RelationshipTypes are described from the source point of view. The sources are the higher level or the container entities. For example, A Project HIRES a person, so the relationship would be HIRES or Employs. When a consortium is created it HOLDS at least two other organizations. The type of the organizations allowed to be HOLD are determined by the PartyRelationshipType, ... PartyRelationshipType can have cardinality to restrict the number of allowed 2nd parties IN RELATIONSHIP with any given 1st party.
상속: BaseEntity
예제 #1
        public PartyTypePair AddPartyTypePair(string title, PartyType alowedSource, PartyType alowedTarget, string description,
            PartyRelationshipType partyRelationshipType)
            Contract.Requires(alowedSource != null && alowedSource.Id > 0);
            Contract.Requires(alowedTarget != null && alowedTarget.Id > 0);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<PartyTypePair>() != null && Contract.Result<PartyTypePair>().Id >= 0);

            var entity = new PartyTypePair()
                AlowedSource = alowedSource,
                AlowedTarget = alowedTarget,
                Description = description,
                PartyRelationshipType = partyRelationshipType,
                Title = title
            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository<PartyTypePair> repo = uow.GetRepository<PartyTypePair>();

                //Is it usefull?
                //var similarPartTypePair = repo.Get(item => item.AlowedSource == alowedSource && item.AlowedTarget == alowedTarget);
                //if (similarPartTypePair.Any())
                //    throw new Exception("Add party type pair failed.\r\nThere is already an entity with the same elements.");
            return (entity);
예제 #2
파일: PartyManager.cs 프로젝트: BEXIS2/Core
        public PartyRelationship AddPartyRelationship(PartyX firstParty, PartyX secondParty, PartyRelationshipType partyRelationshipType,
            string title, string description, DateTime? startDate = null, DateTime? endDate = null, string scope = "")
            Contract.Requires(firstParty != null);
            Contract.Requires(firstParty.Id >= 0, "Provided first entity must have a permanent ID");
            Contract.Requires(secondParty != null);
            Contract.Requires(secondParty.Id >= 0, "Provided first entity must have a permanent ID");
            Contract.Requires(partyRelationshipType != null && partyRelationshipType.Id > 0);
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<PartyRelationship>() != null && Contract.Result<PartyRelationship>().Id >= 0);
            if (startDate == null)
                startDate = DateTime.MinValue;
            if (endDate == null)
                endDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
            var entity = new PartyRelationship()
                Description = description,
                EndDate = endDate.Value,
                FirstParty = firstParty,
                PartyRelationshipType = partyRelationshipType,
                Scope = scope,
                SecondParty = secondParty,
                StartDate = startDate.Value,
                Title = title
            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository<PartyRelationship> repoPR = uow.GetRepository<PartyRelationship>();
                IRepository<PartyRelationshipType> repoRelType = uow.GetRepository<PartyRelationshipType>();
                partyRelationshipType = repoRelType.Reload(partyRelationshipType);
                //Check if there is another relationship
                var cnt = repoPR.Query(item => (item.PartyRelationshipType != null && item.PartyRelationshipType.Id == partyRelationshipType.Id)
                                        && (item.FirstParty != null && item.FirstParty.Id == firstParty.Id)
                                         && (item.SecondParty != null && item.SecondParty.Id == secondParty.Id)).Count();
                //if ( > 0)
                //    BexisException.Throw(entity, "This relationship is already exist in database.", BexisException.ExceptionType.Add);
                //Check maximun cardinality
                if (partyRelationshipType.MaxCardinality <= cnt)
                    BexisException.Throw(entity, string.Format("Maximum relations for this type of relation is {0}.", partyRelationshipType.MaxCardinality), BexisException.ExceptionType.Add);

                //Check if there is a relevant party type pair
                var alowedSource = partyRelationshipType.AssociatedPairs.FirstOrDefault(item => item.AlowedSource == firstParty.PartyType || item.AlowedSource == secondParty.PartyType);
                var alowedTarget = partyRelationshipType.AssociatedPairs.FirstOrDefault(item => item.AlowedTarget == firstParty.PartyType || item.AlowedTarget == secondParty.PartyType);
                if (alowedSource == null || alowedTarget == null)
                    BexisException.Throw(entity, string.Format("There is not relevant 'PartyTypePair' for these types of parties.", partyRelationshipType.MaxCardinality), BexisException.ExceptionType.Add);

            return (entity);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creating PartyRelationshipType
        /// because PartyRelationshipType should have PartyTypePairs,partyTypePair created in the same time of creating PartyRelationshipType
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="title"></param>
        /// <param name="description"></param>
        /// <param name="indicatesHierarchy"></param>
        /// <param name="maxCardinality"></param>
        /// <param name="minCardinality"></param>
        /// <param name="partyTypePairAlowedSource"></param>
        /// <param name="partyTypePairAlowedTarget"></param>
        /// <param name="partyTypePairTitle"></param>
        /// <param name="partyTypePairDescription"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public PartyRelationshipType Create(string title, string description, bool indicatesHierarchy, int maxCardinality,
            int minCardinality, PartyType partyTypePairAlowedSource, PartyType partyTypePairAlowedTarget,
            string partyTypePairTitle, string partyTypePairDescription)
            Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(title) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(partyTypePairTitle));
            Contract.Requires(partyTypePairAlowedSource != null && partyTypePairAlowedSource.Id > 0);
            Contract.Requires(partyTypePairAlowedTarget != null && partyTypePairAlowedTarget.Id > 0);
            Contract.Ensures((Contract.Result<PartyRelationshipType>() != null && Contract.Result<PartyRelationshipType>().Id >= 0)
                && (Contract.Result<PartyTypePair>() != null && Contract.Result<PartyTypePair>().Id >= 0));

            PartyRelationshipType entity = new PartyRelationshipType()
                Description = description,
                IndicatesHierarchy = indicatesHierarchy,
                MaxCardinality = maxCardinality,
                MinCardinality = minCardinality,
                Title = title
            var partyTypeEntity = new PartyTypePair()
                AlowedSource = partyTypePairAlowedSource,
                AlowedTarget = partyTypePairAlowedTarget,
                Description = partyTypePairDescription,
                PartyRelationshipType = entity,
                Title = partyTypePairTitle

            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository<PartyRelationshipType> repo = uow.GetRepository<PartyRelationshipType>();
                IRepository<PartyTypePair> repoPTP = uow.GetRepository<PartyTypePair>();
            return (entity);
예제 #4
        public bool Delete(PartyRelationshipType partyRelationType)
            Contract.Requires(partyRelationType != null);

            using (IUnitOfWork uow = this.GetUnitOfWork())
                IRepository<PartyRelationshipType> repoPR = uow.GetRepository<PartyRelationshipType>();
                IRepository<PartyType> repoType = uow.GetRepository<PartyType>();

                var entity = repoPR.Reload(partyRelationType);
                //If there is a relation between entity and a party we couldn't delete it
                if (entity.PartyRelationships.Count() > 0)
                    BexisException.Throw(entity, "There are some relations between this 'PartyRelationshipType' and 'Party'", BexisException.ExceptionType.Delete);
                // remove all associations between the entity and AssociatedPairs
                entity.AssociatedPairs.ToList().ForEach(item => item.PartyRelationshipType = null);


            return (true);
예제 #5
 public PartyRelationship()
     PartyRelationshipType = new PartyRelationshipType();
     SourceParty           = new Party();
     TargetParty           = new Party();
예제 #6
 private bool removeTestPartyRelationshipType(PartyRelationshipType partyRelationshipType)
     Dlm.Services.Party.PartyRelationshipTypeManager pmr = new Dlm.Services.Party.PartyRelationshipTypeManager();
     return pmr.Delete(partyRelationshipType);
예제 #7
 private Dlm.Entities.Party.PartyRelationship addTestPartyRelationship(Dlm.Entities.Party.Party firstParty, Dlm.Entities.Party.Party secondParty, PartyRelationshipType prt)
     Dlm.Services.Party.PartyManager pm = new Dlm.Services.Party.PartyManager();
     return pm.AddPartyRelationship(firstParty, secondParty, prt, "test Rel", "test relationship", DateTime.Now);
예제 #8
 public PartyRelationship()
     PartyRelationshipType = new PartyRelationshipType();
     FirstParty            = new Party();
     SecondParty           = new Party();