public string Insert(Aseld m) { try { return _aseldDao.Insert(m); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->Insert-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
//通過工作代號判斷在表中是否存在 public HttpResponseBase GetAseldMasterAssgCount() { string json = string.Empty; Aseld ase = new Aseld(); AseldMaster aseMaster = new AseldMaster(); int count = 0; try { _aseldmasterMgr = new AseldMasterMgr(mySqlConnectionString); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["number"].ToString().Trim()))//如果是新增 { aseMaster.assg_id = Request.Params["number"].ToString().Trim(); ase.assg_id = aseMaster.assg_id; } ase.change_dtim = DateTime.Now; ase.change_user = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["caller"] as Caller).user_id; count = _aseldmasterMgr.SelectCount(aseMaster); _iasdMgr = new AseldMgr(mySqlConnectionString); if (count > 0) {//輸入的項目編號裡面有商品需要揀貨,把aseld裡面的scaned欄位初始化為0(主要在第二次揀貨時) _iasdMgr.UpdScaned(ase); } IsoDateTimeConverter timeConverter = new IsoDateTimeConverter(); //这里使用自定义日期格式,如果不使用的话,默认是ISO8601格式 timeConverter.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; json = "{success:true,data:" + count + "}";//返回json數據 } catch (Exception ex) { Log4NetCustom.LogMessage logMessage = new Log4NetCustom.LogMessage(); logMessage.Content = string.Format("TargetSite:{0},Source:{1},Message:{2}", ex.TargetSite.Name, ex.Source, ex.Message); logMessage.MethodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; log.Error(logMessage); json = "{success:false,totalCount:0,data:[]}"; } this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.Write(json); this.Response.End(); return this.Response; }
//根據工作代號、細項編號 獲取商品數據 public HttpResponseBase GetAseldListByItemid() {//判斷寄倉或者調度 string json = String.Empty; Aseld m = new Aseld(); List<AseldQuery> list = new List<AseldQuery>(); _iasdMgr = new AseldMgr(mySqlConnectionString); try { m.assg_id = Request.Params["assg_id"].ToString().Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["item_id"])) { m.item_id = Convert.ToUInt32(Request.Params["item_id"].ToString().Trim()); } if (_iasdMgr.GetCountByItem(m) == 0) { json = "{success:true,totalCount:" + 0 + ",msg:1,data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list, Formatting.Indented) + "}";//返回json數據 } else { list = _iasdMgr.GetAseldListByItemid(m); foreach (var item in list) { m.seld_id = item.seld_id; } m.wust_id = "BSY"; m.create_user = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["caller"] as Caller).user_id; _iasdMgr.Updwust(m); json = "{success:true,totalCount:" + list.Count + ",msg:0,data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list, Formatting.Indented) + "}";//返回json數據 } } catch (Exception ex) { Log4NetCustom.LogMessage logMessage = new Log4NetCustom.LogMessage(); logMessage.Content = string.Format("TargetSite:{0},Source:{1},Message:{2}", ex.TargetSite.Name, ex.Source, ex.Message); logMessage.MethodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; log.Error(logMessage); json = "{success:false,msg:0}"; } this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.Write(json.ToString()); this.Response.End(); return this.Response; }
public string UpdAseld(Aseld a) { try { return _aseldDao.UpdAseld(a); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->UpdAseld-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public int UpdateScnd(Aseld m) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(@" set sql_safe_updates = 0; UPDATE aseld SET scaned='0',change_dtim='{1}',change_user='******' WHERE ord_id='{0}'; set sql_safe_updates = 1; ", m.ord_id, CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(m.change_dtim), m.change_user); try { return _access.execCommand(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao.UpdateScnd-->" + ex.Message + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
public int SelectCount(Aseld m) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); try { sql.AppendFormat(@"select item_id from aseld where ord_id='{0}' and commodity_type=3 and wust_id !='COM' ", m.ord_id); return _access.getDataTable(sql.ToString()).Rows.Count;//返回條數 } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao-->SelectCount-->" + ex.Message + sql.ToString(), ex); } }
//該項目訂單是否完成 public int SelComA(Aseld m) {//and scaned<>'0' StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(@"select item_id from aseld WHERE assg_id='{0}' and commodity_type=2 and wust_id<>'COM' and scaned = '0' ; ", m.assg_id); try { return _access.getDataTable(sb.ToString()).Rows.Count; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao.SelComA-->" + ex.Message + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
public string UpdAseld(Aseld m) {//初始值AVL.ABN放弃不回头捡,留到下次启动JOB再捡.SKP跳过料位,待会回头捡.BSY正在捡这个料位.料位的预期捡货量满足了才变COM. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(@" UPDATE aseld SET wust_id='{1}',out_qty='{2}',act_pick_qty='{3}',change_dtim='{4}',scaned='1' WHERE seld_id='{0}'; ", m.seld_id, m.wust_id, m.out_qty, m.act_pick_qty, CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Now)); try { return sb.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao.UpdAseld-->" + ex.Message + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
public List<AseldQuery> GetAseldListByItemid(Aseld a) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();//left join iloc ic on i.plas_loc_id=ic.loc_id sb.AppendFormat(@"SELECT seld_id,assg_id,case when ip.loc_id is null then 'YY999999' else ip.loc_id end as sel_loc,CONCAT('(',a.item_id,')',v.brand_name,'-',p.product_name) as description,concat(IFNULL(ps1.spec_name,''),IFNULL(ps2.spec_name,'')) as prod_sz,ord_qty,out_qty,ord_id,cust_name,a.item_id,ordd_id,upc_id,i.cde_dt,pe.cde_dt_shp,deliver_id,deliver_code,o.note_order,ic.hash_loc_id FROM aseld a LEFT JOIN iinvd i ON a.item_id=i.item_id LEFT JOIN product_ext pe ON i.item_id = pe.item_id LEFT JOIN iplas ip on a.item_id=ip.item_id left join iloc ic on ip.loc_id=ic.loc_id LEFT JOIN product_item pi ON a.item_id = pi.item_id LEFT JOIN product_spec ps1 ON pi.spec_id_1 = ps1.spec_id LEFT JOIN product_spec ps2 ON pi.spec_id_2 = ps2.spec_id LEFT JOIN product p ON pi.product_id=p.product_id LEFT JOIN vendor_brand v ON p.brand_id=v.brand_id LEFT JOIN order_master o ON a.ord_id=o.order_id WHERE assg_id='{0}' AND wust_id<>'COM' AND commodity_type='2' and scaned='0' ", a.assg_id); if (a.item_id != 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" and a.item_id='{0}' ",a.item_id); } sb.AppendFormat(" ORDER BY sel_loc,seld_id LIMIT 1;"); try { return _access.getDataTableForObj<AseldQuery>(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao.GetAseldListByItemid-->" + ex.Message + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
public int Updwust(Aseld a) { try { return _aseldDao.Updwust(a); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->Updwust-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public int UpdateScnd(Aseld ase) { try { return _aseldDao.UpdateScnd(ase); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->UpdateScnd-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public int UpdScaned(Aseld m) { try { return _aseldDao.UpdScaned(m); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->UpdScaned-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public string updgry(Aseld a, Dictionary<string, string> str) { try { return _iinvdDao.updgry(a,str); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->updgry-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public int SelectCount(Aseld m) { try { return _aseldDao.SelectCount(m); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->SelectCount-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public int SelComA(Aseld a) { try { return _aseldDao.SelComA(a); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->SelComA-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public List<AseldQuery> GetAseldList(Aseld ase) { try { return _aseldDao.GetAseldList(ase); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->GetAseldList-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public string Insert(Aseld m) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); try { sql.Append(@"INSERT INTO aseld (dc_id,whse_id,ord_id,sgmt_id,ordd_id,cust_id,item_id,prdd_id,assg_id,sety_id, unit_ship_cse,prod_cub,prod_wgt,prod_qty,sel_loc,ckpt_id,curr_pal_no,cse_lbl_lmt,wust_id,lic_plt_id, description,prod_sz,hzd_ind,cust_name,order_type_id,stg_dcpt_id,stg_dcpd_id,invc_id,route_id,stop_id, batch_id,batch_seq,start_dtim,complete_dtim,change_dtim,change_user,create_dtim,create_user,ord_msg_id,door_dcpd_id, door_dcpt_id,catch_wgt_cntl,lot_no,commodity_type,sect_id,ucn,hzd_class,pkde_id,ord_rqst_del_dt,ord_rqst_del_tim, spmd_id,flow_dcpt_id,flow_dcpd_id,flow_assg_flg,sel_seq_loc,out_qty,eqpt_class_id,sel_x_coord,sel_y_coord,sel_z_coord, upc_id,ft_id,ftd_id,act_pick_qty,ord_qty,family_group,deliver_id,deliver_code) VALUES ("); sql.AppendFormat(@"'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}',", m.dc_id, m.whse_id, m.ord_id, m.sgmt_id, m.ordd_id, m.cust_id, m.item_id, m.prdd_id, m.assg_id, m.sety_id); sql.AppendFormat(@"'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}',", m.unit_ship_cse, m.prod_cub, m.prod_wgt, m.prod_qty, m.sel_loc, m.ckpt_id, m.curr_pal_no, m.cse_lbl_lmt, m.wust_id, m.lic_plt_id); sql.AppendFormat(@"'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}',", m.description, m.prod_sz, m.hzd_ind, m.cust_name, m.order_type_id, m.stg_dcpd_id, m.stg_dcpt_id, m.invc_id, m.route_id, m.stop_id); sql.AppendFormat(@"'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}',", m.batch_id, m.batch_seq, Common.CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(m.start_dtim), Common.CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(m.complete_dtim), Common.CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(m.change_dtim), m.change_user, Common.CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(m.create_dtim), m.create_user, m.ord_msg_id, m.door_dcpd_id); sql.AppendFormat(@"'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}',", m.door_dcpt_id, m.catch_wgt_cntl, m.lot_no, m.commodity_type, m.sect_id, m.ucn, m.hzd_class, m.pkde_id, Common.CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(m.ord_rqst_del_dt), Common.CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(m.ord_rqst_del_tim)); sql.AppendFormat(@"'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}',", m.spmd_id, m.flow_dcpt_id, m.flow_dcpd_id, m.flow_assg_flg, m.sel_seq_loc, m.out_qty, m.eqpt_class_id, m.sel_x_coord, m.sel_y_coord, m.sel_z_coord); sql.AppendFormat(@"'{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}');", m.upc_id, m.ft_id, m.ftd_id, m.act_pick_qty, m.ord_qty, m.family_group, m.deliver_id, m.deliver_code); return sql.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao-->Insert-->" + ex.Message + sql.ToString(), ex); } }
//生成理货单 public HttpResponseBase CreateTallyList() { string json = String.Empty; Aseld m = new Aseld(); AseldMaster am = new AseldMaster(); StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); List<AseldQuery> list = new List<AseldQuery>(); _iasdMgr = new AseldMgr(mySqlConnectionString); _aseldmasterMgr = new AseldMasterMgr(mySqlConnectionString); //string order_id = Request.Params["order_id"]; string deliver_id = Request.Params["deliver_id"]; string fre = Request.Params["type_id"]; int radioselect = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["radio"]); //string ticket = ""; if (deliver_id != "" && fre != "") { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; string type_id = "N"; if (fre != "2" && fre == "92") { type_id = "F"; } string assg = type_id + dt.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(deliver_id)) { deliver_id = deliver_id.Substring(0, deliver_id.Length - 1).ToString(); DataTable selDT = _iasdMgr.SelOrderDetail(deliver_id, fre, radioselect); foreach (DataRow r in selDT.Rows) { m.ordd_id = Convert.ToInt32(r["detail_id"]); _iasdMgr.ConsoleAseldBeforeInsert(Convert.ToInt32(r["detail_id"])); //ticket = ticket + item.ticket_id.ToString() + ','; m.deliver_id = Convert.ToInt32(r["deliver_id"]); m.deliver_code = CreateDeliverCode(r["deliver_id"].ToString()); m.ord_id = Int32.Parse(r["order_id"].ToString());//order_id m.ordd_id = Int32.Parse(r["detail_id"].ToString());//od.detail_id m.cust_id = r["user_id"].ToString();//om.user_id m.hzd_ind = r["item_id"].ToString(); //od.item_id m.item_id = Convert.ToUInt32(r["item_id"]);//od.item_id m.assg_id = assg; m.prod_qty = Int32.Parse(r["buy_num"].ToString()); if (r["sel_loc"].ToString() == "YY999999") { m.sel_loc = null; } else { m.sel_loc = r["sel_loc"].ToString();// i.loc_id } m.curr_pal_no = int.Parse(r["order_id"].ToString() + "1");//om.order_id m.wust_id = "AVL"; m.description = Convert.ToString(r["description"]);//od.product_name m.prod_sz = r["prod_sz"].ToString();//od.product_spec_name m.cust_name = r["cust_name"].ToString();//om.delivery_name m.invc_id = int.Parse(r["order_id"].ToString());//om.order_id m.commodity_type = r["product_mode"].ToString();//2寄倉或者3調度 //if (m.commodity_type == "3") //{ // m.sel_loc = "ZZ999999"; //} if (Convert.ToInt32(r["item_mode"]) != 0 && Convert.ToInt32(r["parent_num"]) != 0) { m.out_qty = m.prod_qty * Int32.Parse(r["parent_num"].ToString()); m.ord_qty = m.out_qty; } else { m.out_qty = m.prod_qty; m.ord_qty = m.out_qty; } m.upc_id = r["upc_id"].ToString();//iu.upc_id m.create_user = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["caller"] as Caller).user_id; sql.Append(_iasdMgr.Insert(m));//add aseld sql } am.assg_id = assg; am.create_time = dt; am.create_user = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["caller"] as Caller).user_id; sql.AppendFormat(_aseldmasterMgr.Insert(am));//add aseld sql sql.AppendFormat(_iasdMgr.UpdTicker(deliver_id));//upd deliver_id int msg = _iasdMgr.InsertSql(sql.ToString()); if (msg > 0) { json = "{success:true,assg:'" + assg + "'}"; } else { json = "{success:false,msg:0}"; } } else { json = "{success:false,msg:0}"; } } catch (Exception ex) { Log4NetCustom.LogMessage logMessage = new Log4NetCustom.LogMessage(); logMessage.Content = string.Format("TargetSite:{0},Source:{1},Message:{2}", ex.TargetSite.Name, ex.Source, ex.Message); logMessage.MethodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; log.Error(logMessage); json = "{success:false,msg:0}"; } } this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.Write(json.ToString()); this.Response.End(); return this.Response; }
public int GetCountByItem(Aseld a) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); try { sql.AppendFormat(@"SELECT count(seld_id) as totalCount FROM aseld a where 1=1 "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.assg_id)) { sql.AppendFormat(" and a.assg_id='{0}' ", a.assg_id); } if (a.item_id != 0) { sql.AppendFormat(" and a.item_id='{0}' ", a.item_id); } DataTable _dt = _access.getDataTable(sql.ToString()); return Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao.GetCountByItem-->" + ex.Message + sql.ToString(), ex); } }
public HttpResponseBase Getfreight() { string json = string.Empty; Aseld q = new Aseld(); string fre; try { _iasdMgr = new AseldMgr(mySqlConnectionString); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["number"]))//如果是新增 { q.ord_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params["number"]); } fre = _iasdMgr.Getfreight(q.ord_id.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fre)) { fre = fre.Substring(0, 1); } json = "{success:true,fre:'" + fre + "'}";//返回json數據 } catch (Exception ex) { Log4NetCustom.LogMessage logMessage = new Log4NetCustom.LogMessage(); logMessage.Content = string.Format("TargetSite:{0},Source:{1},Message:{2}", ex.TargetSite.Name, ex.Source, ex.Message); logMessage.MethodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; log.Error(logMessage); json = "{success:false}"; } this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.Write(json); this.Response.End(); return this.Response; }
//是否還有沒有撿的商品 public int SelCom(Aseld m) {// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(@"select item_id from aseld WHERE assg_id='{0}' and ord_id='{1}' and wust_id <> 'COM' AND deliver_id='{2}' ; ", m.assg_id, m.ord_id, m.deliver_id); try { return _access.getDataTable(sb.ToString()).Rows.Count; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao.SelCom-->" + ex.Message + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
//理貨員工作--寄倉--獲取商品數據 public HttpResponseBase JudgeAssg() {//判斷寄倉或者調度 string json = String.Empty; string id = Request.Params["assg_id"]; Aseld m = new Aseld(); List<AseldQuery> list = new List<AseldQuery>(); _iasdMgr = new AseldMgr(mySqlConnectionString); try { if (id.Length > 9) {//獲取寄倉信息 m.assg_id = id; list = _iasdMgr.GetAseldList(m); foreach (var item in list) { m.seld_id = item.seld_id; } m.wust_id = "BSY"; m.create_user = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["caller"] as Caller).user_id; _iasdMgr.Updwust(m); } json = "{success:true,data:" + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list, Formatting.Indented) + "}";//返回json數據 } catch (Exception ex) { Log4NetCustom.LogMessage logMessage = new Log4NetCustom.LogMessage(); logMessage.Content = string.Format("TargetSite:{0},Source:{1},Message:{2}", ex.TargetSite.Name, ex.Source, ex.Message); logMessage.MethodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; log.Error(logMessage); json = "{success:false,msg:0}"; } this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.Write(json.ToString()); this.Response.End(); return this.Response; }
//該項目訂單是否有臨時退/換貨的商品 public int SelComC(Aseld m) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(@"select a.item_id from aseld a LEFT JOIN order_slave os ON a.ord_id=os.order_id LEFT JOIN order_detail od ON os.slave_id=od.slave_id AND a.item_id=od.item_id WHERE assg_id='{0}' and a.ord_id='{1}' AND od.detail_status in (90,10,89,20,91,92) ;", m.assg_id, m.ord_id); try { return _access.getDataTable(sb.ToString()).Rows.Count; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao.SelComC-->" + ex.Message + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 撿貨——調度流程頁面加載數據 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public HttpResponseBase GetMarkTallyTW() { string json = string.Empty; string ord_id = Request.Params["ord_id"]; string type = Request.Params["type"]; AseldQuery ase = new AseldQuery(); Aseld m = new Aseld(); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["ord_id"])) { ase.ord_id = int.Parse(Request.Params["ord_id"]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["freight_set"])) { ase.freight_set = Request.Params["freight_set"].Substring(0, 1); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["deliver_code"])) //{ // ase.deliver_code = Request.Params["deliver_code"].Substring(0, 1); //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["item_id"])) { if (Request.Params["item_id"].Length == 6) { ase.item_id = uint.Parse(Request.Params["item_id"]); } else { ase.upc_id = Request.Params["item_id"]; } } _iasdMgr = new AseldMgr(mySqlConnectionString); DataTable dt = _iasdMgr.GetOrderProductInformation(ase); //0代表加載工作代號 if (type == "0")//141980010 { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { json = "\"" + "assg_id" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["assg_id"].ToString() + "\""; json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "deliver_code" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["deliver_code"].ToString() + "\""; } } else { if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { //json = "\"" + "assg_id" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dr["assg_id"].ToString() + "\""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["prod_sz"].ToString())) { json = "\"" + "product_name" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["description"].ToString() + " (" + dt.Rows[0]["prod_sz"].ToString() + ")\""; } else { json = "\"" + "product_name" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["description"].ToString() + " " + dt.Rows[0]["prod_sz"].ToString() + "\""; } //json = "\"" + "product_name" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["description"].ToString() + " " + dt.Rows[0]["prod_sz"].ToString() + "\""; json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "seld_id" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["seld_id"].ToString() + "\"";//row_id.唯一的 json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "ord_qty" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["ord_qty"].ToString() + "\"";//訂貨量 json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "out_qty" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["out_qty"].ToString() + "\"";//缺貨量 json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "ordd_id" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["ordd_id"].ToString() + "\""; json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "deliver_id" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["deliver_id"].ToString() + "\""; json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "deliver_code" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["deliver_code"].ToString() + "\""; json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "note_order" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["note_order"].ToString() + "\""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["cde_dt_shp"].ToString())) { json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "cde_dt_shp" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["cde_dt_shp"].ToString() + "\"";//商品的允出天數 } else { json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "cde_dt_shp" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + "999999" + "\"";//商品的允出天數 } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["pwy_dte_ctl"].ToString())) { json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "pwy_dte_ctl" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + dt.Rows[0]["pwy_dte_ctl"].ToString() + "\"";//有效期控管 } else { json += ",\r\n" + "\"" + "pwy_dte_ctl" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + "N" + "\"";//有效期控管 } #region 查詢商品信息同時把wust_id更改為BSY m.wust_id = "BSY"; m.create_user = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["caller"] as Caller).user_id; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["seld_id"].ToString())) { m.seld_id = int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["seld_id"].ToString()); } _iasdMgr.Updwust(m); #endregion } else {//判斷條碼輸入的是否正確 DataTable data = new DataTable(); Iupc i = new Iupc(); _IiupcMgr = new IupcMgr(mySqlConnectionString); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ase.upc_id)) { i.upc_id = ase.upc_id; data = _IiupcMgr.upcid(i); if (data.Rows.Count > 0) { json = "\"" + "item_id" + "\"" + ":" + "\"" + data.Rows[0]["item_id"].ToString() + "\""; } } } } json = "{success:true,data:\r\n {\r\n" + json + "\r\n} \r\n" + "}"; } catch (Exception ex) { Log4NetCustom.LogMessage logMessage = new Log4NetCustom.LogMessage(); logMessage.Content = string.Format("TargetSite:{0},Source:{1},Message:{2}", ex.TargetSite.Name, ex.Source, ex.Message); logMessage.MethodName = System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name; log.Error(logMessage); json = "{success:true,data:\r\n {\r\n" + "" + "\r\n} \r\n" + "}"; } this.Response.Clear(); this.Response.Write(json); this.Response.End(); return this.Response; }
public int UpdScaned(Aseld a) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.assg_id)) { sb.AppendFormat(" set sql_safe_updates = 0;UPDATE aseld SET scaned='0' where assg_id ='{0}' and wust_id !='COM'; set sql_safe_updates = 1; ", a.assg_id); } return _access.execCommand(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao-->UpdScaned-->" + ex.Message + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
public string updgry(Aseld a, Dictionary<string, string> iinvd)// need item_id,act_pick_qty {//理貨員減去庫存 StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); int sum = GetProqtyByItemid(int.Parse(a.item_id.ToString())); try { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in iinvd) { sql.Clear(); //查詢日期控管的商品 sql.AppendFormat(" select row_id,i.item_id,prod_qty,i.cde_dt,i.made_date,pe.cde_dt_incr,pe.cde_dt_shp from iinvd i LEFT JOIN product_ext pe ON i.item_id = pe.item_id and pwy_dte_ctl='Y' WHERE row_id='{0}';", item.Key); dt = _access.getDataTable(sql.ToString()); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { string cde_dt_incr = dt.Rows[0]["cde_dt_incr"].ToString(); string made_date = dt.Rows[0]["made_date"].ToString(); string cde_dt = dt.Rows[0]["cde_dt"].ToString(); string cde_dt_shp = "0"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dt.Rows[0]["cde_dt_shp"].ToString())) { cde_dt_shp = dt.Rows[0]["cde_dt_shp"].ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cde_dt_incr)) { cde_dt_incr = "0"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(made_date)) { made_date = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cde_dt)) { cde_dt = DateTime.Now.ToString(); } int value = 0; if (int.TryParse(item.Value, out value)) { value = int.Parse(item.Value); } if (dt.Rows[0]["prod_qty"].ToString() == value.ToString()) {//刪除收貨上架表庫存,往iwms_record表添加數據 sb.AppendFormat("Delete from iinvd where row_id='{0}' ;", dt.Rows[0]["row_id"], int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["prod_qty"].ToString()) - a.act_pick_qty); sb.AppendFormat("INSERT INTO iwms_record (order_id,detail_id,act_pick_qty,cde_dt,create_date,create_user_id,made_dt,cde_dt_incr,cde_dt_shp) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}');", a.ord_id, a.ordd_id, value, CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Parse(cde_dt)), CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Now), a.change_user, CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Parse(made_date.ToString())), cde_dt_incr, cde_dt_shp); sb.AppendFormat("insert into istock_change(sc_trans_id,item_id,sc_trans_type,sc_num_old,sc_num_chg,sc_num_new,sc_time,sc_user,sc_istock_why,sc_note) Values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}');", a.ord_id, dt.Rows[0]["item_id"], "3", sum, "-" + value.ToString(), sum - value, CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Now), a.change_user, 4, "理貨撿貨"); sum = sum - value; } else if (int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["prod_qty"].ToString()) > value) {//扣除收貨上架表數據,往iwms_record表添加數據 if (value > 0) { sb.AppendFormat("UPDATE iinvd SET prod_qty='{1}' where row_id='{0}' ;", dt.Rows[0]["row_id"], int.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["prod_qty"].ToString()) - value); sb.AppendFormat("INSERT INTO iwms_record (order_id,detail_id,act_pick_qty,cde_dt,create_date,create_user_id,made_dt,cde_dt_incr,cde_dt_shp) VALUES('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}');", a.ord_id, a.ordd_id, value, CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Parse(cde_dt)), CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Now), a.change_user, CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Parse(made_date.ToString())), cde_dt_incr, cde_dt_shp); sb.AppendFormat("insert into istock_change(sc_trans_id,item_id,sc_trans_type,sc_num_old,sc_num_chg,sc_num_new,sc_time,sc_user,sc_istock_why,sc_note) Values ('{0}','{1}','{2}','{3}','{4}','{5}','{6}','{7}','{8}','{9}');", a.ord_id, dt.Rows[0]["item_id"], "3", sum, "-" + value.ToString(), sum - value, CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Now), a.change_user, 4, "理貨撿貨"); sum = sum - value; } } } } return sb.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("IinvdDao-->updgry-->" + ex.Message + sql.ToString() + " sb:" + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
public int Updwust(Aseld m) {//BSY正在捡这个料位S. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(@" UPDATE aseld SET wust_id='{1}',change_dtim='{2}',create_user='******' WHERE seld_id='{0}'; ", m.seld_id, m.wust_id, CommonFunction.DateTimeToString(DateTime.Now), m.create_user); try { return _access.execCommand(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldDao.Updwust-->" + ex.Message + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 判斷itemid是否在某個工作項中 /// </summary> /// <param name="ase"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetCountByItem(Aseld a) { try { return _aseldDao.GetCountByItem(a); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("AseldMgr-->GetCountByItem-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }