public List<Model.Query.PromotionsAccumulateBonusQuery> Query(Model.Query.PromotionsAccumulateBonusQuery store, out int totalCount) { try { List<Model.Query.PromotionsAccumulateBonusQuery> stores = _proAccBonusDao.Query(store, out totalCount); if (stores.Count > 0) { ParametersrcDao _pDa = new ParametersrcDao(conn); List<Model.Parametersrc> alist = _pDa.QueryParametersrcByTypes("payment"); foreach (var item in stores) { string[] strids = item.payment_code.Split(','); for (int i = 0; i < strids.Length; i++) { var clist = alist.Find(m => m.ParameterCode == strids[i].ToString()); if (clist != null) { item.payment_name += clist.parameterName + ","; } } item.payment_name = item.payment_name.TrimEnd(','); } } return stores; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("PromotionsAccumulateBonusMgr-->Query-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 獲取滿額滿件免運的信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <param name="totalCount"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<PromotionsAmountFareQuery> Query(PromotionsAmountFareQuery query, out int totalCount) { try { List<PromotionsAmountFareQuery> _list = _promoFareDao.Query(query, out totalCount); if (_list.Count > 0) { ParametersrcDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<BLL.gigade.Model.Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("product_freight", "event_type", "device", "payment"); foreach (PromotionsAmountFareQuery item in _list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_freight" && m.ParameterCode == item.type.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "event_type" && m.ParameterCode == item.event_type.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "device" && m.ParameterCode == item.device.ToString()); if (alist != null) { item.typeName = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { item.event_type_name = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { item.deviceName = clist.parameterName; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.payment_code)) { string[] arryPayment = item.payment_code.Split(',');//將payment_code轉化為payment_name for (int i = 0; i < arryPayment.Length; i++) { if (arryPayment[i] != "0") { var dlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "payment" && m.ParameterCode == arryPayment[i].ToString()); if (dlist != null) { item.payment_name += dlist.parameterName + ","; } } } item.payment_name = item.payment_name.TrimEnd(','); } } } return _list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("PromotionsAmountFareMgr-->Query-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public List<Model.Query.TicketQuery> GetTicketList(Model.Query.TicketQuery tqQuery, out int totalCount, string conditon) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder strsql = new StringBuilder(); strsql.Append(@" SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ticket AS Ticket LEFT JOIN vendor AS Export ON Export.vendor_id = Ticket.export_id "); //LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM t_parametersrc WHERE parameterType='Deliver_Store') as tp on tp.parameterCode=Ticket.delivery_store"); strsql.Append("WHERE 1=1 "); sb.Append(@" SELECT Ticket.ticket_id, Ticket.delivery_store,Ticket.warehouse_status, Ticket.ticket_status, Ticket.created,Ticket.modified, Ticket.seized_status, Ticket.ship_status, Ticket.Freight_status, Ticket.export_id, Ticket.freight_set, Export.vendor_name_simple,Ticket.delivery_store AS deliver_ys_type_id FROM ticket AS Ticket LEFT JOIN vendor AS Export ON Export.vendor_id = Ticket.export_id "); //LEFT JOIN (SELECT * FROM t_parametersrc WHERE parameterType='Deliver_Store') as tp on tp.parameterCode=Ticket.delivery_store sb.Append(" WHERE 1=1 "); sb.AppendFormat(conditon.ToString()); sb.AppendFormat(" ORDER BY Ticket.ticket_id DESC "); totalCount = 0; try { if (tqQuery.IsPage) { System.Data.DataTable _dt = _access.getDataTable(strsql.ToString()+conditon.ToString()); if (_dt != null && Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0][0]) > 0) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0][0]); } sb.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1}", tqQuery.Start, tqQuery.Limit); } IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("Deliver_Store"); List<TicketQuery> list = _access.getDataTableForObj<TicketQuery>(sb.ToString()); foreach (TicketQuery q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Deliver_Store" && m.ParameterCode == q.deliver_ys_type_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.deliver_ys_type = alist.parameterName; } } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("TicketDao.GetTicketList-->" + ex.Message + sb.ToString(), ex); } }
public List<ProductOrderTemp> QuerySingle(ProductOrderTemp pot) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); try { //LEFT JOIN (SELECT parameterCode,parameterName FROM t_parametersrc WHERE parameterType = 'Combo_Type') AS c ON c.parameterCode = p.combination sb.AppendFormat(@"SELECT vb.brand_name,product_name,p.product_id,pi.item_id,p.combination,product_name AS combination_name, o.buy_num AS c_num, FROM_UNIXTIME(p.product_start) AS product_start ,FROM_UNIXTIME(p.product_end) AS product_end, CASE WHEN ignore_stock = 0 then '否' ELSE '是' END AS ignore_stock, CASE WHEN shortage = 0 then '否' ELSE '是' END AS shortage FROM product p INNER JOIN vendor_brand vb ON vb.brand_id = p.brand_id INNER JOIN product_item pi ON pi.product_id = p.product_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT pi.item_id,CAST(SUM(od.buy_num) AS SIGNED) AS buy_num FROM product_item pi INNER JOIN order_detail od ON pi.item_id = od.item_id INNER JOIN order_slave os ON os.slave_id = od.slave_id INNER JOIN order_master om ON om.order_id = os.order_id WHERE od.detail_status= 4 AND order_createdate > UNIX_TIMESTAMP('{0}') AND od.item_mode = 0 GROUP BY pi.item_id ) o ON o.item_id = pi.item_id WHERE p.product_status = 5 AND p.product_id >10000 AND p.brand_id IN({1}) AND p.combination = 1", pot.create_time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:ss"), pot.brand_id); //edit by zhuoqin0830w 2015/05/18 IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("Combo_Type"); List<ProductOrderTemp> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<ProductOrderTemp>(sb.ToString()); foreach (ProductOrderTemp q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.combination.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.combination_name = alist.parameterName; } else { q.combination_name = ""; } } return list; //return _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<ProductOrderTemp>(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductOrderTempDao-->QuerySingle" + ex.Message,ex); ; } }
/// <summary> /// 查詢語句 /// </summary> /// <param name="productId">商品id</param> /// <returns>符合條件的集合</returns> public List<ProdNameExtendCustom> Query(ProdNameExtendCustom pec,string ids) { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"SELECT DISTINCT pe.rid, pm.product_id,pm.price_master_id,pm.product_name,pm.site_id,st.site_name,pm.user_level as level_name ,pe.product_prefix,pe.product_suffix,"); sb.Append(@"pm.user_level,pm.user_id,pe.event_start,pe.event_end,pe.kuser,pe.kdate,pe.flag,pu.`type`,pe.apply_id FROM price_master pm "); sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN site st on st.site_id = pm.site_id "); sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN product_extend pe ON pm.price_master_id = pe.price_master_id "); //sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN (select parametername,parametercode from t_parametersrc where parametertype='userlevel') g on pm.user_level=g.parametercode"); sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN price_update_apply_history pu ON pu.apply_id = pe.apply_id AND (pu.`type`=2 OR pu.`type`=3)"); sb.Append(" WHERE 1=1 "); if (ids != "") { sb.AppendFormat(" AND pm.product_id in ({0}) AND (pm.child_id = 0 OR pm.child_id =pm.product_id)", ids); } if (pec.Site_Id != 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND pm.site_id ={0} ", pec.Site_Id); } //edit by zhuoqin0830w 2015/05/18 IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("UserLevel"); List<ProdNameExtendCustom> list = _access.getDataTableForObj<ProdNameExtendCustom>(sb.ToString()); foreach (ProdNameExtendCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "UserLevel" && m.ParameterCode == q.User_Level.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.Level_Name = alist.parameterName; } } return list; //return _access.getDataTableForObj<ProdNameExtendCustom>(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProdNameExtendDao.Query-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public DataTable GetSecretInfoLog(SecretInfoLog query, out int totalCount) { try { DataTable _dt = _secretlogDao.GetSecretInfoLog(query, out totalCount); ParametersrcDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("secret_type"); _dt.Columns.Add("type_name"); foreach (DataRow q in _dt.Rows) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "secret_type" && m.ParameterCode == q["type"].ToString()); if (alist != null) { q["type_name"] = alist.parameterName; } } return _dt; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("SecretInfoLogMgr-->GetSecretInfoLog-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 獲取商品建議採購量信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="query">查詢條件</param> /// <returns>商品建議採購列表</returns> /// public DataTable GetSuggestPurchaseInfo(ProductItemQuery query, out int TotalCount) { DataTable _dt = new DataTable(); StringBuilder sbSqlColumn = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbSqlTable = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbSqlCondition = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); TotalCount = 0; string sumdate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-query.sumDays).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00"); ; /*清理掉記錄表中已經補充貨物的記錄*/ sb.Append("set sql_safe_updates = 0; delete from item_ipo_create_log where item_id in(select pi.item_id from (SELECT od.item_id,sum(od.buy_num*od.parent_num) as sum_total from order_master om LEFT JOIN order_slave os USING(order_id)LEFT JOIN order_detail od USING(slave_id) "); sb.AppendFormat(" where FROM_UNIXTIME( om.order_createdate)>='{0}' GROUP BY od.item_id) sum_biao ", sumdate); sb.Append(" left join product_item pi on sum_biao.item_id=pi.item_id left join product p on p.product_id=pi.product_id LEFT JOIN vendor_brand vb on vb.brand_id=p.brand_id LEFT JOIN vendor v on v.vendor_id=vb.vendor_id "); sb.AppendFormat(" where pi.item_stock-(v.procurement_days* sum_biao.sum_total/'{0}'*'{1}')>pi.item_alarm); set sql_safe_updates = 1; ", query.sumDays, query.periodDays); _dbAccess.execCommand(sb.ToString()); #region MyRegion // sbSqlColumn.Append(" SELECT v.vendor_id,p.spec_title_2,p.spec_title_1,p.product_id,p.product_name,(select max(create_time) from item_ipo_create_log where item_id=pi.item_id ) as create_datetime, "); //sbSqlColumn.Append(" p.sale_status ,'' as sale_name,p.product_mode ,'' as product_mode_name, p.prepaid,pi.erp_id,pi.item_id,pi.item_stock, pi.item_alarm,p.safe_stock_amount,ip.item_money,ip.item_cost, "); //sbSqlColumn.Append(" sum( case item_mode when 0 then od.buy_num when 2 then od.buy_num*od.parent_num end ) as sum_total,subTtotal.iinvd_stock, p.min_purchase_amount, "); //sbSqlColumn.Append(" v.vendor_name_simple,v.procurement_days,p.product_status,'' as product_status_string,pi.spec_id_1 ,pi.spec_id_2,''as NoticeGoods "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" from product_item pi "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" INNER JOIN product p on p.product_id=pi.product_id "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" JOIN order_detail od on od.item_id=pi.item_id and od.item_mode in (0,2) "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" INNER JOIN order_slave os on os.slave_id=od.slave_id "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" INNER JOIN order_master om on om.order_id=os.order_id "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" INNER JOIN vendor_brand vb on vb.brand_id=p.brand_id "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" INNER JOIN vendor v on v.vendor_id=vb.vendor_id "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" INNER JOIN item_price ip on ip.item_id=pi.item_id "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" left join (select item_id,sum(prod_qty) as iinvd_stock from iinvd where ista_id='A' GROUP BY item_id ) as subTtotal on subTtotal.item_id=pi.item_id "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" LEFT JOIN item_ipo_create_log iicl on iicl.item_id=pi.item_id "); //sbSqlTable.Append(" where 1=1 "); //sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and p.product_id>10000 and ((p.prepaid=1) or (p.prepaid=0 and p.product_mode=2)) and FROM_UNIXTIME( om.order_createdate)>='{0}' ", sumdate); //sbSqlCondition.Append(" and( p.product_status=5 or( p.product_status <>5 and p.product_id in "); //sbSqlCondition.Append(" (SELECT pc.product_id from product pc INNER JOIN product_combo pcm on pcm.child_id=pc.product_id INNER JOIN product pm on pm.product_id=pcm.parent_id where pm.product_status =5))) "); #endregion sbSqlColumn.Append("select vendor_id,CONCAT_WS(':',spec_title_2,ps2.spec_name) as spec_title_2 ,CONCAT_WS(':',spec_title_1,ps1.spec_name) as spec_title_1,''as loc_id,'' as cde_dt,''as made_date,'' as pwy_dte_ctl,''as cde_dt_incr,v_product_onsale.product_id,v_product_onsale.product_name,(select max(create_time) from item_ipo_create_log where item_id=v_product_onsale.item_id ) as create_datetime, sale_status ,'' as sale_name,product_mode ,'' as product_mode_name, prepaid,erp_id,v_product_onsale.item_id,item_stock, item_alarm,safe_stock_amount, "); sbSqlColumn.Append(" '' as item_money,'' as item_cost,sum_biao.sum_total, subTtotal.iinvd_stock,v_product_onsale.product_start,v_product_onsale.product_end, min_purchase_amount,vendor_name_simple,vendor_name_full, procurement_days,product_status,'' as product_status_string, "); sbSqlColumn.Append(" spec_id_1 ,spec_id_2,''as NoticeGoods,ipod.ipo_qty "); sbSqlTable.Append(" from v_product_onsale left join (SELECT od.item_id, sum( case dt1.item_mode when 0 then dt1.buy_num when 2 then dt1.buy_num*dt1.parent_num end ) as sum_total from order_master om "); sbSqlTable.Append("INNER JOIN order_slave os USING(order_id)INNER JOIN order_detail od USING(slave_id) "); sbSqlTable.AppendFormat(" left join order_detail dt1 on dt1.detail_id=od.detail_id and dt1.detail_status=4 where FROM_UNIXTIME( om.order_createdate)>='{0}' and od.item_mode in (0,2) GROUP BY od.item_id) sum_biao ", sumdate); sbSqlTable.Append(" on v_product_onsale.item_id=sum_biao.item_id "); /* sbSqlTable.Append(" from (SELECT od.item_id,sum( case dt1.item_mode when 0 then dt1.buy_num when 2 then dt1.buy_num*dt1.parent_num end ) as sum_total from order_master om INNER JOIN order_slave os USING(order_id)INNER JOIN order_detail od USING(slave_id) "); sbSqlTable.AppendFormat(" left join order_detail dt1 on dt1.detail_id=od.detail_id and dt1.detail_status=4 where FROM_UNIXTIME( om.order_createdate)>='{0}' and od.item_mode in (0,2) GROUP BY od.item_id) sum_biao ", sumdate); sbSqlTable.Append(" INNER JOIN v_product_onsale on v_product_onsale.item_id=sum_biao.item_id ");*/ sbSqlTable.Append(" left join (select item_id,sum(prod_qty) as iinvd_stock from iinvd where ista_id='A' GROUP BY item_id ) as subTtotal on subTtotal.item_id=v_product_onsale.item_id "); sbSqlTable.Append(" LEFT JOIN (select sum(qty_ord)as ipo_qty,prod_id from ipod where plst_id='O' GROUP BY prod_id) as ipod on ipod.prod_id=v_product_onsale.item_id "); sbSqlTable.Append(" LEFT JOIN item_ipo_create_log iicl on iicl.item_id=v_product_onsale.item_id "); // sbSqlTable.Append(" INNER join price_master pm on pm.product_id=v_product_onsale.product_id and pm.site_id=1 ");//and ((prepaid=1) or (prepaid=0 and product_mode=2)) sbSqlTable.Append(" left join product_spec ps1 on ps1.spec_id=v_product_onsale.spec_id_1 "); sbSqlTable.Append(" left join product_spec ps2 on ps2.spec_id=v_product_onsale.spec_id_2 "); sbSqlCondition.Append(" where 1=1 and ((prepaid=1) or (prepaid=0 and product_mode=2)) "); if (query.prepaid != -1) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and v_product_onsale.prepaid='{0}' ", query.prepaid); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.category_ID_IN)) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and v_product_onsale.product_id NOT in(select product_id from product_category_set where category_id in({0}))", query.category_ID_IN); } if (query.vendor_id != 0) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and v_product_onsale.vendor_id ='{0}' ", query.vendor_id); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.vendor_name_full)) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and v_product_onsale.vendor_name_full like '%{0}%' ", query.vendor_name_full); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.vendor_name)) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and v_product_onsale.vendor_name_simple like '%{0}%' ", query.vendor_name); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Erp_Id)) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and v_product_onsale.erp_id = '{0}' ", query.Erp_Id); } if (query.sale_status!=100) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and v_product_onsale.sale_status = '{0}' ", query.sale_status); } //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.vendor_name)) //{ // sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and (v.vendor_name_full like '%{0}%' or v.vendor_name_simple like '%{0}%') ", query.vendor_name); //} switch (query.Is_pod) { case 0: //不管下單採購還是未下單採購 break; case 1://下單採購的,時間不為空 sbSqlCondition.Append(" and iicl.create_time IS NOT NULL "); break; case 2: //未下單採購的時間為空 sbSqlCondition.Append(" and iicl.create_time IS NULL "); break; default: break; } switch (query.stockScope) { case 0://所有庫存,不加條件的 //當(庫存數量-安全存量)<(供應商的進貨天數*近3個月的平均每周銷售數量(最小值為1))時,就需要採購 break; case 1: sbSqlCondition.Append(" and v_product_onsale.item_stock<=0 ");//庫存數量在0或者0以下 break; //case 2: // sbSqlCondition.Append(" and (pi.item_stock<=5 and pi.item_stock>0) ");//庫存數量在0到5之間 // break; //case 3: // sbSqlCondition.Append(" and (pi.item_stock<=10 and pi.item_stock>5) ");//庫存數量在5到10之間 // break; case 2: //sbSqlCondition.Append(" and (pi.item_stock<pi.item_alarm) ");//庫存數量小於安全存量 //當前庫存量-供應商的採購天數*平均銷售數量(最小值為1))<=安全存量時,就需要採購 sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and v_product_onsale.item_stock-(v_product_onsale.procurement_days* IFNULL(sum_total,0)/'{0}'*'{1}')<=v_product_onsale.item_alarm", query.sumDays, query.periodDays); break; default: break; } sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" order by v_product_onsale.item_id desc "); try { if (query.IsPage)// { DataTable dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable("select count(v_product_onsale.item_id) as totalCount " + sbSqlTable.ToString() + sbSqlCondition.ToString()); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { TotalCount = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1} ", query.Start, query.Limit); } Dictionary<int, int>NoticeGoods= GetNoticeGoods(query); IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); IPriceMasterImplDao _priceMasterDao=new PriceMasterDao(connStr); IProductSpecImplDao _specDao = new ProductSpecDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("product_mode", "sale_status"); DataTable dtResult = _dbAccess.getDataTable(sbSqlColumn.ToString() + sbSqlTable.ToString() + sbSqlCondition.ToString()); List<Parametersrc> parameterStatus = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("product_status"); List<PriceMaster> pmster=new List<PriceMaster>(); DataTable _dtloc=new DataTable(); //select iin.cde_dt,iin.made_date,pe.pwy_dte_ctl,cde_dt_incr from iinvd iin left join product_ext pe on pe.item_id=iin.item_id //where 1=1 and iin.ista_id='A' order by cde_dt asc foreach (DataRow dr in dtResult.Rows) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["ipo_qty"].ToString())) { dr["ipo_qty"] = 0; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["iinvd_stock"].ToString())) { dr["iinvd_stock"] = 0; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["sum_total"].ToString())) { dr["sum_total"] = 0; } _dtloc = GettSuggestPurchaseIloc(dr["item_id"].ToString()); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_dtloc.Rows[0]["loc_id"].ToString()))//沒有主料位 { if (dr["product_mode"].ToString() == "2") { dr["loc_id"] = "YY999999"; } if (dr["product_mode"].ToString() == "3") { dr["loc_id"] = "ZZ999999"; } }else { dr["loc_id"] = _dtloc.Rows[0]["loc_id"]; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_dtloc.Rows[0]["cde_dt"].ToString()))//沒有效期控管 { dr["cde_dt"] = " "; dr["made_date"] = " "; } else { dr["cde_dt"] = _dtloc.Rows[0]["cde_dt"]; dr["made_date"] = _dtloc.Rows[0]["made_date"]; } dr["pwy_dte_ctl"] = _dtloc.Rows[0]["pwy_dte_ctl"]; dr["cde_dt_incr"] = _dtloc.Rows[0]["cde_dt_incr"]; //計算商品的單價和商品的成本 pmster= _priceMasterDao.GetPriceMasterInfoByID2(dr["product_id"].ToString()); if (pmster.Count > 0) { dr["item_money"] = pmster[pmster.Count - 1].price; dr["item_cost"] = pmster[pmster.Count - 1].cost; } else { dr["item_money"] = 0; dr["item_cost"] = 0; } dr["NoticeGoods"] = 0; if (NoticeGoods.Keys.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(dr["item_id"]))) { dr["NoticeGoods"] = NoticeGoods[Convert.ToInt32(dr["item_id"])]; } var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_mode" && m.ParameterCode == dr["product_mode"].ToString()); var dlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "sale_status" && m.ParameterCode == dr["sale_status"].ToString()); var slist = parameterStatus.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == dr["product_status"].ToString()); if (alist != null) { dr["product_mode_name"] = alist.parameterName; } if (dlist != null) { dr["sale_name"] = dlist.parameterName; } if (slist != null) { dr["product_status_string"] = slist.parameterName; } //ProductSpec spec1 = _specDao.query(Convert.ToInt32(dr["spec_id_1"].ToString())); //ProductSpec spec2 = _specDao.query(Convert.ToInt32(dr["spec_id_2"].ToString())); //if (spec1 != null) //{ // dr["spec_title_1"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["spec_title_1"].ToString())?"":dr["spec_title_1"]+":"+spec1.spec_name; //} //if (spec2 != null) //{ // dr["spec_title_2"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["spec_title_2"].ToString()) ? "" : dr["spec_title_2"] +":"+ spec2.spec_name; //} dr["spec_title_1"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["spec_title_1"].ToString()) ? dr["spec_title_2"] : dr["spec_title_1"].ToString() + " " + dr["spec_title_2"]; } return dtResult; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductItemDao-->GetSuggestPurchaseInfo-->" + ex.Message + sbSqlColumn.Append(sbSqlTable).Append(sbSqlCondition).ToString(), ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 異常訂單列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="query">查詢條件</param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable ArrorOrderList(OrderMasterQuery query, out int totalCount) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sqlCount = new StringBuilder(); try { sql.Append(@"SELECT om.order_id,om.order_status,FROM_UNIXTIME(om.order_createdate,'%Y/%m/%d') as order_createdate,od.detail_id,od.parent_id,od.pack_id,od.combined_mode,od.item_mode,count(od.detail_id) as cout "); sqlCount.Append(@" from order_detail od LEFT JOIN order_slave os USING(slave_id) LEFT JOIN order_master om USING(order_id) "); sqlCount.Append(" where od.item_mode=1 "); //LEFT JOIN (select * from t_parametersrc where parameterType ='order_status') as os on os.parameterCode=om.order_status //left join (select * from t_parametersrc where parameterType ='Combo_Type') as ct on ct.parameterCode=od.combined_mode if (query.first_time != 0 && query.last_time != 0) { sqlCount.AppendFormat(" and om.order_createdate between '{0}' and '{1}' ", query.first_time, query.last_time); } sqlCount.AppendFormat(" GROUP BY om.order_id,od.parent_id,od.pack_id HAVING cout>1 "); sql.Append(sqlCount.ToString()); totalCount = 0; if (query.IsPage) { System.Data.DataTable _dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable(" select count(a.order_id) as totalCount from ( " + sql.ToString() + ")a"); if (_dt.Rows.Count > 0) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"].ToString()); } sql.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1};", query.Start, query.Limit); } DataTable _list = _dbAccess.getDataTable(sql.ToString()); if (_list.Rows.Count > 0) { IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("order_status", "Combo_Type"); _list.Columns.Add("modeName"); _list.Columns.Add("remark"); foreach (DataRow dr in _list.Rows) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "order_status" && m.ParameterCode == dr["order_status"].ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == dr["combined_mode"].ToString()); if (alist != null) { dr["remark"] = alist.remark; } if (blist != null) { dr["modeName"] = blist.parameterName; } } } return _list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("OrderMasterDao-->ArrorOrderList -->" + ex.Message + sql.ToString(), ex); } }
public string GetVendorBank(string code) { try { ParametersrcDao paraDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> list = paraDao.Query(new Parametersrc { ParameterCode = code, ParameterType = "BankBranchName" }); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { return list[0].remark; } else { return ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("VendorMgr-->GetVendorBank" + ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 根據查詢條件匯出對應欄位 /// </summary> /// <param name="query">查詢條件</param> /// <param name="columns">對應欄位</param> /// <returns></returns> public MemoryStream ExportProductToExcel(Model.Query.QueryVerifyCondition query, int exportFlag, string cols, string fileName) { XDocument xml = XDocument.Load(fileName);//加载xml Dictionary<string, string> columns = xml.Elements().Elements().ToDictionary(p => p.Attribute("key").Value, p => p.Value);//將xml轉換成Dictionary query.IsPage = false; string price_master_id = ""; switch (exportFlag) { case 1://庫存資料匯出(單一商品) List<ProductItemCustom> productItems = _productDao.GetStockInfo(query); return ExcelHelperXhf.ExportExcel(productItems, columns);//break; case 2://商品資料匯出 case 3://商品價格匯出:權限控管 int total = 0; List<QueryandVerifyCustom> items = _productDao.QueryByProSite(query, out total); List<string> authority = exportFlag == 3 ? cols.Split(',').ToList() : null; return ExcelHelperXhf.ExportExcel(items, columns, authority); case 4:///子商品價格信息匯出 int sum = 0; List<QueryandVerifyCustom> product = _productDao.QueryByProSite(query, out sum);///獲得根據條件查詢到的相關信息 foreach (var p in product) { price_master_id += p.price_master_id + ","; } if (price_master_id == "")///如果該字符串無值 { return null;//return } price_master_id = price_master_id.Remove(price_master_id.Length - 1, 1);//否則刪去最後一個, IPriceMasterImplMgr _priceMgr = new PriceMasterMgr(connectionStr); List<PriceMasterCustom> listPirce = _priceMgr.GetExcelItemIdInfo(price_master_id); IParametersrcImplDao _paramerDao = new ParametersrcDao(connectionStr); List<Parametersrc> listParameter = _paramerDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("price_status", "product_status"); foreach (PriceMasterCustom p in listPirce) { var listTemp = listParameter.Find(m => m.ParameterCode == p.price_status.ToString()); var listTemp2 = listParameter.Find(m => m.ParameterCode == p.product_status.ToString()); if (listTemp != null) { p.price_status_str = listTemp.parameterName; } if (listTemp2 != null) { p.product_status_str = listTemp2.parameterName; } } return ExcelHelperXhf.ExportExcel(listPirce, columns); case 5: //預購商品匯出 int totalYugou = 0; List<QueryandVerifyCustom> itemsYugou = _productDao.QueryForPurchase_in_advance(query, out totalYugou); DataTable dtnewYuGuo = new DataTable();//保存沒有過期的 DataTable dtoldYuGuo = new DataTable();//保存過期的 //產生列 dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("商品編號", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("商品名稱", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("品牌名稱", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("供應商名稱", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("商品類型", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("預購商品開始時間", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("預購商品結束時間", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("預計出貨時間", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("排程設定", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("庫存數", typeof(String)); dtnewYuGuo.Columns.Add("未出貨數量", typeof(String)); //複製 dtoldYuGuo = dtnewYuGuo.Clone(); foreach (QueryandVerifyCustom qcustom in itemsYugou) { string endtime = qcustom.purchase_in_advance_end_time; if (DateTime.Parse(endtime == "" ? DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToString() : endtime) > DateTime.Now) { DataRow newrow = dtnewYuGuo.NewRow(); newrow[0] = qcustom.product_id; newrow[1] = qcustom.product_name; newrow[2] = qcustom.brand_name; newrow[3] = qcustom.vendor_name_full; newrow[4] = qcustom.combination; newrow[5] = qcustom.purchase_in_advance_start_time; newrow[6] = qcustom.purchase_in_advance_end_time; newrow[7] = qcustom.expect_time_time; newrow[8] = qcustom.schedule_name; newrow[9] = qcustom.Item_Stock; newrow[10] = qcustom.bnum; dtnewYuGuo.Rows.Add(newrow); } else { DataRow oldrow = dtoldYuGuo.NewRow(); oldrow[0] = qcustom.product_id; oldrow[1] = qcustom.product_name; oldrow[2] = qcustom.brand_name; oldrow[3] = qcustom.vendor_name_full; oldrow[4] = qcustom.combination; oldrow[5] = qcustom.purchase_in_advance_start_time; oldrow[6] = qcustom.purchase_in_advance_end_time; oldrow[7] = qcustom.expect_time_time; oldrow[8] = qcustom.schedule_name; oldrow[9] = qcustom.Item_Stock; oldrow[10] = qcustom.bnum; dtoldYuGuo.Rows.Add(oldrow); } } List<string> NameList = new List<string>(); NameList.Add("有效期內的預購商品"); NameList.Add("過期的預購商品"); List<DataTable> Elist = new List<DataTable>(); Elist.Add(dtnewYuGuo); Elist.Add(dtoldYuGuo); List<bool> comName = new List<bool>(); comName.Add(true); comName.Add(true); return ExcelHelperXhf.ExportDTNoColumnsBySdy(Elist, NameList, comName); default: throw new Exception("unaccepted exportFlag!!!"); } }
/// <summary> /// 會計入賬匯出 /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable OrderMasterExport(OrderMasterQuery query) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); try { sql.AppendFormat("select oac.row_id, om.order_id,om.order_name,om.deduct_card_bonus,imr.invoice_date,'' as invoicedate,"); sql.AppendFormat(" SUM(imr.free_tax) as free_tax,SUM(imr.sales_amount) as sales_amount,SUM(imr.tax_amount) as tax_amount,SUM(imr.total_amount) imramount,"); sql.AppendFormat("om.money_cancel,om.money_return,om.delivery_name,om.order_amount,om.order_payment,'' as parameterName,om.order_createdate, '' as ordercreatedate,"); sql.AppendFormat("oac.account_collection_time,oac.account_collection_money,oac.poundage,oac.return_collection_time,oac.return_collection_money,oac.return_poundage,oac.remark,"); sql.AppendFormat(" oac.invoice_date_manual,oac.invoice_sale_manual,oac.invoice_tax_manual , "); sql.AppendFormat(" '' as oacamount , '' as invoice_diff "); sql.Append(" from order_master om "); sql.Append(" left join order_account_collection oac on om.order_id = oac.order_id "); sql.AppendFormat(" left join invoice_master_record imr on imr.order_id=om.order_id and invoice_attribute=1 "); sql.AppendFormat(" where 1=1 "); if (query.dateType == 1) { if (query.order_date_pay_startTime != DateTime.MinValue) { sql.AppendFormat(" and oac.account_collection_time>='{0}' ", query.order_date_pay_startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00")); } if (query.order_date_pay_endTime != DateTime.MinValue) { sql.AppendFormat(" and oac.account_collection_time<='{0}' ", query.order_date_pay_endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59")); } } else if (query.dateType == 3) { if (query.first_time != 0) { sql.AppendFormat(" and om.order_createdate>='{0}' ", query.first_time); } if (query.last_time != 0) { sql.AppendFormat(" and om.order_createdate<='{0}' ", query.last_time); } } else if (query.dateType == 4) { if (query.order_date_pay_startTime != DateTime.MinValue) { sql.AppendFormat(" and oac.return_collection_time>='{0}' ", query.order_date_pay_startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00")); } if (query.order_date_pay_endTime != DateTime.MinValue) { sql.AppendFormat(" and oac.return_collection_time<='{0}' ", query.order_date_pay_endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59")); } } else if (query.dateType == 2) { if (query.first_time != 0) { sql.AppendFormat(" and imr.invoice_date>='{0}' ", query.first_time); } if (query.last_time != 0) { sql.AppendFormat(" and imr.invoice_date<='{0}' ", query.last_time); } } else if (query.dateType == 5) { if (query.order_date_pay_startTime != DateTime.MinValue) { sql.AppendFormat(" and oac.invoice_date_manual>='{0}' ", query.order_date_pay_startTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00")); } if (query.order_date_pay_endTime != DateTime.MinValue) { sql.AppendFormat(" and oac.invoice_date_manual<='{0}' ", query.order_date_pay_endTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59")); } } if (query.show_type == 1) { sql.AppendFormat(" and oac.row_id!='' "); } else if (query.show_type == 2) { sql.AppendFormat(" and ISNULL(oac.row_id) "); } if (query.invoice_type == 1) { sql.AppendFormat(" and (imr.invoice_id!='' or oac.invoice_date_manual!='' ) "); } else if (query.invoice_type == 2) { sql.AppendFormat(" and ISNULL(imr.invoice_id) and ISNULL(oac.invoice_date_manual) "); } if (query.Order_Id != 0) { sql.AppendFormat(" and om.order_id='{0}' ", query.Order_Id); } if (query.Order_Payment != 0) { sql.AppendFormat(" and om.order_payment='{0}' ", query.Order_Payment); } sql.AppendFormat(" GROUP BY om.order_id "); sql.AppendFormat(" ORDER BY imr.invoice_date desc, om.order_id desc "); IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.GetAllKindType("payment"); DataTable dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable(sql.ToString()); Int64 order_creat = 0; Int64 invoi_date = 0; Int64 poun = 0; Int64 coll = 0; Int64 Rpoun = 0; Int64 Rcoll = 0; Int64 totalMoney = 0; Int64 imramount = 0; Int64 invoice = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterCode == dr["order_payment"].ToString()); if (alist != null) { dr["parameterName"] = alist.parameterName; } invoi_date = 0; if (Int64.TryParse(dr["invoice_date"].ToString(), out invoi_date)) { dr["invoicedate"] = CommonFunction.GetNetTime(invoi_date).ToShortDateString(); } order_creat = 0; if (Int64.TryParse(dr["order_createdate"].ToString(), out order_creat)) { dr["ordercreatedate"] = CommonFunction.GetNetTime(order_creat).ToShortDateString(); } totalMoney = 0; poun = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["poundage"].ToString())) { if (Int64.TryParse(dr["poundage"].ToString(), out poun)) { totalMoney += poun; } } coll = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["account_collection_money"].ToString())) { if (Int64.TryParse(dr["account_collection_money"].ToString(), out coll)) { totalMoney += coll; } } Rpoun = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["return_poundage"].ToString())) { if (Int64.TryParse(dr["return_poundage"].ToString(), out Rpoun)) { totalMoney += Rpoun; } } Rcoll = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["return_collection_money"].ToString())) { if (Int64.TryParse(dr["return_collection_money"].ToString(), out Rcoll)) { totalMoney += Rcoll; } } dr["oacamount"] = totalMoney; imramount = 0; invoice = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["imramount"].ToString())) { if (Int64.TryParse(dr["imramount"].ToString(), out invoice)) { imramount += Convert.ToInt64(dr["imramount"].ToString()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["invoice_sale_manual"].ToString())) { if (Int64.TryParse(dr["invoice_sale_manual"].ToString(), out invoice)) { imramount += Convert.ToInt64(dr["invoice_sale_manual"].ToString()); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["invoice_tax_manual"].ToString())) { if (Int64.TryParse(dr["invoice_tax_manual"].ToString(), out invoice)) { imramount += Convert.ToInt64(dr["invoice_tax_manual"].ToString()); } } dr["imramount"] = imramount; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["oacamount"].ToString()) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["imramount"].ToString()) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["invoice_tax_manual"].ToString()) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["invoice_sale_manual"].ToString())) { dr["invoice_diff"] = totalMoney - imramount;//J=E-H } } return dt; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("OrderMasterDao-->OrderMasterExport -->" + ex.Message + sql.ToString(), ex); } }
public List<ElementDetailQuery> QueryAll(ElementDetailQuery query, out int totalCount) { try { query.Replace4MySQL(); StringBuilder TempCol = new StringBuilder("SELECT p.product_id,ap.element_type,ap.packet_status,p.product_name,p.product_status,ap.packet_name, bd.element_id,ap.element_type,");//c.parametername as element_type_name, TempCol.Append(" bd.element_content,bd.packet_id,bd.element_name,bd.element_link_url,bd.element_link_mode,bd.element_remark,bd.element_sort,bd.element_status, bd.element_link_mode,");//d.parametername as element_linkmode, TempCol.Append(" bd.element_start,bd.element_end,bd.element_createdate,bd.element_updatedate,bd.category_id,bd.category_name,bd.element_img_big "); StringBuilder tempCount = new StringBuilder("select count(bd.element_id) as totalCount "); StringBuilder mainSql = new StringBuilder(" FROM element_detail bd "); mainSql.Append(" join area_packet ap on ap.packet_id=bd.packet_id"); mainSql.Append(" LEFT JOIN product p ON p.product_id = bd.element_content "); // mainSql.Append(" left join (select parametername,parametercode from t_parametersrc where parametertype='element_type') c on ap.element_type=c.parametercode"); // mainSql.Append(" left join (select parametername,parametercode from t_parametersrc where parametertype='element_link_mode') d on bd.element_link_mode=d.parametercode"); StringBuilder condi = new StringBuilder(); condi.Append(" and element_status!=2 "); if (query.packet_id != 0) { condi.AppendFormat(" and ap.packet_id={0} ", query.packet_id); } if (query.element_type != 0) { condi.AppendFormat(" and ap.element_type={0} ", query.element_type); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.key)) { condi.AppendFormat(" and ( bd.element_name like N'%{0}%' ", query.key); condi.AppendFormat(" or bd.element_remark like N'%{0}%' ", query.key); condi.AppendFormat(" or ap.packet_name like N'%{0}%' ", query.key); condi.AppendFormat(" or bd.element_content like N'%{0}%') ", query.key); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.searchcate)) { condi.AppendFormat(" and bd.category_name like N'%{0}%' ", query.searchcate); } if (query.product_status != 0 && query.element_type == 3) { if (query.product_status == 5) { condi.Append(" and p.product_status=5 "); } else { condi.AppendFormat(" and p.product_status <> 5 "); } } if (condi.Length > 0) { mainSql.Append(" where "); mainSql.Append(condi.ToString().TrimStart().Remove(0, 3)); } mainSql.AppendFormat(" order by bd.element_id desc "); totalCount = 0; if (query.IsPage) { sql.Append(tempCount.ToString() + mainSql.ToString()); System.Data.DataTable _dt = _access.getDataTable(sql.ToString()); if (_dt != null && _dt.Rows.Count > 0) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } mainSql.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1}", query.Start, query.Limit); } IParametersrcImplDao _paradao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _paradao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("element_type", "element_link_mode"); List<ElementDetailQuery> list = _access.getDataTableForObj<ElementDetailQuery>(TempCol.ToString() + mainSql.ToString()); foreach (ElementDetailQuery q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "element_type" && m.ParameterCode == q.element_type.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "element_link_mode" && m.ParameterCode == q.element_link_mode.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.element_type_name = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.element_linkmode = blist.parameterName; } } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ElementDetailDao-->QueryAll-->" + ex.Message + sql.ToString(), ex); } }
/// <summary> /// add by jiajun 2014/08/22 /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <param name="totalCount"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> QueryForStation(Model.Query.QueryVerifyCondition query, out int totalCount) { try { var regex = new Regex("^[0-9,]+$"); query.Replace4MySQL(); StringBuilder strCols = new StringBuilder("select a.product_id,b.brand_name,a.product_image,a.product_name,a.prod_sz,a.product_spec AS product_spec_id,"); strCols.Append("a.product_price_list,a.product_status as product_status_id,a.combination as combination_id,a.user_id "); StringBuilder strTbls = new StringBuilder("from product a left join vendor_brand b on a.brand_id=b.brand_id "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='combo_type') c on a.combination=c.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_spec') d on a.product_spec=d.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_status') e on a.product_status=e.parametercode "); StringBuilder strCondition = new StringBuilder("where 1=1 "); if (query.brand_id != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.brand_id={0}", query.brand_id); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.cate_id)) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.cate_id in ('{0}')", GetStrbyCate_id(query.cate_id)); } if (query.category_id != 0) {//edit by hjiajun1211w 2014/08/08 父商品查詢 IProductCategoryImplDao pcDao = new ProductCategoryDao(connStr); List<Model.ProductCategory> category = pcDao.QueryAll(new ProductCategory()); string str = string.Empty; GetAllCategory_id(category, query.category_id, ref str); strTbls.AppendFormat(" inner join (select distinct product_id from product_category_set where category_id in({0})) j on a.product_id=j.product_id ", str); } if (query.combination != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.combination={0}", query.combination); } if (query.product_status != -1) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_status={0}", query.product_status); } if (query.freight != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_freight_set={0}", query.freight); } if (query.mode != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_mode={0}", query.mode); } if (query.tax_type != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.tax_type={0}", query.tax_type); } //add by zhuoqin0830w 2015/03/11 已買斷商品的篩選功能 if (query.Prepaid != -1) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.prepaid={0}", query.Prepaid); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.date_type)) { CheckCondition(query, "a", strCondition); } strCols.Append(",a.price_type AS price_type_id,a.product_freight_set AS product_freight_set_id,a.product_mode as product_mode_id,a.tax_type,a.product_sort,a.product_createdate,a.product_start,a.product_end "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_freight') f on a.product_freight_set=f.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_mode') g on a.product_mode=g.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='price_type') h on a.price_type=h.parametercode "); //edit 2014/08/26 if (query.priceCondition == 2) { strTbls.Append("left join price_master l on a.product_id=l.product_id and l.site_id= 1 and l.user_level=1 and l.user_id=0 and (l.product_id=l.child_id or l.child_id=0) "); strCondition.AppendFormat(" and ((a.combination not in(0,1) and a.price_type <>2) or (a.combination = 1 and l.same_price =1))"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.name_number)) { strCondition.AppendFormat(regex.IsMatch(query.name_number) ? " and (a.product_id in ({0}) or a.product_name like '%{0}%')" : " and a.product_name like '%{0}%'", query.name_number); } string strCount = "select count(a.product_id) as totalCount " + strTbls.ToString() + strCondition.ToString(); System.Data.DataTable _dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable(strCount); totalCount = 0; if (_dt != null && _dt.Rows.Count > 0) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } strCondition.Append(" order by a.product_id desc "); if (query.IsPage) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1}", query.Start, query.Limit); } IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("Combo_Type", "product_spec", "product_status", "product_freight", "product_mode", "Price_Type"); List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom>(strCols.ToString() + strTbls.ToString() + strCondition.ToString()); foreach (QueryandVerifyCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.combination_id.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_spec" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_spec_id.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_status_id.ToString()); var dlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_freight" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_freight_set_id.ToString()); var elist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_mode" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_mode_id.ToString()); var flist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Price_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.price_type_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.combination = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.product_spec = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { q.product_status = clist.parameterName; } if (dlist != null) { q.product_freight_set = dlist.parameterName; } if (elist != null) { q.product_mode = elist.parameterName; } if (flist != null) { q.price_type = flist.parameterName; } } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductDao.QueryByProSite-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 查詢符合條件的ShippintCarrior集合 /// </summary> /// <param name="sc">查詢的條件</param> /// <returns>符合條件的集合</returns> public List<ShippingCarriorCustom> QueryAll(ShippingCarrior sc, out int totalCount) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(@"SELECT sc.rid,sc.delivery_store_id,sc.freight_big_area,sc.freight_type,sc.delivery_freight_set,,sc.charge_type,sc.shipping_fee,sc.return_fee, sc.size_limitation,sc.length,sc.width,sc.height,sc.weight,sc.pod,sc.note,ds.store_name FROM shipping_carrior sc "); sb.Append(@" LEFT JOIN delivery_store ds ON ds.delivery_store_id = sc.delivery_store_id "); sb.AppendFormat(" WHERE 1=1 "); if (sc.Rid != 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND sc.Rid ={0}", sc.Rid); } if (sc.Delivery_store_id != 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND sc.delivery_store_id ={0}", sc.Delivery_store_id); } if (sc.Freight_big_area != 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND sc.freight_big_area ={0}", sc.Freight_big_area); } if (sc.Freight_type != 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND sc.freight_type ={0}", sc.Freight_type); } if (sc.Delivery_freight_set != 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND sc.delivery_freight_set", sc.Delivery_freight_set); } if (sc.Active != 0) { sb.AppendFormat(" AND", sc.Active); } totalCount = 0; System.Data.DataTable _dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable("SELECT COUNT(Rid) AS totalCount from shipping_carrior "); if (_dt != null) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(strConn); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("freight_big_area", "freight_type"); List<ShippingCarriorCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<ShippingCarriorCustom>(sb.ToString()); foreach (ShippingCarriorCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "freight_big_area" && m.ParameterCode == q.Freight_big_area.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "freight_type" && m.ParameterCode == q.Freight_type.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.Area_name = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.Freight_type_Name = blist.parameterName; } } return _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<ShippingCarriorCustom>(sb.ToString()); }
//add by xiangwang0413w 2014/07/02 public List<Model.Custom.PriceMasterCustom> QuerySitePriceOption(uint proId, uint channelId) { try { //left join t_parametersrc c on a.user_level=c.parameterCode and parameterType='UserLevel' string strSql = string.Format(@"select distinct a.price_master_id,concat(!isnull(e.price_master_id) ,b.site_name) as site_name,a.user_level, a.user_level as user_level_name,a.user_id,d.user_email from price_master a left join users d on a.user_id=d.user_id left join site b on a.site_id=b.site_id left join product_item_map e on a.price_master_id=e.price_master_id and e.channel_id={0} where a.product_id={1} order by e.price_master_id desc ;", channelId, proId); //edit by zhuoqin0830w 2015/05/18 IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("UserLevel"); List<PriceMasterCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.PriceMasterCustom>(strSql); foreach (PriceMasterCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "UserLevel" && m.ParameterCode == q.user_level.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.user_level_name = alist.parameterName; } } return list; //return _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.PriceMasterCustom>(strSql); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("QuerySitePriceOption(uint proId)-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 根據商品ID獲得商品信息 /// productID:商品ID /// add by wangwei0216w 2014/8/25 /// </summary> public List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> GetProductInfoByID(string productIds) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(@"select a.product_image ,a.product_id ,b.brand_name,a.product_name ,a.prod_sz,a.combination AS combination_id,a.combination as combination_id, a.price_type as price_type_id,a.product_status AS product_status_id,f.price ,f.cost ,f.event_price,f.event_cost,a.prepaid from product a left join vendor_brand b on a.brand_id=b.brand_id left join price_master f on f.product_id=a.product_id and f.site_id=1 and f.user_level=1 and f.user_id=0 and (f.product_id=f.child_id or child_id=0)"); sb.AppendFormat(" where a.product_id in({0})", productIds); List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> list1 = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom>(sb.ToString()); IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("Combo_Type", "Price_Type", "product_status"); foreach (QueryandVerifyCustom q in list1) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.combination_id.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Price_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.price_type_id.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_status_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.combination = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.price_type = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { q.product_status = clist.parameterName; } } return list1; }
/// <summary> /// 類別商品修改中獲取所有商品信息 /// add by shuangshuang0420j 20141020 10:00 /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<Model.Custom.ProductDetailsCustom> GetAllProList(Model.Query.ProductQuery query, out int totalCount) { StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder stbCondi = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder stbWhere = new StringBuilder(); query.Replace4MySQL(); try { stb.Append(@"select DISTINCT(a.product_id), a.brand_id,b.brand_name,a.product_name,a.product_image,"); stb.Append("a.product_freight_set AS product_freight_set_id,a.product_mode AS product_mode_id,a.combination AS combination_id,"); stb.Append("a.product_keywords,a.product_status AS product_status_id, a.process_type AS process_type_id,a.combination as product_type,sale_status "); stbCondi.Append(" from (select product_id,brand_id,product_name,product_freight_set,product_mode,process_type,product_type,product_keywords,sale_status,product_status,combination,product_image from product where product_id >= 10000 and product_status not in(0,20) ) a");//0:新建立商品 20:供應商新建商品 stbCondi.Append(" left join vendor_brand b on a.brand_id=b.brand_id "); //stbCondi.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_freight') c on a.product_freight_set=c.parametercode"); //stbCondi.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_mode') d on a.product_mode=d.parametercode"); //stbCondi.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='process_type') g on a.process_type=g.parametercode"); //stbCondi.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_type') h on a.product_type=h.parametercode"); //stbCondi.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='sale_status') i on a.sale_status=i.parametercode"); //stbCondi.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_status') f on a.product_status = f.parametercode"); if (query.isjoincate) { stb.Append(",pcs.category_id,pc.category_name ");//在product_category_set中加入sort欄位控制該類別下商品在前台的排序 add by shuangshuang0420j 20141105 15:00 stbCondi.Append(" right join product_category_set pcs on pcs.product_id=a.product_id "); stbCondi.Append(" left join product_category pc on pc.category_id=pcs.category_id");//查詢類別中商品時查詢該商品的類別 } else { if (query.category_id != 0)//查詢所有商品時按類別查詢 { stb.Append(",pcs.category_id,pc.category_name "); stbCondi.Append(" left join product_category_set pcs on pcs.product_id=a.product_id "); stbCondi.Append(" left join product_category pc on pc.category_id=pcs.category_id"); } } // stbCondi.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='combo_type') e on a.combination=e.parametercode "); // stbWhere.AppendFormat(" where a.product_status not in(0,20) ");//0:新建立商品 20:供應商新建商品 if (query.Product_Status != 0 && query.Product_Status != 20) { stbWhere.AppendFormat(" and a.product_status ='{0}' ", query.Product_Status); } if (query.category_id != 0) { stbWhere.AppendFormat(" and pcs.category_id='{0}'", query.category_id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.categoryArry)) { stbWhere.AppendFormat("and pcs.category_id in ({0})", query.categoryArry); } if (query.Product_Id != 0) { stbWhere.AppendFormat(" and a.product_id = '{0}'", query.Product_Id); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Product_Id_In)) { stbWhere.AppendFormat(" and a.product_id in ({0}) ", query.Product_Id_In); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Product_Name)) { stbWhere.AppendFormat(" and a.product_name like N'%{0}%'", query.Product_Name); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.siteStr)) { stbCondi.Append(" left join price_master pm on a.product_id=pm.product_id and(pm.product_id=pm.child_id or pm.child_id=0) "); stbCondi.Append(" left join site s on pm.site_id=s.site_id "); stbWhere.Append(" and s.site_id is not null "); stbWhere.AppendFormat(" and s.site_id in ({0})", query.siteStr); } if (query.Brand_Id != 0) { stbWhere.AppendFormat(" and a.brand_id ='{0}'", query.Brand_Id); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.brandArry)) { stbWhere.AppendFormat(" and a.brand_id in ({0})", query.brandArry); } if (stbWhere.Length != 0) { stbCondi.Append(" WHERE "); stbCondi.Append(stbWhere.ToString().TrimStart().Remove(0, 3)); } string strCount = "select count(a.product_id) as totalCount " + stbCondi.ToString(); System.Data.DataTable _dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable(strCount); totalCount = 0; if (_dt != null && _dt.Rows.Count > 0) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } stbCondi.Append(" order by a.product_id desc "); if (query.IsPage) { stbCondi.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1}", query.Start, query.Limit); } stb.Append(stbCondi.ToString()); // return _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.ProductDetailsCustom>(stb.ToString()); IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("product_freight", "product_mode", "process_type", "product_type", "sale_status", "product_status", "Combo_Type"); List<Model.Custom.ProductDetailsCustom> listStore = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.ProductDetailsCustom>(stb.ToString()); foreach (ProductDetailsCustom list in listStore) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_freight" && m.ParameterCode == list.product_freight_set_id.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_mode" && m.ParameterCode == list.product_mode_id.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "process_type" && m.ParameterCode == list.process_type_id.ToString()); var dlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_type" && m.ParameterCode == list.product_type.ToString()); var elist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "sale_status" && m.ParameterCode == list.sale_status.ToString()); var flist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == list.product_status_id.ToString()); var glist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == list.combination_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { list.product_freight_set = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { list.product_mode = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { list.process_type = clist.parameterName; } if (dlist != null) { list.product_kind = dlist.parameterName; } if (elist != null) { list.sale_name = elist.parameterName; } if (flist != null) { list.product_status = flist.parameterName; } if (glist != null) { list.combination = glist.parameterName; } } return listStore; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductDao.GetAllProList-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
//查詢商品詳細信息 public Model.Custom.ProductDetailsCustom ProductDetail(Model.Product query) { try { StringBuilder stb = new StringBuilder("select a.combination as product_type,b.brand_name,a.product_name,a.prod_sz,a.product_sort,a.product_vendor_code,a.product_start,a.product_end,a.expect_time,"); stb.Append("a.product_freight_set AS product_freight_set_id,a.product_mode AS product_mode_id,a.tax_type,a.combination AS combination_id,page_content_1,page_content_2,page_content_3,product_buy_limit,"); stb.Append(@"product_keywords,a.fortune_quota,fortune_freight,a.product_status AS product_status_id,a.price_type,a.expect_msg,a.create_channel,a.process_type AS process_type_id, a.product_type AS product_kind_id ,a.sale_status,a.show_listprice,a.show_in_deliver,a.prepaid,k.course_name,j.course_id,a.safe_stock_amount,a.deliver_days,a.min_purchase_amount,a.extra_days,purchase_in_advance,purchase_in_advance_start,purchase_in_advance_end from product a");// edit by zhuoqin0830w 增加5個欄位 ,p.safe_stock_amount,p.deliver_days,p.min_purchase_amount,p.extra_days stb.Append(" left join vendor_brand b on a.brand_id=b.brand_id "); //stb.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_freight') c on a.product_freight_set=c.parametercode"); //stb.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_mode') d on a.product_mode=d.parametercode"); //stb.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='process_type') g on a.process_type=g.parametercode"); //stb.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_type') h on a.product_type=h.parametercode"); //stb.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='sale_status') i on a.sale_status=i.parametercode"); //stb.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_status') f on a.product_status = f.parametercode"); //stb.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='combo_type') e on a.combination=e.parametercode "); stb.Append("left join course_product j on a.product_id=j.product_id left join course k on j.course_id=k.course_id "); stb.Append(" where 1=1 "); if (query.Product_Id != 0) { stb.AppendFormat(" and a.product_id={0}", query.Product_Id); } IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("product_freight", "product_mode", "process_type", "product_type", "sale_status", "product_status", "Combo_Type"); Model.Custom.ProductDetailsCustom list = _dbAccess.getSinggleObj<Model.Custom.ProductDetailsCustom>(stb.ToString()); var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_freight" && m.ParameterCode == list.product_freight_set_id.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_mode" && m.ParameterCode == list.product_mode_id.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "process_type" && m.ParameterCode == list.process_type_id.ToString()); var dlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_type" && m.ParameterCode == list.product_kind_id.ToString()); var elist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "sale_status" && m.ParameterCode == list.sale_status.ToString()); var flist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == list.product_status_id.ToString()); var glist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == list.combination_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { list.product_freight_set = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { list.product_mode = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { list.process_type = clist.parameterName; } if (dlist != null) { list.product_kind = dlist.parameterName; } if (elist != null) { list.sale_name = elist.parameterName; } if (flist != null) { list.product_status = flist.parameterName; } if (glist != null) { list.combination = glist.parameterName; } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductDao.ProductDetail-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> QueryByProSite(string priceMasterIds) { try { string sqlStr = string.Format(@"select f.price_master_id,a.product_id,b.brand_name,a.product_image,a.product_name,a.prod_sz,a.combination AS combination_id, a.product_spec AS product_spec_id,a.product_price_list,a.product_status AS product_status_id,a.product_status as product_status_id,a.price_type as price_type_id, a.combination as combination_id,a.user_id ,f.user_id as master_user_id,g.site_name,f.site_id,f.user_level as level, f.price_status AS price_status_id,f.price,f.cost,f.event_price,f.event_cost,f.event_start,f.event_end,a.prepaid from product a left join vendor_brand b on a.brand_id=b.brand_id left join price_master f on a.product_id=f.product_id and(f.product_id=f.child_id or f.child_id=0) left join site g on f.site_id=g.site_id where f.price_master_id in({0}) and f.site_id is not null order by a.product_id desc", priceMasterIds); IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("Combo_Type", "product_spec", "product_status", "UserLevel", "price_status", "Price_Type"); List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom>(sqlStr); foreach (QueryandVerifyCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.combination_id.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_spec" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_spec_id.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_status_id.ToString()); var dlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "UserLevel" && m.ParameterCode == q.level.ToString()); var elist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "price_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.price_status_id.ToString()); var flist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Price_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.price_type_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.combination = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.product_spec = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { q.product_status = clist.parameterName; } if (dlist != null) { q.user_level = dlist.parameterName; } if (elist != null) { q.price_status = elist.parameterName; } if (flist != null) { q.price_type = flist.parameterName; } } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductDao.QueryByProSite-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 根據cate_id獲取相應的sql語句字段 /// </summary> /// add by wangwei0216w 2014/10/9 /// <returns>sql語句</returns> public string GetStrbyCate_id(string cate_id) { IParametersrcImplDao _parametersrcDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); string str = ""; List<Parametersrc> paras = _parametersrcDao.Query(new Parametersrc() { ParameterType = "product_cate" }); var subParas = paras.FindAll(p => p.TopValue == cate_id); if (subParas.Count == 0) { str += cate_id + "','"; } else { subParas.ForEach(p => str += p.ParameterCode + "','"); } return str.Remove(str.Length - 3, 3); }
/// <summary> /// chaojie1124j add by 2015/10/26 實現下架狀態明細表 /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <param name="TotalCount"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DataTable GetStatusListLowerShelf(ProductQuery query, out int TotalCount) { StringBuilder sqlClumn = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sqlCondi = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sbSqlCondition = new StringBuilder(); TotalCount = 0; try { sqlClumn.Append(" select p.product_id,p.product_name,ip.loc_id,ii.item_id ,dfsm.delivery_freight_set as product_freight,p.product_status,pi.item_stock,ii.plas_loc_id,ii.made_date,ii.cde_dt,ii.prod_qty, "); sqlClumn.Append(" p.prepaid,p.shortage,'' as product_status_string ,p.spec_title_1,p.spec_title_2,pi.spec_id_1,pi.spec_id_2"); sqlCondi.Append(" from product_item pi "); sqlCondi.Append(" left join iplas ip on ip.item_id=pi.item_id "); sqlCondi.Append(" inner join (select item_id,sum(prod_qty) as iinvd_stock from iinvd where ista_id='A' GROUP BY item_id ) as subTtotal on subTtotal.item_id=pi.item_id "); sqlCondi.Append(" inner join product p on pi.product_id=p.product_id "); sqlCondi.Append(" inner join delivery_freight_set_mapping dfsm on dfsm.product_freight_set=p.product_freight_set "); sqlCondi.Append(" left join v_product_item_stopsale on pi.item_id=v_product_item_stopsale.item_id "); sqlCondi.Append(" left join iinvd ii on ii.item_id=pi.item_id and ii.ista_id='A' "); sbSqlCondition.Append(" where 1=1 "); sbSqlCondition.Append(" and p.product_id>10000 "); if (query.Shortage != 0) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and ((pi.item_id=v_product_item_stopsale.item_id)or p.shortage='{0}' ) ", query.Shortage); } else { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and pi.item_id=v_product_item_stopsale.item_id "); } if (query.Product_Id != 0) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and (p.product_id='{0}' or p.product_name like '%{0}%' ) ", query.Product_Id); } if (query.item_id != 0) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and (pi.item_id='{0}' or p.product_name like '%{0}%' ) ", query.item_id); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Product_Name)) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and p.product_name like '%{0}%' ", query.Product_Name); } if (query.product_freight != 0) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and dfsm.delivery_freight_set='{0}' ", query.product_freight); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.loc_id)) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and ip.loc_id>='{0}' ", query.loc_id); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.loc_id2)) { sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" and ip.loc_id<='{0}' ", query.loc_id2); } sbSqlCondition.Append(" order by ii.item_id desc "); if (query.IsPage) { DataTable dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable("select count(ii.row_id) as totalCount " + sqlCondi.ToString() + sbSqlCondition.ToString()); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { TotalCount = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } sbSqlCondition.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1} ", query.Start, query.Limit); } DataTable dtResult = _dbAccess.getDataTable(sqlClumn.ToString() + sqlCondi.ToString() + sbSqlCondition.ToString()); IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); IProductSpecImplDao _specDao = new ProductSpecDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterStatus = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("product_status"); foreach (DataRow dr in dtResult.Rows) { var slist = parameterStatus.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == dr["Product_Status"].ToString());// dr["product_status"].ToString() if (slist != null) { dr["product_status_string"] = slist.parameterName; } ProductSpec spec1 = _specDao.query(Convert.ToInt32(dr["spec_id_1"].ToString())); ProductSpec spec2 = _specDao.query(Convert.ToInt32(dr["spec_id_2"].ToString())); if (spec1 != null) { dr["spec_title_1"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["spec_title_1"].ToString()) ? "" : dr["spec_title_1"] + ":" + spec1.spec_name; } if (spec2 != null) { dr["spec_title_2"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["spec_title_2"].ToString()) ? "" : dr["spec_title_2"] + ":" + spec2.spec_name; } dr["spec_title_1"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(dr["spec_title_1"].ToString()) ? "" : dr["spec_title_1"].ToString() + " " + dr["spec_title_2"]; } return dtResult; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductItemDao-->GetStatusListLowerShelf-->" + ex.Message + "", ex); } }
public List<VendorAccountCustom> VendorAccountDetailExport(VendorAccountDetailQuery query) { StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder sqlfrom = new StringBuilder(); _iupc = new IupcDao(connStr); try { // sql.AppendFormat(" select p.tax_type, vad.slave_id,vad.vendor_id,vad.order_id,vad.creditcard_1_percent,vad.creditcard_3_percent,vad.sales_limit, "); sql.AppendFormat(" select vad.slave_id,vad.vendor_id,vad.order_id,vad.sales_limit, "); sql.AppendFormat(" vad.bonus_percent,vad.freight_low_limit,vad.freight_low_money,vad.freight_normal_limit,vad.freight_normal_money, "); sql.AppendFormat("vad.freight_return_normal_money,vad.product_money,vad.product_cost,vad.money_creditcard_1,vad.money_creditcard_3,"); sql.AppendFormat("vad.freight_delivery_low,vad.freight_delivery_normal,vad.freight_return_low, "); //sql.AppendFormat("vad.freight_return_normal,vad.account_amount,FROM_UNIXTIME (vad.account_date,'%Y/%m/%d') account_date,,vad.deduction,vad.bag_check_money,vad.freight_return_low_money,imr.free_tax,imr.total_amount,imr.tax_amount, "); sql.AppendFormat("vad.freight_return_normal,vad.account_amount,account_date,,vad.deduction,vad.bag_check_money,vad.freight_return_low_money,imr.free_tax,imr.total_amount,imr.tax_amount, "); sql.AppendFormat("od.detail_id,od.slave_id,od.item_id,od.item_vendor_id,od.item_mode,od.product_freight_set,od.product_mode,od.product_name,od.product_spec_name,od.single_cost,od.deduct_account,od.parent_id,"); //sql.AppendFormat("od.single_price,od.buy_num,od.event_cost,od.single_money,od.detail_status,FROM_UNIXTIME (os.slave_date_delivery,'%Y/%m/%d') slave_date_delivery,os.slave_date_close,om.order_payment,"); sql.AppendFormat("od.single_price,od.buy_num,od.parent_num,od.event_cost,od.single_money,od.detail_status, slave_date_delivery,os.slave_date_close,om.order_payment,"); sql.AppendFormat(" od.deduct_bonus,od.deduct_welfare,od.deduct_happygo_money, "); //sql.AppendFormat(" FROM_UNIXTIME( om.order_createdate,'%Y/%m/%d') order_createdate,om.note_admin,od.bag_check_money as od_bag_check_money,tp.parameterName,tp1.parameterName as product_freight,tp2.remark order_status_name "); sql.AppendFormat(" order_createdate,om.note_admin,od.bag_check_money as od_bag_check_money "); sqlfrom.AppendFormat(" from order_detail od left join order_slave os on od.slave_id = os.slave_id "); sqlfrom.AppendFormat("left join vendor_account_detail vad on vad.slave_id = od.slave_id and vad.vendor_id = od.item_vendor_id "); sqlfrom.AppendFormat("left join order_master om on vad.order_id = om.order_id "); //sqlfrom.AppendFormat("left join vendor v ON vad.vendor_id = v.vendor_id "); // sqlfrom.AppendFormat("left join product_item pi ON pi.item_id = od.item_id "); //sqlfrom.AppendFormat("left join product p ON p.product_id = pi.product_id "); sqlfrom.AppendFormat("left join invoice_master_record imr on om.order_id=imr.order_id and imr.tax_type=1 and invoice_attribute=1 "); // sqlfrom.AppendFormat("left join (select * from t_parametersrc where parameterType='payment') tp on om.order_payment = tp.parameterCode "); //sqlfrom.AppendFormat("left join (select * from t_parametersrc where parameterType='product_freight') tp1 on od.product_freight_set = tp1.parameterCode "); //sqlfrom.AppendFormat("left join (select * from t_parametersrc where parameterType='order_status') tp2 on od.detail_status = tp2.parameterCode "); sqlfrom.AppendFormat(" where 1=1 and vad.vendor_id = {0} and vad.account_date >= {1} and vad.account_date <= {2} and od.detail_status <> 89 ", query.vendor_id, query.search_start_time, query.search_end_time); sqlfrom.AppendFormat(" order by account_date asc, order_id asc,vad.slave_id ASC, od.item_mode asc "); sql.AppendFormat(sqlfrom.ToString()); //return _access.getDataTable(sql.ToString()); IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("payment", "product_freight", "order_status"); List<VendorAccountCustom> list = _access.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.VendorAccountCustom>(sql.ToString()); IProductItemImplDao _itemDao = new ProductItemDao(connStr); IVendorImplDao _vendordao = new VendorDao(connStr); foreach (VendorAccountCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "payment" && m.ParameterCode == q.Order_Payment.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_freight" && m.ParameterCode == q.Product_Freight_Set.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "order_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.Detail_Status.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.paymentname = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.product_freight = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { q.order_status_name = clist.remark; } Product p = _itemDao.GetTaxByItem(Convert.ToUInt32(q.Item_Id)); DataTable dt = _vendordao.GetVendorDetail(" and vendor_id=" + q.Item_Vendor_Id + " "); if (p != null) { q.tax_type = p.Tax_Type; } if (dt.Rows.Count != 0) { q.creditcard_1_percent = Convert.ToUInt32(dt.Rows[0]["creditcard_1_percent"].ToString()); // q.creditcard_3_percent = Convert.ToUInt32(dt.Rows[0]["creditcard_3_percent"].ToString()); } q.accountdate = Common.CommonFunction.GetNetTime(q.account_date); q.slavedate_delivery = Common.CommonFunction.GetNetTime(q.slave_date_delivery); q.ordercreatedate = Common.CommonFunction.GetNetTime(q.Order_Createdate); q.upc_id = _iupc.Getupc(q.Item_Id.ToString(), "1"); } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("VendorAccountMonthDao-->VendorAccountDetailExport-->" + sql.ToString() + ex.Message, ex); } }
public string ImportVendorBank(DataTable dt) { try { string result = ""; ArrayList _list = new ArrayList(); string user_email = (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["caller"] as Caller).user_email; ParametersrcDao _paraDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); string faCode = ""; int topValue = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { Regex reg = new Regex("^[0-9]{7}$"); if (reg.IsMatch(dr[0].ToString())) { string sumCode = dr[0].ToString().Substring(0, 3); var blist = _paraDao.Query(new Parametersrc { ParameterType = "BankBranchName", ParameterCode = dr[0].ToString() }); if (blist == null || blist.Count == 0)//不存在則保存總行數據 { //查看總行是否已存在 if (faCode != sumCode) { var alist = _paraDao.Query(new Parametersrc { ParameterType = "BankName", ParameterCode = sumCode }); if (alist == null || alist.Count == 0)//不存在則保存總行數據 { Parametersrc para = new Parametersrc(); para.ParameterType = "BankName"; para.ParameterCode = sumCode; para.parameterName = dr[1].ToString().Split('-')[0].ToString(); para.remark = para.parameterName; para.Kdate = DateTime.Now; para.Kuser = user_email; para.Used = 1; _list.Add(_paraDao.Save(para)); } faCode = sumCode; } } else { result += dr[0].ToString() + "有重複匯入,"; break; } } else { result += dr[0].ToString() + ','; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(result))//匯入數據無異常 { //執行保存總行信息的事務 if (_mysqlDao.ExcuteSqlsThrowException(_list)) { _list.Clear(); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string sumCode = dr[0].ToString().Substring(0, 3); //查看總行是否已存在 if (faCode != sumCode) { topValue = _paraDao.Query(new Parametersrc { ParameterCode = sumCode, ParameterType = "BankName" }).FirstOrDefault().Rowid; faCode = sumCode; } Parametersrc paraBranch = new Parametersrc(); paraBranch.ParameterType = "BankBranchName"; paraBranch.ParameterCode = dr[0].ToString(); paraBranch.parameterName = dr[1].ToString().Split('-')[1].ToString(); paraBranch.remark = dr[1].ToString(); paraBranch.Kdate = DateTime.Now; paraBranch.Kuser = user_email; paraBranch.Used = 1; paraBranch.TopValue = topValue.ToString(); _list.Add(_paraDao.Save(paraBranch)); } _mysqlDao.ExcuteSqlsThrowException(_list); } } return result.TrimEnd(','); } catch (MySqlException ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Number.ToString() + ":VendorMgr-->ImportVendorBank-->" + ex.Message, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("VendorMgr-->ImportVendorBank" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> QueryByProSite(Model.Query.QueryVerifyCondition query, out int totalCount) { try { var regex = new Regex("^[0-9,]+$"); query.Replace4MySQL(); StringBuilder strCols = new StringBuilder("select a.product_id,b.brand_name,a.product_image,a.prod_sz,a.combination AS combination_id,a.product_spec AS product_spec_id,"); strCols.Append("a.product_price_list,a.sale_status AS sale_status_id,v.vendor_name_full,v.vendor_name_simple,v.erp_id,a.product_status as product_status_id,a.user_id, a.create_channel,a.prepaid,a.bag_check_money,a.off_grade ");//添加 失格欄位 a.off_grade add by zhuoqin0830w 2015/06/30 //add by wangwei 2014/9/29 添加a.create_channel字段 strCols.Append(",a.purchase_in_advance_start,a.purchase_in_advance_end,a.expect_time,a.outofstock_days_stopselling,prr.create_time as 'outofstock_create_time' ");//添加預購商品開始時間 ,結束時間 guodong1130w 2015/9/16 StringBuilder strTbls = new StringBuilder("from product a left join vendor_brand b on a.brand_id=b.brand_id "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='combo_type') c on a.combination=c.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_spec') d on a.product_spec=d.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_status') e on a.product_status=e.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT parametercode,parametername FROM t_parametersrc WHERE parametertype='sale_status') sa ON a.sale_status = sa.parametercode "); //add by wwei0216w 2015/02/05 //add by wwei 0216w 2015/5/18 strTbls.Append(" LEFT JOIN vendor v ON v.vendor_id = b.vendor_id "); //add by wwei0216w 2015/02/06 strTbls.Append(" LEFT JOIN product_remove_reason prr ON a.product_id = prr.product_id "); //add by wwei0216w 2015/02/06 StringBuilder strCondition = new StringBuilder("where 1=1 "); if (query.brand_id != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.brand_id={0}", query.brand_id); } //庫存分類 edit by xiangwang0413w 2014/11/24 if (query.StockStatus != 0)// 1.庫存為0還可販售 2.補貨中停止販售 3.庫存數<1 { switch (query.StockStatus) { case 1://1.庫存為0還可販售 strCondition.Append(" and a.combination=1 and a.ignore_stock=1 "); break; case 2: strCondition.Append(" and a.shortage=1");//2.補貨中停止販售 break; case 3: strCondition.Append(" and a.combination=1 and a.product_id in (select distinct product_id from product_item pi where item_stock <1 and pi.product_id=a.product_id)");//3.庫存數<1 break; default: throw new Exception("unaccepted StockStatus"); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.cate_id)) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.cate_id in ('{0}')", GetStrbyCate_id(query.cate_id)); } if (query.category_id != 0) {//edit by hjiajun1211w 2014/08/08 父商品查詢 IProductCategoryImplDao pcDao = new ProductCategoryDao(connStr); List<Model.ProductCategory> category = pcDao.QueryAll(new ProductCategory()); string str = string.Empty; GetAllCategory_id(category, query.category_id, ref str); strTbls.AppendFormat(" inner join (select distinct product_id from product_category_set where category_id in({0})) j on a.product_id=j.product_id ", str); } if (query.combination != 0) { if (query.combination == 1 && query.outofstock_days_stopselling > 0)// add by dongya 2015/10/22 { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.combination={0} and a.outofstock_days_stopselling >= '{1}' ", query.combination, query.outofstock_days_stopselling); } else { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.combination={0}", query.combination); } } if (query.product_status != -1) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_status={0}", query.product_status); } if (query.product_type != -1) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_type={0}", query.product_type); } if (query.freight != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_freight_set={0}", query.freight); } if (query.mode != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_mode={0}", query.mode); } if (query.tax_type != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.tax_type={0}", query.tax_type); } //add by zhuoqin0830w 2015/03/11 已買斷商品的篩選功能 if (query.Prepaid != -1) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.prepaid={0}", query.Prepaid); } //add by zhuoqin0830w 2015/06/30 失格商品篩選 if (query.off_grade != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.off_grade={0} ", query.off_grade); } //add by guodong1130w 2015/09/17 預購商品 if (query.purchase_in_advance != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.purchase_in_advance={0} ", query.purchase_in_advance); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.date_type)) { CheckCondition(query, "a", strCondition); } if (query.price_check) //價格進階搜尋條件 { strCols.Append(",f.product_name,f.price_master_id,f.user_id as master_user_id,g.site_name,f.site_id,f.user_level as level,f.price_status AS price_status_id,f.price,f.cost,f.event_price,f.event_cost,f.event_start,f.event_end,a.prod_classify ");//add by wwei0216w 添加f.cost:成本 //添加館別欄位 eidt by zhuoqin0830w 2015/03/05 strTbls.Append("left join price_master f on a.product_id=f.product_id and(f.product_id=f.child_id or f.child_id=0) "); strTbls.Append("left join site g on f.site_id=g.site_id "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='userlevel') h on f.user_level=h.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='price_status') i on f.price_status=i.parametercode "); strCondition.Append(" and f.site_id is not null "); if (!query.IsPage) //edit by wangwei0216w 當價格條件被選中,並且不分頁,證明為.商品價格匯出 拼接以下條件 { //strTbls.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_freight') k on a.product_freight_set=k.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_mode') l on a.product_mode=l.parametercode "); strCols.Append(" ,a.product_freight_set AS product_freight_set_id,a.product_mode AS product_mode_id,a.tax_type,a.product_start,a.product_end "); strCondition.Append(" and a.product_id > 10000");//匯出時不匯出大於10000的商品 } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.name_number)) { strCondition.AppendFormat(regex.IsMatch(query.name_number) ? " and (a.product_id in ({0}) or f.product_name like '%{0}%' or a.product_id in(select distinct product_id from product_item where item_id in({0})))" : " and f.product_name like '%{0}%'", query.name_number);//add by zhuoqin0830w 2015/03/30 添加商品細項編號 } if (query.site_id != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and f.site_id={0}", query.site_id); } if (query.user_level != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and f.user_level={0}", query.user_level); } if (query.price_status != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and f.price_status={0}", query.price_status); } } else { strCols.Append(",a.product_name,a.price_type AS price_type_id,a.product_freight_set AS product_freight_set_id,a.product_mode AS product_mode_id,a.tax_type,a.product_sort,a.product_createdate,a.product_start,a.product_end,a.prod_classify "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_freight') f on a.product_freight_set=f.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_mode') g on a.product_mode=g.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='price_type') h on a.price_type=h.parametercode "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.name_number)) { strCondition.AppendFormat(regex.IsMatch(query.name_number) ? " and (a.product_id in ({0}) or a.product_name like '%{0}%' or a.product_id in (select distinct product_id from product_item where item_id in({0})))" : " and a.product_name like '%{0}%'", query.name_number); //add by zhuoqin0830w 2015/03/30 添加商品細項編號 } if (!query.IsPage)//匯出時不匯出大於10000的商品 { //商品匯出添加商品上下架備註欄位 add by mingwei0727w 2015/09/25 strCols.Append(" ,psh.remark "); //strTbls.AppendFormat(" LEFT JOIN (select product_id,remark from (select product_id,remark from product_status_history where type =1 order by create_time desc) as kp group by product_id) as psh on a.product_id = psh.product_id "); strTbls.AppendFormat(" LEFT JOIN (select product_id,remark from product_status_history as pshman inner join ( select max(id) as mid from product_status_history where type = 1 and remark <> '' group by product_id ) as pshson on psh on a.product_id = psh.product_id "); strCondition.Append(" and a.product_id > 10000"); } } //添加 按鈕選擇值的查詢條件 edit by zhuoqin0830w 2015/02/10 if (query.priceCondition == 2) { strTbls.Append("left join price_master l on a.product_id=l.product_id and l.site_id= 1 and l.user_level=1 and l.user_id=0 and (l.product_id=l.child_id or l.child_id=0) "); strCondition.AppendFormat(" and ((a.combination not in(0,1) and a.price_type <>2) or (a.combination = 1 and l.same_price =1))"); } string strCount = "select count(a.product_id) as totalCount " + strTbls.ToString() + strCondition.ToString(); System.Data.DataTable _dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable(strCount); totalCount = 0; if (_dt != null && _dt.Rows.Count > 0) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } if (query.price_check == false) { /* *以下3行 add by wwei0216w 2015/8/13 *用於查詢商品所對應的子商品item_id */ strTbls.Append(" LEFT JOIN product_item pi ON a.product_id = pi.product_id "); strCols.Append(" ,GROUP_CONCAT(pi.item_id) AS itemIds "); strCondition.Append(" GROUP BY a.product_id "); } strCondition.Append(" order by a.product_id desc "); if (query.IsPage) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1}", query.Start, query.Limit); } IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("Combo_Type", "product_spec", "product_status", "sale_status", "UserLevel", "price_status", "product_freight", "product_mode", "Price_Type"); List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom>(strCols.ToString() + strTbls.ToString() + strCondition.ToString()); foreach (QueryandVerifyCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.combination_id.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_spec" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_spec_id.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_status_id.ToString()); var dlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "sale_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.sale_status_id.ToString()); var elist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "UserLevel" && m.ParameterCode == q.level.ToString()); var flist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "price_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.price_status_id.ToString()); var glist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_freight" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_freight_set_id.ToString()); var hlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_mode" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_mode_id.ToString()); var jlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Price_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.price_type_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.combination = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.product_spec = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { q.product_status = clist.parameterName; } if (dlist != null) { q.sale_name = dlist.parameterName; } if (elist != null) { q.user_level = elist.parameterName; } if (flist != null) { q.price_status = flist.parameterName; } if (glist != null) { q.product_freight_set = glist.parameterName; } if (hlist != null) { q.product_mode = hlist.parameterName; } if (jlist != null) { q.price_type = jlist.parameterName; } } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductDao.QueryByProSite-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 獲取庫存資料信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="query">判斷條件</param> /// <param name="totalCount">總共記錄</param> /// <returns>符合條件的集合</returns> /// Add by wangwei0216w 2014/10/20 public List<Model.Custom.ProductItemCustom> GetStockInfo(Model.Query.QueryVerifyCondition query) { try { //add by zhuoqin0830w 2015/02/25 添加匯出庫存資料中規格一,二的狀態顯示和備註欄位 StringBuilder strCols = new StringBuilder("SELECT b.brand_name,p.product_id,item.item_id,item.erp_id,p.product_name,p.prod_sz,s1.spec_name as Spec_Name_1,s2.spec_name as Spec_Name_2,item.item_stock,p.prepaid,item.item_alarm,p.product_status AS Product_Status_Id,item.export_flag,s1.spec_status as Spec_Status1,s2.spec_status as Spec_Status2,item.remark,p.product_freight_set AS Freight_Set_Id,p.product_mode AS Product_Mode_Id"); //add by wangwei 2014/9/29 添加a.create_channel字段 StringBuilder strTbls = new StringBuilder(" FROM product p "); strTbls.AppendFormat(" INNER JOIN product_item item ON item.product_id = p.product_id "); strTbls.AppendFormat(" LEFT JOIN vendor_brand b ON p.brand_id=b.brand_id "); //strTbls.Append("LEFT JOIN (SELECT parametercode,parametername FROM t_parametersrc WHERE parametertype='product_status') e ON p.product_status=e.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("LEFT JOIN (SELECT parametercode,parametername FROM t_parametersrc WHERE parametertype='product_freight') f ON p.product_freight_set=f.parametercode "); //strTbls.Append("LEFT JOIN (SELECT parametercode,parametername FROM t_parametersrc WHERE parametertype='product_mode') g ON p.product_mode=g.parametercode "); strTbls.Append("LEFT JOIN product_spec s1 on item.spec_id_1 = s1.spec_id "); strTbls.Append("LEFT JOIN product_spec s2 on item.spec_id_2 = s2.spec_id "); StringBuilder strCondition = new StringBuilder(" WHERE 1=1 AND p.product_id > 10000 "); if (query.StockStatus != 0)// 1.庫存為0還可販售 2.補貨中停止販售 3.庫存數<1 { switch (query.StockStatus) { case 1://1.庫存為0還可販售 strCondition.Append(" and p.combination=1 and p.ignore_stock=1 "); break; case 2: strCondition.Append(" and p.shortage=1");//2.補貨中停止販售 break; case 3: strCondition.Append(" and p.combination=1 and p.product_id in (select distinct product_id from product_item pi where item_stock <1 and pi.product_id=p.product_id)");//3.庫存數<1 edit by wwei0216w 不存在a.product_id 改為p.product_id 2015/11/18 break; default: throw new Exception("unaccepted StockStatus"); } } if (query.combination != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" AND p.combination={0}", query.combination); } if (query.brand_id != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" AND p.brand_id={0}", query.brand_id); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.cate_id)) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" AND p.cate_id IN ('{0}')", GetStrbyCate_id(query.cate_id)); } if (query.category_id != 0) { IProductCategoryImplDao pcDao = new ProductCategoryDao(connStr); List<Model.ProductCategory> category = pcDao.QueryAll(new ProductCategory()); string str = string.Empty; GetAllCategory_id(category, query.category_id, ref str); strTbls.AppendFormat(" INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT product_id FROM product_category_set WHERE category_id IN({0})) j ON p.product_id=j.product_id ", str); } if (query.product_status != -1) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" AND p.product_status={0}", query.product_status); } if (query.freight != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" AND p.product_freight_set={0}", query.freight); } if (query.mode != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" AND p.product_mode={0}", query.mode); } if (query.tax_type != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" AND p.tax_type={0}", query.tax_type); } //add by zhuoqin0830w 2015/06/30 失格商品篩選 if (query.off_grade != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" AND p.off_grade={0} ", query.off_grade); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.date_type)) { CheckCondition(query, "p", strCondition); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.name_number)) { strCondition.AppendFormat(new Regex("^[0-9,]+$").IsMatch(query.name_number) ? " and (p.product_id in ({0}) or p.product_name like '%{0}%' or p.product_id in (select distinct product_id from product_item where item_id in({0})))" : " and p.product_name like '%{0}%'", query.name_number); } IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("product_status", "product_freight", "product_mode"); List<Model.Custom.ProductItemCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.ProductItemCustom>(strCols.ToString() + strTbls.ToString() + strCondition.ToString()); foreach (ProductItemCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.Product_Status_Id.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_freight" && m.ParameterCode == q.Freight_Set_Id.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_mode" && m.ParameterCode == q.Product_Mode_Id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.Product_Status = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.Freight_Set = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { q.Product_Mode = clist.parameterName; } } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductDao.GetStoreInfo-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 預購商品導出 guodong1130w 2015/09/17 添加 /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <param name="totalCount"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> QueryForPurchase_in_advance(Model.Query.QueryVerifyCondition query, out int totalCount) { try { var regex = new Regex("^[0-9,]+$"); query.Replace4MySQL(); StringBuilder strCols = new StringBuilder("select a.product_id,b.brand_name,v.vendor_name_full,a.combination AS combination_id"); strCols.Append(",a.purchase_in_advance_start,a.purchase_in_advance_end,a.expect_time,pi.item_stock,CAST(sum(odetail.buy_num) AS SIGNED) as bnum,sdule.schedule_name "); StringBuilder strTbls = new StringBuilder("from product a left join vendor_brand b on a.brand_id=b.brand_id "); strTbls.Append(" LEFT JOIN vendor v ON v.vendor_id = b.vendor_id "); //連接查出未出貨數量 strTbls.Append(" LEFT JOIN product_item pi ON pi.product_id = a.product_id "); strTbls.Append(@"LEFT JOIN (select ordetail.item_id,ordetail.buy_num,ordetail.detail_id from order_detail as ordetail INNER JOIN deliver_detail as ddetail on ordetail.detail_id=ddetail.detail_id and ddetail.delivery_status in (0,1,2,3) and detail_status=2 and item_mode<>1 LEFT JOIN order_slave AS oslave on ordetail.slave_id=oslave.slave_id INNER JOIN order_master AS omaster on omaster.order_id=oslave.order_id WHERE ((order_payment=8 and money_collect_date=0) or money_collect_date<>0)) as odetail on odetail.item_id = pi.item_id "); //關聯查出排成名稱 strTbls.Append(" LEFT JOIN schedule_relation srelation on srelation.relation_id=a.product_id and srelation.relation_table='product' "); strTbls.Append(" LEFT JOIN schedule sdule on sdule.schedule_id=srelation.schedule_id "); StringBuilder strCondition = new StringBuilder(" WHERE 1=1 "); if (query.brand_id != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.brand_id={0}", query.brand_id); } //庫存分類 edit by xiangwang0413w 2014/11/24 if (query.StockStatus != 0)// 1.庫存為0還可販售 2.補貨中停止販售 3.庫存數<1 { switch (query.StockStatus) { case 1://1.庫存為0還可販售 strCondition.Append(" and a.combination=1 and a.ignore_stock=1 "); break; case 2: strCondition.Append(" and a.shortage=1");//2.補貨中停止販售 break; case 3: strCondition.Append(" and a.combination=1 and a.product_id in (select distinct product_id from product_item pi where item_stock <1 and pi.product_id=a.product_id)");//3.庫存數<1 break; default: throw new Exception("unaccepted StockStatus"); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.cate_id)) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.cate_id in ('{0}')", GetStrbyCate_id(query.cate_id)); } if (query.category_id != 0) {//父商品查詢 IProductCategoryImplDao pcDao = new ProductCategoryDao(connStr); List<Model.ProductCategory> category = pcDao.QueryAll(new ProductCategory()); string str = string.Empty; GetAllCategory_id(category, query.category_id, ref str); strTbls.AppendFormat(" inner join (select distinct product_id from product_category_set where category_id in({0})) j on a.product_id=j.product_id ", str); } if (query.combination != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.combination={0}", query.combination); } if (query.product_status != -1) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_status={0}", query.product_status); } if (query.product_type != -1) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_type={0}", query.product_type); } if (query.freight != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_freight_set={0}", query.freight); } if (query.mode != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_mode={0}", query.mode); } if (query.tax_type != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.tax_type={0}", query.tax_type); } // 已買斷商品的篩選功能 if (query.Prepaid != -1) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.prepaid={0}", query.Prepaid); } // 失格商品篩選 if (query.off_grade != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.off_grade={0} ", query.off_grade); } //預購商品 if (query.purchase_in_advance != 0) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" and a.purchase_in_advance={0} ", query.purchase_in_advance); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.date_type)) { CheckCondition(query, "a", strCondition); } strCols.Append(",a.product_name "); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.name_number)) { strCondition.AppendFormat(regex.IsMatch(query.name_number) ? " and (a.product_id in ({0}) or a.product_name like '%{0}%' or a.product_id in (select distinct product_id from product_item where item_id in({0})))" : " and a.product_name like '%{0}%'", query.name_number); //add by zhuoqin0830w 2015/03/30 添加商品細項編號 } if (!query.IsPage)//匯出時不匯出大於10000的商品 { strCondition.Append(" and a.product_id > 10000"); } //添加 按鈕選擇值的查詢條件 if (query.priceCondition == 2) { strTbls.Append("left join price_master l on a.product_id=l.product_id and l.site_id= 1 and l.user_level=1 and l.user_id=0 and (l.product_id=l.child_id or l.child_id=0) "); strCondition.AppendFormat(" and ((a.combination not in(0,1) and a.price_type <>2) or (a.combination = 1 and l.same_price =1))"); } string strCount = "select count(a.product_id) as totalCount " + strTbls.ToString() + strCondition.ToString(); System.Data.DataTable _dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable(strCount); totalCount = 0; if (_dt != null && _dt.Rows.Count > 0) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } strCols.Append(" ,GROUP_CONCAT(pi.item_id) AS itemIds "); strCondition.Append(" GROUP BY a.product_id "); strCondition.Append(" order by a.product_id desc "); if (query.IsPage) { strCondition.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1}", query.Start, query.Limit); } IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("Combo_Type", "product_spec", "product_status", "sale_status", "UserLevel", "price_status", "product_freight", "product_mode", "Price_Type"); List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom>(strCols.ToString() + strTbls.ToString() + strCondition.ToString()); foreach (QueryandVerifyCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.combination_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.combination = alist.parameterName; } } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductDao.QueryForPurchase_in_advance-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
//價格審核列表查詢 public List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> QueryandVerify(Model.Query.QueryVerifyCondition qcCon, ref int total) { try { qcCon.Replace4MySQL(); StringBuilder condition = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder group = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder colName = new StringBuilder("select a.product_image,a.product_id,b.brand_name,e.product_name,a.prod_sz,a.combination AS combination_id,"); colName.Append("a.product_status AS product_status_id,f.site_name,h.user_email,e.price_status AS price_status_id,"); colName.Append("e.price,e.event_price,e.event_start,e.cost,e.event_cost,e.event_end,i.apply_time,k.user_username as apply_user,i.apply_user as user_id,e.price_master_id,e.apply_id"); //edit by wangwei0216w 功能: 2014/8/8在sql語句中添加了e.cost,e.event_cost 2014/8/8 colName.Append(",e.site_id,e.user_level as level,e.user_id as user"); //condition.Append(" from price_master e"); condition.Append(" from price_master_ts e"); //價格審核列表不再查詢price_master正式表,而是查詢price_master_ts表 edit by xiangwang0413w 2014/07/17 condition.Append(" left join product a on a.product_id=e.product_id"); condition.Append(" left join vendor_brand b on a.brand_id=b.brand_id "); //condition.Append(" left join (select parametername,parametercode from t_parametersrc where parametertype='combo_type') c on a.combination=c.parametercode"); //condition.Append(" left join (select parametername,parametercode from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_status') d on a.product_status=d.parametercode"); condition.Append(" left join site f on e.site_id=f.site_id"); //condition.Append(" left join (select parametername,parametercode from t_parametersrc where parametertype='userlevel') g on e.user_level=g.parametercode"); condition.Append(" left join users h on e.user_id = h.user_id "); condition.Append(" right join price_update_apply i on e.apply_id = i.apply_id "); condition.Append(" right join manage_user k on k.user_id = i.apply_user "); //condition.Append(" left join (select parametername,parametercode from t_parametersrc where parametertype='price_status') j on e.price_status=j.parametercode "); condition.Append(" where e.price_status=2 and (e.child_id=e.product_id or e.child_id=0) "); if (qcCon.brand_id != 0) { condition.AppendFormat(" and a.brand_id={0}", qcCon.brand_id); } if (qcCon.site_id != 0) { condition.AppendFormat(" and e.site_id={0}", qcCon.site_id); } if (qcCon.user_level != 0) { condition.AppendFormat(" and e.user_level={0}", qcCon.user_level); } if (qcCon.combination != 0) { condition.AppendFormat(" and a.combination={0}", qcCon.combination); } if (qcCon.product_status != -1) { condition.AppendFormat(" and a.product_status={0}", qcCon.product_status); } if (!(qcCon.time_start == "" && qcCon.time_end == "") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(qcCon.date_type)) { switch (qcCon.date_type) { case "apply_time": CheckCondition(qcCon, "i", condition); break; //申請日期 case "product_start": CheckCondition(qcCon, "a", condition); break; //上架日期 case "product_end": CheckCondition(qcCon, "a", condition); break; //下架日期 default: break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qcCon.name_number)) { //condition.AppendFormat(" and (a.product_name like '%{0}%' or a.product_id='{0}')", qcCon.name_number); condition.AppendFormat(new Regex("^[0-9,]+$").IsMatch(qcCon.name_number) ? " and (a.product_id in ({0}) or a.product_name like '%{0}%') " : " and a.product_name like '%{0}%'", qcCon.name_number); } condition.Append(" and a.product_id is not null"); group.Append(" group by a.product_image,a.product_id,b.brand_name,a.product_name, combination,"); group.Append("product_status,f.site_name,h.user_email,price_status,"); group.Append("e.price,e.event_price,e.event_start,e.event_end,i.apply_time,i.apply_user,e.price_master_id"); total = int.Parse(_dbAccess.getDataTable("select count(a.product_id) " + condition.ToString()).Rows[0][0].ToString()); group.Append(" order by a.product_id desc "); group.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1}", qcCon.Start, qcCon.Limit); var a = colName.Append(condition).Append(group).ToString(); IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("combo_type", "product_status", "userlevel", "price_status"); List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom>(a); foreach (QueryandVerifyCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.combination_id.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_status_id.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "UserLevel" && m.ParameterCode == q.level.ToString()); var dlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "price_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.price_status_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.combination = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.product_status = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { q.user_level = clist.parameterName; } if (dlist != null) { q.price_status = dlist.parameterName; } } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductDao.QueryandVerify-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 代/待審核列表查詢 /// </summary> /// <param name="qcCon"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> verifyWaitQuery(Model.Query.QueryVerifyCondition qcCon, out int totalCount) { try { qcCon.Replace4MySQL(); StringBuilder stbCols = new StringBuilder("select distinct a.product_image,a.product_id,b.brand_name,a.product_name,a.prod_sz,a.user_id,u.user_username as user_name,a.combination AS combination_id,"); stbCols.Append("a.product_price_list,s.prev_status AS prev_status_id,a.product_status AS product_status_id,a.product_freight_set AS product_freight_set_id,a.product_mode AS product_mode_id,a.tax_type,s.apply_time,s.online_mode,a.product_createdate,a.product_start,a.product_end"); StringBuilder stbTabs = new StringBuilder(" from product a"); stbTabs.Append(" left join vendor_brand b on a.brand_id=b.brand_id "); stbTabs.Append(" left join manage_user u on a.user_id = u.user_id"); stbTabs.Append(" left join product_status_apply s on a.product_id = s.product_id"); //stbTabs.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='combo_type') c on a.combination=c.parametercode"); //stbTabs.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_status') p on s.prev_status = p.parametercode"); //stbTabs.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_status') d on a.product_status = d.parametercode"); //stbTabs.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_freight') e on a.product_freight_set = e.parametercode"); //stbTabs.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='product_mode') f on a.product_mode = f.parametercode");add by wwei0216w 2015/5/18 StringBuilder stbCon = new StringBuilder(" where 1=1"); if (qcCon.brand_id != 0) { stbCon.AppendFormat(" and a.brand_id={0}", qcCon.brand_id); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qcCon.cate_id)) { stbCon.AppendFormat(" and a.cate_id in ('{0}')", GetStrbyCate_id(qcCon.cate_id)); } if (qcCon.category_id != 0) { stbTabs.Append(" left join product_category_set g on a.product_id = g.product_id"); stbCon.AppendFormat(" and g.category_id = {0}", qcCon.category_id); } if (qcCon.combination != 0) { stbCon.AppendFormat(" and a.combination= {0}", qcCon.combination); } if (qcCon.product_status != -1) { stbCon.AppendFormat(" and a.product_status = {0}", qcCon.product_status); //當商品狀態為申請審核時,申請表中必須要有對應記錄 if (qcCon.product_status == 1) { stbCon.AppendFormat(" and s.apply_id <> ''"); } } if (qcCon.prev_status != -1) { stbCon.AppendFormat(" and s.prev_status= {0}", qcCon.prev_status); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qcCon.name_number)) { //stbCon.AppendFormat(" and (a.product_name like '%{0}%' or a.product_id='{0}')", qcCon.name_number); stbCon.AppendFormat(new Regex("^[0-9,]+$").IsMatch(qcCon.name_number) ? " and (a.product_id in ({0}) or a.product_name like '%{0}%') " : " and a.product_name like '%{0}%'", qcCon.name_number); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(qcCon.date_type)) { switch (qcCon.date_type) { case "product_createdate": CheckCondition(qcCon, "a", stbCon); break; //建立日期 case "apply_time": CheckCondition(qcCon, "s", stbCon); break; //申請日期 case "product_start": CheckCondition(qcCon, "a", stbCon); break; //上架日期 case "product_end": CheckCondition(qcCon, "a", stbCon); break; //下架日期 default: break; } } totalCount = 0; System.Data.DataTable _dt = _dbAccess.getDataTable("select count(a.product_id) as totalCount" + stbTabs.ToString() + stbCon.ToString()); if (_dt != null) { totalCount = Convert.ToInt32(_dt.Rows[0]["totalCount"]); } stbCon.Append(" order by product_id desc"); if (qcCon.IsPage) { stbCon.AppendFormat(" limit {0},{1}", qcCon.Start, qcCon.Limit); } IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("Combo_Type", "product_status", "product_freight", "product_mode"); List<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.QueryandVerifyCustom>(stbCols.ToString() + stbTabs.ToString() + stbCon.ToString()); foreach (QueryandVerifyCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "Combo_Type" && m.ParameterCode == q.combination_id.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.prev_status_id.ToString()); var clist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_status_id.ToString()); var dlist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_freight" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_freight_set_id.ToString()); var elist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "product_mode" && m.ParameterCode == q.product_mode_id.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.combination = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.prev_status = blist.parameterName; } if (clist != null) { q.product_status = clist.parameterName; } if (dlist != null) { q.product_freight_set = dlist.parameterName; } if (elist != null) { q.product_mode = elist.parameterName; } } return list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("ProductDao.verifyWaitQuery-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public List<Model.Custom.PriceMasterCustom> Query(Model.PriceMaster priceMaster) { priceMaster.Replace4MySQL(); try { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder("select price_master_id,accumulated_bonus,product_id,site.site_id,site.site_name,price_master.user_level,price_master.user_level as user_level_name,price_master.user_id,product_name,bonus_percent,default_bonus_percent,"); strSql.Append("same_price,accumulated_bonus,event_start,event_end,price_status,price,event_price,cost,event_cost,child_id,price_master.user_id,user_email,price_master.price_status,price_master.price_status as status,bonus_percent_start,bonus_percent_end,max_price,max_event_price,valid_start,valid_end from price_master "); strSql.Append(" left join site on site.site_id=price_master.site_id left join users on users.user_id=price_master.user_id where 1=1 "); //strSql.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='userlevel') t on t.parametercode=price_master.user_level"); //strSql.Append(" left join (select parametercode,parametername from t_parametersrc where parametertype='price_status') s on s.parametercode=price_master.price_status where 1=1"); if (priceMaster.product_id != 0) { strSql.AppendFormat(" and product_id={0}", priceMaster.product_id); } if (priceMaster.user_id != 0) { strSql.AppendFormat(" and price_master.user_id={0}", priceMaster.user_id); } if (priceMaster.user_level != 0) { strSql.AppendFormat(" and price_master.user_level={0}", priceMaster.user_level); } if (priceMaster.site_id != 0) { strSql.AppendFormat(" and site.site_id={0}", priceMaster.site_id); } if (priceMaster.price_master_id != 0) { strSql.AppendFormat(" and price_master_id={0}", priceMaster.price_master_id); } else { strSql.AppendFormat(" and child_id={0}", priceMaster.child_id); } //edit by zhuoqin0830w 2015/05/18 IParametersrcImplDao _parameterDao = new ParametersrcDao(connStr); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _parameterDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("userlevel", "price_status"); List<PriceMasterCustom> list = _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<PriceMasterCustom>(strSql.ToString()); foreach (PriceMasterCustom q in list) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "UserLevel" && m.ParameterCode == q.user_level.ToString()); var blist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterType == "price_status" && m.ParameterCode == q.price_status.ToString()); if (alist != null) { q.user_level_name = alist.parameterName; } if (blist != null) { q.status = blist.parameterName; } } return list; //return _dbAccess.getDataTableForObj<Model.Custom.PriceMasterCustom>(strSql.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("PriceMasterDao.Query-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }
public DataTable ExportArrorOrderExcel(OrderMasterQuery query) { try { DataTable _list = _orderMasterDao.ExportArrorOrderExcel(query); _list.Columns.Add("remark"); _list.Columns.Add("mode_name"); _list.Columns.Add("combined_mode_name"); if (_list.Rows.Count > 0) { ParametersrcDao _pDao = new ParametersrcDao(conn); List<Parametersrc> parameterList = _pDao.QueryParametersrcByTypes("order_status"); foreach (DataRow item in _list.Rows) { var alist = parameterList.Find(m => m.ParameterCode == item["order_status"].ToString()); if (alist != null) { item["remark"] = alist.remark.ToString(); } switch (item["item_mode"].ToString()) { case "0": item["mode_name"] = "單一商品"; break; case "1": item["mode_name"] = "父商品"; break; case "2": item["mode_name"] = "子商品"; break; default: item["mode_name"] = ""; break; } //0:一般 1:組合 2:子商品 switch (item["combined_mode"].ToString()) { case "0": item["combined_mode_name"] = "一般"; break; case "1": item["combined_mode_name"] = "組合"; break; case "2": item["combined_mode_name"] = "子商品"; break; default: item["combined_mode_name"] = ""; break; } } } return _list; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("OrderMasterMgr-->ExportArrorOrderExcel-->" + ex.Message, ex); } }