예제 #1
    private void SaveHouseDemand()
        BLL.UserBLL            ubll  = new BLL.UserBLL();
        Model.HouseDemandModel model = new Model.HouseDemandModel();
        model.HouseDemandId     = ReStr("HouseDemandId", "");
        model.HouseDemandTitle  = ReStr("HouseDemandTitle", "");
        model.HouseDemandTypeId = ReInt("HouseDemandTypeId", 0);
        model.BeginPrice        = ReDecimal("BeginPrice", 0);
        model.EndPrice          = ReDecimal("EndPrice", 0);
        model.Hshi            = ReInt("Hshi", 0);
        model.Hting           = ReInt("Hting", 0);
        model.Hchu            = ReInt("Hchu", 0);
        model.Hwei            = ReInt("Hwei", 0);
        model.Hyangtai        = ReInt("Hyangtai", 0);
        model.HouseDemandMemo = ReStr("HouseDemandMemo");
        model.ContactName     = ReStr("ContactName");
        model.ContactTell     = ReStr("ContactTell");
        model.ContactPhone    = ReStr("ContactPhone");
        model.ContactEmail    = ReStr("ContactEmail");
        model.ContactQQ       = ReStr("ContactQQ");
        model.CommunityTitle  = ReStr("CommunityTitle");
        model.CommunityId     = ReInt("CommunityId", 0);
        model.TownId          = ReInt("TownId", 0);

        model.CreateUser = ubll.CurrentUserId();

        BLL.HouseBLL bll = new BLL.HouseBLL();

        ReDict2.Add("HouseDemandId", model.HouseDemandId);

예제 #2
    private void GetMyHouse()
        int  CurrentPage = ReInt("CurrentPage");
        bool Invalid     = ReBool("Invalid", false);

        BLL.HouseBLL bll = new BLL.HouseBLL();
        DataSet      ds  = bll.GetHousePageList(" CreateUser='******' and Invalid='" + Invalid.ToString() + "' order by createTime desc ", CurrentPage);

예제 #3
    private void GetHouseInfo()      //经过优化后的ajax
        string HouseId = ReStr("HouseId");

        BLL.HouseBLL bll = new BLL.HouseBLL();
        DataSet      ds  = bll.GetHouseByHouseId(HouseId);

        ReDict.Add("HouseJson", JsonHelper.ToJson(ds));
예제 #4
    private void GetHouseDemandInfo()
        string HouseDemandId = ReStr("HouseDemandId");

        BLL.HouseBLL bll = new BLL.HouseBLL();

        DataSet   ds     = bll.GetHouseDemandInfoById(HouseDemandId);
        DataTable dt     = ds.Tables[0];
        string    HdJson = JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dt);

        ReDict.Add("HdJson", HdJson);
예제 #5
    private void GetHouse()
        string HouseId = ReStr("HouseId");

        BLL.HouseBLL bll          = new BLL.HouseBLL();
        DataSet      ds           = bll.GetHouseByHouseId(HouseId);
        DataTable    dt           = ds.Tables[0];
        string       HouseJson    = JsonHelper.ToJsonNo1(dt);
        DataTable    dtImg        = ds.Tables[1];
        string       ImgJsonArray = JsonHelper.ToJson(dtImg);

        ReDict.Add("HouseJson", HouseJson);
        ReDict.Add("ImgJsonArray", ImgJsonArray);
예제 #6
    private void GetHouseDemand()
        BLL.HouseBLL bll = new BLL.HouseBLL();

        int    HouseDemandTypeId = ReInt("HouseDemandTypeId");
        string Price             = ReStr("Price", "all");
        string Rent   = ReStr("Rent", "all");
        int    TownId = ReInt("TownId", 0);
        int    c      = ReInt("CurrentPage");

        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

        s.Append(" 1=1 ");

        switch (HouseDemandTypeId)
        case 1:          //查询求租
            if (Rent == "all")

            string[] r = Rent.Split('_');

            decimal begin = decimal.Parse(r[0]);
            decimal end   = decimal.Parse(r[1]);
            s.Append(" and  (BeginPrice >='" + begin + "' and EndPrice<='" + end + "') ");


        case 2:          //查询求购
            if (Price == "all")

            string[] r2 = Price.Split('_');

            decimal begin2 = decimal.Parse(r2[0]);
            decimal end2   = decimal.Parse(r2[1]);
            s.Append(" and  (BeginPrice >='" + begin2 + "' and EndPrice<='" + end2 + "') ");


        s.Append(" and HouseDemandTypeId='" + HouseDemandTypeId + "' ");

        if (TownId != 0)
            s.Append(" and TownId='" + TownId + "' ");
        s.Append(" order by createTime desc ");

        DataSet ds = bll.GetHouseDemandPageList(s.ToString(), c);

예제 #7
    private void SaveHouse()
        Model.HouseModel model = new Model.HouseModel();
        BLL.HouseBLL     bll   = new BLL.HouseBLL();
        BLL.UserBLL      ubll  = new BLL.UserBLL();

        model.HouseId = ReStr("HouseId");
        if (model.HouseId != "")
            model            = bll.GetHouseModel(model.HouseId);
            model.CreateTime = DateTime.Now;
            model.CreateUser = ubll.CurrentUserId();       //如果是新增, 则给CreateUser赋值

        model.HouseTitle     = ReStr("HouseTitle", "");
        model.HouseAddress   = ReStr("HouseAddress", "");
        model.Hshi           = ReInt("Hshi", 0);
        model.Hting          = ReInt("Hting", 0);
        model.Hchu           = ReInt("Hchu", 0);
        model.Hwei           = ReInt("Hwei", 0);
        model.Hyangtai       = ReInt("Hyangtai", 0);
        model.HouseModelId   = ReInt("HouseModelId", 0);
        model.DecorationId   = ReInt("DecorationId", 0);
        model.PropertyTypeId = ReInt("PropertyTypeId", 0);
        model.HouseClassId   = ReInt("HouseClassId", 0);
        model.Floor          = ReInt("Floor", 0);
        model.FloorALL       = ReInt("FloorALL", 0);
        model.HouseTypeId    = ReInt("HouseTypeId", 0);
        model.Rent           = ReDecimal("Rent");
        model.Price          = ReDecimal("Price");
        model.IsAgency       = ReBool("IsAgency");
        model.Device         = ReStr("Device");
        model.Memo           = ReStr("Memo", "");
        model.CreateTime     = DateTime.Now;

        model.PingFang       = ReDecimal("PingFang");
        model.ChaoXiangId    = ReInt("ChaoXiangId", 0);
        model.HouseImgId     = ReStr("HouseImgId", "");
        model.ContactName    = ReStr("ContactName");
        model.ContactTell    = ReStr("ContactTell");
        model.ContactPhone   = ReStr("ContactPhone");
        model.ContactEmail   = ReStr("ContactEmail");
        model.ContactQQ      = ReStr("ContactQQ");
        model.CommunityTitle = ReStr("CommunityTitle", "");
        model.CommunityId    = ReInt("CommunityId", 0);
        model.TownId         = ReDecimal("TownId", 0);
        model.HouseLat       = ReDecimal("HouseLat");
        model.HouseLng       = ReDecimal("HouseLng");
        model.RecommendLv    = ReInt("RecommendLv", 0);
        DataTable dt = DataSetting.CXmlToDatatTable(ReStr("HouseAllImgHtmlStr"));

        #region 事务开启
        TransactionOptions transactionOption = new TransactionOptions();
        transactionOption.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
        using (TransactionScope transactionScope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOption))

            if (dt != null)
                Model.HouseVsImgModel HvI = new Model.HouseVsImgModel();

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    HvI.HouseId = model.HouseId;
                    HvI.ImgId   = dr["ImgId"].ToString();
                    HvI.Memo    = "UE";
                    HvI.VsType  = "房源图片";


            if (model.RecommendLv > 0)

            #region 事务关闭
        ReDict2.Add("HouseId", model.HouseId);
예제 #8
    private void GetHousePageList()
        int           HouseModelId   = ReInt("HouseModelId", 0);
        int           PropertyTypeId = ReInt("PropertyTypeId", 0);
        int           DecorationId   = ReInt("DecorationId", 0);
        string        PingFang       = ReStr("PingFang", "all");
        int           ChaoXiangId    = ReInt("ChaoXiangId", 0);
        string        Rent           = ReStr("Rent", "all");
        string        Price          = ReStr("Price", "all");
        string        IsAgency       = ReStr("IsAgency", "all");
        int           HouseTypeId    = ReInt("HouseTypeId", 0);
        decimal       TownId         = ReInt("TownId", 0);
        string        inputStr       = ReStr("inputStr", "");
        bool          Invalid        = ReBool("Invalid", false);
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();

        s.Append(" 1 =1 ");

        s.Append(" and Invalid='" + Invalid + "' ");
        if (TownId != 0)
            s.Append(" and TownId='" + TownId + "' ");
        if (inputStr.Trim() != "")
            s.Append(" and HouseTitle like '%" + inputStr + "%' ");

        if (HouseTypeId != 0)
            s.Append(" and HouseTypeId='" + HouseTypeId + "' ");

        if (HouseModelId != 0)      //房屋产权
            s.Append(" and HouseModelId='" + HouseModelId + "' ");
        if (PropertyTypeId != 0)      //物业类型
            s.Append(" and PropertyTypeId='" + PropertyTypeId + "' ");

        if (DecorationId != 0)     //装修程度
            s.Append(" and DecorationId='" + DecorationId + "' ");

        if (PingFang.ToLower().Trim() != "all")     //平方
            string[] pingfang = PingFang.Split('_');

            decimal begin = decimal.Parse(pingfang[0]);
            decimal end   = decimal.Parse(pingfang[1]);

            s.Append(" and (PingFang >= '" + begin + "' and PingFang <= '" + end + "' )  ");

        if (ChaoXiangId != 0)      //朝向
            s.Append(" and ChaoXiangId='" + ChaoXiangId + "' ");
        if (Rent.ToLower().Trim() != "all")      //租金
            string[] r = Rent.Split('_');

            decimal begin = decimal.Parse(r[0]);
            decimal end   = decimal.Parse(r[1]);
            s.Append(" and  (Rent >='" + begin + "' and Rent<='" + end + "') ");

        if (Price.ToLower().Trim() != "all")      //售价
            string[] P = Price.Split('_');

            decimal begin = decimal.Parse(P[0]);
            decimal end   = decimal.Parse(P[1]);
            s.Append(" and  (Price >='" + begin + "' and Price<='" + end + "') ");

        if (IsAgency.ToLower().Trim() != "all")
            s.Append(" and IsAgency='" + IsAgency + "' ");
        s.Append(" order by  RecommendLv desc,  createTime desc ");

        int CurrentPage = ReInt("CurrentPage");

        BLL.HouseBLL bll = new BLL.HouseBLL();
        DataSet      ds  = bll.GetHousePageList(s.ToString(), CurrentPage);
