ClearVisitingZonesMap() 공개 메소드

public ClearVisitingZonesMap ( ) : void
리턴 void
예제 #1
		// Update all the zone info for a given node.  This function
		// makes sure the home zone of the node is correct, and references
		// to any zones it is visiting are added and a reference to the
		// node is added to the visitor lists of any zone it is visiting.
		public void UpdatePCZSceneNode( PCZSceneNode pczsn )
			// Skip if root Zone has been destroyed (shutdown conditions)
			if ( null == this.defaultZone )

			// Skip if the node is the sceneroot node
			if ( pczsn == RootSceneNode )

			// clear all references to visiting zones

			// Find the current home zone of the node associated with the pczsn entry.
			UpdateHomeZone( pczsn, false );

			//* The following function does the following:
			//* 1) Check all portals in the home zone - if the node is touching the portal
			//*    then add the node to the connected zone as a visitor
			//* 2) Recurse into visited zones in case the node spans several zones
			// (recursively) check each portal of home zone to see if the node is touching
			if ( null != pczsn.HomeZone && pczsn.AllowToVisit )
				pczsn.HomeZone.CheckNodeAgainstPortals( pczsn, null );

			// update zone-specific data for the node for any zones that require it