예제 #1
        public static IList GetUnitFeeOverviewList(
            IDalSession session, int assetManagerId, int remisierId, int remisierEmployeeId, 
            int modelPortfolioId, string accountNumber, string accountName, bool showActive, 
            bool showInactive, int year, int quarter, AccountContinuationStati continuationStatus, 
            ManagementTypes managementType,ManagementPeriodUnitTradeStatus tradeStatus, 
            bool includeStornoedUnits, int[] mgtPeriodIds, string sortColumn, 
            bool ascending, bool keysOnly)
            Hashtable parameterLists = new Hashtable(1);
            Hashtable parameters = new Hashtable();
            string where = GetUnitFeeOverviewWhereClause(assetManagerId, remisierId, remisierEmployeeId,
                modelPortfolioId, accountNumber, accountName, showActive, showInactive, year, quarter,
                continuationStatus, managementType, tradeStatus, includeStornoedUnits, parameters, !keysOnly);

            if (mgtPeriodIds != null)
                where += string.Format(" and P.Key IN ({0})",
                    (mgtPeriodIds.Length == 0 ? "0" : string.Join(", ", Array.ConvertAll<int, string>(mgtPeriodIds, id => id.ToString()))));

            parameterLists.Add("periods", Util.GetPeriodsFromQuarter(year, quarter));
            parameters.Add("managementType", managementType);

            if (keysOnly)
                string orderBy = "order by A.Number", contactsJoin = "";
                bool sortOnRemisier = false;
                if (sortColumn != "")
                    string ascendingStr = (ascending ? "ASC" : "DESC");
                    sortColumn = sortColumn.ToUpper();

                    string sortProperty = "";
                    switch (sortColumn)
                        case "KEY":
                            sortProperty = "P.Key";
                        case "ACCOUNT_NUMBER":
                            sortProperty = "A.Number";
                        case "ACCOUNT_SHORTNAME":
                            sortProperty = "CN.Name";
                            contactsJoin = @"left join A.bagOfAccountHolders AH
                                         left join AH.Contact C
                                         left join C.CurrentNAW CN";
                            where += " and AH.IsPrimaryAccountHolder = true";
                        case "MANAGEMENTENDDATE":
                            sortProperty = "P.endDate";
                        case "TRADEID":
                            sortProperty = "T.Key";
                        case "ACCOUNT_REMISIEREMPLOYEE_REMISIER_NAME":
                            sortProperty = "R.Name";
                            sortOnRemisier = true;
                            sortProperty = "E.Employee.LastName";
                            sortOnRemisier = true;

                    if (sortProperty != "")
                        orderBy = string.Format("order by {0} {1}", sortProperty, ascendingStr);

                string hql = string.Format(@"select distinct P.Key, P.endDate, A.Number, A.Status, T.Key{0}{5}
                from ManagementPeriodUnit U
                left join U.ManagementPeriod P
                left join U.UnitParent PU
                left join U.ManagementFee T
                left join PU.Account A
                where (A.Family.managementTypesCharged & :managementType) <> 0
                and PU.Period in (:periods) {3}
                and P.ManagementType = :managementType {4}",
                        (contactsJoin != "" ? ", CN.Name" : ""),
                        modelPortfolioId > 0 ? "left join A.ModelPortfolio M " : "",
                        where, orderBy,
                        (sortOnRemisier ? ", R.Name, E.Employee.LastName" : ""),
                        (sortOnRemisier ? "left join A.RemisierEmployee E left join E.Remisier R" : ""));
                return session.GetListByHQL(hql, parameters, parameterLists);
                string queryName;
                if (managementType == ManagementTypes.KickBack)
                    queryName = "B4F.TotalGiro.ApplicationLayer.Fee.ManagementPeriodUnitsForMgtFee";
                    queryName = "B4F.TotalGiro.ApplicationLayer.Fee.ManagementPeriodUnitsForKickBack";

                IList<IManagementPeriodUnit> units = session.GetTypedListByNamedQuery<IManagementPeriodUnit>(queryName, where, parameters, parameterLists);
                if (units != null && units.Count > 0)
                    IList avgHldFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFees(session, mgtPeriodIds, ManagementFeeLocations.AverageHolding, year, quarter, managementType);
                    IList unitFees = ManagementPeriodUnitMapper.GetManagementFees(session, mgtPeriodIds, ManagementFeeLocations.Unit, year, quarter, managementType);
                    ICurrency currency = InstrumentMapper.GetBaseCurrency(session);

                    var fees = from a in avgHldFees.Cast<object[]>().Union(unitFees.Cast<object[]>())
                               select new { MgtPeriodID = (int)a[0], Period = (int)a[1], FeeType = (FeeTypes)a[2], FeeAmount = (decimal)a[3] };

                    var stuff = from u in units
                                join f in fees on new { MgtPeriodID = u.ManagementPeriod.Key, u.Period } equals new { f.MgtPeriodID, f.Period } into x
                                from f in x.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                group new { u, fp = (f != null ? new { Period = (int)f.Period, FeeAmount = new Money((decimal)f.FeeAmount, currency) } : null) } by u.ManagementPeriod
                                    into g
                                    select new { ManagementPeriod = g.Key, Units = (from gi in g select gi.u).ToList(), FeeAmounts = (from gj in g select gj.fp).ToList() };

                    List<UnitFeeOverview> list = new List<UnitFeeOverview>();
                    UnitFeeOverview.Year = year.ToString();
                    UnitFeeOverview.Quarter = string.Format("Q{0}", quarter);
                    UnitFeeOverview.Periods = Util.GetPeriodsFromQuarter(year, quarter);

                    //stuff.ToList().ForEach(p => list.Add(new UnitFeeOverview(p.Account, p.Units)));
                    foreach (var pair in stuff)
                        UnitFeeOverview item = new UnitFeeOverview(pair.ManagementPeriod, pair.Units);
                        foreach (var fee in pair.FeeAmounts)
                            if (fee != null)
                                item.AddFeeDetails(fee.Period, fee.FeeAmount);
                    return list;
            return null;
예제 #2
 public UnitFeePerPeriod(UnitFeeOverview parent, IManagementPeriodUnit unit)
     this.Parent = parent;
     this.ModelPortfolio = unit.ModelPortfolio;
     this.Period = unit.Period;
     this.TotalValue = unit.TotalValue;
     this.IsStornoed = unit.IsStornoed;
     this.FeesCalculated = unit.FeesCalculated;
     this.Success = unit.Success;
     this.unitMessage = unit.Message;
     if (unit.ManagementFee != null)
         this.TradeID = unit.ManagementFee.Key;
     this.Unit = unit;