArrOfChars[i]; src.Save(); } if (rows > this.Rows) { for (int i = this.Rows; i < rows; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = j; pl.Row = i; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Save(); } } } else if (rows < this.Rows) { this.LoadFromRawSql(String.Format("delete from PalletLocation where ShelfID = {0} and [Row] >= {1}",id,rows)); this.LoadFromRawSql(String.Format("delete from ShelfRowColumn where ShelfID = {0} and [Index] >= {1} and Type = 'Row'", id, rows)); } // if we have lost it for //rows < this.Rows this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); if (cols > this.Columns) { for (int i = this.Columns; i < cols; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < this.Rows; j++) { { pl.AddNew(); pl.Column = i; pl.Row = j; pl.StorageTypeID = this.ShelfStorageType; pl.ShelfID = id; pl.LoadLabel(); pl.IsEnabled = true; pl.Save(); } } } } else if (cols < this.Columns) { this.LoadFromRawSql(String.Format("delete from PalletLocation where ShelfID = {0} and [Column] >= {1}", id, cols)); this.LoadFromRawSql(String.Format("delete from ShelfRowColumn where ShelfID = {0} and [Index] >= {1} and Type = 'Column'", id, cols)); } this.FlushData(); this.LoadByPrimaryKey(id); this.Rows = rows; this.Columns = cols; this.Save(); if (isColumnsChanged) { FixLengthOfPalletLocations(); } if (isRowsChanged) { FixHeightOfPalletLocations(); } // make the approprait entry in the pick list locations if (this.ShelfStorageType.ToString() == StorageType.PickFace) { PickFace.FixPickFaceEntries(); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the percentage grid for. /// </summary> /// <param name="shelfID">The shelf ID.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable GetPercentageGridFor(int shelfID) { // create the table DataTable dtbl = new DataTable(); ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); src.LoadColumnsForShelf(shelfID); while (!src.EOF) { dtbl.Columns.Add(src.Label, typeof(float)); src.MoveNext(); } ShelfRowColumn srcrows = new ShelfRowColumn(); srcrows.LoadRowsForShelf(shelfID); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); while (!srcrows.EOF) { src.Rewind(); DataRowView drv = dtbl.DefaultView.AddNew(); while (!src.EOF) { pl.LoadPalletLocationFor(shelfID, src.Index, srcrows.Index); if (pl.RowCount > 0) { { if (pl.IsColumnNull("PalletID")) { pl.UsedVolume = 0; } else { Pallet p = new Pallet(); p.LoadByPrimaryKey(pl.PalletID); pl.UsedVolume = p.CalculateCurrentVolume(pl.PalletID); pl.Save(); } } pl.PercentUsed = pl.AvailableVolume == 0 ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble((pl.UsedVolume / pl.AvailableVolume) * 100); pl.Save(); drv[src.Label] = pl.PercentUsed; } src.MoveNext(); } srcrows.MoveNext(); } return dtbl; }
/// <summary> /// Uns the extend. /// </summary> public void UnExtend() { int id = this.ID; this.IsExtended = false; int ext = this.ExtendedRows; this.ExtendedRows = 0; // this.SetColumnNull("PalletID"); this.LoadLabel(); this.Save(); PalletLocation pl = new PalletLocation(); ShelfRowColumn src = new ShelfRowColumn(); for (int i = 0; i < ext; i++) { // recreate the removed pallet locations pl.AddNew(); pl.ShelfID = this.ShelfID; pl.StorageTypeID = this.StorageTypeID; pl.Column = this.Column; pl.Row = this.Row + i + 1; pl.Width = this.Width; pl.IsEnabled = true; src.LoadRowForShelf(this.ShelfID, pl.Row); pl.Height = src.Dimension; pl.Length = this.Length; pl.IsFullSize = true; pl.IsExtended = false; pl.ExtendedRows = 0; pl.AvailableVolume = (pl.Length * pl.Height * pl.Width); pl.UsedVolume = 0; pl.Confirmed = false; pl.LoadLabel(); } pl.Save(); }