예제 #1
        public List <UserSelectedIds> getEquipmentIdAndDateByCondition(int PageNo, int PageSize, UserSelectedIds SelectedIds, int userId)
            var customerIds = new CustomerManagement().getListOfActiveCustomersForLoggedInUser(userId).Select(m => m.customerId);

            PageNo = PageNo <= 1 ? 0 : PageNo - 1;
            using (var _context = new DAL.UndercarriageContext())
                return(_context.EQUIPMENTs.Join(_context.CRSF, equipment => equipment.crsf_auto, jobsite => jobsite.crsf_auto, (equipment, jobsite) => new UserSelectedIds {
                    CustomerId = (int)jobsite.customer_auto, EquipmentId = (int)equipment.equipmentid_auto, FamilyId = equipment.LU_MMTA.type_auto, JobSiteId = (int)jobsite.crsf_auto, MakeId = equipment.LU_MMTA.make_auto, ModelId = equipment.LU_MMTA.model_auto, LastReadingDate = equipment.last_reading_date ?? DateTime.MinValue
                }).Where(joined => customerIds.Any(cId => joined.CustomerId == cId) && (SelectedIds.CustomerId != 0 ? joined.CustomerId == SelectedIds.CustomerId : true) && (SelectedIds.JobSiteId != 0 ? joined.JobSiteId == SelectedIds.JobSiteId : true) && (SelectedIds.EquipmentId != 0 ? joined.EquipmentId == SelectedIds.EquipmentId : true) && (SelectedIds.MakeId != 0 ? joined.MakeId == SelectedIds.MakeId : true) && (SelectedIds.FamilyId != 0 ? joined.FamilyId == SelectedIds.FamilyId : true) && (SelectedIds.ModelId != 0 ? joined.ModelId == SelectedIds.ModelId : true)).OrderByDescending(m => m.LastReadingDate).Skip(PageNo * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList());
예제 #2
        public List <GETImplementInventoryVM> returnImplementInventory(long customer, long jobsite, int make, long type,
                                                                       string equipmentSerial, string equipmentUnit, string implementSerial, int status, string userId)
            List <GETImplementInventoryVM> result = new List <GETImplementInventoryVM>();

            // Parse the user id.
            long lUserId = long.TryParse(userId, out lUserId) ? lUserId : 0;

            // Set the initial condition and LTD for an implement.
            int INITIAL_CONDITION = 0; // 0% worn
            int INITIAL_LTD       = 0;

            // Filter by customers that the user has permissions to view.
            List <CustomerIdAndNameDataSet> customers = new List <CustomerIdAndNameDataSet>();
            CustomerManagement customerManagement     = new CustomerManagement();

            customers = customerManagement.getListOfCustomersForLoggedInUser(lUserId);

            // Filter by customer dropdown list.
            long[] customerIds = new long[customers.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < customers.Count; i++)
                if ((customer == customers[i].customerId) || (customer == 0))
                    customerIds[i] = customers[i].customerId;

            // Parse the status bit positions.
            int status_OnEquipment       = (status & 0x01);
            int status_AwaitingRepairs   = (status & 0x02) >> 1;
            int status_UndergoingRepairs = (status & 0x04) >> 2;
            int status_ReadyForUse       = (status & 0x08) >> 3;
            int status_Scrapped          = (status & 0x10) >> 4;

            // These statuses map to the values in GET_INVENTORY_STATUS table.
            // Needs to be made dynamic eventually.
            int STATUS_ON_EQUIPMENT      = (int)GETInterfaces.Enum.InventoryStatus.On_Equipment;
            int STATUS_AWAITING_REPAIR   = (int)GETInterfaces.Enum.InventoryStatus.Awaiting_Repair;
            int STATUS_UNDERGOING_REPAIR = (int)GETInterfaces.Enum.InventoryStatus.Undergoing_Repair;
            int STATUS_READY_FOR_USE     = (int)GETInterfaces.Enum.InventoryStatus.Ready_for_Use;
            int STATUS_SCRAPPED          = (int)GETInterfaces.Enum.InventoryStatus.Scrapped;

            using (var dataEntities = new DAL.GETContext())
                // Find the implements that are already installed on equipment.
                var statusDescription_OnEquipment = dataEntities.GET_INVENTORY_STATUS.Find(STATUS_ON_EQUIPMENT).status_desc;
                var inventoryOnEquipment          = (from g in dataEntities.GET
                                                     join l in dataEntities.LU_IMPLEMENT
                                                     on g.implement_auto equals l.implement_auto
                                                     join e in dataEntities.EQUIPMENTs
                                                     on g.equipmentid_auto equals e.equipmentid_auto
                                                     join j in dataEntities.CRSF
                                                     on e.crsf_auto equals j.crsf_auto
                                                     join c in dataEntities.CUSTOMERs
                                                     on j.customer_auto equals c.customer_auto
                                                     join m in dataEntities.MAKE
                                                     on g.make_auto equals m.make_auto
                                                     where customerIds.Contains(c.customer_auto) &&
                                                     ((j.crsf_auto == jobsite) || (jobsite == 0)) &&
                                                     ((m.make_auto == make) || (make == 0)) &&
                                                     ((l.implement_auto == type) || (type == 0)) &&
                                                     ((g.impserial.ToString().Contains(implementSerial)) || (implementSerial == null) || (implementSerial == "")) &&
                                                     ((e.serialno.ToString().Contains(equipmentSerial)) || (equipmentSerial == null) || (equipmentSerial == "")) &&
                                                     ((e.unitno.ToString().Contains(equipmentUnit)) || (equipmentUnit == null) || (equipmentUnit == "")) &&
                                                     ((g.on_equipment == true) && (status_OnEquipment == 1))
                                                     select new
                    condition = INITIAL_CONDITION,
                    ltd = INITIAL_LTD,
                    status_desc = statusDescription_OnEquipment,

                // Find implements that are in inventory (status != onEquipment).
                var inventoryList = (from gi in dataEntities.GET_INVENTORY
                                     join gis in dataEntities.GET_INVENTORY_STATUS
                                     on gi.status_auto equals gis.status_auto
                                     join gw in dataEntities.GET_WORKSHOP
                                     on gi.workshop_auto equals gw.workshop_auto into gw_gi
                                     from gw2 in gw_gi.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                     join gr in dataEntities.GET_REPAIRER
                                     on gw2.repairer_auto equals gr.repairer_auto into gr_gw2
                                     from gr2 in gr_gw2.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                     join g in dataEntities.GET
                                     on gi.get_auto equals g.get_auto
                                     join l in dataEntities.LU_IMPLEMENT
                                     on g.implement_auto equals l.implement_auto
                                     join j in dataEntities.CRSF
                                     on gi.jobsite_auto equals j.crsf_auto
                                     join c in dataEntities.CUSTOMERs
                                     on j.customer_auto equals c.customer_auto
                                     join m in dataEntities.MAKE
                                     on g.make_auto equals m.make_auto
                                     where customerIds.Contains(c.customer_auto) &&
                                     ((j.crsf_auto == jobsite) || (jobsite == 0)) &&
                                     ((m.make_auto == make) || (make == 0)) &&
                                     ((l.implement_auto == type) || (type == 0)) &&
                                     ((equipmentSerial == null) || (equipmentSerial.Trim() == "")) &&
                                     ((equipmentUnit == null) || (equipmentUnit.Trim() == "")) &&
                                     ((g.impserial.ToString().Contains(implementSerial)) || (implementSerial == null) || (implementSerial == "")) &&
                                         ((gi.status_auto == STATUS_AWAITING_REPAIR) && (g.on_equipment == false) && (status_AwaitingRepairs == 1)) ||
                                         ((gi.status_auto == STATUS_UNDERGOING_REPAIR) && (g.on_equipment == false) && (status_UndergoingRepairs == 1)) ||
                                         ((gi.status_auto == STATUS_READY_FOR_USE) && (g.on_equipment == false) && (status_ReadyForUse == 1)) ||
                                         ((gi.status_auto == STATUS_SCRAPPED) && (g.on_equipment == false) && (status_Scrapped == 1))
                                     select new
                    condition = INITIAL_CONDITION,
                    ltd = INITIAL_LTD,
                    serialno = "",
                    unitno = "",
                    workshopName = (gw2 != null ? gw2.name : ""),
                    repairerName = (gr2 != null ? gr2.name : "")

                result = inventoryOnEquipment.Select(
                    i => new GETImplementInventoryVM
                    get_auto           = i.get_auto,
                    condition          = i.condition,
                    customer           = i.cust_name,
                    jobsite            = i.site_name,
                    make               = i.makedesc,
                    type               = i.implementdescription,
                    serial_no          = i.impserial,
                    ltd                = i.ltd,
                    status             = i.status_desc,
                    equipment_serialno = (i.serialno != null ? i.serialno : ""),
                    equipment_unitno   = (i.unitno != null ? i.unitno : ""),
                    repairer           = "",
                    workshop           = ""

                        i => new GETImplementInventoryVM
                    get_auto           = i.get_auto,
                    condition          = i.condition,
                    customer           = i.cust_name,
                    jobsite            = i.site_name,
                    make               = i.makedesc,
                    type               = i.implementdescription,
                    serial_no          = i.impserial,
                    ltd                = i.ltd,
                    status             = i.status_desc,
                    equipment_serialno = (i.serialno != null ? i.serialno : ""),
                    equipment_unitno   = (i.unitno != null ? i.unitno : ""),
                    repairer           = i.repairerName,
                    workshop           = i.workshopName

                foreach (var item in result)
                    // Find the LTD for each implement.
                    var eventRecord = dataEntities.GET_EVENTS_IMPLEMENT
                                      .Where(s => s.get_auto == item.get_auto)
                                      .OrderByDescending(m => m.implement_events_auto)
                    if (eventRecord != null)
                        item.ltd = eventRecord.ltd;

                    // Find the remaining life for each implement.
                    var inspectionRecord = dataEntities.GET_IMPLEMENT_INSPECTION
                                           .Where(g => g.get_auto == item.get_auto)
                                           .OrderByDescending(h => h.inspection_auto)
                    if (inspectionRecord != null)
                        item.condition = inspectionRecord.eval;
