public static BENumber Gold; // total gold number void Awake() { instance = this; Gold = new BENumber(BENumber.IncType.VALUE, "#,##0.00", 0, 10000000000, 2000); // default user gold id 2000 //PlayerPrefs.DeleteAll(); Load(); }
// when user clicked sfx button public void SoundToggled(bool value) { BEAudioManager.SoundPlay(6); //toggle sound value and save BESetting.SoundVolume = value ? 0 : 100; BESetting.Save(); //Debug.Log ("SoundVolume:"+BEUtil.instance.SoundVolume.ToString ()); }
//------------------------------------------ //callback functions // when double game ends public void OnDoubleGameEnd(float delta) { //Debug.Log("OnDoubleGameEnd:"+delta.ToString ()); //change user gold by delta (change gold value) Slot.Gold += delta; BESetting.Gold.ChangeTo(Slot.Gold); BESetting.Save(); Slot.gameResult.GameWin += delta; Win.ChangeTo(Slot.gameResult.GameWin); btnDouble.gameObject.SetActive(false); }
public void OnButtonBuy() { //Debug.Log ("UISGShop::OnButtonBuy"); BEAudioManager.SoundPlay(0); if (Selected == -1) { return; } BESetting.Gold.ChangeDelta(ItemList[Selected].total); BESetting.Save(); Hide(); }
// when spin completed public void OnSpinEnd() { //Debug.Log("OnSpinEnd"); // if user has win if (Slot.gameResult.Wins.Count != 0) { textInfo.text = "Win " + Slot.gameResult.Wins.Count.ToString() + " Lines "; } UpdateUI(); // increase user gold BESetting.Gold.ChangeTo(Slot.Gold); BESetting.Save(); }
// user clicked spin button public void OnButtonSpin() { //Debug.Log ("OnButtonSpin"); BEAudioManager.SoundPlay(0); // start spin SlotReturnCode code = Slot.Spin(); // if spin succeed if (SlotReturnCode.Success == code) { // disabled inputs ButtonEnable(false); btnDouble.gameObject.SetActive(false); UpdateUI(); // apply decreased user gold BESetting.Gold.ChangeTo(Slot.Gold); BESetting.Save(); // set info text if (Slot.gameResult.InFreeSpin()) { textInfo.text = "Free Spin " + Slot.gameResult.FreeSpinCount.ToString() + " of " + Slot.gameResult.FreeSpinTotalCount.ToString(); } else { textInfo.text = ""; } } else { // if spin fails // show Error Message if (SlotReturnCode.InSpin == code) { UISGMessage.Show("Error", "Slot is in spin now.", MsgType.Ok, null); } else if (SlotReturnCode.NoGold == code) { UISGMessage.Show("Error", "Not enough gold.", MsgType.Ok, null); } else { } } }
// when use clicked music button public void MusicToggled(bool value) { BEAudioManager.SoundPlay(6); // toggle music value and save BESetting.MusicVolume = value ? 0 : 100; BESetting.Save(); // play or stop music if (value) { BEAudioManager.instance.MusicStop(); } else { BEAudioManager.instance.MusicPlay(); } }
public void MusicToggled(bool value) { //Debug.Log ("MusicToggled "+value); BEAudioManager.SoundPlay(0); BESetting.MusicVolume = value ? 0 : 100; BESetting.Save(); if (value) { BEAudioManager.MusicStop(); } else { if (!BEAudioManager.MusicIsPlaying()) { BEAudioManager.MusicPlay(); } } }
public void SoundToggled(bool value) { BEAudioManager.SoundPlay(0); BESetting.SoundVolume = value ? 0 : 100; BESetting.Save(); }
public static int ShowInstruction = 100; // instruction dialog show ? (zero is not show) void Awake() { instance = this; Load(); }