public void createSQLRequest() { BaseTest.test = BaseTest.extent.StartTest("Create General service request"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(reuse.LoginToWAP, "Logged in successfully", "Unable to login"); Exceldatareader excel = new Exceldatareader(); Data_createSQLPaaS data = new Data_createSQLPaaS(excel, "SQL", 0); reuse.TryCatchMethod(reuse.clickOnNewButton, "Clicked on New button", "Unable to click on New button"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(reuse.navigateToAzureSQLRequest, "Navigated to Creation of Azure SQL PaaS instance", "Unable to navigate to SQL PaaS instance creation page"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.los, selectLOS, "Selected the line of service as " + data.los, "Unable to select the los"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.envtype, selectEnvType, "Selected the Environment type as " + data.envtype, "Unable to select the Environment type"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.nickname, EnterNickname, "Entered the Environment nickname as " + data.nickname, "Unable to enter the environment nickname"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.hostinglocation, selectHostingLocation, "Selected the hosting location as " + data.hostinglocation, "Unable to select the hosting location"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.partnerorsponsor, enterPartnerorSponsor, "Entered the partner email id as " + data.partnerorsponsor, "Unable to enter the partner/sponsor name"); // reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.billingterritory,selectBillingTerritory,"Selected the billing territory as "+data.billingterritory,"Unable to select the billing territory"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.chargecode, enterChargecode, "Entered the charge code as " + data.chargecode, "Unable to enter the charge code"); // reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.consumer, selectConsumingCountry, "Selected the consuming territory as " + data.consumer, "Unable to select the Consuming territory"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.friendlyname, EnterFriendlyName, "Entered the friendly/alias name as " + data.friendlyname, "Unable to enter the friendly name"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.dataclassification, selectDataClassification, "Selected the data classification as" + data.dataclassification, "Unable to select the data classification"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.tier, selectDatabasePricingtier, "Selected the data base pricing tier as " + data.tier, "Unable to select the database pricing tier"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.admin, Enterserveradmin, "Enter the server administrator name as " + data.admin, "Unable to enter the server administrator"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.adminpwd, EnterServerAdminPassword, "Entered the server administrator password", "Unable to enter the server administrator password"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.adminpwd, EnterConfirmServerAdminPassword, "Confirmed the server admin password", "Unable to enter the password in confirmation field"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.golivedate, Entergolivedate, "Entered the go live date as " + data.golivedate, "Unable to enter the golive date"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(reuse.completeCreationOfRequest, "SQL PaaS Instance request is created successfully", "Unable to complete the SQL PaaS Intance request creation"); }
public Data_createGSR(Exceldatareader excelConn, string sheetName, int index) { DataInput resultSet = new DataInput("1", "GSR", index); DataTable reqTable = resultSet.InputTable; los = reqTable.Rows[index]["los"].ToString(); envType = reqTable.Rows[index]["envType"].ToString(); partnerorsponsor = reqTable.Rows[index]["partnerorsponsor"].ToString(); chargecode = reqTable.Rows[index]["chargecode"].ToString(); riskorsecurityinfo = reqTable.Rows[index]["riskorsecurityinfo"].ToString(); cloudservices = reqTable.Rows[index]["cloudservices"].ToString(); accessdate = reqTable.Rows[index]["accessdate"].ToString(); golivedate = reqTable.Rows[index]["golivedate"].ToString(); }
public void createGSR() { BaseTest.test = BaseTest.extent.StartTest("Create General service request"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(reuse.LoginToWAP, "Logged in successfully", "Unable to login"); Exceldatareader excel = new Exceldatareader(); Data_createGSR data = new Data_createGSR(excel, "GSR", 0); reuse.TryCatchMethod(reuse.clickOnNewButton, "Clicked on New button", "Unable to click on New button"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(reuse.navigateToGeneralServiceRequest, "Navigated to General service request page", "Unable to navigate to General service request page"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.los, selectLOS, "Selected los as Advisory", "Unable to select the los"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.envType, selectEnvType, "Selected the Environment type as Stage", "Unable to select the Environment type"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.partnerorsponsor, enterPartnerorSponsor, "Entered the partner/sponsor as [email protected]", "Unable to enter the partner/sponsor details"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.chargecode, enterChargecode, "Entered the charge code as 1234567", "Unable to enter the charge code"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.riskorsecurityinfo, enterRiskorsecurityinfoandMoveNext, "Entered the risk or security information as No risks", "Unable to enter the risk or security information"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.cloudservices, enterCloudservices, "Entered the cloud services as SQL PaaS", "Unable to enter the Services"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.accessdate, enterAccessDate, "Entered the access date as tomorrow", "Unable to enter the access date"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(data.golivedate, enterGoliveDateandMoveNext, "Entered the go live date as tomorrow", "Unable to enter the go live date"); reuse.TryCatchMethod(reuse.completeCreationOfRequest, "Completed General service request creation successfully", "Unable to complete the general service request creation"); }
public Data_createSQLPaaS(Exceldatareader excelConn, string sheetName, int index) { DataInput resultSet = new DataInput("1", "SQL", index); DataTable reqTable = resultSet.InputTable; los = reqTable.Rows[index]["los"].ToString(); envtype = reqTable.Rows[index]["envtype"].ToString(); nickname = reqTable.Rows[index]["nickname"].ToString(); hostinglocation = reqTable.Rows[index]["location"].ToString(); partnerorsponsor = reqTable.Rows[index]["partnerorsponsor"].ToString(); billingterritory = reqTable.Rows[index]["billingterritory"].ToString(); chargecode = reqTable.Rows[index]["chargecode"].ToString(); consumer = reqTable.Rows[index]["consumer"].ToString(); friendlyname = reqTable.Rows[index]["friendlyname"].ToString(); dataclassification = reqTable.Rows[index]["dataclassification"].ToString(); quantity = reqTable.Rows[index]["quantity"].ToString(); tier = reqTable.Rows[index]["tier"].ToString(); admin = reqTable.Rows[index]["admin"].ToString(); adminpwd = reqTable.Rows[index]["adminpwd"].ToString(); golivedate = reqTable.Rows[index]["golivedate"].ToString(); }