예제 #1
        public void FindStateFromScreenTest()
            GameEngine game = new GameEngine(new Rectangle(1920,0,1440,900));

            game.GameExtents = new Rectangle(2326, 333 ,525 ,435);
            //game.GameExtents = new Rectangle(1920 + 203, 333, 523, 432);

            PlayNowState target = new PlayNowState(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            bool quickCheck = true; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            MatchingPoint expected = new MatchingPoint(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
            expected.Certainty = 151380;
            expected.X = 203;
            expected.Y = 333;
            expected.MaxCertaintyDelta = 92.580321039088346;
            expected.MinimumCertainty = 200000;
            expected.Resolution = 1;
            expected.Confident = true;

            MatchingPoint actual;
            actual = target.FindStateFromScreen(quickCheck);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected.Certainty, actual.Certainty);
예제 #2
파일: FindBitmap.cs 프로젝트: mrsheen/bbot
        public MatchingPoint CheckExactMatch(Bitmap bmpSource, Bitmap bmpToFind, Bitmap bmpMask, int minimumCertainty)
            MatchingPoint match = new MatchingPoint();

            match.X = 0;
            match.Y = 0;
            match.MinimumCertainty = minimumCertainty;

            Subtract subFilter = (bmpMask != null) ? new Subtract(bmpMask) : null;

            if (subFilter != null)
            Difference filter = new Difference(bmpToFind);

            Bitmap bmpDiff;

            if (subFilter != null)

            bmpDiff = filter.Apply(bmpSource);

            #region debug
            Bitmap bmpRenderedDiff;
            Bitmap bmpRenderedToFind;
            if (Debug)
                bmpRenderedDiff = bmpSource.Clone(new Rectangle(match.X, match.Y, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), bmpToFind.PixelFormat);
                bmpRenderedToFind = bmpSource.Clone(new Rectangle(match.X, match.Y, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), bmpToFind.PixelFormat);

                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpRenderedDiff))
                    System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix cm = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix();
                    cm.Matrix00 = cm.Matrix11 = cm.Matrix22 = cm.Matrix44 = 1;
                    cm.Matrix43 = 1.0F;

                    System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes ia = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes();


                    g.DrawImage(bmpDiff, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpDiff.Width, bmpDiff.Height), 0, 0, bmpDiff.Width, bmpDiff.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia);

                using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpRenderedToFind))
                    System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix cm = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix();
                    cm.Matrix00 = cm.Matrix11 = cm.Matrix22 = cm.Matrix44 = 1;
                    cm.Matrix43 = 1.0F;

                    System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes ia = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes();


                    g.DrawImage(bmpToFind, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), 0, 0, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia);

            int testRed = 0;
            int testBlue = 0;
            int testGreen = 0;
            ImageStatistics stats = new ImageStatistics(bmpDiff);
            if (Debug)
                ImageStatistics stats2 = new ImageStatistics(bmpRenderedDiff);
                ImageStatistics stats3 = new ImageStatistics(bmpRenderedToFind);
                ImageStatistics stats4 = new ImageStatistics(bmpToFind);
            for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                testRed += stats.Red.Values[i] * i;
                testGreen += stats.Green.Values[i] * i;
                testBlue += stats.Blue.Values[i] * i;

            int testAvg = (int)((testRed + testGreen + testBlue) / 3);

            match.Certainty = testAvg;
            match.Confident = (testAvg <= match.MinimumCertainty);
            match.Resolution = 1;

            return match;
예제 #3
파일: FindBitmap.cs 프로젝트: mrsheen/bbot
        private MatchingPoint FindSingleChannelImaging(Bitmap bmpSource, Bitmap bmpToFind, Bitmap bmpMask, MatchingPoint match, int xN, int yN, int stepSize, int scale = 1, bool bQuickCheck = true)
            Subtract subFilter = (bmpMask != null) ? new Subtract(bmpMask) : null;

            if (subFilter != null)
            Difference filter = new Difference(bmpToFind);

            Bitmap bmpDiff;

            // if Debug
            Bitmap bmpBestDiff;
            Bitmap bmpBestMatch;
            Bitmap bmpBestSearch;
            // \if Debug

            int xMin = 0;
            int yMin = 0;
            int maxValue = bmpToFind.Width * bmpToFind.Height * 256 * scale * scale;
            int testMin = maxValue;
            int lastTestAvg = maxValue;

            // Get width of gametitle
            int gWidth = bmpToFind.Width;
            int gHeight = bmpToFind.Height;

            // Get width of fullscreen
            int fWidth = bmpSource.Width;
            int fHeight = bmpSource.Height;

            match.X = Math.Max(match.X, 0);
            match.Y = Math.Max(match.Y, 0);

            if ((bmpSource.Width * bmpSource.Height) < (bmpToFind.Width * bmpToFind.Height * 1.2 * 1.2))
            { // Images are similar size
                stepSize = 1; // force step to each location

            // Determine search limits
            if (xN == 0)
                xN = (fWidth - gWidth) - stepSize;
                xN = Math.Min((fWidth - gWidth) - stepSize, xN);

            if (yN == 0)
                yN = (fHeight - gHeight) - stepSize;
                yN = Math.Min((fHeight - gHeight) - stepSize, yN);

            int xConfDeltaCount = 0;
            int yConfDeltaCount = 0;
            int xSearchBreak = 8;
            int ySearchBreak = 12;

            int prevRoundMax = 0;
            int prevRoundMin = maxValue;

            int missedMinCount = 0;
            double deltaConfidence = 0;
            double maxDeltaConfidence = 0;
            // For each step in x
            for (int x = match.X; x < xN; x++, xConfDeltaCount++)
                if (bQuickCheck && missedMinCount > xSearchBreak)

                int currRoundMax = 0;
                int currRoundMin = int.MaxValue;

                //yConfDeltaCount = 0;
                int missedYMinCount = 0;
                // For each step in y
                for (int y = match.Y; y < yN; y++, yConfDeltaCount++)
                    if (bQuickCheck && missedYMinCount > ySearchBreak)
                    //    break;

                    if (StopRequested)
                        return match;

                    Bitmap bmpSearchArea = bmpSource.Clone(new Rectangle(x, y, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), bmpToFind.PixelFormat);

                    if (subFilter != null)

                    bmpDiff = filter.Apply(bmpSearchArea);

                    #region debug
                    Bitmap bmpRenderedDiff;
                    Bitmap bmpRenderedToFind;
                    Bitmap bmpRenderedSearch;
                    if (Debug)
                        bmpRenderedDiff = bmpSource.Clone(new Rectangle(x, y, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), bmpToFind.PixelFormat);
                        bmpRenderedToFind = bmpSource.Clone(new Rectangle(x, y, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), bmpToFind.PixelFormat);
                        bmpRenderedSearch = bmpSource.Clone(new Rectangle(x, y, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), bmpToFind.PixelFormat);

                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpRenderedDiff))
                            System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix cm = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix();
                            cm.Matrix00 = cm.Matrix11 = cm.Matrix22 = cm.Matrix44 = 1;
                            cm.Matrix43 = 1.0F;

                            System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes ia = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes();


                            g.DrawImage(bmpDiff, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpDiff.Width, bmpDiff.Height), 0, 0, bmpDiff.Width, bmpDiff.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia);

                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpRenderedToFind))
                            System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix cm = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix();
                            cm.Matrix00 = cm.Matrix11 = cm.Matrix22 = cm.Matrix44 = 1;
                            cm.Matrix43 = 1.0F;

                            System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes ia = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes();


                            g.DrawImage(bmpToFind, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), 0, 0, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia);

                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmpRenderedSearch))
                            System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix cm = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix();
                            cm.Matrix00 = cm.Matrix11 = cm.Matrix22 = cm.Matrix44 = 1;
                            cm.Matrix43 = 1.0F;

                            System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes ia = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes();


                            g.DrawImage(bmpSearchArea, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), 0, 0, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, ia);

                    int testRed = 0;
                    int testBlue = 0;
                    int testGreen = 0;
                    ImageStatistics stats = new ImageStatistics(bmpDiff);
                    if (Debug)
                        ImageStatistics stats2 = new ImageStatistics(bmpRenderedDiff);
                        ImageStatistics stats3 = new ImageStatistics(bmpRenderedToFind);
                        ImageStatistics stats4 = new ImageStatistics(bmpToFind);
                    for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
                        testRed += stats.Red.Values[i] * i;
                        testGreen += stats.Green.Values[i] * i;
                        testBlue += stats.Blue.Values[i] * i;

                    int testAvg = (int)((testRed + testGreen + testBlue) / 3);

                    testAvg = testAvg * scale * scale;
                    this.UpdateCertainty(testAvg, match.MinimumCertainty, maxValue);

                    // Work out positioning
                    currRoundMin = Math.Min(testAvg, currRoundMin);
                    currRoundMax = Math.Max(testAvg, currRoundMax);

                    if (testAvg > currRoundMin)
                        missedYMinCount = 0;

                    deltaConfidence = (100D - (testAvg * 100F / prevRoundMin));

                    if (prevRoundMin != maxValue)
                        maxDeltaConfidence = Math.Max(deltaConfidence, maxDeltaConfidence);

                        deltaConfidence = 0;

                    if (testAvg < testMin)
                    { // If smaller than previous min, use new values
                        if (Debug)
                            bmpBestDiff = bmpRenderedDiff;
                            bmpBestMatch = bmpSource.Clone(new Rectangle(x, y, bmpToFind.Width, bmpToFind.Height), bmpToFind.PixelFormat);
                            bmpBestSearch = bmpRenderedSearch;
                        xMin = x;
                        yMin = y;
                        testMin = testAvg;


                if (currRoundMin > prevRoundMin)

                prevRoundMax = currRoundMax;
                prevRoundMin = currRoundMin;


            match.X = xMin * scale;
            match.Y = yMin * scale;
            match.MaxCertaintyDelta = maxDeltaConfidence;
            match.Certainty = (maxDeltaConfidence > 10) ? testMin : maxValue;
            match.Confident = (testMin <= match.MinimumCertainty);
            match.Resolution = stepSize * scale;

            return match;
예제 #4
파일: FindBitmap.cs 프로젝트: mrsheen/bbot
        public MatchingPoint FindInScreen(Bitmap bmpSource, Bitmap bmpToFind, Bitmap bmpMask, bool bQuickCheck, int minimumConfidence = int.MaxValue)
            MatchingPoint match = new MatchingPoint();
            MatchingPoint lastMatch = new MatchingPoint();

            int minimumResolution = 1;

            lastMatch.Certainty = int.MaxValue;

            match.X = 0;
            match.Y = 0;
            match.MinimumCertainty = minimumConfidence;

            int step = 1;
            double scaleFactor = 1d;

            int xN = 0;
            int yN = 0;

            Bitmap bmpSourceScaled;
            Bitmap bmpToFindScaled;
            Bitmap bmpMaskScaled;

            // Work out if source is less than 1.3 times larger, and therefore need simple search

            // Otherwise check each successive zoom
            foreach (int scale in new int[] { 10, 4, 2, 1 })
                if (StopRequested)
                    return match;

                scaleFactor = 1d / scale;
                // Resize both images to (1 / scale)%
                bmpSourceScaled = ResizeBitmap(bmpSource, scaleFactor);
                bmpToFindScaled = ResizeBitmap(bmpToFind, scaleFactor);
                bmpMaskScaled = (bmpMask != null) ? ResizeBitmap(bmpMask, scaleFactor) : null;

                step = (int)Math.Max(1, Math.Ceiling(4 * Math.Log(scale)));

                // Downscale found co-ordinates to 25% + buffer
                match.X = Math.Max((int)(match.X * scaleFactor - (step * 3)), 0);
                match.Y = Math.Max((int)(match.Y * scaleFactor - (step * 3)), 0);

                if (xN != 0)
                    xN = match.X + (step * 2 * 3);
                if (yN != 0)
                    yN = match.Y + (step * 2 * 3);

                // Find best match at 25%
                //[x,y] = findwindow2(fullscreen2,gametitle2,x,y,xn,yn,3);
                match = FindSingleChannelImaging(bmpSourceScaled, bmpToFindScaled, bmpMaskScaled, match, xN, yN, step, scale, bQuickCheck);
                if (StopRequested)
                    return match;
                if (bQuickCheck && match.MaxCertaintyDelta < 10)
                    return match; // Bail out, could not find

                if ((match.Certainty * 100D / lastMatch.Certainty) > (100 * scale))
                    return lastMatch;

                //if ((match.Confident && match.Resolution <= minimumResolution) || (match.Certainty > lastMatch.Certainty))
                if ((match.Confident && match.Resolution <= minimumResolution))
                    return match;

                lastMatch = match;
                // Reset both on next iteration
                xN = -1;
                yN = -1;

            return match;