Actions() 공개 정적인 메소드

public static Actions ( CCActionFiniteTime action1 ) : CCActionFiniteTime
action1 CCActionFiniteTime
리턴 CCActionFiniteTime
예제 #1
        public void moveToPage(int page)
            if (page < 0 || page >= layers_.Count)
                CCDebug.Error("CCScrollLayer#moveToPage: {0} - wrong page number, out of bounds. ", page);
            if (this.delegate_ != null)
                this.delegate_.scrollLayerScrollingStarted(this, page);
            isMoving_ = true;
            CCActionFiniteTime changePage = new CCMoveTo(scrollTime_, this.positionForPageWithNumber(page));

            changePage = CCSequence.Actions(changePage, new CCCallFunc(this, moveToPageEnded));
            prevScreen_    = currentScreen_;
            currentScreen_ = page;
예제 #2
        public void initWithAction(CCActionFiniteTime one, CCActionFiniteTime two)
            NSUtils.Assert(one != null && two != null, "Sequence: arguments must be non-nil");
            NSUtils.Assert(one != _one && one != _two, "Spawn: reinit using same parameters is not supported");
            NSUtils.Assert(two != _two && two != _one, "Spawn: reinit using same parameters is not supported");

            float d1 = one.duration;
            float d2 = two.duration;

            base.initWithDuration(Mathf.Max(d1, d2));
            _one = one;
            _two = two;

            if (FloatUtils.Big(d1, d2))
                _two = CCSequence.Actions(two, new CCDelayTime(d1 - d2));
            else if (d1 < d2)
                _one = CCSequence.Actions(one, new CCDelayTime(d2 - d1));