private void favoriteTextBox1_BtnFavoriteClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Usercontrols.FavoriteTextBox txtBox = sender as Usercontrols.FavoriteTextBox; if (txtBox != null) { string user_name = Program.CurrentUser == null ? null : Program.CurrentUser.mut_username; bool savefav = new EmrClass.FavoriteCls().saveFavorite(txtBox.FavoriteOrder, txtBox.FavoriteType, txtBox.Text, user_name); if (savefav) { txtBox.AutoCompleteListThList.Add(txtBox.Text); MessageBox.Show("Add '" + txtBox.Text + "' to favorite Complete."); } } }
private void LoadData() { Clear(); if (_tpr_id != null && _trxr_type != null) { try { favoriteTextBox1.FavoriteOrder = _trxr_type; if (_trxr_type == "UU") { ChkSummaryResult.Text = "Abdomen Result"; ChkSummaryResult.Visible = true; } else if (_trxr_type == "DM") { ChkSummaryResult.Text = "Mammogram with Ultrasound Breast Result"; ChkSummaryResult.Visible = true; } else { ChkSummaryResult.Text = ""; ChkSummaryResult.Visible = false; } List <mst_conclusion_favorite_dtl> mst = new EmrClass.FavoriteCls().getFavorite(favoriteTextBox1.FavoriteOrder, favoriteTextBox1.FavoriteType); favoriteTextBox1.AutoCompleteListThList = mst.Select(x => x.mcfd_description).ToList(); cdc = new InhCheckupDataContext(); trn_patient_regi reg = cdc.trn_patient_regis.Where(x => x.tpr_id == _tpr_id).FirstOrDefault(); if (reg != null) { bool retrieve = true; var ret = reg.trn_patient_retrieves.Where(x => x.tpr_image_type == _trxr_type).FirstOrDefault(); if (ret != null) { retrieve = ret.tpr_flag_retrieve == null ? true : (bool)ret.tpr_flag_retrieve; } trn_doctor_hdr hdr = reg.trn_doctor_hdrs.FirstOrDefault(); if (hdr == null) { hdr = new trn_doctor_hdr(); reg.trn_doctor_hdrs.Add(hdr); } trn_doctor_xray xray = hdr.trn_doctor_xrays.Where(x => x.trxr_type == _trxr_type).FirstOrDefault(); if (xray == null) { xray = new trn_doctor_xray(); xray.trxr_not_show_rpt = 'N'; xray.trxr_type = _trxr_type; hdr.trn_doctor_xrays.Add(xray); } if (retrieve) { var result = LoadResult(reg.tpr_en_no); xray.trxr_order_code = result.trxr_order_code; xray.trxr_order_name = result.trxr_order_name; xray.trxr_order_date = result.trxr_order_date; xray.trxr_result_date = result.trxr_result_date; xray.trxr_overseen_by = result.trxr_overseen_by; xray.trxr_result = result.trxr_result; } var xray_images = xray.trn_doctor_xray_images.ToList(); int i = 0; foreach (trn_doctor_xray_image image in xray_images) { System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream(image.trxm_image.ToArray()); Image img = Image.FromStream(ms); AddImage(img, image.trxm_sel_image == 'S' ? true : false); } txtPacURL.Text = LoadURL(reg.tpt_id, reg.tpr_en_no); DoctorXrayBS.DataSource = xray; } panel1.Enabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Program.MessageError("DialogImaging", "LoadData()", ex, false); panel1.Enabled = false; } } }