This class is used to Validate, and Process the Game data sent from the Battlefield 2 server at the end of a round (Aka: Snapshot data)
상속: GameResult
        /// <summary>
        /// Event fire when the Details item menu is selected from the
        /// context menu
        /// </summary>
        private void Details_MenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                // Get our snapshot file name
                SnapshotFile sFile = SnapshotView.SelectedItems[0].Tag as SnapshotFile;
                if (sFile == null) return;

                // Load up the snapshot, and display the Game Result Window
                Snapshot Snapshot = new Snapshot(File.ReadAllText(sFile.FilePath));
                using (GameResultForm F = new GameResultForm(Snapshot as GameResult, Snapshot.IsProcessed))
            catch { }
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports the provided snapshot files into the stats database
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Files">List of snapshot file paths to import</param>
        /// <param name="CancelToken">Cancellation token, to cancel the import</param>
        private void ImportSnaphotFiles(List<SnapshotFile> Files, CancellationToken CancelToken)
            // Number of snapshots we have processed
            int processed = 0;

            // Do Work
            foreach (SnapshotFile SnapshotFile in Files)
                // If we have a cancelation request
                if (CancelToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                // Make sure we arent processing twice
                if (SnapshotFile.IsProcessed)

                // Process the snapshot
                    // Update status and run snapshot
                    TaskForm.Progress.Report(new TaskProgressUpdate(String.Format("Processing: \"{0}\"", SnapshotFile)));
                    Snapshot Snapshot = new Snapshot(File.ReadAllText(SnapshotFile.FilePath));

                    // Avoid processing exception
                    if (Snapshot.IsProcessed)
                    else // Do snapshot

                    // Move the Temp snapshot to the Processed folder
                        Path.Combine(Paths.SnapshotTempPath, SnapshotFile.FileName), 
                        Path.Combine(Paths.SnapshotProcPath, SnapshotFile.FileName)
                catch (Exception E)
                    using (ExceptionForm Form = new ExceptionForm(E, true))
                        Form.Message = "An exception was thrown while trying to import the snapshot."
                            + "If you click Continue, the application will continue proccessing the remaining "
                            + "snapshot files. If you click Quit, the operation will be aborted.";
                        DialogResult Result = Form.ShowDialog();

                        // User Abort
                        if (Result == DialogResult.Abort)
                // Whether we failed or succeeded, we are finished with this step 
                // and should move the progress bar 1 step
                TaskForm.Progress.Report(new TaskProgressUpdate(++processed));

            // Let progress bar update to 100%
            TaskForm.Progress.Report(new TaskProgressUpdate("Done! Cleaning up..."));