// SHOW ALL protected void ButtonW3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBoxW1.Text = ""; curr_status = "ALL"; GridView1.Visible = false; GridView2.Visible = false; string sqlType = "WIFICOUNT"; string user_name = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; if (datasource == "SQL") { string date_string1 = Calendar1.SelectedDate.Date.ToString(); string date_string2 = Calendar2.SelectedDate.Date.AddDays(1).ToString(); string testDate1 = $@"'{date_string1}'"; string testDate2 = $@"'{date_string2}'"; if (user_name == "") // If no username given, search with all users { Wifi_All = $@" SELECT WifisFound,SaveTime,Location,UserName,Id FROM {dbname} WHERE SaveTime >= {testDate1} AND SaveTime <= {testDate2} AND Location NOT LIKE '%NO_LOCATION%' ORDER BY Text;"; } else { // Filter with user name Wifi_All = $@" SELECT WifisFound,SaveTime,Location,UserName,Id FROM {dbname} WHERE SaveTime >= {testDate1} AND SaveTime <= {testDate2} AND UserName={$@"'{user_name}'"} AND Location NOT LIKE '%NO_LOCATION%' ORDER BY Text;"; } inputstring = Wifi_All; var sqlget = new SQL_query(); outputstring = sqlget.SQL_read(inputstring, sqlType); } else { outputstring = read_data_from_blob(curr_status); mapstring = read_map_from_blob(curr_status); } if (outputstring != "") { if (outputstring.StartsWith("Error")) { TextBoxW1.Text = outputstring; } else { show_table(outputstring); } } else { TextBoxW1.Text = "No matching records found.\n"; } }
//SHOW ALL protected void ButtonC3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBoxC1.Text = ""; GridView1.Visible = false; string user_name = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; string date_string1 = Calendar1.SelectedDate.Date.ToString(); string date_string2 = Calendar2.SelectedDate.Date.AddDays(1).ToString(); string testDate1 = $@"'{date_string1}'"; string testDate2 = $@"'{date_string2}'"; string sqlType = "CELLSTRENGTH"; if (user_name == "") // If no username given, search with all users { Cell_All = $@" SELECT Strength,SaveTime,Location,UserName,DataConnState,Net_Type,Data_Activity FROM {dbname} WHERE SaveTime >= {testDate1} AND SaveTime <= {testDate2} ORDER BY Text;"; } else { // Username given, filter with username Cell_All = $@" SELECT Strength,SaveTime,Location,UserName,DataConnState,Net_Type,Data_Activity FROM {dbname} WHERE SaveTime >= {testDate1} AND SaveTime <= {testDate2} AND UserName={$@"'{user_name}'"} ORDER BY Text;"; } inputstring = Cell_All; var sqlget = new SQL_query(); outputstring = sqlget.SQL_read(inputstring, sqlType); //TextBoxC1.Text = outputstring; curr_status = "ALL"; if (outputstring != "") { if (outputstring.StartsWith("Error")) { TextBoxC1.Text = outputstring; } else { show_table(outputstring); } } else { TextBoxC1.Text = "No matching records found.\n"; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBoxC1.Text = ""; GridView1.Visible = false; string user_name = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; string date_string1 = Calendar1.SelectedDate.Date.ToString(); string date_string2 = Calendar2.SelectedDate.Date.AddDays(1).ToString(); string testDate1 = $@"'{date_string1}'"; string testDate2 = $@"'{date_string2}'"; string sqlType = "CELLSTRENGTH"; string where_string = "WHERE "; where_string = where_string + $@"SaveTime >= {testDate1} AND SaveTime <= {testDate2}"; bool firstCondition = false; if (DropDownList2.SelectedValue != "") { string min_signal = DropDownList2.SelectedValue; string sqlstr = $@"'{min_signal}'"; if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"Strength >= {sqlstr}"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND Strength >= {sqlstr}"; } firstCondition = false; } if (DropDownList3.SelectedValue != "") { string max_signal = DropDownList3.SelectedValue; string sqlstr = $@"'{max_signal}'"; if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"Strength <= {sqlstr}"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND Strength <= {sqlstr}"; } firstCondition = false; } if (user_name != "") // If no username given, search with all users { string sqlstr = $@"'{user_name}'"; if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"UserName={sqlstr}"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND UserName={sqlstr}"; } firstCondition = false; } if (DropDownList4.SelectedValue != "") // Data Connection Status { string dconn = DropDownList4.SelectedValue; string sqlstr = $@"'{dconn}'"; if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"DataConnState={sqlstr}"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND DataConnState={sqlstr}"; } firstCondition = false; } if (DropDownList5.SelectedValue != "") // Network Type { string ntype = DropDownList5.SelectedValue; string sqlstr = $@"'{ntype}'"; if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"Net_Type={sqlstr}"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND Net_Type={sqlstr}"; } firstCondition = false; } if (DropDownList6.SelectedValue != "") // Data Activity Status { string dact = DropDownList6.SelectedValue; string sqlstr = $@"'{dact}'"; if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"Data_Activity={sqlstr}"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND Data_Activity={sqlstr}"; } firstCondition = false; } string CellDetails = $@" SELECT Strength,SaveTime,Location,UserName,DataConnState,Net_Type,Data_Activity FROM {dbname} {where_string} ORDER BY SaveTime ASC;"; inputstring = CellDetails; var sqlget = new SQL_query(); outputstring = sqlget.SQL_read(inputstring, sqlType); if (outputstring != "") { if (outputstring.StartsWith("Error")) { TextBoxC1.Text = outputstring; } else { show_table(outputstring); } } else { TextBoxC1.Text = "No matching records.\n"; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TextBox11.Text = ""; GridView1.Visible = false; string user_name = DropDownList1.SelectedValue; string sqlType = "WIFISIGNAL"; string date_string1 = Calendar1.SelectedDate.Date.ToString(); string date_string2 = Calendar2.SelectedDate.Date.AddDays(1).ToString(); string testDate1 = $@"'{date_string1}'"; string testDate2 = $@"'{date_string2}'"; string signal_level = ""; string username = ""; string ssidsearch = ""; string wifitype = "All"; string where_string = "WHERE "; where_string = where_string + $@"SaveTime >= {testDate1} and SaveTime <= {testDate2}"; bool firstCondition = false; if (TextBox5.Text != "") { signal_level = TextBox5.Text; try { int sgn = Convert.ToInt16(signal_level); if ((sgn > 0) | (sgn < -100)) { TextBox11.Text = "Invalid signal strength value. Give a negative dBm value between -1 and -100.\n"; return; } } catch (Exception ex) { TextBox11.Text = "Invalid signal strength value: " + ex.Message + ". Give a negative dBm value between -1 and -100.\n"; return; } string sigstr = $@"'{signal_level}'"; if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"Level >= {sigstr}"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND Level >= {sigstr}"; } firstCondition = false; } if ((TextBox8.Text != "") | (DropDownList2.SelectedValue != "")) { if (DropDownList2.SelectedValue != "") { ssidsearch = DropDownList2.SelectedValue; } else { ssidsearch = TextBox8.Text; } string ssidstr = $@"'{ssidsearch}'"; if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"SSID={ssidstr}"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND SSID={ssidstr}"; } firstCondition = false; } if (DropDownList4.SelectedValue != "All") { wifitype = DropDownList4.SelectedValue; if (wifitype != "Open") { if (wifitype == "WPA") { wifitype = "WPA-"; } string typestr = $@"'%{wifitype}%'"; if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"Capabilities LIKE {typestr}"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND Capabilities LIKE {typestr}"; } } else { if (firstCondition) { where_string = where_string + $@"Capabilities NOT LIKE '%WEP%' AND Capabilities NOT LIKE '%WPA%' AND Capabilities NOT LIKE '%WPS%'"; } else { where_string = where_string + $@" AND Capabilities NOT LIKE '%WEP%' AND Capabilities NOT LIKE '%WPA%' AND Capabilities NOT LIKE '%WPS%'"; } } firstCondition = false; } string Signal_Top; if (where_string != "WHERE ") // WHERE conditions selected { if (DropDownList3.SelectedValue != "All") // Distinct BSSID selected { Signal_Top = $@" SELECT a.SSID,a.BSSID,a.Capabilities,a.Frequency,a.Level,a.WifiItemId FROM {dbdetails} a INNER JOIN (SELECT BSSID, MAX(id) as id FROM {dbdetails} {where_string} GROUP BY BSSID ) AS b ON a.BSSID = b.BSSID AND a.id = b.id;"; } else { // All BSSIDs selected Signal_Top = $@" SELECT SSID,BSSID,Capabilities,Frequency,Level,WifiItemId FROM {dbdetails} {where_string} ORDER BY Level DESC;"; } } else { // No WHERE conditions Signal_Top = $@" SELECT SSID,BSSID,Capabilities,Frequency,Level,WifiItemId FROM {dbdetails} ORDER BY Level DESC;"; } //TextBox11.Text = Signal_Top + "\n"; // Turn on if SQL debugging needed var sqlget = new SQL_query(); string strength_outputstring = sqlget.SQL_read(Signal_Top, sqlType); if (strength_outputstring != "") { if (strength_outputstring.StartsWith("Error")) { TextBox11.Text = strength_outputstring; } else { show_wifi_signal(strength_outputstring); } } else { TextBox11.Text = "No matching records found\n"; } }
private void show_wifi_signal(string inputstring) { string parent_id = ""; string sqlType = "WIFITIME"; string[] lines; string[] line_entries; wifidisplay3.Clear(); try { lines = inputstring.Split(new Char[] { '\n' }); } catch (Exception ex) { TextBox11.Text = "Error in extracting the lines: " + ex.Message; return; } int i1 = 0; for (i1 = 0; i1 < lines.Length - 1; i1++) { try { line_entries = lines[i1].Split(new Char[] { '\t' }); parent_id = line_entries[5]; } catch (Exception ex) { TextBox11.Text = "Error in extracting the parent id: " + ex.Message; return; } string Wifi_byId = $@" SELECT WifisFound,SaveTime,Location,UserName,Id FROM {dbname} WHERE Id={$@"'{parent_id}'"} ORDER BY WifisFound DESC;"; var sqlget = new SQL_query(); string strength_outputstring = sqlget.SQL_read(Wifi_byId, sqlType); if (strength_outputstring.StartsWith("Error")) { TextBox11.Text = strength_outputstring; return; } try { string[] w_entry = strength_outputstring.Split(new Char[] { '\t' }); if (w_entry.Length > 4) { // Show entry if no specific username selected or if the entry matches with the given name if ((DropDownList1.SelectedValue == "") | (w_entry[3] == DropDownList1.SelectedValue)) { wifidisplay3.Add(new wifiDisp3 { Time = w_entry[0], Location = w_entry[1], SSID = line_entries[0], BSSID = line_entries[1], Capabilities = line_entries[2], Freq_str = line_entries[3], Level_str = line_entries[4], User = w_entry[3] }); } } else { wifidisplay3.Add(new wifiDisp3 { Time = "Time not found", Location = "Location not found", SSID = line_entries[0], BSSID = line_entries[1], Capabilities = line_entries[2], Freq_str = line_entries[3], Level_str = line_entries[4] }); } } catch (Exception ex) { TextBox11.Text = "Error in creating Wifi signal list: " + ex.Message; return; } } try { GridView1.DataSource = wifidisplay3; GridView1.DataBind(); GridView1.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { TextBox11.Text = "Gridview error: " + ex.Message; } }
protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { int gr_index; try { if (GridView1.SelectedIndex == -1) { colorDef = GridView1.BackColor; } else { GridView1.SelectedRow.BackColor = colorDef; } gr_index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridView1.SelectedIndex = gr_index; GridView1.SelectedRow.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow; } catch (Exception ex) { TextBoxW1.Text = "Error in reading the gridview row: " + ex.Message; return; } if (e.CommandName == "Details") { string wifi_id = wifi_ids[gr_index]; string wifi_id_sql = $@"'{wifi_id}'"; string sqlType = "WIFIDETAIL1"; string Wifi_details = $@" SELECT SSID,BSSID,Capabilities,Frequency,Level FROM {dbdetails} WHERE WifiItemId = {wifi_id_sql} ORDER BY Level DESC;"; inputstring = Wifi_details; var sqlget = new SQL_query(); string wifidetail_outputstring = sqlget.SQL_read(inputstring, sqlType); //TextBoxW1.Text = TextBoxW1.Text + "SQL Read completed\n"; if (wifidetail_outputstring != "") { if (wifidetail_outputstring.StartsWith("Error")) { TextBoxW1.Text = outputstring; } else { show_wifi_details(wifidetail_outputstring); } } else { TextBoxW1.Text = "No matching Wifi details record\n"; } } else { // Show the selected place on the map wifilist.Clear(); string loc_entry; string[] lat_lon_str; string time_entry; string count_entry; try { loc_entry = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[2].Text; lat_lon_str = loc_entry.Split(new Char[] { ',' }); time_entry = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[1].Text; count_entry = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[3].Text; wifilist.Add(new WifiData { wtime = time_entry, wlat = double.Parse(lat_lon_str[0]), wlon = double.Parse(lat_lon_str[1]), wcount = count_entry }); } catch (Exception ex) { TextBoxW1.Text = "Error in creating the map request for a single Wifi record: " + ex.Message; return; } if (loc_entry != "NO_LOCATION") { show_map_image(); } else { TextBoxW1.Text = "No location data available\n"; } } }