private void Craft() { //初始化组件Path_camp _path = GetComponent <Path_Comp>(); // struct Path_Point 包含point,forward,up,right; //GetPathPoint() 返回一个Path_Point 依据传入的distance(距离起始点的距离) Path_Point pointA = _path.GetPathPoint(0.0f);//获得路径的起点 Path_Point pointB = pointA; Path_Point pointB2 = pointA; //_segment_length = max_z - min_z; 传入的dist 为距离起点的两两直线段距离 for (float dist = 0.0f; dist < _path._path.TotalDistance; dist += _segment_length) { //对于dist=0,dist<总长度,dist=dist+分段的距离 pointB = _path.GetPathPoint(Mathf.Clamp(dist + _segment_length, 0, _path._path.TotalDistance)); //确定B点的位置 pointB2 = _path.GetPathPoint(Mathf.Clamp(dist + _segment_length - (float)0.05, 0, _path._path.TotalDistance)); //确定B点的位置 _helpTransform1.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(pointA.forward, pointA.up); //游戏对象1的旋转=z轴朝向view,y轴朝向up _helpTransform1.position = transform.TransformPoint(pointA.point); //对象1的位置是A点的位置 _helpTransform2.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(pointB.forward, pointB.up); //游戏对象2的旋转=z轴朝向view,y轴朝向up _helpTransform2.position = transform.TransformPoint(pointB.point); //对象2的位置是B点的位置 Add_Segment(); //添加分段 pointA = pointB2; //A->B } }
public Vector3 GetPoint(float dist, Path_Comp path) { Vector3 point =; point = transform.TransformPoint(path._path.GetPathPoint(dist, true).point); return(point); }
void OnEnable() { _path_comp = GetComponent <Path_Comp>(); _particle_system = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); ParticleSystem.EmissionModule em = _particle_system.emission; em.enabled = false; _particle_array = new ParticleSystem.Particle[_particle_system.maxParticles]; _particle_trackerArray = new PathParticleTracker[_particle_system.maxParticles]; for (int i = 0; i < _particle_trackerArray.Length; i++) { _particle_trackerArray[i] = new PathParticleTracker(); } _emissionRateTracker = 1.0f / emissionRate; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { _editorTimetracker = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } #endif }
public float GetNearestPoint(Vector3 position, Path_Comp path, float precision = 0.05f) { if (newNearestAlgorithm) { float f = GetNearestPointTree(position, path, 10, 10f, 20f); // 1024 recursions takes 7-12 ms // 512 recursions takes 3-5 ms // 400 and below takes 1-2 ms // 64 and less takes 0 ms! return(f); } else { float currentDistanceL = 9999f; float currentDistance; float currentClosestT = path.TotalDistance; for (float i = 0; i < path.TotalDistance; i += precision) { currentDistance = (GetPoint(i, path) - position).sqrMagnitude; if (currentDistance < currentDistanceL) { currentDistanceL = currentDistance; currentClosestT = i; } } return(currentClosestT); } }
public void GenerateStatic(Path_Comp path) { for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { //Add(staticPoints, transform.GetChild(i).position); } }
public void GenerateDynamic(Path_Comp path) { for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++) { //Debug.Log(i); //dynamicPoints.Add(transform.GetChild(i).position); } }
public Vector3 GetRightTangent(float dist, Path_Comp path) { //kinda false tangent gonna fix that soon //tangentdist should be 0.05 or smth Vector3 tangent =; tangent = path.GetPathPoint(dist).right; return(tangent); }
public Vector3 GetTangent(float dist, Path_Comp path) { //kinda false tangent gonna fix that soon //tangentdist should be 0.05 or smth Vector3 tangent =; tangent = path.GetPathPoint(dist).forward; //StartCoroutine(Math_Functions.CatmullRomThread()); return(tangent); }
float GetNearestPointRef(Vector3 position, Path_Comp path, float precision = 0.05f) { float currentDistanceL = 9999f; float currentDistance; float currentClosestT = path.TotalDistance; for (float i = 0; i < path.TotalDistance; i += precision) { currentDistance = (GetPoint(i, path) - position).sqrMagnitude; if (currentDistance < currentDistanceL) { currentDistanceL = currentDistance; currentClosestT = i; } } return(currentClosestT); }
public float GetNearestPointTree(Vector3 position, Path_Comp path, int recursions, float range, float precision = 5f) { float closestDistanceT = 99999f; float closestDistance = 99999f; Vector2 Scanrange =; for (float i = 0; i < path.TotalDistance; i += precision) { Vector3 po = GetPoint(i, path); float d = (position - po).sqrMagnitude; UnityEngine.Debug.DrawRay(po, Vector3.up); if (d < closestDistance) { closestDistanceT = i; closestDistance = d; } } Scanrange = new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(closestDistanceT - (range), 0f, 99999f), closestDistanceT + (range)); for (int r = 1; r < recursions + 1; r++) { for (float i = Scanrange.x; i <= Scanrange.y; i += precision / r) { Vector3 po = GetPoint(i, path); UnityEngine.Debug.DrawRay(po, Vector3.up); float d = (position - po).sqrMagnitude; if (d < closestDistance) { closestDistanceT = i; closestDistance = d; } } Scanrange = new Vector2(closestDistanceT - (range / r), closestDistanceT + (range / r)); } return(closestDistanceT); }
private void Craft() { _path = GetComponent <Path_Comp>(); Path_Point pointA = _path.GetPathPoint(0.0f); Path_Point pointB = pointA; for (float dist = 0.0f; dist < _path._path.TotalDistance; dist += _segment_length) { pointB = _path.GetPathPoint(Mathf.Clamp(dist + _segment_length, 0, _path._path.TotalDistance)); _helpTransform1.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(pointA.forward, pointA.up); _helpTransform1.position = transform.TransformPoint(pointA.point); _helpTransform2.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(pointB.forward, pointB.up); _helpTransform2.position = transform.TransformPoint(pointB.point); Add_Segment(); pointA = pointB; } }
public float GetNearestPointCustom(Vector3 position, Path_Comp path, float recursions, float precision = 0.05f) { if (newNearestAlgorithm) { //Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch(); //s.Start(); float f = GetNearestPointTree(position, path, (int)recursions, 10f, 20f); // 1024 recursions takes 7-12 ms // 512 recursions takes 3-5 ms // 400 and below takes 1-2 ms // 64 and less takes 0 ms! //s.Stop(); //UnityEngine.Debug.Log(s.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(f); } else { Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch(); stopWatch.Start(); float currentDistanceL = 9999f; float currentDistance; float currentClosestT = path.TotalDistance; for (float i = 0; i < path.TotalDistance; i += precision) { currentDistance = (GetPoint(i, path) - position).sqrMagnitude; if (currentDistance < currentDistanceL) { currentDistanceL = currentDistance; currentClosestT = i; } } stopWatch.Stop(); return(currentClosestT); } }
public Vector3[] GetTrackPoints() { ScanSourceMesh(); _path = GetComponent <Path_Comp>(); Path_Point pointA = _path.GetPathPoint(0.0f); Path_Point pointB = pointA; int totalTrackPoints = (int)(_path._path.TotalDistance / _segment_length) + 1; trackPoints = new Vector3[totalTrackPoints]; int count = 0; for (float dist = 0.0f; dist < _path._path.TotalDistance; dist += _segment_length) { pointB = _path.GetPathPoint(Mathf.Clamp(dist + _segment_length, 0, _path._path.TotalDistance)); trackPoints[count] = pointA.point; count++; pointA = pointB; } return(trackPoints); }
void OnEnable() { _path_comp = GetComponent <Path_Comp>(); _particle_system = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); ParticleSystem.EmissionModule em = _particle_system.emission; em.enabled = false; _particle_array = new ParticleSystem.Particle[_particle_system.main.maxParticles]; _particle_trackerArray = new PathParticleTracker[_particle_system.main.maxParticles]; for (int i = 0; i < _particle_trackerArray.Length; i++) { _particle_trackerArray[i] = new PathParticleTracker(); } if (_particle_system.main.prewarm) { float numRevive = Mathf.Floor(emissionRate * _particle_system.main.startLifetime.constant); for (int i = 0; i < numRevive; i++) { _particle_trackerArray[i].Revive(_particle_system); _particle_trackerArray[i].particle.remainingLifetime = _particle_trackerArray[i].particle.startLifetime * ((float)i / numRevive); } } _emissionRateTracker = 1.0f / emissionRate; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (!Application.isPlaying) { _editorTimetracker = EditorApplication.timeSinceStartup; } #endif }
void Start() { _path_comp = GetComponent <Path_Comp>(); _particle_system = GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); _particle_array = new ParticleSystem.Particle[_particle_system.main.maxParticles]; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _pathComp = GetComponent <Path_Comp>(); }